Monday, September 16, 2024

Developments in Early September 2024.


There is more information about my 4th cousin Virginia Pearl Ridley Barnwell, born on September 15, 1954, at Southampton County, Virginia. She was once married to Wendell Bernard Barnwell (b. 1953) in 1981 at Pasquotank, North Carolina. Their children are Wendell Bernard Barnwell (b. 1980), Brian B. Barnwell (b. 1981), and Kimberly R. Barnwell (b. 1985). Wendell Jr., Brian, and Kimberly Barnwell are my 5th cousins. Wendell Bernard Barnwell Sr. is currently married to Levia Mason Stovall. We are descendants of Zilphy Claud. Zilphy Claud had a son named George Washington Claud (1849-1923). George Washington Claud had a son named Richard Washington Claud (1874-1945). Richard Washington Claud married Ann Elizabeth Claud (1876-1960) in Virginia on January 26, 1898. Their child was Ralph Elijah Claud (1912-1965). Ralph Elijiah Claud married Gussie Estell Claud. One of their children was Mary Lizzie Claud (1936-2007). Mary Lizzie Claud married Samuel Junior Ridley (1930-2006) in Southampton County, Virginia on October 29, 1953. Their children are Virginia Pearl Ridley (b. 1954), Mary Ellen Ridley (b. 1956), Dennis Lee Ridley Sr. (b. 1960), and Johnnie Lloyd Ridley. I found that many of the Claud family are living in Boston too. Elsie Mead Claude was born in March 11,1949, and she lives in Boston, Massachusetts in the Roxbury area. Her daughter is Kimberly R. Claude who was born in May 1977. Elsie Mead Claud is a descendant of Zilphy Claud via her son George Washington Claud. She is the daughter of Ralph Elijah Claud (1912-1965) and Gussie Estell Claud (1914-1985). 


There has been slander against Haitian people in Springfield, Ohio eating cats. This is promoted by far-right people and racists who don't believe in the principle of treating your neighbor as yourself. Not only have there been bomb threats in Springfield, Ohio over this lie, but many Haitian Americans fear more hate crimes, attacks, and even death. This racism and xenophobia are not new among Republicans. Laura Ingraham said that Haitian refugees are part of a Democratic plot to cancel out so-called native-born Americans. Trump and his supporters of demonizing black immigrants and other immigrants of color are part of a key playbook to cause fear and division in society. The mayor of Springfield and the Republican Governor of Ohio debunk the eating local pets lie. This lie promotes the stereotype that we black people are dysfunctional people. Trump and J.D. Vance believe in this racist lie too. Xenophobia was shown by Tariq Nasheed, and Yvette Carnell (who is jealous of the black scholar Jessica Aiwuyor who wrote literature in favor of black liberation globally. Yvette Carnell lied and said that Jessica has no credentials when she has three degrees, including two master's degrees and 20 years of experience), and others should be condemned as well. Therefore, as a black American, I will defend the human rights of Haitian people in America and throughout the world. 


It is time to expose the far-right racist Laura Loomer, who is a Trump supporter. Loomer is part of Trump's entourage, and Trump allies with Loomer too. She is an Internet personality, a MAGA activist, and calls herself a "pro-white nationalist" and proud "Islamphobe." So, she is a person who is anti-democracy and anti-diversity. Anyone voting for Trump is a supporter of racism and xenophobia, and I don't care who it is. She was born in Tuscon, Arizona. During the day of the 2016 election (on November 8, 2016), Loomer was part of Project Veritas stunt. She went to a polling station dressed in a burqa and asked for a ballot under the name of Huma Abdein, which is blatantly Islamophobic. She has reported for Infowars, Geller Report, and other far right organizations. Loomer is a criminal by she and others jumping the wall around the California Governor's Mansion in Sacramento. They opposed  Governor Gavin Newsom's stance on immigration. Loomer promoted the lie that Haitian immigrants were eating other people's household pets in Springfield, Ohio. Loomer made the racist tweet that if Kamala Harris was elected President, then the White House will smell like curry, and White House speeches will be facilitated via a call center. Trump and Loomer are racists plain and simple. Even Marjorie Taylor Green (a far-right extremist) said that Loomer's remarks about Kamala Harris were racist and appalling. Loomer believes in the lie that the school shootings in February 2018 in Parkland, Florida, and in May 2018 in Santa Fe, Texas were staged. She lied and said that the October 2018 United States mail bombing attempts were a false flag operation created by the Democrats. Loomer is a vicious racist who said that 20,000 Haitians are cannibalistic and promoted the lie that Haitians are eating cats in Springfield, Ohio. She was banned by Twitter and then reinstated by the extremist Elon Musk. In 2019, after the white racist terrorist attack that killed 51 people at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, Loomer wrote that she doesn't care about Christchurch. Loomer is evil. Loomer spoke at the annual conference of white racist publication of American Renaissance. She opposes birthright citizenship. She disrespected Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, Kamala Harris, Fani Willis, and Letitia James in racist terms. So, Loomer is a fraud, and Trump supports her. Anyone supporting Loomer and Trump is evil and a sellout to the core. 


The 20th century of fashion from 1900 to 2000 has been the most diverse and wide-ranging changing fashion in human history. The fashion of the early 1900s is massively different than the fashion of the 1990s. In a span of 100 years, we saw a light year of change. The early 20th century saw fashion as continuing from the fashion of the late 19th century with Belle Epoque styles, the Art Deco movement, and other images made by Jacques Doucet and Mariano Fortuny. The Roaring Twenties saw women with dresses and short bobs. There were corsets being rejected, and many women wore experimental clothes. There was the flapper look. Coco Chanel back then was a major institution of fashion back then. Many men wore suits, ties, hats, and other clothing. By the World War II era, there was the zoot suit being popular. Claire McCardell, Anne Klein, and Cashin formed a trio of women who made a foundation of American sportswear. The 1950's and early to 1960's saw a more conservative look for men and women. The bikini was in fashion by 1963. We saw new styles in the 1960's like black American cultural images and clothes that spread into the 1970's too. There were Afros, jeans, black leather suits, and other brands. Diverse fashion from the world spread too. By the 1970's, Halston was a popular fashion designer. The 1970's saw suits, unisex clothes, and a retro look at times. The 1980's saw the mullet, spandex, and experimental clothing. We saw Japanese fashion and African Americans setting up more fashion institutions too. We saw diverse supermodels rising up. The rise of new American fashion styles was developed by Donna Karan, Ralph Lauren, Perry Ellis, and Norma Kamali. The 1990s saw minimalism and fashion leaders like Gucci, Gap., Eddie Bauer, F.U.B.U, Tommy Hilfiger, March Jacobs, Michael Kors, Calvin Klein, and other people going about selling fashion. By the end of the 1990's, hip hop music and hip-hop culture became hugely influential in fashion from black fashion designers, Nike, and independent black fashion icons who worked hard to create excellent imagery. The 20th century in fashion was hugely revolutionary. 


The great myth is that no black lived in Europe before the 1500s. We have scientific and historical evidence of black people living in ancient Greece and ancient Rome. We know that black people did live in the Renaissance period, and the first people into Europe were black people (in many cases having blue eyes). There are tons of works of art from paintings to sculptures showing an African presence in Europe during the 1400's. 


Early Christianity from 100 to 313 of the Ante-Nicene era had tons of developments. From 150-150 A.D., apocryphal and non-canonical works spread like the Apocryphon of James, Gospel of Mary Magdalene, Gospel of James, Infancy Gospel of Thomas, and Secret Gospel of Mark (Complete Gospels, published by Jesus Seminar). Many of these works are pro-Gnostic as Gnosticism was a heresy created very early in the world. There is the time of Papias (from 110-130 A.D.) writing the "Expositions of the Sayings of the Lord", lost, widely quoted (Apostolic Fathers). By 110 A.D., Ignatius of Antioch writes to the Smyrnaeans that the Christian church is katholikos ("universal"). Polycarp or the bishop of Smyrna wrote the Letter to the Philippians from 110-160 A.D. By 112, Pliny reported on the rapid growth of Christianity in Bithynia. By 120 A.D., the Rabbi Tarfon advocated burning the Gospel. By 125 A.D., 2 Peter was found. It was not accepted into canon until the early 400s, drew upon Epistle of Jude, and the epistle, Pastoral Epistles was written. By 125 A.D., there was the  Rylands Library Papyrus P52, oldest extant NT fragment, p. 1935, parts of Jn18:31-33,37-38. From 130-250 A.D., the Christian Apologists were created by many people to oppose the Roman pagan religion. The authors of such works were: Justin Martyr, Athenagoras, Apology of Aristides, Theophilus of Antioch, Tatian, Quadratus, Melito of Sardis, Apollinaris Claudius, Marcus Minucius Felix, Arnobius, Epistle to Diognetus. From 132 to 135 A.D., there was the Bar Kohba revolt. That was the final major attempt from Jewish people to liberate themselves from Roman brutal occupation. Thousands of Jewish people died, and it has happened in Jerusalem too. Jerusalem was renamed by the Romas as Aelia Capitolina after the revolt. From 142-145 A.D, Marcion of Sinope: bishop according to the Catholic Encyclopedia, goes to Rome, possibly to buy the bishopric of Rome, upon rejection forms his own church in Rome, later called Marcionism, rejected Old Testament, decreed canon of one Gospel, one Apostolicon (10 Letters of Paul) and one Antithesis which contrasted the Old Testament with the New Testament. Maricon was a heretic as the Old Testament is the New Testament's precedessor and the New Testament reveals the fulfillment of the prophecies and stories from the Old Testament. 

The Gospel reached Portugal and Morocco by 150 A.D., the Gnostic Valentinius narrowly lost the election for Biship of Rome at the same time. The Shepherd of Hermas was written in Rome by 150 A.D. There were other Gnostic books written from 150-200 A.D. like  Gospel of the Saviour, Gospel of Peter, Oxyrhynchus Gospels, Dialogue of the Saviour.  In 155 A.D, the heretic Montanus claimed to be the Counselor of John 14:16. The account called Marytrdom of Polycarp was created in 160 A.D. The Bishop Soter in 166 wrote that the number of Christian has surpassed the Jewish population. By 167 A.D., at the request of Lucius of Britain, missionaries Fuganus (or Phagan) and Duvianus (or Deruvian) were sent by Roman Bishop Eleuterus to convert the Britons to Christianity. In 170 A.D., Dionysius, bishop of Corinth claimed Christians were changing and faking his own letters just as [he knew] they had changed the Gospels (Eusebius' EH 4 c.23 v.12; Ante-Nicene Fathers, v.8). During the same time, Taitain produces "Diatessaron" (Harmony) by blending 4 "Western" text-type Gospels into 1. Symmachus the Ebionite writes new Greek translation of Hebrew Bible. The first Christians reported in Austria is form 174 A.D. There was the persecution in Lyon, France including the martyrdom of Blandina. In 180, the Christian scholar Hegesippus wrote against the Gnostic and Mariconism heresies.  Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyon: combated heresies, cited "Western" Gospel text-type (Ante-Nicene Fathers); second "Primate of the Gauls." From 185-350, there was the Muratorian fragment, 1st extant canon for New Testament after Marcion?, written in Rome by Hippolytus?, excludes Hebrews, James, 1-2 Peter, 3 John; includes Wisdom of Solomon, Apocalypse of Peter. 

Saint Apollonius: used the term catholic about 1 John in 186 A.D. Demetrius, bishop of Alexandria condemned Origen. Bishop of Rome Victor I (189-198) condemned the Eastern churches that continued to observe Easter on Nisan 14 Quartodeciman.  Pataenus of Alexandria goes to India in response to an appeal for Christian teachers in 190 A.D. Polycrates, bishop of Ephesus in 196 A.D. Bar Daisan writes of Christians among the Parthians, Bactrians (Kushans), and other peoples in the Persian Empire.  Caius, the presbyter of Rome, wrote "Dialogue against Proclus" in Ante-Nicene Fathers, rejected Revelation, said to be by Gnostic Cerinthus. Caius is wrong. The first Christians reported to be in Switzerland and Belgium is found by 200 A.D. Sextus Julius Africanus was an early Christian traveler and historian of 200 A.D. Papyrus 46 was created by 200 A.D. too. 

By Timothy