Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Trump's Racist Tweets Exposed.

It is obvious that Trump's tweets are racist and xenophobic. It is unacceptable to witness children in cages, it is unacceptable to see police brutality, and it is unacceptable to accept the status quo. This isn't new as Trump has said racist comments for years. The Congresswomen Ihan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib have brought courage, renewed progressive energy, and strength in Capitol Hill. Trump saying that these women should back go back where they came from outlines his bigotry. America was built by black Americans (who were enslaved centuries ago), immigrants, the indigenous people, and other human beings. Diversity is part of our strength as Americans. All four women are American citizens and American heroes. Racism, xenophobia, and racism have no place in the world. All four women are born in America except for Ihan Omar, who came into America from Somalia. Trump is wrong to assume that these women hate America, when they never said that they hate America. They disagree with many bad policies in America. To dissent is purely American. To abhor criticizing injustice by definition is anti-freedom.

Trump omits that the strength of America is when progressive people confront evils in America and fight to advance justice. Lindsey Graham is wrong to call the Congresswomen haters of America, anti-Semitic, communist, etc. These women don't hate Jewish people. They believe in equality for the residents of the Middle East whether they live in Israel or Palestine. They aren't Communists. They don't hate America. They are representing the interests of people who live in America. They advocate fair housing, educational justice, expansion of health care, and they believe in justice for humanity. Even if they were all socialists, they have the right to be (as part of the freedom of speech). Trump is fueling hate in America as hate crimes have increased in the U.S. since 2017. Trump says that if you don't like America, then you can leave. That is wrong by him. It is no secret that racists have used the phrase of, "go back where you came from" as a means for them to disrespect black people and other people of color for years and decades. Black people were slaves in America, and our ancestors stayed in America to fight slavery and racism.

Therefore, we are very clear in our views. The silence of most Republicans speaks volumes to their cowardly capitulation to the views of a racist President. The four women responded greatly to answer Trump's racist tirade. The Congresswomen eloquently defended the power of democracy, solidarity, and social justice. These four Congresswomen should be treated with dignity and with respect.

Once again, Trump and his allies are doubling down to defend Trump's racist, xenophobic Tweets. We know that Donald Trump is a racist. Trump said that there are good people on both sides involving the Charlotesville tragedy. He said that a Mexican American judge can't judge fairly a case because of his Mexican heritage. He wanted the death penalty of the innocent Central Park Five people. Trump has been accused of using housing discrimination against black residents in NYC. Trump has promoted Birtherism, which lies about Barack Obama's identity and nationality. Trump slandered countries with a majority of people of black African descent in profane terms. Trump said that a person doesn't look like an Native American according to him. Trump has gone out of his way to disrespect four Congresswomen of color by saying that if they dissent with him, then they can leave America. Trump has bad character. We have to call it out.

The four women obviously aren't anti-Semitic, they don't hate America, and they believe that immigrants and people of color (including black people) have made great contributions throughout history. What is also disgraceful is that many Republicans are either downplaying Trump's words or defending Trump. Mitch McConnell believes in the falsehood that Trump is not a racist. We have call Trump's bigotry out and advance policies that help human beings. America is blessed with its diversity.

Therefore, we know that it is false for Trump to say that he doesn't have a racist bone in his body. In life, you have to show your character. Bigotry has no justification at any circumstance. Some Republicans even criticize something as common sense as a $15 an hour minimum wage. We have homeless in America,and a living wage is a perquisite in establishing a fairer world along with ending institutional racism. McCarthy is wrong for saying that Trump's comments weren't racist (and this issue is about socialism vs. freedom). First, freedom lovers can be socialists and non-socialists. For example, Hubert Humphrey wasn't a socialist , and he fought for freedom. Norman Thomas was a socialist, and he fought for freedom too. Second, Trump is a racist and has mentioned bigoted comments for years. Also, whether someone is a socialist or not, that person has the right to express herself or himself without suppression of their political rights.

Racism is not just about unjust hatred. It deals with policies too. That is why a political agenda to confront systematic racism is a necessity.

White House adviser Kellyanne Conway asked a reporter the offensive question: 'What's your ethnicity?' This shows clearly that the Trump administration is filled with reactionaries. Many former Trump team members are convicted of various crimes. The four Congresswomen show us that we should never be ashamed of advocating for universal health care, for universal pre-K, for living wages, for affordable education, for migrants to not be held in cages with deplorable conditions, for the super wealthy to pay their fair share, and for social justice. Believing in these glorious precepts means that we love America too.

By Timothy

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