The Book of Revelation
The Book of Revelation is one of the most important books of the Bible. Its grandiose mysteries still intrigue religious and non-religious people to this very day. It is the last book of the New Testament created by the Apostle John. John, by this time in the 90's or 100 A.D., was at the island of Patmos. He experienced persecution as Christians were victims of oppression by the Roman Empire during the first 3 centuries after the birth of Jesus Christ on Earth. The Roman Empire was at its peak in the Middle East, Europe, and Northern Africa back then with armies, cities, a road network, and other infrastructure like aqueducts. Yet, the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ spread rapidly in the world. By the end of the 1st century, the gospel was spreading from India to Great Britain. The Roman Empire wanted to end the religious movement with murder, harassment, slander, and allowing lions to eat believers. Yet, their plans failed. The Book of Revelation also have many similarities to the Book of Daniel in terms of the symbolism of animals and the trumpets. The Book of Revelation, in a sense, helps to open alive the Book of Daniel. The Book of Revelation starts from the time of Christ's birth, death, and resurrection to the very end of time. From the messages sent to the 7 churches in Asia Minor (Turkey) to the vials and trumpets, the verses in the Book of Revelation are riveting forms of literature. According to Biblical scholars, the end of the book details what is going to happen after Daniels' 70th week. This is from Revelation Chapter 20 onward like Satan being bound for 1,000 years, a new heaven and a new Earth are created, the new Jerusalem being established, and the closing blessing. There are always parallels between the OT and NT, because the OT and NT flow with akin themes and theological information.
The Seven Churches
To understand the Book of Revelations, it is important to view it as a prophetic book. It is a book with many parallels with the Book of Daniel, especially in its descriptions of the future Kingdom of God. Also, the book of Revelations was created during the peak of the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire dominated Israel and followers of Judaism and followers of early Christianity were heavily persecuted. Some view the Book of Revelation as too scary, too difficult to understand, and too complicated. Yet, we are human beings, and we can decipher its concepts via using context and with our understanding. In short, Revelation 1 shows the Apostle John encountering Jesus Christ, and the Messiah tells John to write the letters to the 7 churches of Asia Minor (or Turkey). In Revelation Chapters 2-3, the seven letters are given to the seven churches of Asia Minor. By Revelation 4-5, John witnesses the throne room of God and heaven. From Revelation 6-19, the future end times events happen from the rise of the Beast (or the Antichrist) until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ on Earth. Revelation 20-22 shows the final events of human history, according to the Bible, with the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ on Earth, the 2nd resurrection, the Great White Throne Judgment of the unrighteous, and a New Heavens and a New Earth. The New Jerusalem and the Eternal State of righteousness exists for the saved (with the everlasting Kingdom of God on Earth being for all times returning back to the state of what was meant to be from the beginning, Amen). It is important to realize that all of Revelations are not shown chronologically in a linear fashion. There are 2 major cycles of Revelation 6-11 showing the events from the rise of the Antichrist until the return of Jesus. Revelation 13-19 is another cycle of the same timeline showing more events of that period. We know that Revelation 14 talks about the Great Tribulation.
Now, let's begin. From the start of the Book of Revelations, we see the Apostle John praising Jesus Christ and stating the purpose of the book is a prophecy, "Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand." (Revelation 1:3). The start of the book revelations goes into great detail of the seven churches. Jesus Christ calls himself the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and ending. In that sense, Jesus is declaration that he is God the Son. The prophecy states that every eye will see him during his 2nd Coming among all kindreds of the Earth. The Apostle John was in the spirit and saw many visions. There is great symbolism in the book of Revelation too of the seven candlesticks representing the 7 churches. The book described Jesus Christ as having hair like wool, eyes being a flame of fire, and his feet like brass. The 7 churches in Turkey have descriptions not just showing how the churches back then acted. It outlined the diverse personalities and fruits of modern-day Christian Church today. Scholars like John Daniel in his book called, "Secret Societies and their Infiltration into the Seven Churches" believe that the 7 churches are also about the future history of the church prophetically. This view has been embraced by many Christians.
This view teaches that the church of Ephesus details a moderate, loveless church. This church loses its first love and Jesus said that he doesn't like the views of the Nicolaitans (who embraced Gnostic views. Gnosticism is one cornerstone of the New Age heretical movement). Gnosticism bashes the physical world as an oppressive Matrix, while it views only the spiritual world as consisting of goodness. That is false as the water, mountains, and animals are created to be good. This church era describes much of the first centuries of A.D. (starting in ca. 70 A.D. when the 2nd Temple was destroyed by the Romans as predicted by the Lord Jesus Christ in the book of Matthew). When the gospel was new, many people were on fire for Jesus. Yet, even then, infiltration and persecution harmed many people (who believed in God), in the causing some of them to be tired and left their first love. The next church is the church of Smyrna. This was the persecuted church from 100 A.D. to 313 A.D. (according to scholars who believe in this view). The 10 major persecutions of Christians were executed by the pagan Roman Emperors of: Nero, Domitian, Trajan, Marcus Aurelius Antonius, Lucuis Severus Septimius, Maximus, Valerian, Aurelius, and Diocletian. These are 10 people. The Christian Church experienced massive persecution, death, poverty, and tribulation. The pagan Roman Empire was cruel and wicked to persecute Christian. Also, leaders of the pagan Roman Empire enslaved people, glorified animals killing humans in the Roman Colosseum, and embracing overt imperialism (harming people in lands as far as England to Iraq). Jesus Christ said that this church will have tribulation for 10 days (some view this as ten waves of persecution under 10 Roman emperors ending by 313 A.D.). Jesus Christ made it clear in the New Testament that evangelism is key in saving souls.
The Church at Pergamos was the worldly church (from 313 to 606 A.D). According to the late scholar John Daniel, this church reflected the time of the age of Constantine. We know that Constantine was once a sun worshiper and merged church and state. He used paganism and Christianity to mix them up. Jesus Christ condemned the wicked actions in Pergamos constantly at Revelations 2:12-17. Pergamos was found with tons of paganism. This time saw the Council of Nicaea filled with debates on the Trinity. The heretic Arius denied the Deity of Jesus Christ. The Nicaea Council allowed the Nicene Creed to exist. I believe fully in the Nicene Creed. The problem with Constantine is that he merged pagan views with Christianity. Also, he wanted to make the Bishop of Rome the supreme bishop of all of the church (when historically the church had a democratic existence of bishops). Sylvester was chosen by Constantine to be the representative of Jesus Christ. This was promoted in 314 A.D. Sylvester was the first bishop of Rome crowned like a temporal prince, therefore causing the beginning of the modern day Roman Catholic Church. The church and state were united in violation of the words of Jesus Christ saying clearly Render what is to God things of God, Render to things related to Caesar to Caesar. That precisely means that church organizations should be made separate from the functions of the government. The state church ordered people to go to church against their wills. Paganism and false doctrines entered the Roman church like veneration of saints and angels, the veneration of Mary, purgatory, prayers offered directly to Mary, etc. These things have no basis in the OT or the NT. Augustine saw this new era.
Next, it was the Thyatira church. This church would be about the rise and decline of the Roman Catholic Church into the next level from 606 to 1648 A.D. During this time, Romanism was complicit in the Inquisition, the Maafa, anti-Semitic pogroms, and other evils so wicked that modern day Popes had to issue apologies for these crimes. Many Popes during that era was so wicked, that even Catholic apologists admit to their imperfections. Also, Protestantism was right to disagree with the superstitions of Catholicism, but many of them embraced the union of church and state just like the Roman Catholic Church. The Thyatira era saw massive growth of the Roman Catholic Church. In 606 A.D, Boniface III was crowned the first universal pope. As the Catholic Church grew, more false doctrines existed in the church and secret orders infiltrated that church too. That era saw the Merovingians, the Knights Templar, and other groups having prominence in the world. There were the Cathars who were Gnostic heretics who performed many rituals. The end of this age saw the rise of Protestants, the rise of Masonry (from the guilds of Europe), and the age of Enlightenment.
The Church of Sardis represented those who escaped. Some scholars believe that this era was from 1648-1750. The Protestant church grew. The Protestants were right that superstitions and many false doctrines in the Roman Catholic Church should be disagreed with. The issue is that many of the Protestants retained many Catholic doctrines like union of church and state (including baptizing infants) along with the fact that many secret societies infiltrated some Protestants. In other words, the Protestant Reformation didn't fully complete the spiritual transformation. Conversely, the Roman Catholic Church was wrong to embrace overt false doctrines in their church like forcing all priests against their wills to be celibate, forcing every bishop to be celibate, transubstantiation, etc. The Philadelphia church had the most praise from Jesus Christ. John Daniel believed that this era was from 1750-1945. This time saw the massive expansion of evangelism of Christianity in the world, massive invention, the growth of human expectancy, and the growth of the Gospel in general. Philadelphia helped to massively expand Christianity in the world. The 2 Great Awakenings in America all existed in the Philadelphia church era causing conversions and the Anti-Masonic movement in America. Peter Cartwright, Dwight L. Moody, and other preachers of every color flourished with their gospel messages (found in Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, and other churches). These are the Christians who fought to end slavery in many places worldwide, defeated the Confederacy, and stood up for other legitimate social changes in the world. The Laodicea Church was mostly condemned by Jesus Christ. Religious scholars said that the Laodicean age existed from 1945 to the present. This age is self-explanatory. During this time, we have people bragging about being rich and have need of nothing (especially the 1 percent, but they are spiritually poor). The Prosperity Gospel represents that tenet of selfish individualism. Many secret groups like Freemasonry have infiltrated some churches. That is why some churches refuse to condemn Masonry, the Boule, the doctrines of false religions, and the agenda of economic inequality. With new evils, cowardice among some, and false doctrine in the world, this time is very much unique. Still, in a world of massive compromise and corruption, there is still a remnant in 2022 standing up for integrity, truth, and God's grace. That is real.
The Throne of God, Seals, and Trumpets
From Revelation 4-5, the Apostle John sees the throne of God in amazing detail. Both chapters in 4 and 5 detail his vision of Heaven. John saw God at the right hand of God the Father as proven previously in Acts 7:55. John heard a trumpet. The Throne of Heaven looks like a jasper stone and sardius with a rainbow around the throne. The imagery of the rainbow is from Genesis 9:11-17 where God made a promise to Noah that he would never destroy the world again by a great flood. The New Testament says that a New Heaven and a New Earth will exist (Revelation 21:1, 1 Peter 3:12). The throne has 24 elders. 24 relates to the 12 tribes of Israel in the OT and the 12 Apostles of the NT showing God's representatives in both eras. It unites the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. They wear crowns of gold. John hears lightings and voices of thunders. The Apostle Peter in 1 Peter 2:4-10 mentioned that the church is a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, etc. John saw the seven lamps of fire burning before the throne representing the seven Spirits of God. John wrote about animals with full of eyes like a lion, like a calf, and the face like a man. There was the fourth being a flying eagle. Scholars believe that these beings represent angels and the glory of God. These creatures gave glory to God constantly. By Revelation 5, John saw an angel asking who is worthy to open the book and loose the seals. No one on Earth is worthy to do so. John was crying, and then things changed. Jesus Christ or the Lion from the tribe of Judah, the Root of David opened the book and the seven seals. As King, He sits at the right hand of the throne of God (Acts 2:33-36; He 1:8-13; 1 Cor 15:23-28; Rev 3:21) and rules the universe. Revelation 5 mentions the 144,000 saints made up of believing Jewish people and believing Gentiles representing the power of the Church.
Revelation 6-19 shows future events from the end of days to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Revelation 6 deals with a smaller cycle within the first major cycle of Chapter 6-11. The smaller cycle of the time in Revelation 6 is about the rise of the beast (or the Antichrist) until the return of Jesus Christ. Revelation 14 is the smaller cycle within Chapter 13-19 that gives an overview of the Great Tribulation until the return of Jesus Christ showing different details. The first 6 seals start in Revelation 6. This seal comes from the rider on the white horse. It comes when the Beast or Antichrist comes on the scene. The Beast is a world leader found in Revelation 13 and 2 Thessalonians 2. Once, the antichrist is revealed, Revelation teaches that within that person's lifetime, Christ will return. No one knows the day or the hour of the end except the Father only as mentioned in Matthew 24:36. The 2nd seal is a person on the red horse and the third seal is a rider on a black horse (representing famine and starvation). The fourth seal is on a pale horse representing death and Hades. Many people in that time go hungry. The Antichrist comes into power and Revelation 13 exists. Satan will have his power over this Beast and a falling away happens. Many people of the world's religions leave their religions to worship and follow the beast being part of the great deception (2 Thess 2:4). Many saints are martyred for refusing to submit to the beast and the false prophet. This is about the Great Tribulation (post trib rapture) that comes about in Revelation 6:9-11, Rev. 7:9-14, and Rev. 13:7, 9, 10, and 15. The fifth seal deal with the Great Tribulation, and the 6th seal is about God's wrath on the beast, the beast's kingdom, and the beast's follower. This is a short period of time lasting about three and a half years. This culminates into Christ's return and the end of the age. By the 2nd Coming, the Beast, the false prophet, and his kingdom is gone.
God protects the saints. The trumpet and bowl judgments of God take place. In Revelation 8 and 9, the seventh seal brings silence for half an hour. Seven trumpets and 7 angels are at the throne. The prayers of the saints come to God. In Revelation 10-11:14, we see the angel with the scroll measuring the Temple of God in Heaven. We have the 2 witnesses preaching judgement for three and a half years in the Earth. There is a Great Earthquake. This takes place during the sixth seal. In Revelation 11:15-19, we see the seventh trumpet, the return of Christ, and the world being the Kingdoms of Christ. The dead are judges and saints are rewarded.
Revelation 12 is heavily filled with symbolism. It talks about the Dragon going after the woman's child. The Dragon is Satan trying to destroy Christ, but he fails. The child is symbolic of Jesus Christ. Later, Satan is after Israel in the ages of history from 70 A.D. to the return of Christ. Revelation 13 shows a recap of the rise of the Antichrist with more details. It shows the first 5 seals. Revelation 14 outlines the Great Tribulation, 144,000 born again Jewish people with Jesus on Mount Zion (sealed and preserved by God during the Great Tribulation). The first angels show the Gospel to the world to worship Christ not the beast. Revelation 14:8 talks about the fall of Babylon (or the Beast's Kingdoms). Revelation 16 and 17 outlines God's judgement and the protection of God's people. Revelation 17 shows Babylon being gone. The vision shows bowl judgements. It shows the beast as having 7 heads meaning 7 kings or world kingdoms. This is from the book of Daniel. Revelation 18 shows the Fall of Babylon during the 6th seal because of the bowl judgments of God. The destruction of Babylon is fast taking place in one hour. Revelation 19 shows the great multitude of heaven of every color celebrating the end of time. There is the wedding supper of the Lamb. The Second Coming of Christ comes. The battle of Armageddon exists with the destruction of the Beast, the false prophet, and the followers of the Beast. This is shown in many New Testament scriptures like Matthew 24:29-31 and 2 Thess. 2:1-8. This comes at the end of the 6th seal. Later in Revelation 20, Satan is bound for 1000 years. There is the first resurrection of the righteous, and the 2nd one is of the unrighteous. Here are verses talking about during the 1,000 year reign of Jesus Christ with the saints:
"Rev 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
Rev 20:5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.
Rev 20:6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years."
After the 1,000 years Satan comes to get many nations against the saints to surround Jerusalem for a final battle. Yet, they lose the battle. Satan is cast to the Lake of Fire where he and the beast plus the false prophet are punished forever and ever. The unrighteous have the 2nd resurrection where they are judged at the Great White Throne Judgment of Christ. They are cast into the Lake of Fire which is the Second Death.
In Revelation 21, the New Heaven and New Earth is revealed. 2 Peter 3:10-13 shows how the first heaven and first Earth have passed away. The Holy City or the New Jerusalem comes to Earth. The Bride, the Lamb's wife and the city of God are in bliss. The chapter of Revelation 22 shows the River of Life and the Tree of Life. The Revelation of John is concluded. There are final words for believers in God to get ready for His return and to not add or take away from the prophecy too.
Out of all of the books of the Bible, the book of Revelations is probably the most fascinating book, because it describes prophecies about the end of human existence as we know it. The Bible is clear that the rapture happens after the Tribulation. This is found in Matthew 24:29-31. It mentions that immediately after the tribulation, that the Son of God comes from Heaven with power and glory. After that, Jesus Christ sent his angels with a great sound of a trumpet to gather the elect from the world. According to the Bible, the wrath of God is different from the Tribulation. The New Testament in Matthew 13:21, Mark 4:17, and Romans 2:9,5:3 mention that God's children will endure tribulation not wrath. The scholar Bob Gundry states that, "...the early Church received its doctrine directly from the apostles", [and] "all the early fathers who touch upon final events speak with an explicitly Posttribulational accent and assume this to be the universal language in orthodox Christianity." The early church writers collectively never had a belief in a pretribulational rapture of the Church. During the first three hundred years of the Church's existence, these scholars believed in a Post Tribulational rapture. Justin Martyr, Ireanus, Tertullian, Hippolytus, Victorinus, and the Constitutions of the Holy Apostles preached that the Church was going through the Great Tribulation only to be gathered together by Jesus Christ in a Post-Tribulational Return. Irenaeus has written that the Antichrist will persecute the saints for the entire half of the week. As Irenaeus has written in his book called "Against Heresies, Book V, XXV, 3:
"And its ten horns are ten kings which shall arise; and after them shall arise another, who shall surpass in evil deeds all that were before him, and shall overthrow three kings; and he shall speak words against the most high God, and wear out the saints of the most high God, and shall purpose to change times and laws; and [everything] shall be given into his hand until a time of times and a half time,' that is, for three years and six months, during which time, when he comes, he shall reign over the earth. Of whom also the Apostle Paul again, speaking in the second [Epistle] to the Thessalonians, and at the same time proclaiming the cause of his advent, thus says: 'And then shall the wicked one be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus shall slay with the spirit of His mouth, and destroy by the presence of His coming."
The modern day Pretribulaton doctrine existed by the Jesuits of the 1500's. It later existed in the 1800's (with people like Margaret MacDonald, John Nelson Darby, and other people). As we are seeing, we witness a new generation filled with people openly embracing New Age heresies (as advanced by Helena P. Blavatsky, Annie Besant, Manly P. Hall, and others. New Age teachings are form the ancient Mystery teachings. These same teachings have been found in esoteric secret societies, Roman Catholicism, Mormonism, Scientology, and other creeds), overt anti-Christ bigotry shown by many people (including old school Christ haters like Friedrich Nietzsche who bashed Christianity and God overtly in literature), false religions being advanced, and evils being glorified. The Apostle Paul predicted New Age lies being commonplace in society, "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power." (Colossians 2:8-10). This is a time where our morals and our integrity matter. No one is perfect. Yet, we do have a responsibility to be better people, repent, and follow on a course to spread the Gospel so human beings can wake up to the knowledge of the truth. Therefore, the book of Revelations always has a special place in my heart.
One of the important concepts in Biblical prophecy is Daniel's 70th week. It is found in the book of Daniel, and it's related to the prophecies of the book of Revelation too. The verses describing the 70 weeks are in the following verses:
"Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate” (Daniel 9:24-27).
The events from Revelation 6-19 are not shown in a linear, sequential order. The 7 Seals, the 7 Trumpets, and the 7 vials are three separate visions of the tribulation period. They 7 Seals encompass the whole 70th week of Daniel 9, with the first two immediately preceding (the 1st seal being the Antichrist's rise to political power and the 2nd seal being a world wide war that precipitates the covenant of Daniel 9:27. The 7th Seal goes immediately after the period. The trumpets and vials occur only in the later half of that week. Daniel's 70th week was a message sent to the prophet Daniel from God via the angel Gabriel. The message is about future world events. In Daniel 9:24, the angel Gabriel tells Daniel that with the completely of the 70 weeks, the Messianic Age will begin. Prophetic scholars believe this to be a 490 year period (as 70 X 7 = 490 years). Yet, before the Messiah the prince will be cut off. The cut according to scholars refer the ca. 33 A.D. when the Messiah was crucified and rose from the dead. his corresponds with the close of 69 weeks (69x7) or 483 years. From the command of the King of Persia, Artexerxes, who gave word to Nehemiah (Neh. 2:8) to rebuild the walls and gates of Jerusalem (Daniel 9:25), to the killing of Messiah the prince, was 69 weeks or 483-years. In Daniel 9:26, Gabriel informs Daniel after the Messiah the prince is killed the Temple and Jerusalem would be destroyed by a group of people. The people who came were the Romans, linking the future prince or ruler to the Roman empire. The 69th week closes with Messiah the prince being cutoff, but the 70 weeks are not yet complete. The killing of the Messiah stopped the prophetic clock, before it was completed. There is one week or seven-year period remaining. This seven-year period begins with the confirming of a covenant with many regarding a future Jewish Temple. The 70th Week of Daniel’s 70 weeks is a seven-year period, which begins with the agreement between the prince who is to come and Israel allowing the Jewish Temple to be rebuilt.
Conclusion (Spring 2022)
Change comes by constructive actions and love. Love is not supporting injustice. Love is always a strong force that desires goodwill, justice, and a real transformation of human societies. This love has inspired the slave revolts, boycotts against white racism, and building solutions to eliminate economic oppression. We should reject distractions that attack black people or advance gender war nonsense. That is why I don't support the ADOS/FBA movement, the Goldensphere, the manosphere, and diversters. People know that I reject the views of Tommy Sotomayor (who glorified the death of black people, slander black women, and said he wants more George Zimmermans to harm black people. He is sick and evil), Fresh and Fit, Tariq Nasheed, Cynthia G, Golden Goddess, Meechie X, Saneeter, and other people with certain views that are contrary to my way of thinking. They exist to divide and try to ruin black cohesive power in the globe. All of these movements are similar in the sense that they reject widespread solutions globally, they hate Pan-African unity, they want divisiveness to reign, and they refuse to talk about real issues. They don't talk about health care disparities, environmental problems (from toxic waste to radiation matters), resisting imperialism, and desiring justice to exist worldwide in the Universe. That is why those movements deserve no respect in my eyes.
This year is the 56th year anniversary of Bloody Sunday in Selma, Alabama in 1965. If someone wants to know about the Civil Rights Movement or any social movement for change, he or she should study the Selma Voting Rights Movement. Vice President Kamala Harris gave remarks on this day. Bloody Sunday was when crooked police officers beat up men, women, and children peaceful demonstrators near the Edmund Pettus bridge. Many people escaped into the Brown Chapel A.M.E. Church to survive literally. John Lewis was hit on the head, and Lewis feared that he would die. This increased the power of the Selma movement to cause the Voting Rights Act to be passed in 1965. The Selma movement were diverse made up of grassroots people, SCLC, SNCC, the Dallas County Voters League (DCVL), and other human beings who stood up for justice. Amelia Boynton, Dr. King, Annie Lee Cooper, Prathia Hall, Kwame Ture, Bernard Lafayette, and other leaders were part of the cause. After Bloody Sunday, marchers finally came from Selma to Montgomery (or the capital of Alabama) in order to advance voting rights for all people. Now, we continue to remember that this fight for voting rights is not over. We have a long way to go with voter suppression laws, unfair gerrymandering, and other issues. Yet, our cause is just, and we shall overcome in the end.
By Timothy