Rebuttal: Piper-Phelps Debate
by Vyzygoth
With all the falderal that surrounded the Michael Collins Piper - Eric Jon Phelps debate, which you, Victor, proclaimed a “unanimous decision” in favor of the former, I felt the need to pass along some final comments regarding the thesis of Phelps’ work.I am not coming to his defense. He didn’t and wouldn’t ask me to do such. He’s a big boy and has acquitted himself well in the rough-and-tumble of talk-show discussions, call-ins, and the like.What I think might have gotten lost in the winner-take-all atmosphere you engendered in your critique of the debate is an understanding that the accusations leveled at the Vatican and Jesuits are well-founded.
I believe people should be aware that there are an abundance of books, newspaper accounts, and personal correspondences from across the centuries that indict the Vatican and the Jesuit Order for desiring world rule—a second Holy Roman Empire, if you will.This is not conjecture. This is not theory. This is history. And it’s there for all to read.Phelps and Charles T. Wilcox have done, what I consider, the best work on the Vatican-Jesuit nexus.They, in turn, have based their work on the forms of information mentioned above. That information should be accessed—as I have done—to determine the veracity of Phelps’ and Wilcox’s works.Years ago, when I looked into this, I did so not believing that what Phelps was maintaining was, in fact, true. But I had to find out. And I found that the Vatican and the Jesuits run the show.Christians are forewarned in the New Testament that the enemy would eventually be found inside the gate, that Satan would come not as a hideous monster but as one of their own.Therefore, what better disguise to wear than one of religiosity?The Vatican is the smiley face; the Jesuits are the enforcers.Undoubtedly, during the twentieth century, many global and quasi-political organizations have emerged.
All have a job to do. But this entire New World Order network is not a horizontal structure.The Zionist movement—measured against the Vatican/Jesuit existence—is modern. The relationship between the Rothschilds—perhaps the preeminent Zionists—and the Vatican is well-documented.When I read accounts from the nineteenth century—especially mid-century—our political leaders are warned to be wary of Vatican not Zionist provocateuring.At the Secret Treaty of Verona in 1822, several monarchies—the Holy Alliance—pledged themselves to destroy the concept of popular government that had taken root in the United States. It was called the Holy Alliance because the monarchies were pledged to do the bidding of the Vatican, not the Zionists.When John Surratt fled the U.S. because of his role in the Lincoln assassination, he found safe haven in the Vatican Guard. The U.S. threatened the Vatican with a cessation of diplomatic relations unless Surratt was returned.When Cecil Rhodes was preparing his Round Table to pursue his dream of global rule, he wished to create an organization that mirrored the Jesuits.
The oath the initiates would take was to be based on the Jesuit oath. Nothing there about Zionism.How many times have we seen our heads of state with the pope in the Vatican? How many times in the City of London? Certainly Zionism is a palpable force in the United States, but it has become a much bigger concern in the last half of the twentieth century, with a dramatic intensification under the current administration.I don’t deny that Zionism has had and is having an impact in the United States. I do wonder sometimes if resentment toward Zionism is pouring over to encompass all Jewry, all those who live in Israel? Is this fervor fueling what might turn out to be a pogrom?In his analysis, Victor criticized Phelps for too often throwing together “dates, countries, names. . . .”I would think that sort of information is referential and necessary.Victor said the information was “never qualified by substantive (or significant) facts.”
To make that pronouncement, I think it would’ve been better if he had first checked out Phelp’s Vatican Assassins and Wilcox’s Transformation of the Republic and any/all of the works both authors list in their bibliographies.With regard to the contradictions that exist between what the Vatican states publicly and does privately through the Jesuits, does Victor think it a stretch—since he clearly understands the NWO’s modus operandi—that duplicity, false fronts, and the Hegelian Dialectic are also in play with the Vatican?Both Zionists and the Vatican ultimately wish to rule the world from Jerusalem. The Vatican is quite content to let the world’s ire draw down upon the Zionists, while it goes about its dirty business undetected.The role of Zionism in the Grand Scheme cannot be denied, but to underestimate the power of the Vatican-Jesuit nexus is a huge mistake.
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