Thursday, April 03, 2014

Thursday News

According to the Pew survey, I am a Millennial. We have to keep it real here. Some Millennials are not ready to lead. Some Millennials actually do nothing when others call them a racial slur, some love the status quo, some lust after materialism, and many of them refuse to condemn the system of white supremacy. The good news is that many Millennials are the opposite of compromisers. Some Millennials now are fighting for real SOCIAL CHANGE, they want economic justice, and they want solutions to problems. It is just that the Millennials need great direction and inspiration, so they can carve out their own path. Every generation can learn from previous generations, but each generation has the right to embrace its own individuality or special flavor so to speak. I think it is good that most Millennials are politically Independent. I am very optimistic about the future too. A healthy distrust about the powers that be is excellent, because it can stir up change (since distrust of corrupt institutions is a key ideology of the black liberation struggle). I still believe in a strong social safety net, I am in favor of protecting our human civil liberties, and I still reject the nefarious deeds from the military industrial complex too. Fundamentally, recognizing the dignity of all humans is legitimate and an authentic action to follow. No one reasonable here is denying the dignity of all humans or accepting the premise of believing in false stereotypes. Many black people here are defending the humanity of black people, which black people have every right to do. Black people have the right to never be ashamed of their culture, of their heritage, and of their black African phenotype at all. That is the point that I have made cogently. Now, some confuse exposing racism and discrimination with refusal to stand up for the self-worth of all people. Nothing can be further from the truth. I can expose racism against black people and still believe in the self-worth of all people at the same time. Rejecting false stereotypes is purely commonsense in my estimation. Therefore, I will never back down from my core convictions at all. I will still believe in self-determination, human civil liberties, environmental justice, a fight against poverty (in opposing record, unfair economic inequality), and workers' rights. Nothing will change at all. 

 It is very easy to see that the super wealthy get off more frequently than the poor. The judicial system is blatantly fallible. The judge giving probation to a wealthy DuPont heir for unspeakable crimes against a child is disgraceful. The heir deserves life imprisonment at least. The rich, white person (from the DuPont family) is a pervert and a sick human being. “Affluenza” is a misnomer and a word that has been utilized by some as a means to excuse brutal crimes. Michelle Alexander and tons of experts have documented the racial disparities and economic disparities that involve the legal system. There are nonviolent drug offenders doing more prison time than this man, which is truly abhorrent. The rights of the VICTIM have merit and the VICTIM’S pain and suffering ought to take consideration in a sentencing procedure. The judge is not protecting the dignity of children at all. The judge does need to be investigated and impeached for his nefarious decision. In life, we need discernment. Corruption in mainstream religion is rampant. This doesn’t mean that folks should reject ethical principles in life. People have every right to be spiritual and to express a revolutionary spirituality that believes in helping the poor, that adheres to the principle of assisting the environment, and that believes that human rights are for all people internationally. I believe in God as a spiritual human being, but I will not ignore the social world either. I will both be spiritual and political in my thinking including my actions. Now, Wilton Gregory can inaugurate massive alternatives (like he can use those resources to assist the homeless, to institute food drives, and to establish numerous charitable services in his own community). He realizes that he can assist humanity other than building a 2.2 million dollar mansion for himself. Wilton Gregory can also renounce the heresies found in Romanism too. Poverty and economic issues are abundant and true religious leaders and non-religious leaders can enact policies that can address these vital issues. Some have exploited religion as a means to advance a materialistic, faux gospel, which I will permanently oppose. This story is one out of many that folks can witness as a means for us to reject not only materialism, but to express true compassion to human beings.

The truth is clear and transparent. I am a political Independent. I don’t unconditionally support every policy of the White House. I just will not call the President everything under the sun though. I do harbor strong dissent with many Republican policies though. Not every public program is evil or immoral. Social Security and Medicare are strong public programs assisting humanity. No private program is 100 percent perfect either. Yes, healthcare being given to everyone is a cogent and legitimate goal to subscribe to. We should advance ways to sufficient provide healthcare for all. That is why universal, single payer healthcare has been successful in Singapore, France, other nations of Europe, etc. So, many dedicated experts on this issue have devised great concepts and plans (superior to the ACA) that can provide healthcare to people, which takes economics into consideration. The redistribution of wealth and power ended an oppressive version of serfdom in Russia during the 19th century under Alexander II. The redistribution of wealth and power during Reconstruction assisted black people for a time (until racists instituted Jim Crow). It is very ironic that some want to claim that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was an explicit conservative, but Dr. King publicly advocated the redistribution of economic and political power as a means to create JUSTICE. He was anti-CAPITALIST and ANTI-IMPERIALIST too. Dr. King opposed the Vietnam War and he believed in economic justice. I have his quotes. Many socialists and non-socialists want liberty and freedom. It is not about worshiping socialism. It is about adhering to egalitarian principles and fighting for racial plus social justice. From 1945 to 1975, slightly more taxation than today and public intervention grown GDP and other economic indicators in America (including the cutting of the poverty rate in half). Now, the universal educational system in Finland is highly successful, so not all public programs are doomed for failure. You have the right to your views and I have the right to mine. Many seem to forget that many cities and urban areas have been stripped of their resources via deindustrialization, corporate parasitism, the War on Drugs, and other bad economic policies. It has nothing to do with black genetics collectively at all. So, we should promote morality as a black people (individual responsibility is fine, but we should hold the institutions of oppression accountable for their nefarious deeds too) and collectively address the social conditions contributing to the harm done to many communities in the world. The power structure as Dr. King said uses the ghetto as a domestic colony to limit the self-determination and powerbase of black people.

This is my response to bigots and haters. Some of the haters are very disrespectful to question the true beauty of the First Lady Michelle Obama. Now, the truth is that beauty is never monolithic. Beauty exists in multiple forms. Beauty is not just found in physical appearance. It is found in great character, humbleness, strength, honor, dignity, and altruism. In that sense, the First Lady is beautiful inside and out. Also, black people have the right to classify beauty of their own people in their terms. Beauty exists in our people in many shades and physical appearances like in human beings of Carmelita Jeter, Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce, Kim Coles, Alek Wek, Toccara Jones, Alicia Harris, Laila Ali, Maya Moore, Candace Parker, Wahidah Fowler, Gwen Ro, Dawn Harper, Kellie Wells (VA is always in the House. :) ), Damu Cherry-Mitchell, Lupita Nyong’o, etc. Black people have the right to reject the limited, monolithic Western standards of beauty. I find that those numerous human beings called “ugly” by this decadent Western society are some of the most honorable, wholeness, and respectable people in the world (which makes them beauty). So, what really matters is about human beings fighting for justice, rejecting reactionary propaganda, and standing up for the inherit dignity of black humanity. We all know that Michelle Obama has above average intelligence. I never said that melanin is related directly to race, but I did write that racists are jealous of black people’s melanin and their resilient spirit. The racists are jealous of black humanity since if they weren’t, they would never spend so much time coming to places as a means to disrupt discussions and to outline slanderous, immature, and abysmal commentaries about black people. The fundamental point is that the family of the White House should never be slandered or unfairly disrespected. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with some of the policies of the White House, but reactionaries have gone too far in their criticisms. People are calling them out on their extremism via free speech. Humanity has the free speech right to criticize the degradation of black people. Black is Beautiful. All black people have worth. The First Lady Michelle Obama is beautiful. She has great eyes, great check bones, she has a great black African phenotype, she is classy, she has great strength (as black women and black men have the right to express strength), she has a beautiful skin complexion, she is in great shape, she deserves respect (as part of altruism), and she is right to advocate exercise in the world (especially among children). Forever, I will defend black women and my black people in general. As a man, I stand by every syllable that I wrote.

Lady Gaga recently released her new video of her song “G.U.Y.” It has multiple meanings and it has plenty of symbolism that ought to be investigated. The video is unique and it is certain ecletic. Overtly, some may not understand all of the meanings in the video completely. When you eliminate the surface, the truth about the music video becomes apparent. The video deals with the occult elite’s philosophy and mythology. Lady Gaga has a strong fan base and we see the changes in popular culture since her arrival on the mainstream scene. The long video shows some of the Real Housewives of Hollywood playing instruments, there’s Michael Jackson being resuscitated, and there are Legos. The video shows Millie Brown sticking her finger down her throat and vomit a green substance all over Gaga. This action is not socially enlightening. She or Lady Gaga claims to promote enlightenment, but she is glamorizing things that she claims that she is denouncing like bulimia (which is a self-destructive, abhorrent behavior). The first scene of the video shows Lady Gaga as a fallen angel. Men in suits fight in a field grabbing dollar bills and then Lady Gaga is found on the ground with wings on her back. Gaga is pierced by an arrow by one of the suit guys holding a bow. This story is similar to the story of Lucifer of course. Some interpret the suited men as music industry exploiters. John Milton’s “Paradise Lost” depicts the fall of Lucifer in strong detail. To occultists, there is a symbolic link between Lucifer, Venus, and Ishtar. Gaga gets us and walks in front of the Hearst Castle (filled with advanced technology). That castle was created in real life by newspaper tycoon William Randolph Hearst, one of the most powerful and richest men in American history and the inspiration behind the film Citizen Kane. The mansion used to be a popular meeting point for Hollywood stars and the political elite. Like Gaga’s work, the Hearst Castle combined entertainment and the occult elite. According to Fritz Springmeier’s research, William Randolph Heart was into paganism. Hearst, the Rockefellers, Whitneys, and Vanderbilts were either high level elitists or they funded Billy Graham’s religious crusades too. So, Hearst had many links to the elite. Lady Gaga obviously wants to sell mythology to the youth. The song of Venus begins when Lady Gaga comes into the castle. The symbol of the star of Ishtar is found in the castle. There is a death and rebirth ritual in the song. Like her many videos, the story appears to be uplifting, but really it shows the message of factory created brainwashed people mixed with overt occult symbolism that glorify elite repression, mind control, and various mythologies.

By Timothy


Andrea Muhrrteyn said...
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Andrea Muhrrteyn said...

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