Monday, September 12, 2011


Zaius wrote:

You have no way of knowing what colour someone is on this forum. I may very well be black and you might be a lily white progressive pi___d.
You go take a look around that site and come back when you are ready to explain how President Obama and his elitist, big government pals like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are not really the ones that have thrown a wet blanket over the dreams of MLK, which was the American dream.
Were Obama REALLY committed to King's dream of social justice, and acted on it, you reactionaries would be screaming bloody murder even more than now.
After all, Dr. King called for a "radical REDISTRIBUTION of political and economic power."
Check out his 1967 address in Chicago at the "National Conference for a New Politics."



emperorjohn wrote:
Obama sold the country to illegals.
No, he has sold the country out to the corporate plutocrats who are responsible for the immigrant crisis, and most other crises as well.
Obama ran on a MODERATE progressive platform,but governs essentially from the center/right.

Which is why we got watered down health care package, a rather tepid national reconstruction program (called a stimulus), and whh Gitmo and the Middle eastern wars are still happening.
Obama occasionally puts out progressive feelers--=-as when he proposed that there should be at least a moratorium on evictions and foreclosures if the corporate institutions are being bailed out.
But he caved as soon as there was any opposition. FDR would have taken the issue to the American people, fought in the arena of public opinion, and probably won. LBJ was known to do that on occasion. Obama apparently lacks the backbone.



Savant wrote:

No, he has sold the country out to the corporate plutocrats who are responsible for the immigrant crisis, and most other crises as well.
Obama ran on a MODERATE progressive platform,but governs essentially from the center/right.
Which is why we got watered down health care package, a rather tepid national reconstruction program (called a stimulus), and whh Gitmo and the Middle eastern wars are still happening.
Obama occasionally puts out progressive feelers--=-as when he proposed that there should be at least a moratorium on evictions and foreclosures if the corporate institutions are being bailed out.
But he caved as soon as there was any opposition. FDR would have taken the issue to the American people, fought in the arena of public opinion, and probably won. LBJ was known to do that on occasion. Obama apparently lacks the backbone.
I think he tries to avoid being seen as the "angry negro", so instead he seems to cave into demands from those that oppose him. Obama has basically kept the same policies going as we had under Prez Bush, so he is not progesssive at all just like you said. But the same people that claim to oppose him say he is from the liberal left. His policies are anything but left wing.

Bush and Cheney were in the bed with Qaddafi for the oil, so what a change the American government has made now that Qaddafi is again seen as the bad guy of Flight 103, and in the need of being toppled. Just more of your tax dollars for warmongering. Funny how there is always money for that?

The more things change, the more they stay the same.



attai1 wrote:

"freebird" is using words he/she does'nt understand. What's a "freebird" with Bush so-called "Patriot" acts and Gitmo plus extra-judicial torture kidnapping by the CIA etc.
Not that i would pretend the E.U., in particular Germany, is a complete safe heaven for real freedom of speech : the 1st Amendment is scoring ahead of us in the E.U.
It's also true the Tea-party would be a marginalized far-right party with limited chance to gain seats in a parliament. But the evil tea-party "spirit" is also there in various far-right movements all accross the E.U. and contaminating with their devilish b.s. some main parties though in less proportion than the Tea-party with the Reps.
This week a noticeable member of Sarkozy party was asking for an election deal with Marine Le Pen of Front National far-right party.To be dismissed fortunately.
a whiteboi
In America, le Pen and the racist National Front would probably be a part of the Republican Party.



Freebird USA wrote:
What could you possibly know about the Tea Party except what you willingly gobble up from your sorted leftist websites.Stay in your nice little multicultural society and remember this conversation when the next gang of smelly thugs torch your car,home or business in the name of social and economic justice because you haven't done enough for them.
LOL! I've met Attai. He's actually highly educated man. His knowledge isn't limited to leftwing websites. Oh,another difference.
In the generality, Western Europeans (like Attai from France) are far more well read than the generality of Americans. Don't presume too. They tend to know more about our history than we know about theirs. Indeed, I've met ORDINARY WORKING folk in Paris who know more about American history than do most Americans.
The majority of Frenchmen vote, and are better informed as well. That also goes for Germans, Swedes, Danes, etc.
And don't think they don't notice the antics of the Tea Party foolishness



emperorjohn wrote:
All I want is a public option healthcare system
Obama compromised even that away. If had called for full scale, single payer universal health care, he could probably have gotten at least a public option out of the deal..
Obama is a man of high intellect, impressive eloquence (at times) and WEAK negotiating skills


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