Tuesday, May 23, 2006

WINGTV's view on Mike Ruppert.

From http://www.wingtv.net/thorn2006/ruppertpentagon.html

Mike Ruppert Betrays 9-11 Movement Yet Again

by Victor Thorn

No single individual in the alternative media has done more damage to the 9-11 truth movement than Mike Ruppert. In the months following America’s worst terrorist attack, not only did he utilize every CIA-spook trick in the book to insure that researchers and truth-seekers kept chasing their tails (no controlled demolition of the World Trade Center towers, no Israeli involvement, the Mike Vreeland hoax, peak oil ruse, etc); but on January 19, 2005 he decided that “9-11 was dead” and people should move on (Hey Ruppert: 9-11 Is Not Dead).

But Ruppert’s subterfuge doesn’t stop there. It seems like every time there is a 9-11 breakthrough, this guy tries to pull the rug out from beneath our feet and downplays our forward strides. Or, he’ll play the jealousy card and wonder why nobody’s paying attention to him anymore. [I'll tell you why: because everyone is now able to see through your underhanded tactics.]This pattern continued last week when on May 19, 2006 From the Wilderness published an article by senior staff writer Jamey Hecht entitled It’s the Timing, not the Film which actually took the final step and sided with government! Yes, Ruppert and his minions have now spun full-circle and are brazenly aligning themselves with the enemy. Writing about the latest bogus Pentagon 9-11 video, Hecht states smugly, “At FTW we feel vindicated.”Vindicated? For what – promoting and advancing the government’s propaganda, or for betraying the 9-11 community yet again? Isn’t it bad enough that the mainstream media is already doing that? Hecht then cites as authorities two of the biggest disinfo peddlers on the ‘Net: John Judge and Mark Rabinowitz. Hell, at this point why don’t they sidle up to Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney too?But wait, it gets worse. Hecht continues: “As for what hit the Pentagon, I reckon it was AA77 (I used to think otherwise).” So, what Ruppert and FTW are doing is proselytizing for the criminal cabal that executed this deadly attack on America.

They’ve become their mouthpieces, just like the bloated pigs in George Orwell’s Animal Farm who end up sitting at the same table as their foes.Then, to further dissuade the deluded and confused, Hecht persuades everyone to forget about physical evidence! He writes, “There is more than enough non-physical evidence to convict them in an impartial court. The physical evidence is a snake-pit, no matter what the truth is.”Huh? Are you serious? No matter what the truth is? What kind of rationale is that? Ruppert’s been pushing this “avoid physical evidence” tripe for 4 ½ years now, replacing it with his limited-hangout theories and assorted rabbit holes.Physical evidence is a snake-pit? I’d love to put Ruppert and Hecht in a room with 9-11 analyst Vinnie Sammartino for fifteen minutes. He’d chew them up and spit them out so quickly it’d make their heads spin.Folks, what Ruppert has been pushing since day one is nothing more than pure unadulterated trash. I mean, every detective, police officer, investigator and lawyer in the world knows that step one in any in case is physical evidence; and Ruppert’s been telling anyone stupid enough to believe him to avoid it.

This is insanity.Hecht spins his web even further, “Arguing about the physical evidence … divides and exhausts the truth movement.” No, Mr. Hecht, let me correct you. Disinfo and false flags divide 9-11 truth-seekers, and endless red-herrings like those Mike Ruppert promotes exhaust us. On the other hand, in 9-11 on Trial we relied on nothing but mathematical formulas, physics, scientific formulas, and the laws of nature to prove that the WTC towers were felled by controlled demolitions. 9-11 on Trial was the first book ever devoted entirely to this subject, yet Mike Ruppert did everything in his power to divert people’s attention away from this fact. Now he’s using the same tactics with the Pentagon. Shame on all of you at From the Wilderness.

Finally, as a last George Bush-like smirking slap-in-the-face, Hecht directly refers to the Pentagon’s laughably absurd footage released on May 17, 2006: “PRESTO! Here are the missing frames of film to confirm that there was no government complicity.” CONFIRMED? Where? There's no Flight 77 to be seen in the footage anywhere! Hecht's blatant deceit is so preposterous that he's actually playing the Emperor Has No Clothes trick on us. In my opinion, Hecht's statement is unforgivable, and if this were the Old West, 9-11 truth-seekers should gather up a posse and run this guy out of town for being Ruppert's underhanded hit-man.In addition, FTW also linked to a mainstream corporate media article by AP writer Robert Burns, who quotes Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch. This slithering deceptive outfit was responsible for filing the FOIA request which prompted Pentagon officials to release their second set of bogus tapes.But the entire affair was a ruse, because when Fitton appeared on Bill O’Reilly’s television show (May 17), he made the following statements:

1) You could clearly see a passenger jet hit the Pentagon
2) It kicks another leg out from conspiracy theories
3) The footage reminds us once again what type of terrorism we’re up againstYet again we see Ruppert either directly or indirectly advancing the government’s propaganda, and the only question I have is: when are other “big names” in the alternative media and patriot movement going to come out and expose/denounce this creep for the covert agent that he is? He’s poison that infects everything he comes in contact with, and its time to put an end to it.

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