Wednesday, February 05, 2020

The 2020 State of the Union Address.

The State of the Union address from Trump has been over. We live in an unique time of extreme partisanship and a confusion set of events. We still haven't' seen the victor of the Iowa Caucus. The situation in Iowa was so bad that the Iowa Democratic leader has publicly apologize for the fiasco. During the whole Trump speech during the State of the Union address, House leader Nancy Pelosi tore up the speech. She said that she did it because she believed that it was the courteous thing to do. Trump's speech was typical red meat for his far right base, and many Democrats walked off from the area, because of the cruelty of his speech. Trump wants to cut food stamps, cut Medicare, and Trump is notoriously lying. Trump said that he wants to protect pre-existing conditions, but he is in court in trying to end the ACA. Trump is overt in his racism and xenophobia. For example, Donald Trump have called black women low IQ and a dog.  No black woman should be called out of her name. No black man should be called out of his name. His policies benefit big corporations, he believes in cutting legitimate environmental regulations, and he makes a mockery of democratic freedoms.

One of Trump's lies in his State of the Union address is that poverty is plummeting. The reality is that almost half of Americans don't have 400 dollars in dealing with an emergency situation. 140 million Americans live in poverty. 62 million Americans live making less than a living wage. Trump lied and said that undocumented human beings are destroying health care. The reality is that undocumented human beings pay million of dollars in taxes and Social Security. Trump refuses to shake Nancy Pelosi's hand.  Trump issued a right wring tirade not only against socialism. It was a tirade against progressive values in general. In his usual fashion, Trump disrespected immigrants, attacked his political opponents, and claimed that the American economy is at its strongest in history. Regardless of Trump's words of claiming that the economy is strong, we have records levels of social inequality, global conflicts, and opposition to his administration. Trump lied and said that socialism destroys nations when what destroys nations revolve around corruption, racism, sexism, capitalist exploitation, xenophobia, and bad policies from the 1 percent.

Trump awarding Rush Limbaugh the Medal of Freedom is wrong and disgraceful. For decades, he or Rush has spewed overtly racist and other bigoted comments. Now, I don't wish him ill will from cancer. We wish him to recover from cancer. Yet, I have every right to disagree with Rush ideologically. Limbaugh has divided Americans for a long time. Trump gloated over his assassination of Iranian leader General Qassim Suleimani, which was a war crime that brought America almost to war with Iran. Trump abhors universal health care when millions of Americans now either can't afford health care or have expensive health care costs to pay for. Change must happen involving health care. The celebration of the 100 year old Tuskegee Airman Brigadier General Charles McGee was important and vital. McGee was involved in the liberation of millions of people from tyranny and oppression during World War II. The overall point is that you need to address poverty, infrastructure, education, health care, climate change, and other important matters. Trump's words advance imperialism, plutocracy, and the reactionary status quo.

Yesterday was the Birthday of the late,great legend of Rosa Parks. A lot of people don't know that Rosa Parks supported the Black Panthers and viewed Malcolm X as a hero. She was active in the struggle long before the 1950's. Her life existed in the realm of courage plus a love of justice. She was born in Tuskegee, Alabama. Rosa Parks always believed in self defense. She lived on a farm as a child and was raised in the AME church as a large number of African Americans are Baptists and AME members. She was married to Raymond Parks in 1932. She joined the Montgomery Chapter of the NAACP back in December of 1943. She refused to get up from a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. Later, she worked with others in the historic 1950's Montgomery Bus Boycott.

She was mentored by one of the grandmothers of the civil rights movement, Septima Clark. Rosa Parks defended the rights of homeowners, prisoners unjustly imprisoned, and the oppressed. She lived in Detroit where she worked with John Conyers on political issues. Rosa Parks supported the Selma voting rights movement, the Freedom Now Party, and she was a friend to Malcolm X. Later on, she fought apartheid in South Africa. She fought police brutality and was involved in the Black Power Movement. Rosa Parks was an icon who saw wrong and desired to end it. She had a glorious light, and now she is in the presence of our ancestors and the Most High receiving her just crowns of glory.

Rest in Power Sister Rosa Parks.

By Timothy

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