Also, we always remember the fight for economic justice too. The same type of people who worship Trump, love laissez faire capitalism, and reject truth love economic injustice. It is not right to witness no federal minimum wage increase. The minimum wage federally now is $7.25 which no adult in this society can live on in America. It is not right to see massive homelessness in urban and rural plus suburban communities too. In many communities worldwide, numerous homeless people face abuse, rape, mental health issues, and other complications. It is not right to witness massive structural injustices which is why a large coalition of many people (among many colors) have united to promote a real change in our world. We believe in voting rights, reparations to black Americans, humanitarianism sent to asylum seekers, refugees, and immigrants, and true justice for all. We not only want racism gone. We desire any form of oppression gone too. Movements go about by people using activism and courage to get things done.
There are tons of news today. Now, people reject a no fly zone. It should be rejected for 2 reasons. One is that a no fly zone is ineffective against a ground invasion heavily. Also, a no fly zone will provoke Americans to attack Russian forces thereby causing potentially WWIII. America and Russia have nuclear weapons. If nuclear weapons are used, then millions if not billions of people could pass away. That is why President Biden wants military aid to Ukraine, and Biden has explicitly said that no U.S. ground forces will be used in Ukraine at all. Putin's miscalculation is allowing Russia to suffer economically. Now, Biden's approval rating has increased since his State of the Union address. Biden said that he will ban Russian oil imports. That means that Russian oil will not come into America. General Milley visited 22 nation NATO airlift delivering 17 air transports of advanced weaponry each day to the Ukraine border. This Ukraine crisis will definitely define a large part of the Biden Presidency indeed. The UK will ban Russian imports at the end of 2022. So far, no major Ukrainian cities are taken over by Russia. There should be an end to this war, peace talks, and an end to the Russian invasion. Right now, Ukraine is defending itself against unjustified aggression. Ukraine should exist as an independent sovereign nation, not a puppet state of Russia or the West.
Putin's media banning the words of "war" and "invasion" to sugarcoat Russian imperialism shows Putin's tyranny and hypocrisy. This hypocrisy is also found in so-called left-wing defenders of Putin who are silent on Russian war crimes in Ukraine while claiming to be against imperialism. Between 2,000 and 4,000 Russian forces have died in the conflict. NATO imperialism in many places of the world is wrong, and Putin's imperialism is wrong too. Two wrongs don't make a right. These hypocrites scream about being opposed to imperialism, but they aren't. They are against people that they don't like. They are silent on religious suppression in China, authoritarianism in Saudi Arabia, and racist attacks on black people in Libya, Mauritania, Brazil, etc. They are silent on far-right racist movements in Russia, and they are silent on the massive religious persecution of Christians in China, Nigeria, and other places of the world (as they want to promote the narrative that sugarcoating the terrorism by Putin in a necessity). It is also important to condemn far right extremists who care more for Trump worship than justice. In America, many of us believe in human equality. That means that Americans are made up of tons of people of different colors, creeds, and backgrounds. True justice means justice for everybody not for a few people. The events in Florida and Texas plus other places in America with bigoted laws, hatred, and divisiveness is antithetical to the true creed of tolerance. Tolerance means that we allow people to live freely as they are born to be. All people are born equal. The bigots like the Governor of Florida will never prevail in the end.
There is a new variant of the pandemic virus called BA.2. Researchers and studies say that it's deadlier and more infectious than the previous BA.1. Other studies show that BA.2 is more transmissible than BA.1 by a factor of 50 percent (in Denmark, where BA.2 is now dominant). In a Tokyo study, it is found to have a 40 percent increase in infectivity. According to the technical lead of COVID-19 for the World Health Organization Maria Van Kerkhove, "BA.2 has a growth advantage even over BA.1." If transmission is not dropped involving that variant, then more hospitalizations and deaths will occur including more people with Long COVID (along with new variants to emerge). A study from Michigan State University mentioned that the BA.2 variant will be another prevailing variant by infecting people with or without antibody protection.
Days ago was the Birthday of Sister Amanda Gorman, and she is 24 years old. People know her as the famous poet and activist show gave her poem called "The Hill We Climb" at the inauguration of U.S. President Joe Biden on January 20, 2021. Her work deals with issues of oppression, feminism, race, marginalization, and the African Diaspora. She is the first person to be named National Youth Poet Laureate. Her poetry book called The One for Whom Food is Not Enough, which came out in 2015. Los Angeles is the city of her birth. Her mother raised her, who is her 6th grade English teacher in Watts. Gorman is hypersensitive to sound called an auditory processing disorder. Gorman attended a K-12 private school in Santa Monica called New Roads. She graduated cum laude in 2020 from Harvard College. She spent a semester studying in Madrid, Spain, supported by IES Abroad. Gorman has written literature eloquently for years. She has been inspired by authors like Toni Morrison, Audre Lorde, and Phillis Wheatley. I wish Sister Amanda Gorman more Blessings.
By Timothy