Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Poor and the Middle Class

The health care question from the Republican debate took an ugly turn. To this credit, Ron Paul didn’t mention that a person should die if they desire health care. Yet, some of the audience did. This audience proves the illogical of the reactionary position on health care including many other issues. "What do you tell a guy who is sick, goes into a coma and doesn't have health insurance? Who pays for his coverage? Are you saying society should just let him die?" Wolf Blitzer asked. "Yeah!" several members of the crowd yelled out. Ron Paul didn’t want the person to die. He said that he wants private or non-government institutions to fill the void that the public sector is currently playing. The problem is that the wealthy can pay their own health care and private health insurance is readily expensive from various costs, etc. Charities work, but in limited ways. Charities are one solution to our health, but it isn’t the total solution to our health problems. A real solution is comprehensive national solution that protects us, prevents poisons in our environment, and finds ways to cut costs in our current health care system. It’s very hypocritical for the people in the audience to claim that death panels existed in the President’s health care law and then lust for death against a person that can’t afford health services. Some people have tried to justify the audience’s words with slick hypotheticals. Regardless of these hypotheticals, we should empathize with other people. Demonizing the poor doesn’t solve our health care problems at all. So, there is nothing immoral about universal health care. I don’t follow oaths, but this death cult among some reactionaries is a violation of the Hippocratic Oath and the right to life completely. These reactionary hypocrites yell about intervention, but some of them support Medicare. The big corporations are holding in over a trillion dollars in profit, which can be better used to assist the poor, the homeless, the unemployed, and the uninsured. Now, you have them demonizing firefighters for the sake of economically steal pension funds plus the safety net of the poor plus middle class. People are going out of their way to cut taxes of the top 1 percent of the wealthy, while advocating no real populist solution to help the poor and middle class. You need infrastructure building in America and put people to work in order establish a better American society.

9/11 Truth is still here. The critics of 9/11 Truth need to realize that 9/11 was a conspiracy anyway (either done by a handful of hijackers or by other people). The 9/11 Truth Movement is made up of protesters, professional architects, engineers, bloggers, and a wide spectrum of human beings. Many of these architects and engineers in 9/11 are known for having designed steel high rise buildings. Those who disagree with the official story of 9/11 are made up distinguished scientists, such as University of Copenhagen nano-Chemist Niels Harrit who has 60 scientific papers to his credit and physicist Steven Jones. US Air Force pilots and commercial airline pilots who are expert at flying question the official story. Firefighters in the twin towers said personally that they have heard and experienced numerous explosions including explosions in the sub-basements. It was created by members of 9/11families who desire to know how such an improbable event as 9/11 could possibly occur. There are professionals and scientists speaking from the basis of years of experience plus expert knowledge to question 9/11’s official story as well. An International research team of scientist spent 18 months studying the components in the dust from the towers and the fused pieces of concrete and steel. They researched the information and believe that they have definite evidence of incendiaries and explosives. When a physicist proves that Building 7 (the stories not obscured by other buildings) fell at free fall speed and NIST has to acknowledge that he is correct, you can bet your life that the physicist is correct. When fire department captains and clean-up teams report molten steel--and their testimony is backed up with photographs--in the debris of the ruins weeks and months after the buildings’ destruction, you can see that the molten steel was there. I believe that a plane hit the Pentagon, but the FBI confiscated all film surveillance cameras during that time in 9/11.

Building Number Seven was the third skyscraper to be reduced to rubble on September 11, 2001 in the afternoon. The official story says that fires mainly leveled this building when fires never before or since destroyed a steel skyscraper. Once in May 2002, a team investigated the collapse and was kept away from the crime scene. They made an inconclusive report in May of 2002 and the evidence has been destroyed. Why did the government quickly recycle the steel form the Building Number Seven? Building Number Seven fell in the range of about 6.5 seconds. That rate of fall is within a second of the time it would take an object to fall from the building's roof with no air resistance. Some people in sites like Remember Building and other groups believed that the fall of Building 7 has all of the characteristics of a controlled demolition. They point to streamers and other information as suggestive of demolition charges. The building fell in a vertical precision. Strange news stories described the Building Number Seven falling before it actually did. At least two television networks made premature announcements of the collapse of WTC 7. The BBC unequivocally announced the collapse about 23 minutes before the fact, and even featured a New York correspondent speaking of the collapse in past tense with the still-erect skyscraper standing behind her. CNN anchor Aaron Brown announced that the building "has either collapsed or is collapsing" about an hour before the event. The collapse occurred in 5:20 pm. Free fall time form Building 7’s roof is 5.96 seconds. Most of the debris was within its footprint with the rubble pile less than 4 stories high. This building was father from the Towers than the Banker’s Trust Building. The fires in the Building wasn’t severe since the fires were limited to isolated regions of 2 floors, there were no broken glass on north side, and there were puny compared to other building fires. Such extreme fires that didn’t cause a collapse of the whole building occurred in Madrid Spain, the One Meridian Plaza fire in Philadelphia in 1991 that lasted for 18 hours (it gutted 8 floors of the 38 floor building). The 1998 First Interstate Bank building fire in LA burned out of control for 3.5 hours (it gutted 4 floors of the 64 floor tower). The Building was a bunker housing Giuliani’s Emergency Command Center; it was a place for the Securities and Exchange Commission. The SEC’s files on WorldCom were destroyed by the collapse of the Building.

The See Something Say Something Act protects snitches from prosecution. This new piece of legislation was made by NASCO or the National Association of Security Companies. This would encourage Americans to frivolously snitch on each other by providing legal protection for people who report “suspicious behavior” to the authorities. The NASCO support this new bill. It’s called H.R. 963. It’s been supported by Congressman Lamar Smith (R-21st District Texas). Smith is the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee calling it sensible policy that expands protections against lawsuits for individuals who provide good faith reports of suspicious terrorist-related activity to an authorized official. The legislation will further encourage citizens to take an active role in reporting suspicious activity fear of legal retribution. The bill was designed to encourage Americans to report on each other frivolously for any reason. If someone was certain that they were witnessing suspicious behavior that was likely related to the commission of a terrorist attack, the knowledge that they would have legal protection for reporting the incident would be the last thing on their mind. In real life, the threat of being killed by terrorists is less common than being killed by accident causing deer, intestinal illness or peanut allegories. So, the government promoting the See Something, Say Something campaign isn’t based on reality. It’s based on the myth that terrorists are nearly everywhere and any type of mundane behavior can be characterized as suspicious. The federal government is constantly trying to reinforce the hoax via enlisting the general public as the eyes and ears of the Homeland Security surveillance state. The law would provide immunity for anyone who reports, “…“any suspicious transaction, activity, or occurrence indicating that an individual may be engaging, or preparing to engage, in a violation of law relating to an act of terrorism,” which judging by DHS standards and those set down by federal agencies and law enforcement bodies over the last decade, could be classified as almost any behavior whatsoever, including political activism, owning gold, being a Ron Paul supporter, or displaying a political bumper sticker. The suspicious behavior has been defined by the Department of Homeland Security include talking to the police officers, using cell phones, and other activities. The DHS have called even innocent Americans as equivalent to terrorists. We should reject calling frivolous behavior as terrorism. We shouldn’t be  a dictatorship as times in the past. Even during WWII, German citizens gave information to Gestapo forces to develop files against people in Nazi Germany. 80 percent of all Gestapo investigations started in this fashion. “There were relatively few secret police, and most were just processing the information coming in. I had found a shocking fact. It wasn’t the secret police who were doing this wide-scale surveillance and hiding on every street corner. It was the ordinary German people who were informing on their neighbors,” wrote Robert Gellately of Florida State University. Gellately discovered that the people who informed on their neighbors were motivated primarily by banal factors – “greed, jealousy, and petty differences,” and not by a genuine concern about crime or insecurity. This is precisely the kind of environment the ‘See Something, Say Something’ law, and the campaign itself, is designed to create.

It’s a historical fact that brothers and sisters fought for liberation against the Maafa long before the 1800’s. Aptheker mentioned that an African rebellion occurred in the Western Hemisphere in the Spanish settlement of San Miguel de Gualdape. There was the slave rebellion in Mexico during 1547. This was followed by various runaway enslave African settlements called palengues. In Mexico, Spaniards negotiated the establishment of a free black community with Yagna, a runaway rebel enslave African. Today, that community in Veracruz bears its founder's name. This transpired in 1608. There was the rebellion against oppressors in St. Kitts Nevis by black people in 1639. These rebellions were legitimate self defense against brutes, rapists, and imperialists. Also, tons of black people in the arts, music, literature, etc. made a great contribution in society. So, we should use our discernment. We should promote more unity among men and women in order to prevent genocide and family destruction among the black, community (these genocidal tactics are promoted via population control efforts, trash from the entertainment plus television industry [with the utilization of stereotypes that bash black men and black women], and other things). Procreation of more children is great for the survival of a nation and a people. Also, many positive things are occurring in our community. Kevin Dunn is a Bronx resident. Ironically, he was born in Brooklyn. When he was 52 years old back in 2007, he designed Afrocentric puzzles to allow young African and African Americans youth to understand about black history. Marketed under the "Puzzles For Us ... the puzzles with a purpose" label, Dunn's puzzles have started appearing in New York City public school classrooms - a nice turn of events, since that's where the first one appeared more than 15 years ago. He’s under contract to create puzzles for both the ACLU on racial profiling and the legendary Apollo Theater. "I call these cultural entertainment," Dunn said. "The idea is to whet people's appetites so they want to know more." Though schoolchildren are the target audience, the scholarship behind each puzzle is more college-level. Dunn's puzzle clues are taken from history, culture and popular culture; solutions to one puzzle include a speech by Sioux Chief Sitting Bull, ancient Egyptian ethics and an award-winning recording by local radio personality Gary Byrd. He is a data programming and a former after school counselor (who also ran a computer club for students). The public loves his love in New York City. That is why he spends a lot of time in the New York Public Library and the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture.

By Timothy

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