Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Demolition of Egypt’s Anti-Neoliberal Constitution Rolls On


1 comment:

Andrea Muhrrteyn said...

A Ph.D in governing by crisis and he appears ecologically and shibumi illiterate. To be fair, he is not the only ecologically shibumi illiterate governing by crisis.

Any constitution that ignores the foundation decalogue of ecological literacy and shimbumi free will (aka fully informed consent); not only in writing, published far and wide; but educated into the hearts, minds, and guts of every living being; then it is simply verbal diarrhea on a piece of paper; and really means nothing; except to deceive the populace they live in a duhmockery; for the socio-political benefits of the Masonic human factory farming cannibal slavery plantation elite.

Draft Constitution:

"Thou shalt not legislate, enforce or obey laws which enable citizens procreation and consumption to exceed carrying capacity limits"

"Subject to an ecological literacy licence: A citizen may not be convicted of any violation of any cultural norm statute prohibiting any particular alleged deviant behaviour; if the citizen deviant behaviour occurred amongst fully informed consenting individuals."

For a general simple version of socio-cultural harmony statutes, subject to interpretation within the context of aforementioned constitutional commandments, an ethnically homogenous christian community could could use the easy to understand Ten Commandments; or Muslims could use their Sharia laws; and so on. However these cultural directives should be subject to the Ecological Literate Shibumi free will commandments; to deny tyrannical fascists the opportunity to engage in breeding and consumption wars; and any individual or culture from inflicting their moral fundamentalist socio-cultural harmony laws on any individual or group of individuals engaging in fully informed consent to violate those socio-cultural harmony laws.

Put differently under such a constitution, coercive force is only justified; as per Tragedy of the Commons agreement against anyone (a) procreating or consuming above carrying capacity limits; and (b) to deliberately avoiding engaging in the conclusion of an honourable fully informed consenting agreement; i.e. someone being subjectively and objectively evasive, passive aggressive, manipulative, and withholding; as opposed to a person who is subjectively brutally honest; if objectively culturally or otherwise offensive.