Sunday, September 09, 2012

The 99% Declaration: There is a solution.


Ann Romney on Romneys Concern vs Mitt Romney on His Main Concern

} 'Mitt does not like to talk about how he has helped others because he sees it as a privilege, not a political talking point... Let me say this to every American who's thinking about who should be our next president. No one will care more [for all of the people]...' { Anne Romney @ the RNC Confab
} 'I'm not that concerned about the poor... My Focus will be on the middle class... My Democratic opponent will address issues concerning the poor...' { Mitt Romney- earlier this yr while campaining for the Repug's nomination for Presidential candidate.

15% of US citzens are in poverty & another 10% - 15% are in immediate danger of being in impoverty. 25% - 35% of children in the US are in poverty- many of those in poverty are effectively home-less. Yet there's a too rich / too slick guy born w a silver-spoon in his mouth, who openly said while campaigning for US Pres that 'I'm not concerned about the poor' That's the other guy's job to be concerned about' [which Obama never speaks about the poor, nor even the working-class, either- he also only talks about the so-called 'middle-class']. So w that statement Romney effectively writes off 25% -35% of the people in the US, as not being worthy of his concern. Yet his wife talks about his caring & compassion for others less fortunate the himself- GIVE ME A F---ING BREAK!
There was another public figure who onced use the phrase 'I'm not concerned about'- but when he said it had an entirely different meaning.
'We've got some difficult days ahead. I know some of you are concerned about the threats that went out. About what might happen to me at the hands of some our sick white brothers. But it really doesn't matter w me now. I, like any man, would like to live, longevity has its place. BUT I'M NOT CONCERNED ABOUT THAT NOW, I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up into the Top of the Mountain & look over & I've seen the 'Promised Land'. So I want you to know tonight that I might not get there w you but WE as a People will get to the Promised Land. So I'm happy I'm not worried nor fearing any man. Mine Eye's have seen the Glory of the Coming of the LORD!'
That's diffence between a champion for the people, justice & peace- He was so concerned about the poor he was more concerned about them than he was for his own life. Now we got guys who openly say they're not concerned about the poor [that's the other guy's job- who spent his last 4 yrs in office avoiding even mentioning the poor & working-class folk] because the fact is they're only concerned about making money & WAR!

You do have other choices at

You do have other choices at the ballot box. Jill Stein of the Green Party and Rocky Anderson of the Justice Party both have platforms that mesh more closely with the issues of concern to most BAR readers. Even the Libertarian candidate Gary Johnston is more palatable than Mittens and Obama.
It was not always just a choice between Republicans and Democrats. Decades ago, there were other parties that preceded these two. People fall back on the "they can't win" card to justify not voting for other party candidates. No, they can't win if no one votes for them. We are being screwed by the Rs and Ds; the only difference is one kills you with a single bullet to the head and the other kills you with a thousands cuts - either way you ass is dead. It's past time to move beyond the insanity of Groundhog Day and try something new. Other parties may not win now or in 5 years but the first step to victory is to take a step towards achieving it. You vote for someone else, I do the same, we spread the word about alternative choices, we work to get said choices on the ballot, others do the same - soon the Andersons and Steins of the world have a shot at winning.
The Republicans are sounding scarier but if they are in the White House, they will get some dissent and push back against their "scary" agenda. The current occupant gets none - that's why he can overtly and covertly sign into law all the scary stuff Republicans could never pull off.

"The Republican brand is

"The Republican brand is odious and deeply scary, easily more frightening than that of Democrats."
But the Democratic brand is more effective in deceiving the sheeple into believing they are on said sheeple's side while at the same time enacting the scary Republican agenda. This actually makes the Democrats more scary than their right wing brethren.
No need for BAR to rehash the shortcomings and failures of Republicans and right wing scarecrows - that job is fully covered by the so-called Left's advocates, grandstanders, misleaders, and punditry. This toxic bunch is just as scary as their counterparts on the right. They do the empire's bidding by keeping alive a false narrative that their side is the good guy and the other side is the bad guy when in reality each side is no friend of the masses. I appreciate BAR and the few other credible info sources out here who provide the rest of the story.

So You Agree w Fletcher's Convoluted Reasons for Backing Obama

Einstein's definition of Insanity- To keep on following the same ole tired assed script over & over & over again & expecting a better result.
Black [alleged] 'progressive' Bill Fletcher writes a piece to progressives saying that Obama's record for the past 4 yrs ain't the point that's why we should vote for him. Rather it's all about those crazy. He then write's this as if it's some new type of 'revelation'- when in fact I've been hearing this same lame-ass excuse to keep voting for Dims no matter how much they fail to stand up for the folks that faithfully vote for them- literally for decades! [even when Dims control both Houses of Congress & the White-House]! The gate-keeper's on the so-called 'left' & 'right', always try to keep their ranks in line w & entrapped in the 2 party corporate duopoly box- by appealing to FEAR &/or folk's worst instincts &/or tricknology.
FYI: I can name at-least 5 options progressives have/had to voting for corp Dim Obama or corp Repug Romney: earlier folks could have chosen Ron Paul, now they can still vote for Rocky Anderson or the Green Party's Jill Stein, or they can write in a preferred choice or they can sit-out voting in the presidential race [not necessarily their own state, county, & city/town races]- which after all is NOT determined directly by the people's vote any-way- but rather by the electorial college vote [FYI: In 2000 Al Gore 'officially' got at-least 550,000 more votes than Bush Jr, but the electorial college plus 5 justices of the Supreme Court put Bush in the White-House anyway.].
IMO the only way out of this poly-trickal corp duopoly trap - is not to limit our thinking to corp Dims vs Corp Repugs - which IMO ain't nothing but the poly-trickal version of the ole 'Good' cop / 'Bad' cop routine. IMO: When people insist that 'realistically' there's no 'better' option to Romney/Ryan than Obama & Joe [foot in the mouth 'Clean Negro'] Biden- what they really mean is that there no SURER [bet] 'Option' to the Repugs than the Dims & vice-versa. Meaning they're thinking in terms analogous to winning bets & sports contests- rather than movements for real change that can truly be believed in & voting based on a conviction of principles.

I'm All for Principle of Worker's Collective Bargaining Rights

BUT- We have to be realistic about the history of most US main-stream trade Unions- especially at the Management level. The Fact is most of them have not been very progressive, w some unions having even helped to perpetuate the good ole white boys network for decades & even today [especially police & firemen's unions, but others aslo]. And- Main-stream unions have too often been sooo myopic & short-sighted in their vision IE: When Unions were at the height of their power in the 1950s, 60s & early 70s - they failed to push the envvelope to expand unions across the work-force, didn't push for a national health-care plan that would cover everyone [especially ALL Workers], the UAW backed Detroit's car maker's fight against higher CAFE standards & help push the SUV craze! Hell it turns out that the now defunct Air Traffic Controllers Union actually backed Ronnie Reagan [Talk about a clear-cut case of shooting yourself in the foot!]!
AND Most main-stream unions [at-least at the leadership level] have been joined at the hip to the Dims since- humm FDR's new deal maybe. You would think that after Slick NAFTA Willie ['That Sucking Sound You'll Here will be all those US jobs going over-seas...'] - that many/most unions would have cut ties w the Dims or at-least pressed real hard bargains w them to 'Make them Earn It' [union support] as opposed to 'Make me do it'.
Lets be clear Rahmbo became Chicago's 1st Jewish Mayor for 2 reasons 1: his connection to Chicago's Democrat machine, & 2: just as important if not more so- Obama's endorsement.
IMO- It's telling that the 2 main teachers unions can automaton-matically endorse Obama even as teachers of the US' 3rd largest public school system [CPS] have on-going discrimination suits against Obama's Sec of Ed & Ex-CPS 'CEO'- Arne Duncan, -&- Obama's ex-chief of staff & current Chicago mayor- Rahmbo... - Even if they were inclined to give Obama & Duncan a pass on RTTT's school Deforms!



I've held union jobs for most of my life. I'm grateful for the added pay, benefits, and job security which comes with my union membership. I am very pleased that my employment is not subject to the whims of some supervisor who has had a bad day at home, or one who wants to install a relative or a lover in my position. That said, I have no regard for the shallow, self serving, short sighted, and ultimately, self-defeating reactionary politics of most of the largely White work force. In spite of the fact that, over time, they have lost wages, vacation time, pensions, and other benefits to the machinations of their employer and its political allies, they continue to blame liberals, racial minorities, gays, Muslims, and people in the China and the "Third world" for their problems, while they continue to vote for people who are hostile to unions and to union labor and to labor rights in general and and protections of any kind for those who are not bosses. Black people are right to be deeply suspicious of those who try to shackle us and our interests to those of the White working class whether it is unionized or not. In my experience, most of them will never figure out who their enemy really is, and if they do, they will never do anything about it.

Kiss up, kick down...and other fantasies

"[The]White working class whether it is unionized or not...will never figure out who their enemy really is, and if they do, they will never do anything about it."
Peasehead, you hit the nail on the head. It is far easier for the Euro working class to kick down approved enemies such as, "liberals, racial minorities, gays, Muslims, and people in the China and the "Third world" and kiss up to the Euro Elites than it is to leave fantasy land and work in coalition with other workers.
That is because they operate in a thick fog of white priviledge. This fog obscures their vision so much that no matter how degraded their circumstances, they feel they are superior to any African American. Michelle Alexander (author of The New Jim Crow) once described this delusion as a "racial bribe" that the Euro Elites use to distract and neutralize white worker opposition.
Now if only African Americans would wake up from their Obama Slumber....



White supremacy is a mighty powerful drug. European descent folks have been mainlining* on White Supremacy for centuries. Even now, with their societies being devoured from within by Euro-Bankster parasites, the addicts still get that same warm glow from their drug of choice. Like all addicts they will do anything, anything to keep that their drug stash stocked and safe.
The challenge for African descent folks is to stop our enabling of their addiction and move on. Or as many a Black grandmother learned during the crack epidemic of the 1980s: love your grandkids and hope for the future, but change the locks, bar the windows and hide the valuables.
*The Urban Dictionary defines mainlining as the intravenous injection of a drug. which means using a needle to get a drug into your vein, to absorb it through your bloodstream. a lot of drugs can be taken this way, the most commonly associated drug being heroin.


About Last Week's Article on Zimbabwe's Land Reform;

The Article did not have a section for comments so I'll write my comments here.
It has been widely reported in the western MSNM press for the past 10yrs that Mugabe's land reform prog in Zimbabwe, which has been transferring some of the ill-gotten land of descendants of the former aparthied white settler regime- to Zimbabwe's Blacks, was a total disaster & lead to famine & the economic collapse in Zimbabwe. Further those reports claimed all the land seized by Mugabe went to his cronies & was mainly unused. Now after 10 yrs a report comes out- of the UK no-less -showing that most of those accusations were FALSE. Magabe's land reform prog in Zimbabwe has NOT been a total disaster, most of the land is being worked [First of all many of us western urban dwellers of this modern hi-tech society may not realize it - but most of the so-called white 'farmers' aren't really farmers, they just 'own' farm-land. Most of what they grow are cash-crops to be traded in over-seas markets- not food crops for feeding the people of Zimbabwe {If most of those so-called white 'farmers' had been feeding Zimbabwe's people at a fair price, do you really think Mugabe would indiscriminately seize their land???}, they simply hired out the day to day duties of farming to foremen & work crews almost always Black- & maybe they'd ride by on a tractor or SUV once in a while to check on things. So if they can run successful farms this way - why couldn't Black officials of Mugabe's Gov't or wealthy well connected Blacks do the same???], at least 67% [or more] of the land seized from whites went to regular [poor] Blacks - while less than 10% of the land went to Hi-officials of Mugabe's gov't & military or wealthy well connected Black businessmen. Production of some crops dropped but over-all production has been satisfactory. But its doubtful that western MSNM News sources or even many so-called left-leaning 'alternative' news outlets are going to report on this report that debunks all the HYPE of the past 10 yrs about Zimbabwe's land reform disaster. So what happen to Zimbabwe's Econ over the past 10 yrs??? Up till then Zimbabwe was seen as having one of the most successful Econs in Africa & the west was OK w Mugabe, till he announced he would quicken the roll-out of land reform. Then the powers that be crashed his Econ the same way they crashed the US / world Econ in 2008. WHY??? Because Mugabe's land reform prog has implications that go far past Zimbabwe [or even Africa for that matter]. If successful it would be an immediately example for neighboring S-Africa, & then all of Africa [Wealthy non-Africans & western Corps are grabbing land all over Africa] & then ultimately all of the so-called 3rd World. Thus covert racism, imperialism. & corporatism demanded that Zimbabwe's land reform prog be made to look like a disaster.
About the so-called hi-jacked election- Tsvangari, by his own party's accounting, got less than 50% of the vote. Zimbabwe's law says if no-one cracks the 50% margin in an election there must be a run-off. So this was also mis-represented in the western MSNM media.


The more things change..... debt peonage and landed class

Typical MONOCULTURE extraction. Thanks for the information, I bet we won't get that perspective on the "Today Show" or "Meet the Press," or hear it from our beloved "ambassadors" who are working so hard for truth and democracy no thanks to Wilkileaks.
Come to think of it, once of the all time UNWRITTEN stories of the 20th and 21 st centuries has to be land consolidation across the world, the replacement of subsistence farming with monoculture. Anyone wonder how that related story, the MASS URBANIZATION of the planet has also been ignored? Amazing isn't it.
Monoculture is also rooted in an "extraction economy" this is easily observed in studying Latin American, and gave rise to the construct referred to as the "Dependency Theory." Monoculture also produces infrastructual systems--roads, bridges, trains, sewer, water--that are constructed to benefit the few, to faciliate the EXPORT process, and not benefit the many or build local economies. Part of the reason for Latin Americans long term stunt in growth was the failure of infrastructures to INTEGRATE the provinces, and neighboring countries, their economies and trade relationships until recently. To put in perspective, the Panama Canal wasn't built to raise Panamanian living standards it was built to export the products of monoculture. Monoculture was thus rooted in the "Caudillos" and Right Wing Authoritarian leadership throughtout Latin America, for decades.
Urban sprawl involving the poor occurs because authorities pay little attention to slums, land, services and transport. Authorities lack the ability to predict urban growth and, as a result, fail to provide land for the urbanizing poor. In addition, the urban poor are denied land rights which is one of the main factors driving people to the periphery of towns, associated with urban sprawl in developing countries.
What's more, these communities are not getting the resources they need because their interests are not represented. The UN says urbanization and development reforms tend to favor the rich and powerful.
Generally, planning and policies appear to favour the empowered, mainly the local and regional economic elite. In the developing world, this pattern is more often than not linked to historical and cultural hegemony, which adds to the intergenerational aspects of urban exclusion that lead to spatial partitioning and gentrification.
While we run around singing their praises, factory farming giants and big agri monoculture substitution that benefits only rich land owners and corporations is part of an unbroken trend dating back over a 1000 years or more. As goes the consolidation of wealth, so goes land consolidation. The Landed Aristocracy is alive in well: whether in Iowa, Guatemala, or S. Africa, or Uttar Pradash, or the Steppes of Asia Minor. "Shssssh... don't tell anyone though, we don't want to let the cat about of the bag as to the REAL CAUSES OF poverty and slums across the world, it's a well kept secret." "Long Live Pater Familias!!!" Looks like the Oligarchs have taken a cue from Samuel Jackson in Pulp Fiction and now are about "to go medieval on our asses."
Indigenous cultures have survived and even relatively thrived at times because of polyculture. The Amerindians among others were masters at it. So were our sharecropping grandparents. When you think about it for a minute or two folks, urbanization, monoculture, and corporate farming has created the conditions that give rise to another (arguably??) sinister theme: that the world is overpopulated. I 'm no way suggesting resources are without limit, but I AM suggesting that "overpopulation" is a sinister and cynical meme for the Oligarchs and Elites to "cull the population" and consolidate even more land and wealth. (I won't even attempt to discuss the health effects of chemical contamination of the soil and food chain and ecosystem with the usage of chemical fertilizers)


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