Friday, December 06, 2019

Friday Updates.

The House Judiciary held their first impeachment hearing on December 4, 2019. The witnesses included expert constitutional scholars who believe that Trump's actions merit impeachment. Many in the intelligence community has debunked the Ukraine election meddling theory. Centuries ago, many scholars wrote about impeachment like James Madison. It is clear what Trump has done. He has solicited a foreign leader in trying to make that leader to use taxpayer money to try to influence the 2020 election. That act is completely unjustifiable and in my view impeachable. No President should act as a king and enact unlimited power.  There are limitations on the powers of the executive branch of government. Multiple witnesses have collaborated with each other on the crimes from Trump. Trump refuses to testify to Congress. The GOP complains about due process when the process shown today is completely legal. Noah Feldman said that Trump abused his office. Pamela Karlan has expressed similar sentiments. Therefore, the time is now. We have clear evidence of obstruction, suppression of subpoenas, and bigotry shown by Trump. Trump ought to experience impeachment.

Today is a very historic day. The Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has instructed House Chairs to draft articles of impeachment against Trump. Pelosi said that this is about Russian interference against the 2016 election. There could be many articles of impeachment drafted. We don't know about the timing of the impeachment vote. Pelosi said that Trump has being a failure to follow the dictates of the law. One person Rep. Van Drew said that he will vote against impeachment , and he is a Democrat. He is wrong, because he wants to bring people together, but Trump has contributed heavily to divide the America further. The constitutional policy of impeachment does merit itself in this case. Trump tried to cheat by using a foreign power involving the 2020 election. There are more investigations, and they should exist. Trump has stonewalled the investigation, and that's wrong. One of the most cruel policy of the Trump administration is his proposed policy to cut food stamps so much that almost 700,000 people could lose their food stamps. This act is an attack on people's well beings, and it advances social Darwinism plus poor shaming. Austerity never works. Only investments to help people will work. The Trump policy would make it harder for states to waive work requirements for the SNAP program (or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program). Some adults could get SNAP for only three months in a three year time period. This will expand food insecurity, starvation, and harm done to both adults and children.

George Zimmerman is a sick and reprehensible person. His lawsuit of 100 million dollars is futile (against the Martin family, various attorneys, etc.). I feel like he won't succeed in his lawsuit. His actions further disrespects the family of Trayvon Martin (who has experienced unspeakable pain). Even after told by the 911 dispactcher to leave Trayvon alone, Zimmerman falsely assumed that Martin was a criminal (and then he murdered Martin). Zimmerman is a notorious coward who seeks to exploit a tragedy for selfish purposes. Zimmerman is known for celebrating the Confederate flag (which celebrates slavery and racism not any true heritage), for being accused of assaulting women, and for saying the n word about black people (caught on tape. I have listened to the tape of him saying that). Zimmerman allies with Klayman, who is known for disrespecting black activism. I heard of Klayman before. The answer to Zimmerman's offensive actions is solidarity with our Brothers and Sisters, promote truth, fight injustice, and build in our communities.

This week is the 50th year anniversary of the assassination of our Brother Fred Hampton. Fred Hampton was a revolutionary, who was not only a leader. He knew of complex politics, socialism, and revolutionary thought before he was 30 years old. He was born in Summit, Illinois, and he was involved in the Civil Rights Movement as a young member of the NAACP. He fought oppression throughout his life. Later, he was the leader of the Illinois Chapter of the Black Panther Party. His gift was that he was very intellectual (he knew of the scholars of politics and economics. He read literature vociferously), but he appealed to the everyday Brothers and Sisters in the Streets of America. In other words, he was street smart and book smart. The Black Panther Party gave him a platform to advocate for socialism without apology. He was blunt to condemn police brutality, economic exploitation, racism, and capitalist exploitation. Fred Hampton shown a critical analysis about race, class, and how imperialism must be dealt with in order for liberation to come. He always opposed imperialism in his life.

He said that racism is a byproduct of capitalism. Very few people in politics will ever say these words in public today. He united gangs and other political groups in a peaceful nonaggression pact. This pact called on them to stop fighting and work for authentic social change. This alliance was called by him as a Rainbow coalition of a multiracial, class conscious movement. His lover was Sister Akua Njeri and his son was Fred Hampton Jr. We know what happened to him. The FBI infiltrated Hampton's group (with people like William O'Neal. The FBI was caught trying to create tensions among the Panthers and other groups on purpose). The Chicago police murdered Fred Hampton and Mark Clark in cold blood in Chicago. Over 90 shots were fired in the location. The murders of these 2 men were so unjust, that the city of Chicago even back then had no other choice but to send restitution money to the victims' families. Fred Hampton always advocated for the freedom of black people. The legacy of Fred Hampton is that the fervor against injustice must be grown, and power is always meant for the people. Fred Hampton was a warrior.

Rest in Power Brother Fred Hampton.

By Timothy

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