Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Political Issues in early July of 2019.

Yesterday, Tucker Carlson made another bigoted, racist comment that since Ihan Omar is here in America, then we have to be careful to change our immigration laws. He is implying that he wants mostly homogeneous Europeans (not people from mostly Muslim nations) to immigrate into America. Omar has been slandered since she is a progressive black woman, a Muslim, a person who defends the rights of Palestinian people, a person who opposes police brutality, a woman who believes in reparations, and a human being who loves to inspire society. This is not knew from Carlson. He has a long legacy of making offensive statements. Former BET head Robert Johnson said that the Democratic Party has moved too far left. I disagree with him, because people like Johnson have been so used to the centrists like Bill Clinton that they refuse to promote progressive solutions to an emergency situation in America. When you have millions of people homeless (I have seen the homeless in Los Angeles, Baltimore, Virginia, and in other places in real life), when you have massive poverty, a lot of people who struggle to get adequate health care, school closures transpiring in many places, and economic exploitation, then that is an emergency.

The stock market is not the sole indicator of complete economic vitality. You have to look at the underemployment rate, income inequality, HDI (or human development index), labor participation, wage growth, and other economic determinants. Robert Johnson is a billionaire, so he is good on his finances. Johnson shouldn't be praising Trump, because the phrase "too far to the left" is just coded language in some wanting the status quo not true, revolutionary change. Trump is the person that allowed children to be locked in cages, to be silent on the killings of black people by the police, and makes a living to degrade people inappropriately who disagrees with his extremism. So, the problem is that these extremists are too far right.

Jeffrey Epstein has been charged with many crimes. I won't mention all of the charges because of the graphic nature of them. I will mention that we all agree that his previous deal struck with Labor Secretary Alex Acota to avoid federal charges (plus a long prison term) is disgraceful. That is why Alex Acota should be fired from the Trump administration ASAP. He is not worthy of being in the job that he is holding as he worked to make Epstein to receive a light sentence years ago. Epstein is a sick male, and a predator. He is a disgrace. For years, there were stories about him being friends with Donald Trump and others of the political plus economic elite. Children should be protected, and the judicial system once coddled Epstein because of his wealth and influence. Epstein took a plea deal where he only was in jail one day a week and received massive benefits. That is outrageous. Now, we hope that Jeffrey Epstein is convicted and sent to prison for the rest of his life. Today, Jeffrey Epstein being charged in one step in the goal of justice. The previous deal was hidden from the public and according to Senator Tim Kaine, it was illegal. The victims ought to be given empathy and compassion.

It is certainly is typical of Mitch McConnell to invoke Obama in an inappropriate way. Mitch (who has a terrible civil rights record, and is one of the worst Senators in American history by refusing to pass legislation that he doesn't like even legitimate legislation) said that black Americans are not entitled to reparations since both his and Obama's ancestors owned slaves. Mitch's words are not only offensive, but desperate on his part. People already know that Mitch's ancestors and Obama's ancestors (on his mother's side) owned slaves long ago. Not to mention that Mitch McConnel has white privilege, was never questioned of his citizenship, and never gone through racist experiences like Obama has experienced. Reparations are about healing, compensation, and restructuring society in causing justice. We pay money to rebuild disaster areas, to fund the poor, and to help those who are suffering worldwide.

Now, we aren't directly responsible for every natural disaster, but we use our taxpayer money to pay for such things, since it's the right thing to do. Also, many black Americans have ancestors who were victims of rape by slave owners. Therefore, the premise of no reparations makes no sense. Mitch is just plain wrong in his arguments. We use our money to pay for reparations for Japanese Americans, for many Jewish people, and for some Native Americans. Yet, ignorant people hate the discussion about reparations in dealing with black Americans. Well, we are here, and they are doing to have to get used to us (who are black people) talking about reparations, since African Americans deserve reparations 100 percent.

By Timothy

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