Friday, March 11, 2022

Massive Events in March of 2022.


Heavy fighting continues in Russia. Russian shelling goes all over key cities in the nation. Over 2 million people have fled Ukraine which is one of the largest refugee migrations in Europe since the days of World War II. Many civilians are fleeing for safety. Putin is a far right ethnonationalist who denied the existence of Ukraine in general in his speeches. The Russian forces attacking a maternity hospital where 17 people were hurt shows Putin's cowardice. Ilhan Omar is right to say that Putin's immoral war shouldn't be made into an excuse to establish closer funding of Saudi Arabia (when the Saudi military forces are attacking Yemeni people in Yemen). Over 13,000 Russian protesters have been arrested for calling for the end of the war in Ukraine. Mariupol, Ukraine has been a location that been suffering hard with a bombardment by imperialistic forces. People in Mariupol lack food, water, and electricity. Yet, pro-Putin apologists in America ignore this, because they don't care about humanitarian crisis in Europe, Africa, and Asia. They only care about defending a fake revolutionary tyrant. Many Red Cross and other humanitarian services has helped many Ukrainian people. Also, it is important to show empathy to Africans, Asians, and other people of the world who have experienced military crisis and other situations too.

We live in a new time of popular culture. Many people are complaining about Joe Rogan being "censored" when it is not about censorship. It's about people being rightfully outraged at him comparing black people to the movie "The Planet of the Apes," saying the n word, and going out to spread anti-vax misinformation on COVID-19. Rogan offered platforms to far right extremists like Andy Ngo and Gavin McInnes. The Trump cult has brainwashed many people into thinking that suppressing anti-racism historical lessons, sugarcoating Native American genocide, and forbidding the teaching of real American slavery are somehow a part of advancing "freedom." We know this to be a lie. So many voter suppression laws have existed in America that Jim Crow is not completely gone. We are in a new era of Jim Crow 2.0 in 2022. Economic problems, climate change, racial oppression, and other issues are real complications called by a capitalist, exploitative system who doesn't care for the human race collectively at all. That is why we don't need to support Western imperialism harming the world or Russian imperialism harming the world either. We should be clear that we want no unjust wars, and we desire people to have their own independence as free-thinking human beings.

Prince William made a comment that has been criticized by many quarters. He said that, "Everyone is horrified by what they are seeing. The news every day, it’s almost unfathomable. For our generation, it’s very alien to see this in Europe. We’re all right behind you." That comment from Prince William is not only wrong and historically inaccurate. It's also insensitive and offensive to other people of the world in Africa and Asia. Europe is a place where wars have been commonplace in our generation from the wars in the Balkans to other situations. Bernice King made a strong criticism of William's statement saying that many Europeans pillaged Africa, raped women, enslaved people, and used other evils to dominate innocent human beings for exploitative purposes. Bernice King is absolutely correct, and she is the daughter of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Colonialism was used by many Europeans to harm other people (especially people of color in the world). World War Two was the bloodiest war in human history, and much of it took place in Europe (the Holocaust or the Shoah took place in Europe too where 6 million Jewish people were murdered by the Nazis). So, it is important to get the facts right in this 21st century era of history. 

Tiger Woods was recently inducted into the World Golf Hall of Fame. Tiger Woods is the greatest golfer of all time. His 14-year-old daughter, Sam Woods gave a powerful speech in support of the humanity and legacy of her father. She didn't hold back. She talked about the elephant in the room, which is about how Tiger Woods experienced mass racism in his golf career. Yet, racism never completely crushed his spirit. Woods kept on going to make massive accomplishments on the golf courts. Tiger Woods stood out to inspire a younger generation of golfers to express their talent in any stage that they desire. That's the point. We should achieve our aspirations without scapegoating, without false stereotypes, without bigotry, and without discrimination. She even cited the accidental crash that left him seriously injured. Later, Tiger Woods could walk again. She said that Tiger Woods was the first Black and Asian man to win a major tournament in golf. Tiger Woods celebrated with her daughter and took the stage to give an emotional speech. He cited his father and his mother to give him the inspiration to keep going forward. Tiger Woods won 82 PGA tour events and 15 majors. When tons of people doubted him, he certainly rose the occasion to prove the naysayers wrong.

By Timothy