Wednesday, September 25, 2024

New Political News.


Donald Trump is a fascist. He recently said that people who criticize the Supreme Court are doing an illegal act and must be jailed. This is evil. It shows me that anyone supporting Trump is an enemy of democracy, and I don't care who it is. We have the right to dissent as part of the First Amendment. There is no Bill of Rights without the First Amendment starting it up. That means we have the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the right of religious freedom (without the establishment of forcing religion on people against a person's will), and the right to protest. Trump is absolutely clear on what he desires. He has said publicly that he wants to be a dictator on Day one, he wants to abolish the Constitution if he doesn't get his away, and he wants to prosecute many of his political opponents. 

Janet Jackson recently made a false comment about Vice President Kamala Harris. She said that Kamala Harris' father is white and just Indian. The truth is that Kamala Harris is Black and Indian. Kamala Harris has publicly said that she is a black woman, and she acknowledges her Indian heritage too. Harris is born to a Jamaican father and an Indian mother. Janet Jackson has received backlash from many people on social media, but we should correct Janet Jackson respectfully without ad hominem attacks against her. We can agree to disagree on issues without demonization. It is important to reject misinformation, especially in our generation when some want to promote lies instead of the truth. Only one person will be elected President in 2024. It will be either a sexist, narcissist racist, and xenophobe or the Vice President of the United States of America. At the end of the day, we have to keep on fighting for our democracy, doing the right thing, and maintaining our core convictions. 

The war in the Middle East has escalated. Israel has attacked Lebanon because it says that Hezbollah has attacked Israel. The problem is the massive civilian deaths caused by Israel and Hezbollah. The massive civilian deaths have nothing to do with the terrorism issue. Israel's massive attack on Lebanon on Monday has killed 492 people. The deaths include 35 children, 58 women, and two medics over a thousand separate airstrikes. This mass killing is more than the intensity of Israel's 2006 invasion of Lebanon, during which 1,000 people were killed during an entire month. This comes after Israel caused communication device to explode all over Lebanon. Hezbollah is a terrorist organization, and that is true. Hezbollah has used unjust terror attacks against Israelis for years. Yet, Netanyahu is a far-right extremist who doesn't want a 2-state solution, doesn't stop the massive civilian deaths in Gaza and Lebanon, and is an ally of Donald Trump. How can a Trump ally like Netanyahu ever be an advocate for freedom, justice, and equality in the Middle East? It can't be a reality. Many people have evacuated from Lebanon. Causing over 2 million Palestinians to have lax food, water, sanitation, shelter and healthcare after airstrikes have nothing to do with fighting terrorism. It is about imperialism plain and simple.

Senator Raphael Warnock criticized the embattled North Carolina GOP gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson as "white supremacy in blackface." Robinson has faced many scandals, and many of his comments and actions were evil and just plain extremist. Even before the scandal with the website, Mark Robinson used a Yiddish slur for black people, believed in the anti-Semitic tropes and stereotypes, said that Hitler murdering Jewish people in the Holocaust was hogwash, desired more killing, and wanted an end to the separation of church and state in public schools (which ironically separation of church and state increases religious freedom). Mark Robinson believes that feminism is watered by the devil and feminists are bad if not worse than racists. He even opposes women breastfeeding their children in public. Robinson also made crude remarks about Michelle Obama, Joy Behar, and Maxine Waters. Mark Robinson is a person who shouldn't be Governor of North Carolina. His vile rhetoric and hypocrisy is clear for anyone to see. 

While Haitian migrants have been improving Springfield, Ohio's economy, the racist and xenophobe in Pennsylvania led a hateful rant about sending immigrants back. This rhetoric is embraced by the sellout Tariq Nasheed. Nasheed recently had an X account comment that portrayed Haitians eating a cat sandwich. This is a white racist caricature that black people have been shown for centuries. Tariq should be ashamed himself for believing that Kamala Harris' father is white. Tariq supports Janet Jackson, because Tariq Nasheed wants to promote division in the black community based upon nationality. This person Nasheed invented the FBA cult while trying to distance himself from his black African ancestry. I am a black American and took 2 DNA test documenting my African ancestry. Therefore, these sellouts like Tariq are anti-black and are notorious enemies of freedom and justice for all black people globally.  

By Timothy

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