Friday, September 07, 2012

The Aftermath of the DNC Convention and more Issues

The speech made by President Barack Obama ended the DNC Convention. His family walked up to congratulate the President. He displayed an articulate representation of his political positions. He made the point that the country still has a long way to go in order for economic growth to boon in a realistic fashion. The President said that he is the President beyond simply a candidate. The President felt that he represents a forward thinking philosophy, while Mitt Romney's agenda of deregulation plus more tax cuts for the super wealthy outline backward ideologies. The crowd adored him and cheered when spoke his words. He wanted to rally the public to accept his goals. The President discussed about the deficit, energy, health care, and a litany of other subjects. President Barack Obama spoke about national security. One thing about the Democrats is that they are identical with the Republicans on national security issues. On foreign issues, both parties are very much reactionary and militaristic. In other words, the Democratic establishment aren't doves and even liberals like it like that. I oppose unjust militarism completely. That's just me. The President contrasted his agenda and the Republican agenda (as in his mind trying to roll back some regulations, have more expensive tax cuts, and they refuse to outline a plan to improve the conditions of the USA). He made a religious reference by his following quotation: "..I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go.” This reference obvious related to President Abraham Lincoln seeking religious guidance during the hugely bloody Civil War. What do I think of his speech? I think his speech was eloquent and precisely outlined his personal convictions. I still don't agree with him on some issues, but I respect the President as a strong black man. Likewise, he seems to not talk about issues pertaining to human civil liberties, police brutality, and other issues plaguing the American landscape. His words were very powerful including the words from Joe Biden and others. I think that President Barack Obama is the best orator of the 21st century as a President. Yet, one weakness of him is that he refuses to accept some radicalism. It was radicalism that make successful movements and revolutions possible. For example, he would gain a huge amount of support if he advocated an end to drone attacks on sovereign nations (like Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, and other lands), and an end to the Patriot Act. If he said that his goal of world peace was a paramount position, then he would gain huge votes. He would gain support if he publicly call for the labeling of GMO foods. Also, courage is about of condemning the imperialist aims inside of Africa and promoting Africa for the Africans alone. Africom should stay out of African soil. That's courage and a true magnificent moment of solidarity. More people would vote for him in droves if he called for a Medicare for all health care plan. Even a massive WPA like program can put millions of human beings to work as well. For the record, there is nothing completely safe about nuclear power plants being in the mostly black and poor communities of Georgia and South Carolina (which caused cancer in those areas because of the leaks from those plants). Also, a real man or a real woman must be consistently and strongly opposed to the War on Drugs where millions of people have been imprisoned in the prison industrial complex. Michelle Alexander have written on this issue extensively. She exposed this wicked war on Drugs as like a new Jim Crow ethos. Now, much of President Barack Obama's speech included legitimate aims and it has accurate information. Yet, as one saying goes, it's not what they say, it's what they don't say. The brutal bombs killing human beings overseas distract from battling poverty in America. So, the President was confident and strong in his speech. I do admire the things that he got correct and disagree with the things that he got incorrect.

The Pentagon is creating a robot that can possibly chase down human prey. The Department of Defense has a robot that can fun faster than the fastest human on Earth. This quadruped robot is called CHEETAH. It was created by the developers Boston Dynamics, Inc. They recently set a new record as the fastest moving robot on Earth. It ran at a speed of 28.3 miles per hour. It smashed its own previous land speed record of 18 miles per hour months ago. The robot was tethered to a treadmill and it worked from an off board power supply. The CHEETAH now moves faster than record setting sprinter Usain Bolt, who reached a peak speed of 27.78 mph over a 20-meter stretch during a 100-meter sprint in 2009. The feat is still recognized as the world speed record for a human. DARPA (or the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) was the agency responsible for the development of new technologies for use by the military. Dr. Alfred Rizzi is the technical lead for the Cheetah project. He said in an interview with "Wired" the following words: "...Our real goal is to create a robot that moves freely outdoors while it runs fast. We are building an outdoor version that we call WildCat, that should be ready for testing early next year.” An artists created an image of the projected WildCat robot. It looks like a robotic headless animal. Boston Dynamics last month has been contracted by DARPA to create and build humanoid robots that can intelligently without supervision. It was established in a deal which is worth $10.9 million. The DoD announced that: "...The robotic platforms will be humanoid, consisting of two legs, a torso, two arms with hands, a sensor head and on board computing. DARPA’s website says that the robots will help “conduct humanitarian, disaster relief and related operations.” “The plan identifies requirements to extend aid to victims of natural or man-made disasters and conduct evacuation operations.” reads the brief, first released in April as part of DARPA’s ‘Robotics Challenge." The robots will operate with supervised autonomy according to DARPA. The builders want the device to act intelligently by themselves, make their own decisions if and when direct supervision is not possible. The Pentagon pictures these robots as performing basic and diverse tools.  “The primary technical goal of the DRC is to develop ground robots capable of executing complex tasks in dangerous, degraded, human-engineered environments. Competitors in the DRC are expected to focus on robots that can use standard tools and equipment commonly available in human environments, ranging from hand tools to vehicles, with an emphasis on adaptability to tools with diverse specifications.” reads the original brief. The robots are set to be completed by Aug. 9, 2014, according to the contract. Boston Dynamics works with DARPA regularly. They have the BigDog devices. It's a hydraulic quadruped robot that can carry 340 lb load of objects. It can be weaponized and recovers its balance even after sliding on ice and snow. The company created RiSE (or a robot that can climb vertical terrain like walls, trees, and fences). It has feet with mirco claws to climb on textured surfaces. Boston Dynamics is even developing a robot called PETMAN. PETMAN stimulates human physiology and balances itself as it walks, squats, and does calisthenics. The Pentagon claims that these robots are for humanitarian purposes, but others see a different role for these robots (like military actions or more aggressive deeds). The Pentagon even made a request to contracts to form a team of robots that can search for, detect, and track non-cooperative humans in "pursuit/evasion scenarios." The Multi-Robot Pursuit System was requested in 2008. The proposal wanted a multi robot team with a human operative to search and detect a non cooperative human subject. Some want these devices to detect human beings. CHEETAH will have a flexible spine to help it zigzag, chase, and evade. Noel Sharkey, professor of artificial intelligence and robotics at the University of Sheffield, said the robot was “an incredible technical achievement, but it’s unfortunate that it’s going to be used to kill people”. “It’s going to be used for chasing people across the desert, I would imagine. I can’t think of many civilian applications – maybe for hunting, or farming, for rounding up sheep.” Sharkey added. “But of course if it’s used for combat, it would be killing civilians as well as it’s not going to be able to discriminate between civilians and soldiers.” Sharkey has previously warned that the world may be sleepwalking into a potentially lethal technocracy and has called for safeguards on such technology to be put into place. Professor Sharkey in 2008 that such robots have the potential to kill indiscriminately human beings. South Korean authorities are planning to have full armed autonomous robot police forces in their cities. Paul Marks at the New Scientists say that such proposal can be adapted for crowd control and other domestic reasons. "Non-cooperative human subject" is ambiguous and can be equated to a wide spectrum of human beings. Robots in the future can hunt people like a pack of dogs. Phase III of the Pentagon proposal is to have robots to be intelligent and autonomously search. Technologies now exist that robots can use sensors to detect human breath and the radio waves associated with a human heart beat.

The Brits have exposed Tony Blair as a war criminal for years. Tony Blair had a huge role in the development of the invasion of Iraq. Even Archbishop Desmond Tutu slammed Blair for promoting the Iraq War. Blair made fabrications a reality in order for the West to justify its invasion of Iraq. He lied and commented that Iraq had extensive weapons of mass destruction, which could threaten the region plus the world. He refused to allow more UN inspectors more time in order to see if Saddam Hussein was a real threat to world peace. Bush and Blair were partners in the crimes of the war on terror in general. Western aggression is one cause for the instability in much of the world today. Now, Western aggression threaten to harm the sovereign nations of Syria and Iran. The Iraq War broke international law. The Nuremberg Principles bans planning, preparation, initiating, and waging a war of aggression. The Iraq War wasn't a war that dealt with self defense. This is even a violation of Articles 33 and 51 of the UN Charter. Blair ignored the letter from Lord Goldsmith back in July of 2002 that such a war could be illegal and a breach of international law (since Iraq is no direct threat to the UK). Blair banned Goldsmith from attending cabinet meetings and gagged him from speaking out publicly about the issue. The Cabinet Office told Blair that the war had no justification at all legally. Tony Blair ignored those warning and persisted to carry forward the invasion of Iraq. Even the UN Security Resolution 1441 didn't authorize the Iraq War. It just gave the UNMOVIC and the IAEA more power to monitor Iraq territory in figuring out if Iraq had WMDs. The UN Monitoring and Verification Commission (UNMOVIC) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) are monitoring organizations. American ambassador John Negroponte assured the Security Council the resolution meant a “further breach” by Iraq would require “the matter…return to the Council for discussions as required in paragraph 12.” UK Permanent Representative Sir Jeremy Greenstock KCMG similarly confirmed that “there is no ‘automaticity’ in this resolution. If there is a further Iraqi breach of its disarmament obligations, the matter will return to the Council for discussion as required in Operational Paragraph 12.” People cite Tony Blair using deception in hyping the threat of Iraq and trying to justify the Iraq War. In late September 2002, citing a British government dossier, Blair claimed that Iraq had “existing and active military plans for the use of chemical and biological weapons, which could be activated within 45 minutes.”When this was later revealed to be untrue, Blair claimed that he had never understood that intelligence agencies did not believe Saddam had long-range weapons of mass destruction. However, former Foreign Secretary Robin Cook confirmed that on March 5th 2003 – two weeks before the attack on Iraq – Blair told him that Saddam’s “battlefield weapons had been disassembled and stored separately." People realize that the illegal war in Iraq cuased huge suffeing and death. According to the Iraq Body Count Project said that at least 108,000 Iraqi civilians died as a result of the war. Almost 5,000 military personnel have been killed. Some have been tried for war crimes that related to other conflicts, which caused less dead than the Iraq War. Tony Blair and others no doubt are complicit in the war crimes of the illegal invasion of Iraq.

Both national conventions stir up emotions and omit the reality of our still bad economic situation. The half hearted stimulus did help us to a limited extent, but we still have serious problems in this country. One is issue is how some corporations have offshored millions of American middle class jobs overseas. These jobs include manufacturing jobs and professional service jobs. Now, we have low paid domestic, non-tradable service jobs growing rapidly like waitresses, bartenders, and hospital workers. There is nothing wrong with those jobs, but job growth should be more diverse. Each party can talk about tax levels, job programs, and other issues, but to have job growth, you must deal with offshoring. Offshoring increases with the free trade policy. Offshoring will increase the GDP of other nations while lowering the GDP of America. Therefore, it is the same corporate power structure that finances both parties, boosts offshoring, and causes consumer incomes to depleted. The Republicrats dominate our political system. The Democrats and the Republicans want propaganda as a means to control the masses. The neo-con Republicans want programmed electronic voting machines to stir the election in their favor. They use the disinformation tactic in falsely portraying the President as a non-citizen, as a Muslim, and as a Marxist. The reality is that the President is responsible for the deaths of Muslims in at least seven nations, he loves AIPAC, and he supports the agenda of Wall Street. Fundamentally, his policies on human rights are in favor of the military/security complex. Many Republicans will vote against Barack Obama because of disinformation. The Republicans hypocritical claim to support the legitimate Second Amendment, but they praise Bush 43, when he used other policies that violated other constitutional principles. You can't say you're a liberty loving Republican when the Republicans destroyed habeas corpus, due process, international law, the separation of powers, and other legal principles. The Democrats aren't perfect since as General Wesley Clark said, the Democrats have continued their war mongering agenda. The good news is that 120 countries in the non-aligned movement condemned the war with Iran goal made by Western powers. Also, the Democrats faithfully continued some of the anti-civil liberty policies of the previous administration. It is wrong for the West to kill people in 7 Muslim countries. It is wrong for the West to militarily encircle Russia with missile bases plus having the provocative encirclement of China with air, naval, and troops bases. This is not a moral force. It's a potentially destructive force. A real leader will condemn the war on terror completely. Of course, President Barack Obama is wrong to use the executive branch as a means to assassinate an American citizen without the due process of law. Both conventions refuse to offer an independent investigation on the events of 9/11. Even first responders, architects, structural engineers, physicists, chemists, and national security experts question the official story of 9/11. Regardless of these risks, there are 1,700 architects and engineers who have sent a petition to Congress that they do not believe one word of the official explanation and who demand a real investigation. I am not in the one percent, so I don't believe that we should radically cut Social Security, Medicare, food stamps, housing subsidies, Pell grants, etc. Even though Obamacare is better than a Republican voucher program, we still need human life to be respected. We can respect it by ending these unjust wars and having a equitable, fair dealing foreign policy (including a guaranteed annual income for all Americans).

The strength, power, beauty, and influence of Black Africa existed for thousands. For over 20 years, I learned extensively about black African civilizations. Even before Kemet came about, ancient Nubia was still a strong civilization. Kemet and Nubia traded, worked, battled with each other, and had cultural exchanges with each other historically. Ancient Nubia found in southern Egypt and northern Sudan. In ancient Nubia, women were treated as equals and some women ruled the kingdoms of Nubia. Nubia was known as "Ta-Seti" or the land of the bow. The name exists, because the Nubians were expert archers. The people of Nubia and Meroe had an advanced and efficient agricultural system that made large surpluses. This surplus funding Nubian baths, palaces, audience chambers, stores, domestic quarters for the palace staff, and other buildings which signified Nubia's great wealth. During the age of Meroe, there was a flourishing iron industry. The Napatan-Meroitic Kingdom used seasoning shifting agriculture in the region. Under King Ergamenes Meroe became, according to the well-known Harvard classicist Frank Snowden, a Nubian Alexandria. Perhaps the foremost expert on Nubia, Professor William Adams, concurred: "...Ptolemaic Egypt and Meroitic Kush were provincial expressions of a world civilization." The ancient Western African kingdoms over one thousand years ago had a high degree of civilization. These kingdoms possessed powerful armies, complex governments, well enforced laws, and justice enforced. Iban Battuta talked about these Kingdoms as being opposed to injustice and neither traveler nor inhabitant in it has anything to fear from robbers or men of violence. The Kingdoms of Kongo, the Great Zimbabwe, and Monomotapa were highly advanced agriculturally, governmentally, and economically. Not too many people know about the Momomotapa civilization. It is also called the Kingdom of Mutapa. It's found in the section region of the great continent of Africa. Mutapa was formed in ca. 1430 and it lasted until 1760. The leader Mutota and Matope were prominent figures in the history of Mutapa. They were a premier Shona state in the region. They used copper from Chidzurgwe and ivory from the middle Zambezi. The civilizations of Ghana, Mali, Songhai, and others in the Motherland are more respected than ever before by folks from all over the Earth. Now, in our time, we still have great black inventors and other civilization creators as well. Therefore, black culture is greatly enjoyable to know. Everyone should be treated equally and the rich should not monopolize the rich against the poor. Now, Black Africa gives all us substantial spiritual awakening, cultural power, and a real sense of inner strength that can beat down the lie of white supremacy. We have every justification to stand tall and affirm our black being irrespective of our physical appearance. I will not tear down a brother or sister for their looks or their wealth. I will not play into the hands of the enemy. I will treat all people the same, especially my own black people. See, it's fine to be aggressive if that's your real personality. It is fine to be nice if that's your real social quality. It's just that regardless of your honest personality, we should unite and organize real solutions in helping our people altruistically. That's the point and our sacred duty together. We are all in this together and yes sometimes frustration occurs as a normal human emotion. Yet, frustration and disappointment can be transformed into real constructive action in making our society work. In other words, we should still help our fellow people in spite of the situations transpiring in the globe. This doesn't mean that we become naive, because we have every God-given right to advocate self-defense, self-determination, and black self-love (for a black person is total disgrace if he or she doesn't love or respect their own black people). Black love is a powerful positive force, which is truly sacrosanct. The brothers and sisters wanting Pan-African policies and unity deserve our support completely.

By Timothy

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