Friday, April 19, 2019

The Mueller report.

Today has been one of the most important days of our history. The Attorney General William Barr first shown his press conference not as an unbiased leader, but as a pro-Trump lawyer. He said that he is the one that Mueller sent his report to. Likewise, the Mueller report is meant for the American people ultimately. Before the report's release to the public, Barr shared the report with Trump's lawyers, which is highly unethical and disrespectful. Barr left his press conference when a media person asked him a question. William Barr also admitted that he disagrees with Mueller when Mueller has more experience than him in investigating the issue of the election tampering issue. Barr attempted to spin the results of the findings. No one is above the law. He tried to give a weak explanation of why Trump doesn't need to be charged with obstruction of justice. The truth is that the Trump regime is filled with conflicts of interests, corruption, and acts of hostility towards democracy. The Trump administration is one of the most corrupt administrations in American history. That is why many of their cabinet members are either in prison, indicted, or cooperated with authorities to try to convict others. Barr is wrong to excuse Trump trying to obstruct the Mueller invrstigation, trying to fire Mueller, and wanting officials to lie for him.

The Mueller report has been released yesterday. The name of the title of the report is, "Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election." It has confirmed that Russian agents tried to influence the election. Many incidents show that Trump tried to stop the Mueller investigation multiple times. Mueller could never clear Trump of obstruction of justice because of many corrupt actions. The report is over 400 pages long with redactions pertaining to jury testimony and ongoing investigations. Trump's written answers are highly ambiguous and not transparent. He just said "I don't recall" repeatedly. The Trump team didn't want Trump to have a face to face interview, because of the risk of Trump perjuring himself multiple times. The report didn't find that the Trump campaign or other Americans colluded with the Russians to influence the 2016 election. The report exposed Trump/Russia contacts and efforts to obstruct the investigation.

The report shows evidence that the Trump campaign was receptive to Russian interference. Trump wanted White House counsel Donald McGahn to fire Mueller as special counsel in June of 2017. The report found that Trump believed that the independent special counsel was the beginning of the end of his Presidency. McGahan refused to fire Robert Mueller. The people around the Trump refused to end the investigation. The report doesn't exonerate Trump of obstruction of justice. The whole report was long and extensive. That is why Robert Mueller wants Congress to make a decision if Trump is in violation of high crimes and misdemeanors. Congress has the right to investigate the report and if necessary bring up articles of impeachment if it desires to.

Days ago was the Birthday of Sister L. Scott Caldwell. She is a great actress, and she is now 59 years old. She once played Rose on the show Lost. She was born in Chicago. Both of her parents were working class human beings. She lived in the Woodlawn neighborhood at the South Side as a child. She joined the drama club when she attended Hyde Park High School. She loved acting as being inspired by the greats. She taught at the Chicago High School of the Performing Arts. Loving theater is her forte too as L. Scott Caldwell was involved in numerous plays. In 2011, Caldwell is on the SAG national board of directors ballot for a fourth consecutive year. She won a three-year term on the national and Hollywood boards. She served as national chair of Women, and Healthcare Safetynet committees. Her acting career is extensive. She was in the six part PBS Civil War drama miniseries called, "Mercy Street." She has a child. She also fulfilled her last husband Dasal Banks's wish to finish the documentary of My Brothers and Me. It was a documentary that helped to raise awareness about prostate cancer among black men. Men in general has to get checked in dealing with prostate cancer especially in their late 40's and beyond. She works to assist actors and actresses. Caldwell wants African Americans to be portrayed fairly in diverse roles. In February 2010, she directed a staged reading of Standing On My Sisters' Shoulders for the Los Angeles chapter of Actors Equity Association. I wish Sister L. Scott Caldwell more Blessings.

He is one of the greatest basketball players in history. He is Brother Kareem Abdul Jabbar. For generations, people know that he is one of the top 3 best players in the NBA. He was born in NYC. He excelled in high school, college, and the NBA. He was so good that he gave Wilt Chamberlain a run for his money when he was a rookie in the NBA. Always woke, Kareem has spoken out against income inequality, against racism, against police brutality, and for social justice. He has six NBA Championships, six MVPs in the NBA, Rookie of the Year, and he is a 3 time NCAA Champion. At the time of his retirement at age 42 in 1989, Abdul-Jabbar was the NBA's all-time leader in points scored (38,387), games played (1,560), minutes played (57,446), field goals made (15,837), field goal attempts (28,307), blocked shots (3,189), defensive rebounds (9,394), career wins (1,074), and personal fouls (4,657). He remains the all-time leader in points scored and career wins. He is easily the greatest college basketball player in human history. He used the skyhook in basketball which was unblockable. Known as a martial artist, he was a friend with Bruce Lee. He acted with Bruce Lee in the film Game of Death. He loves to write books including comics. He is a great role model for anyone who desires freedom and social tranquility. I wish Brother Kareem Abdul Jabbar more blessings.

By Timothy