Thursday, September 08, 2011

President Barack Obama's Job Speech, Etc.

The President Barack Obama unveiled his job plan. His plan will cost $447 billion. More than half of his plan will deal with tax cuts to be paid for by the super committee. His plan is called the American Jobs Act. It includes more than 250 billion dollars in tax incentives for small businesses and employers according to administration estimates. The rest of the money is promoted for infrastructure spending, state aid, unemployment insurance, and neighborhood rehabilitation. He wants the congressional super committee to pay for the proposal by finding 1.5 trillion dollars in deficit reduction to offset the cost of the package in their proposal. The President says that all proposals in the bill will be paid for, it isn’t controversial, and parts of his plan are supported by Democrats and Republicans. A White House official mentioned by President Obama called House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) earlier in the day to have a rapid passage of his jobs plan. At the heart of the president's plan is an extension of the payroll tax cut passed last year, through 2012. The proposal, which would affect an estimated 160 million workers by providing a $1,500 tax cut for the average family, comes in at a cost of $175 billion. The President want an infrastructure bank, leverage private capital, building up vacant or foreclosed homes, re-authorize federal unemployment benefits for another year, and other policies. The tax components of the president's plan don't end there. The White House also wants a payroll tax holiday for businesses that add new workers or increase the wages of current employees; a fifty percent reduction of the tax rates businesses pay on the first $5 million in payroll; and a $4,000 tax credit for employers who hire long-term unemployed workers. The 2010 compromise giving tax cuts for the wealthy didn’t spur economic growth, so a new policy must be made to help our financial systems. There would be still reactionaries that oppose any spending since they worship debt instead of God. They don’t like any policy from a progressive citizenry since some of them refuse to accept the notion that private and public efforts can benefit the human race. These new proposals from the President still face fierce opposition from Congress. Much of these plans are legitimate like the infrastructure and spending on our domestic resources (instead of funding money for our present war on terror). You can end the war on terror to bring Americans billions of dollars.

A Senator wants answers on government anthrax investigation mystery. People want to realize why the DOJ quickly retracted court statements that contradicted the official FBI story. This Seantor is a ranking Republican Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa. He wrote a note to the justice Department (to find out quickly retracted court papers that called into serious question a key pillar of the criminal case against Bruce Ivins). Ivins is the FBI’s prime suspect in the 2001 anthrax mail attacks. Senator Grassley questioned the FBI’s findings in the case. He wrote a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder and FBI Director Robert Mueller this week. This is about a filing by the Justice Department civil lawyers in July. It noted that the Army’s biodefense center at Fort Detrick, MD, “…did not have the specialized equipment in a containment laboratory that would be required to prepare the dried spore preparations that were used in the letters.” So, the filing said that Ivins’ lab (or called the hot suite) didn’t have the equipment needed to turn liquid anthrax into the refined powder that ended up being mailed to members of the Senate and reporters in the fall of 2001. Ivins was found dead in 2008 from an apparent suicide. This was in the time that the government was about to indict him. He was identified by the FBI’s “Amerithrax Task Force” as the lone perpetrator of the attacks that killed 5 people and infected 17 others in the weeks immediately after 9/11. The FBI accused Ivins, because the microbiologist had access to then necessary equipment in the government lab at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases where he worked. When the Justice Department knew its recent court filing cast doubt on these claims after media coverage. It did a 180 flip flop and sent the court a list of “corrections” to confirm to the FBI’s conclusion that Ivins alone had the equipment to do the job. In his letter, Sen. Grassley notes that this turn of events “has produced a new set of questions regarding this unsolved crime.” “My concern is accentuated by the apparent contradiction of the DOJ court documents to the original FBI investigation, the subsequent attempt to retract that information and the federal judge’s ruling that the DOJ Civil Division “show good cause” to justify a modification to the original court filing.” Grassley writes. “The DOJ original court filing seemingly eliminated the FBI’s previous circumstantial evidence associated with Dr. Ivins without providing any additional insight as to the means and methodology he may have used to create the anthrax powder.” The Senator adds. Grassley, the most senior Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, also called for a briefing to “determine why it appears, at the least, that the right hand and left hand of the (Justice Department) do not know what the other is doing.” Robert Stevens’ family brought a lawsuit against the Justice Department. Stevens died as a result of the anthrax first. Even if this was the case, which is still highly questionable, it still significantly weakens the case against Ivins as the lone assailant, because it means he would have had to have access different areas of the building and use the equipment in those areas for some time without being noticed. It also means that the fact that others who worked in the lab were not sickened becomes even more of a key indicator that Ivins did not prepare the anthrax spores as the FBI and the government has claimed he did. Paul Kemp, Ivins’ lead defense attorney, noted that the department’s concession that the equipment wasn’t available “is at direct variance to the assertions of the government on July 29, 2008,” the day Ivins died, thus “invalidating one of the chief theories of their prosecution case.  Some reporters this year believe that there isn’t enough evidence for the FBI to convict Ivins, which cause some to believe that a conspiracy was behind the case. The 1.1 million dollar report was commissioned by the FBI and produced by the National Academies of Sciences found that the FBI overstated the science in its investigation into the microbiologist. There is debate on the Ivins’s office link to bacterial spores mailed to NBC News, the New York Post, and the offices of then Sen. Tom Daschle and Sen. Patrick Leahy. “The scientific link between the letter material and flask number RMR-1029 is not as conclusive as stated in the DOJ Investigative Summary,” the 190 page report stated. “Although the scientific evidence was supportive of a link between the letters and that flask, it did not definitively demonstrate such a relationship, for a number of reasons,” said Dr. David Relman, a bioterrorism expert at Stanford University School of Medicine who served as vice chair of the review committee. “Our overarching finding was that it is not possible to reach a definitive conclusion about the origins of the B. anthracis in the mailings based on the available scientific evidence alone.” An independent investigation should be done. Some want a bipartisan amendment to have an independent inquiry into the FBI’s anthrax investigation. Shortly after Ivins’ death, Dr. Ayaad Assaad, an Egyptian-born toxicologist at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, declared that Ivins did not kill himself and was not behind the attack at all. Assaad made the comments in an interview with a local Fort Detrick newspaper in September 2008.

9/11 has been in society and culture. Now, we have propaganda, ignorance, and the war on terrorism hysteria. The elite planned the war on terror reality for decades before 9/11. There is a war for oil, fascism, militarism, and economic conquest from this false flag operation. The truth is that the Wall Street banks, the CIA, the ISI, and other intelligence agencies help to create and fund the al-Qaeda network. This economic looting, social upheaval, and the intelligence industrial police state are real in the West and worldwide. Now, we see Libya (being oil rich) being overthrown and conquered by NATP. The rebels have links to al-Qaeda. Al-Qaeda is supposed to be our arch enemy. The truth is that Islamic terrorists including the CIA asset Osama bin Laden (whose forces were U.S. allies in Kosovo) have been aided by the Anglo-American intelligence network. Al-Qaeda leader Anwar Al-Awlaki might be the fist American on the CIA’s kill or capture list. Yet, he was also a lunch guest of military brass at the Pentagon within months of 9/11. It’s been found years ago in articles about the “Airlift of Evil.” This was when the U.S. forces covertly exported Taliban forces from Afghanistan to Pakistan to protect them from defeat after 9/11. The real heroes of 9/11 are the victims, their families, the first responders, and those seeking to find the real truth about what 9/11 was really about (who benefits or cuo bono? And who is exploiting 9/11 to promote unjust wars and an unjust police system growing in the Earth).

Amy Winehouse’s life was mysterious as her death. She was one of the many artists who died in the age of 27 under strange circumstances. Her life was the mixture of talent and a battle with drug abuse. She is remembered as a woman that didn’t reach her full potential. Famous artists who died in the age of 27 were Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison and Kurt Cobain. They lived troubled lives and their deaths are surrounded by mysteries. There are still unanswered questions about the total events revolving around the end of their lives. Amy Winehouse wasn’t as revolutionary as Jimi Hendrix, but each had an unique style, they struggled in drug abuse, and unanswered questions plagued their deaths. To often, many musicians are sacrificed in the false altar of fame and the occult-inspired elite exploit their deaths for commercial profits. Sometimes, these occurrences act almost like a sick ritual. Murders fro thousands of years in some cases are a product of sophisticated rituals. There are already witnesses who described strange happenings shortly before her death. In one news article from the United Kingdom, Winehouse’s neighbor claimed that there was “screaming, howling and some kind of drum beating” coming from her house the night she died. Some speculate that Amy Winehouse’s death was a murder or even a ritual sacrifice. Amy dressed as Mickey Mouse as a kid. In 2008, there was a 2008 sculpture of Amy Winehouse called "The Only Good Rock Star is a Dead Rock Star". It depicts Amy Winehouse shot in the head and laying on the floor lifeless. Next to her is creepy Minnie Mouse mask, which, as stated in several other articles, can represent Illuminati mind control (although the sculptor claimed that the masked referred to the infamous video of Winehouse playing with baby mice). Right now, it’s hard to find out what caused Amy Winehouse’s death. Her death is similar to the early deaths of other young celebrities.

Many pro-life groups are compiling a resource directory for pregnant students. This guide has been sponsored jointly by Feminists for Life of America and the Students for Life of America. It will provide links to essential resources, state by state, school by school. This is called the National Directory of Campus Resources. “Our goal is to hasten the day when no woman feels forced to choose between her education and career plans and her child” says Serrin Foster, the president of Feminists for Life. “The inspiration for FFL’s new campus directory came from hearing story after story from women who couldn’t find the resources they needed. Finding the basics that support life—housing, childcare, maternity coverage and financial aid—shouldn’t be an ordeal, but it is. The result is that pregnant college-aged students resort to abortion or drop out of school and potentially faces a lifetime of poverty. Neither is desirable. Women deserve better. Being pregnant, being a birthmother, or having a family shouldn’t be a barrier to an education.” Foster said that the directory is critical since according to the Guttmacher Institute 44 percent of abortions are performed on college age women. Kristan Hawkins, the president of Students for Life of America, added, “When faced with an unintended or crisis pregnancy, many students feel forced to choose between continuing their education or raising their child. Too often, college campuses do not provide the necessary resources or environment that support pregnant and parenting students.” There is the National Directory of Campus Resources. Foster says that pregnant and parenting students will know that pregnancy doesn’t have to end an education. There are resources that can support women and families (plus pregnant and parenting students will find help now to stay in school. In some cases by transferring to a more parent friendly campus). Colleges and universities that provide the best resources for students can be highlighted. There are compilations of the directory in Minnesota, Maryland, D.C., and Iowa. Other states are seeing the compilation of the directory now with the help of those who need the resources the most of college students. “Feminists for Life is prepared to highlight schools that are most supportive of pregnant and parenting students,” Foster said. “We are very pleased to support pro-life student groups who advocate pro-woman solutions, and delighted that Students for Life will once again be a key contributor to this project.” Students for Life has launched a companion project called the Pregnant on Campus Initiative, which it says ” aims to address this issue by helping campus pro-life groups to create effective and lasting change on their campus.” “We encourage and challenge pro-life groups to address this issue on their campus by engaging in service activities geared to providing necessary resources to pregnant and parenting students,” Hawkins says. “Whether the project involves creating a campus support group or installing diaper decks in bathrooms, establishing an Assistance Fund for pregnant and parenting students, or securing affordable housing on campus, our goal is to increase the amount of pregnancy-friendly resources on college campuses in order to eliminate the pressure to discontinue school from pregnant and parenting students.” The directory is an outgrowth of the Pregnancy Resource Forums Feminists for Life holds at campuses — with the first one coming at Georgetown in 1998. The resources the college now provides to support pregnant women, parents and birthmothers has significantly increased since then.

 By Timothy

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