Monday, July 04, 2011

Reflections on the Fourth of July 2011

In my mind, the Fourth of July deals with many mixed emotions and a revisit of history. As men and as women, we can’t omit the evil that some people who claimed to be patriots back then did from harming human beings, stealing land, and oppressing human rights. Also, many people back then did desire sincere liberty and genuine prosperity in America. The essence of this time of the year is to both not absolve the sins of the past, but remember that the Bill of Rights and Constitutions are tools to inspire us to promote a better present and future. The Bill of Rights have tons of legitimate laws and precepts in them from the right to have a jury, the right to not have unreasonable searches and seizures, the right to believe in a religion or not to accept a creed, and the right to keep & bear arms. Back then was a revolutionary time since the British Empire back then wanted the signers of the Declaration of Independence to be dead (since they rebelled against an Imperial force that enforced corruption and imperialism worldwide). The Bill of Rights, Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence has been a modern model of liberty movements worldwide (many people used these documents as a means to fight against depots and dictators). So, the Fourth of July shouldn’t be used to hatred of all of Americans, but we should have hatred of an evil culture & materialistic system plaguing American shores (and the world too). This day ought to be used as motivation to go forward, promote liberty, and reject historical revisionism (that is utilized as an excuse to promote a phony type of jingoistic patriotism). I will not though worship a flag or a country. I respect the nation-state and its composition, but I worship God alone. The essence of an Empire is still evil whether it was done by the British Empire or if it’s done by the West. Today, the banking elite are violating the rights and sovereignty of nations worldwide including America. That is why the establishment targets the Constitution and Bill of Rights with their promotion of North American integration, the Patriot Act, immoral checkpoints, warrantless wiretapping, and other policies that violate our individual rights as human beings. The Constitution wasn't perfect, which is why reforms came in America to make America a more just nation. We have a long way to go in improving the essence of our nation, but in every generation, folks of goodwill have strived to fight for hope, justice, equality, and personal liberty. On the other hand, the system we have now is a devilish beast system run by beast & devils. We know who exactly these devils’ identities are.

There is a group of Wall Street, BP, bio-ethanol, and millions of people in risk of suffering. Food is a great resource for human survival. There are affordable prices of food in some locations and not in other places. There is still a prospect of more famine globally. Before the grain crisis of the mid 1970’s, world price for grain didn’t exist. The world price for grain is the benchmark for the price of all foods plus food products. Grain prices was once determined locally in thousands of market places where buyer and seller met. The economic globalization caused tiny percent of grains traded internationally were able to set the global price for the bulk of grains grown. For eons, food reserves existed in case of droughts and famines. There was the GATT or the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. GATT was created after WWII. GATT promoted free trade worldwide, especially in Europe and industrial nations. Radical free trade was promoted in the 1980’s via Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher. National reserves as a government responsibility was fought against via the GATT Uruguay Round agreement in 1993. Grain reserves are now managed by private companies in the free market (or U.S. Grain cartel giants like the American agribusiness). The grain companies argued that they would be able to fill any emergency gaps more efficiently and save governments the cost. That ill-advised decision would open the floodgates to unprecedented grain market shenanigans and manipulations. ADM (Archer Daniels Midland), Continental Grain, Bunge and the primus inter pares, Cargill—the largest privately-held grain and agribusiness trading company in the world—emerged the great winners of the WTO process. Former Cargill executive Dan Amstutz played the key role in drafting the agriculture trade section of the GATT Uruguay Round. National gain reserves in the USA and the EU plus other major OECD industrial countries caused unchecked speculative manipulation that eliminated commodity derivatives regulation. More deregulation of government controls over agriculture commodity speculation was done by the CFTC. The CFTC is the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

People already know that Islam has been exploit in a geopolitical sense for the West to control the Middle East. The West wants the Eurasian Heartland as well. Now, we have chaos from a political and social standpoint in the region. The establishment definitely wants a capitulated Islam that is malleable to the interests of global capital. Turkey is a country shown as a democratic model in the world. Ankara has progressed in many years from its ban of Kurdish from being spoken in public. Turkey still is a not a functional democracy with a kleptocracy plus fascist tendencies. The military in Turkey has a big role in the affairs of the state and government. Deep state means that a state is run secretly from the top down by unaccountable bodies and individuals (that exist in Turkey). Turkey still have civil rights and civil liberties problems.  Even candidates must be approved by the state apparatus and the groups controlling them. This is done to limit real leaders that are against the status quo in Turkey. Some want it to be a model for Arabic governments. The Turkish Justice and Development Party or JDP (or the Adalet ve Kalkinma Partisi or the AKP) was allowed to come into power in 2002. This came without opposition by the Turkish military and the Turkish courts. It was a very power party. There was little tolerance for political Islam in Turkey before 2002. The JDP/AKP was founded in 2001 and the timing of their founding and electoral win in 2002 was also tied to the objective of redrawing Southwest Asia and North Africa. This project wants to subordinate Islam to Western interest. There is a new strand of Islam called a Muslim version of the Protestant work ethic or Calvinist Islam. This movement has grown in Turkey and it’s present to Egypt and the Arabic peoples by the west. This Calvinist Islam deals with the reba or the interest system. The interest system is forbidden in Islam. The interest system historically have spread debt to enslave people to the global cartel capitalist system. The EBRD or the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development called for so-called “democratic reforms” in the Arabic world. The ruling families of Saudi Arabian and Arabic petro-sheikhdoms are partners in the enslavement of the Arabic world via debt. New democratic states could occur in the Middle East, but there is a chance about puppet states forming in the Middle East. Iran and Syria is the new strategy of controlling Eurasia is a part of the war on terror. Libya and other nation are in risk of being balkanized even Pakistan. Targeting Pakistan is done to neutralize Iran and strife the hegemonic power base of Chinese interests. The U.S. and NATO have militarized the waters around Yemen too. The U.S. has used fortifications in Poland, Bulgaria, and Romania to neutralize Russia and the former Soviet Republics. The Sunni Al-Sauds are in league with the West. It has to be mentioned that Norman Podhoretz, a original member of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), in 2008 suggest an apocalyptic future scenario in which Israel launches a nuclear war against Iran, Syria, and Egypt amongst its other neighboring countries. This would include Lebanon and Jordan. Podhoretz described an expansionist Israel and even suggested that the Israelis would militarily occupy the oil fields of the Persian Gulf. Even the military has influence in Egypt. The future deals with what will the U.S., the EU, and Israel will do. We have a world filled with Turkish, Arabic, and Iranian peoples. Strangely enough, there is an U.S., Israeli, and Arabic Khaliji alliance (with the ruling Arabic families in the Persian Gulf) that desire radical changes in the Middle East. There are sincere protesters in Bahrain, Yemen, and other places in the Middle East that want freedom. We will just be careful and expose any puppet regimes though.

There is a shocking 911 recording showing a woman crashing after having an abortion. This is a newly released recording from New Mexico. It’s a shocking detail. The woman suffered complications from an abortion and she was unable to breathe. The woman’s crashes and she was in need of urgent medical care. The fate of the woman in a video was released by Operation Rescue today of the audio of the 911 call is unknown. The pro-life group shown the audio of 9/11 call staffers at the UNM Center for Reproductive Health (or the UNHCRH). It showed information about the status of a 35 year old woman crashing after being conscious sedation during an abortion. The abortion took place on February 15, 2011. The call have had voices that can be heard calling the patient’s name and urging her to breathe as she groans and gasps for air. “We have a patient who is crashing right now,” the caller from the abortion business tells the 911 dispatcher. At the dispatcher’s request, the call was transferred to the abortion room where another clinic worker described the patient as “grayish” in color. Once the call was transferred, the disturbing sounds of the patient’s suffering and struggling for life became clearly evident. The abortion center staffer said that the woman is unresponsive. This person hears what is happened. She was 35 when the crash occurred. She was born in 1975. The 911 dispatcher asks if the woman is awake, but there is a lack of information as the abortion center call says that, “Um, can you ask him if she is up and awake – the patient – in what room please? The one that they’re – yeah the patient that’s – no, no no, no she is not — or…” The 911 call is proof that there is no safe abortion completely. The grisly practice of abortion on demand can be dangerous. Some want oversight in dealing with this issue plus accountability. New Mexico don’t have real laws really regulating abortion. Abortion clinics fight safety laws, because some of these places don’t want inspectors to know what goes on behind closed door. The 911 call shows some of what it goes on behind closed doors. The UNM Center for Reproductive Health is an abortion business operated by the University of New Mexico School of Medicine, a publicly-funded institution. Newman says residents in the program are rotated through the abortion center for training and, if they opt out of learning to do abortions, they are assigned other tasks at the abortion facility. Newman said that the UNM Center for Reproductive Health does abortions until the unborn child reaches 22 weeks gestation. It’s a member of the National Abortion Federation, a national trade group of abortion centers that includes numerous members with various health and safety standard violations. Some of whom have been permanently or temporarily closed for killing or injuring women in legal abortions or violating state laws. “This is more proof that the abortion industry is incapable if regulating itself. NAF standards are a joke. States need to get serious about protecting the safety of women,” said Newman.

There was the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Many Republicans voted for the act and some Democrats didn’t. yet, the Democrats that didn’t were a part of the Dixiecrats from the southern states. Much of the Republicans in the House voted for the bill to be fair.  Many Republican Senators in the number of 6 opposed the Civil Rights bill. One is called Senator Barry Goldwater, but he opposed it for philosophical reasons not for hatred of people. He was still wrong though. Goldwater failed to be President of America in 1964. Even George H. W. Bush once campaigned against the Civil Rights Act. The Dixiecrats became mostly Republicans by the end of the 1960’s, because of the Civil Rights Act. 47 Democratic Senators and 26 Republican Senators supported the Civil Rights Act. Ironically, U. S. Senators from the deep South, like Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms, Phil Gramm, Trent Lott, and Robert Byrd were all Southern Democratic people in their youth and then transformed into Republicans. The anti-lynching statement of the Republican Platform in the early 1920’s was used to placate the progressive wing of the party that was led by Theodore Roosevelt and Robert LaFollette. It was gone in the next platform and the party never promoted any legislation toward its passage. The Progressive party of LaFollette and the Bull Moose party of Roosevelt came after they have left the Republican Party. Adlai Stevenson became the first of his family to bolt the Republican Party over its pro business platform and its disavowing of the anti-lynching language of the early 20's. Lyndon Johnson told Bill Moyers that signing the Voting Rights Act would give Republicans the South for 50 years or for the rest their lifetimes. This is mostly accurate until some Southern states voting for Barack Obama in 2008. Also, it’s better to be moral and compassionate toward the poor and the outcast than rich. Jesus said some of the most truthful, transparent words on the rich having difficultly to reach the Kingdom of Heaven since we have to not obsess with material wealth (but moral growth. There is nothing wrong with having finances to build businesses and helping people, but money should be used correctly not as a crutch to promote a false sense of superiority over human beings). So, a rich man is equal to a poor man in value. So, the Lord was rich (like he always is) when he said that the poor are blessed and their inheritance is the Kingdom of God if they are believers as found in Luke 6:20.

By Timothy

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