One important point is that we must talk about poverty and the poor, not just about the middle class. There is nothing wrong with helping the middle class, but comprehensive economic justice must relate to helping the poor and working-class human beings too. In America alone, there are about 140 million poor and low-income people. If people want to bring more of the electorate to vote, then politicians have to promote succinct policies that address poverty. Poor and low-wage human beings make up 30% of the American electorate in every state of the Union. If just a small percentage of time votes at a higher level, the election can be determined in every battleground state alone. We know what works too. There should be more investments in the green economy to increase family-sustaining jobs. There must be a living wage nationally from the urban to rural locations. The oppressed are tired of being talked to instead of talked at. If someone is just talking about law and order (instead of law and justice), that is certainly not good enough. You have to talk about ending voter suppression laws, having resources to build up our health care systems in establishing universal health care, taking care of our environment, having a strong investment in public education, growing affordable housing, rejecting the agenda of the military-industrial complex, preserving our civil liberties and civil rights, having our democracy strengthened, and making sure that the super wealthy pay their fair share of taxation.
The image on the left showed far right terrorists burning up a police van, and the image on the right showed counterprotestors who are against racism (found in Lancester, England).
One of the most important events now is the far-right extremists using riots all over the United Kingdom. These people are not freedom fighters. They are not for the interests of the people of the United Kingdom. They don't represent the vast majority of the people in the UK. They are of the same ilk as the Nazis decades ago who can't stand diversity, immigrants, and refugees. The Golden Rule dictates that you treat your neighbor as yourself. These far-right terrorists have burned buildings, beat black people in England, assaulted Muslims, abused people of Pakistani descent, and lied about their own history. Many of these far-right people in the UK are descendants of the Jutes, Angles, Saxons, and Normans in England. These people were not indigenous to the United Kingdom originally. They came from Germany and Scandinavia. The Norman invasion of England took place in 1066 A.D. Recently, we have DNA evidence of black sub-Saharan African people who lived in the UK long before 1066. These riots represent the growth of the fascist movements. Many of my relatives were WWII veterans who fought in Normandy in real life and in other places to defeat fascism. In our generation in 2024, we have to defeat fascism again. Now, these far-right terrorists have been egged on by people like Tommy Robinson who falsely claimed that the perpetrator of the knife attack killing three innocent children (in Southport, England) was done by a Muslim asylum seeker. Now, these criminals have attacked immigrants' homes and shops They destroyed property. Richard Rice and Nigel Farage defend these terrorists as "concerned British citizens." They are not concerned citizens but thugs and far-right racist savages. These far-right terrorists don't care about children or morality. They only desire the power to oppress vulnerable human beings. Anti-fascist protesters have protected many immigrants in England too. Extreme nationalism and xenophobia merge readily into violence as history teaches us. This fascist movement is embraced by Donald Trump, Marine Le Pen in France, it's found in Hungary (with Orban), etc. It is important to confront poverty, end economic inequality, and reject austerity.
Cori Bush lost her primary to Bush in Missouri. This comes after AIPAC funded millions of dollars to defeat her. AIPAC believes in the old lie that any form of dissent with Israeli policy is equivalent to anti-Semitism. To AIPAC, if you stand for the human rights of Palestinians and progressive-minded Israelis, then you're anti-Semitic. AIPAC hypocritically claims to be for freedom, but financially funds pro-insurrectionist Republicans and far-right extremists. AIPAC claims to oppose Hamas killing Jewish people, and Hamas is a terrorist organization. Hamas is completely wrong to kill, rape, and kidnap Israeli people. Yet, AIPAC is morally bankrupt to back insurrectionist Republicans. This is documented by The Guardian and other mainstream media outlets too. AIPAC funded Jim Jordan and Scott Perry, who plotted with Trump to try to illegally overthrow the 2020 election results. This is why the moderate group J Street has condemned this action by AIPAC. A far-right Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been documented by Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and the United Nations as committing war crimes, and AIPAC sugarcoats that truth. We can both promote a 2-state solution and advocate a ceasefire to end that war at the same time. Both things aren't mutually exclusive. Palestinians don't need to be in occupation and treated like 2nd class citizens. They desire their own liberation and real human rights. That is not anti-Semitism but reality.
We live in a crossroads in our history. Donald Trump and J.D. Vance are proposing tax cuts mostly for the super-rich that could cost as much as $10.5 trillion over a decade. That number would exceed the combined budgets of every domestic federal agency. That makes them hypocritical because they claim to be part of the party of "fiscal responsibility." The Biden and Harris administration's investments in manufacturing and infrastructure represent a major change in our society. Their investments in working people have caused economic growth. Now, many businesses are spending money to build manufacturing facilities in America. We know that the lowest-paying major corporations spent about $522 billion on stock buybacks from 2019 to 2023. Buybacks artificially boost share prices and inflate CEO pay. The average workers at these companies are only paid just $34,000 a year. The average CEO was paid $14.7 million. This is why many billionaire oligarchs support Trump; they care about their own financial bottom line. Authoritarians and Big Money historically made a dangerous political alliance (filled with giant monopolies, vast inequality, and political corruption) that has ruined societies.
There is a propaganda film directed by former Russia Today documentary filmmaker Anastasia Trofimova. This documentary challenged the Russian atrocities in Bucha, Ukraine. She tries to sugarcoat the Russian war crimes against Ukrainian lands. She said the lie that Russians aren't committing war crimes. Russian military forces used an illegal preemptive invasion against Ukraine in 2022. Russian military forces bombed schools, apartment buildings, and stores in Ukraine. That constitutes a war crime. Meanwhile, Trump threatens his opponents with prison if he feels that they don't promote an election result that he desires. Trump and Putin are overt fascists. Putin led Russian military forces to round up Ukrainian civilians and executed them. Also, Russian drones have violated NATO airspace in Romania. A Russian drone crashed in Latvia. This is more Russian aggression. Latvia is a NATO member state, and this news is not talked about by many in the media. The MAGA cult can't refute a syllable of this information here. Trump is a habitual liar who praised authoritarians like Orban and Xi. Trump also was found legally liable for raping a woman, his companies were found economically corrupt, and he is a convicted felon.
By Timothy