Friday, July 26, 2019

Friday Developments in late July of 2019.

Never being ashamed of your views is a way of life. Many in the mainstream media (even some of the moderates at MSNBC not just the far right extremists at FOX News) demonize some who advocate economic populism, universal health care, and affordable college. The skeptics say that these plans or proposals are impossible to create. They haven't looked at history. Back decades ago, the same centrists and reactionaries said that Social Security, the GI Bill, and other investments were either financially impossible or socialist. Not only have many of these programs have been successful, but they have saved the lives of millions of people nationwide. Some reactionaries said that the Civil Rights Act shouldn't be passed, but it is the law of the land, and it's a great law. Reagan (during the 1960's) once said that Medicare was socialist and impossible to do. He was wrong, since LBJ signed into law Medicare, and it helped to save lives. The late President John F. Kennedy also publicly endorsed public insurance for senior Americans.

Truth be told, many of these programs have socialist elements in them. Yet, so what. The people who hate socialism the most (many of them don't know the definition of socialism) ignore that government paid roads, the Post Office, Medicaid, the FDA, and other public programs have socialist elements in them too. Many of these corporate media entities are in league with anti-union corporate interests. The problem with the moderates is that not only are their views archaic and illogical, but being a moderate is about embracing hypocrisy by definition (in my opinion). In the face of attacks on immigrants, harm done to many black people, attacks on civil liberties, and other evils, I can't be a moderate.. It is what is. Many centrist neoliberal establishment types are more concerned about criticizing left progressives than the nefarious policies from Donald Trump.

Change doesn't come by being lukewarm, but by being hot or cold. I rather be hot or cold in my views than lukewarm. Moderation doesn't eliminate systematic racism and economic inequality comprehensively. The free market alone can't magically stop climate change or prevent pollution. You need revolutionary policies to do that. Systems that oppress human beings ought to be eradicated. There should be environmental regulations, policies to end police brutality, actions via investments to help the poor, and ways to rebuild infrastructure. That requires sacrifice and money from all levels of government. Also, sometimes the greatest obstacles to real changes comes by the moderate who cares more for the status quo than freedom and human justice.

The Mueller hearing is over. It was divided into a hearing for the House Judiciary Committee and another one at the House Intelligence Community. Robert Mueller had a better performance at the second hearing than the first one. It was him showing a repeat summary of his report. The Democrats tried to portray the President Trump as doing nefarious actions where he tried to obstruct witnesses, and Trump wanted to disrespect the reputation of Mueller. The Republicans questioned the report, the motives of the report, and the origins of the investigation of Russian involvement itself. The problem with the Republicans is that they said that the probe was politically motivated, but then they praise the report in saying that there was no collusion among Trump and Russian intelligence. They can't have it both ways. Either the report is legitimate or not must be the options. Adam Schiff gave a powerful performance about the necessity to defend our democracy, and that Russian interference in the 2016 election is abhorrent. Putin is not a freedom lover. He is a capitalist, authoritarian oligarch. He allows the persecution of members of the press who disagrees with him. He allows far right movements in Russia to flourish. Many in Trump's cabinet have been charged and convicted of various crimes. Mueller said that the probe was never a witch-hunt.

Putin publicly condemns liberalism and multiculturalism by his own words. He has praised Donald Trump, and he allows the violation of the rights of his own citizens. Putin is not a progressive messiah. It is fine to condemn American imperialism (as we should. We reject imperialism from the West), but it is hypocritical for some to omit Putin's bad actions in Russia (while claiming to be a freedom lover). Mueller, at times, had trouble recalling certain events, but he gave a more powerful summary of his report by the later half of the 2 hearings. Mueller said that Trump is not exonerated in terms of obstruction of justice, and that he can be charged with criminal charges when he leaves the office of the Presidency. That is why some predict that once Trump leaves office, he can face prison time. The House Intelligence community was more through, focused on the issues more, and harbored more respect for Mueller. The aftermath of the hearing will inspire some in Congress to call for more witnesses to testify. Mueller said that Russian intelligence is continuously using efforts to try to harm elections, and that fact should motivate all freedom lovers to continue forward in the cause of justice. Impeachment is on the minds of many Americans.

By Timothy

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