Monday, July 10, 2006

Abortion is Murder Forever!!!!!!!!!!!!


Abortion is Murder
"Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall." -Proverb 16:18
Jennifer Baumgardner designed this T-shirt to make a political statement about abortion rights.

" It delivers a message that is intended to confront and subvert the sense of shame. "
- Lisa Boyce,vice president of Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin

The Counter above is the estimated average number of American
abortions that have taken place since it became legal (1973).

"Thou shalt not kill." -Exodus 20:13

Wow!!!!! I guess the above pictures are something to be proud of!! Good job girl!!!!! I'll bet your parents are so proud of you too. You that support this will burn in hell if you do not repent and accept the Lord Jesus Christ. Is it really that hard to take responsibility for your actions? How can you sick people sleep at night? I'm sorry but I don't see the good in this. I hear feminists all the time ranting and raving for abortion rights and this is some how good for society. Well it is if you are in with the elite. You see most Americans these days have been conditioned to ask for their own enslavement through various TV programs and I will admit also from a lack of action from the pulpits. The media tries to make everything a right left debate. If you don't like Bush then you are left wing even if you are against abortion. Folks! This is not right, it just doesn't add up. The popular Fox News show Hannity & Colmes tries to make every issue in the world a right left debate. I am willing to bet that they could make different pizza toppings a left right debate! Like I said in the welcome page the whole left right debate is false and until we start to figure this out we are going to keep on losing freedoms. It has always been about freedom and slavery. The globalists love this abortion stuff because its great population control. The easier they make it for you the worse off our society will become and there wont be so much resistance when THE TIME comes.

So this is what a feminist looks like huh? That's just great, thanks Ashley for the description you too must like the photos above. Maybe I am crazy or something... Oh, I know... being a feminist is so much more than abortion, what was I ever thinking!!! I am so sorry I guess I don't watch enough sitcoms. (Very graphic!)
Big money behind population control: (Bad deal right here!)
Genocide: (Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Plan for Black America)

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