Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Fighting Back

Silence is not me when I witness persistent lies from the mainstream media and other outlets. A train derailed in Chicago and bombs occured in India. The India bombing occured in the city of Mumbai. At least 179 people died and over 600 people have been injured in the blasts. 7 blasts transpired upon numerous suburban trains in the Indian subcontinent. This just proves that the world is dangerous place. It's interesting that the events in Chicago occured in 7/11. 9/11/2001 (in New York), 3/11/2004 (in Spain), and 7/7 (in London) experienced terrorist attacks. It wouldn't suprise me if the terrible tragedies in Chicago and India was a product of another inside job (events exploitated for nefarious purposes, inside jobs and false flag operations have occured for thousands of years like the Reichstag Fire and the CIA coup of Iran's leader in the 1950's). I realize that the Bonesman George W. Bush is a puppet for the American and European Elite. Therefore, Bush ought not to be blamed for everything wrong on the globe. Although, Bush is accountable for any error that he has achieved. Violence is so commonplace in the unconstitutional war of Iraq (since no Congressional Declaration of War came about) that polls consistently outline that a majoirty of Americans believe that it's a mistake.

The attack on Kevin Barrett by Neo Cons like Bill O'Reilly, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and the "liberal" Alan Colmes made me upset. Even so-called "keep it honest" Anderson Cooper (who is Gloria Vanderbilt's son of the Vanderbilt elite family) bashed people in the 911 Truth Movement. O'Reilly was the biggest liar. First, Kevin Barrett made it clear that he will give both sides of the 9/11 story to his students. That is being really fair and balanced. Second, Kevin said that he will not indoctrinate his students about his views. His personal views about 9/11 was told privately to another faculty member in non-educational conversations, yet the Neo Cons want him fired from the University of Wisconsin (in Madison). The Neo Cons and others want Kevin Barrett to be restricted of his free speech rights. O'Reilly has the nerve yesterday to said that Kevin has no evidence that 9/11 was an inside job. The good news is that the University decided that Barrett will keep his job.

I agree with Kevin Barrett on 9/11.
9/11 was an inside job. The evidence for that is overwhelming. One piece of Evidence is Building Number 7, which fell in a symmetrical fashion in about 6.6 seconds when no plane hit it. The military stood down in not intercepting the 4 planes. Norman Mineta admitted under oath in testimony (to the 9/11 Commission) that Dick Cheney stood down the aircraft from intercepting the plane, which hit the Pentagon. George W. Bush supported the document W199I, which restricted the FBI to investigate suspected terrorists. The government had foreknowledge of terrorist like (even use of hijacked airplanes into buildings) attacks for years. Some of the "hijackers" were trained in government military bases plus many of the hijackers have links to intelligence agencies. Professors like physicist Steven Jones outline evidence for a controlled demolition of the Twin Towers through thermite. There are other smoking guns. Bill O'Reilly is an enemy and a liar. He's quoted as wanting to execute imprisoned human beings inside of Gitmo. O'Reilly was accused of phone sex against his own wife and he refuses to talk about numerous real issues on his show (i.e. 9/11 Truth Movement, the American Union , the new world order, etc.) O'Reilly wants us to focus on a Democrat and Republican divide. Yet, both parties in its leadership are funded by the same group of people, which are the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Knights of Malta, CNP, Bilderberg Group, etc.

Then, you have Glenn Beck. I only heard of this guy a couple of weeks ago. Who is Glen Beck? ha ha ha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's a Neo Con discussing non-serious issues like Virgin Mobile and mocking sincere people in the 9/11 Truth Movement. The 9/11 Truth Movement will not go away, we are fortified, and we won't back down. I will defend Kevin Barrett. We must defend his courage as a Patriot for speaking the truth publiclly. The evidence is apparent and I will not back down. 9/11 was used by the Bush Administration and the real Elite to carry out this war on terror (for empire), increased federal control domestically (through anti-Bill of Rights laws like the Patriot Act), and promote globalization in the world (or a new world order). It's as simple as that. Many of these neo-cons act very ignorant of the reality of the circumstances in the 911 attacks. To believe that people with boxcutters could execute all aspects of September 11th attacks is really silly after you unbaisly look at all of the evidence. I haven't seen so many people waking up about 9/11 before. Now, religious people and others are exposing the deception of the offical story.
Now Bruce Willis is into the mix. According to Linklater, Bruce Willis changed his whole political paradigm after watching DVDs that believe that the government was involved in 9/11. This is more examples of many Hollywood folks waking up about 9/11. Hot Air is a popular video blog, founded by Neo-Con Michelle Malkin, attacked Bruce Willis as just trying to investigate aspects of 9/11 in his life. The Blog is seeking what is Bruce Willis' real views on 9/11 after he read Alex Jones' DVDs that Linklater gave him. For a while, Bruce Willis has been pro war on terror.

Reuters on July 12, 2006 wrote that the Army will end its deal with Halliburton (Cheney's old oil company). There has been alot of criticism against Halliburton and this development is interesting. Beyond that, we must stay focused. Free speech zones, cameras all over the places, and the biometrics agenda has nothing to do with real freedom or liberty.

Some strange news is coming on. MSNBC on July 12, 2006 talked about how the Joe Scarborough show presenting information on how the Bayer Corportation knowingly contaminated medicine with the AIDS to send into European markets after it killed people in America. It is wild, yet we shouldn't be suprised. Many vaccines are contaminated all of the time and real doctors have exposed the dangers of vaccines for decades. Bayer itself funded Hitler's Empire during WWII. Darryl Eberhart, Eric Jon Phelps, and so many others have written about the Vatican/Jesuit link to WWII (with people like Knight of Malta [or SMOM] Reinhard Gehlen, Jesuits in the S.S., SMOM Franz von Papen, Ustasha terrorists, etc.). The Alliance for Human Research Protection cited evidence that IG Farben's sucessors after the war were BASF, Bayer, Hoechst, and other German chemical and pharmaceutical companies. IG Farben made chemicals that killed innocent people during the Holocaust. Also, Joseph Mengele was connected with IG Farben. As many know, Mengele performed disgusting, immoral human experimentations unto people during WWII.

This is apart of a bigger agenda. Dr. Henry Makow wrote that a reader said that Bill Gates has a link with Lucis Trust (it used to be called Lucifer Trust). Lucis Trust was invented in 1922 by Alice Bailey, whose husband was Foster Bailey (a 33° Freemason). Both of them accepted the dictates of the New Age Movement (whose adherents include Jesuit priest Pierre de Chardin, Shirley Maclaine, and Ted Turner). Alice Bailey was the leader of the Theosophical Society (invented by Satanist Helena Blavatsky in 1875). Now, Alice was anti-Semitic and said that Jews had bad karma for the reason of the Holocaust (in 1949 in her work called "Esoteric Healing" on p. 263). Many of these philanthropists' organizations like the Gates Foundation seem like they want to help the Third World

On the other hand, far too often, their monies fund population control programs, vaccinations, and abortion throughout the Third World.
The Gates Foundation has given the Planned Parenthood Federation of America almost $12.5 million since 1998. Warren Buffett even gave $31 billion to the Gates Foundation. New Ages groups like Lucis Trust endorse globalists like George Soros, Kofi Annan, and others to support New Age beliefs. It relates to Gnosticism as well and this whole Babylonian Mystery Religion deal that many of the Elite agree with. Gnosticism (whose belief bashes anything physical, calls man basically good, wants man to learn knowledge to achieve "godhood", etc.) is intertwined with the agenda of the New Age and the global religious movement. In fact, a new film called "“The Da Vinci Con: Hollywood's War on God" exposes the Da Vinci Code even further. The Da Vinci Code is already exposed already, but this film devles deeper into the Gnostic connection of the agenda of many anti-conservative Christian people in Hollywood and across the planet. Christians and other researchers have proven this and outlined the New Age Movement's connection to the United Nations. The goal is to fight back. I don't believe in fighting by preemptive violence against the government. I believe in peaceful protest, prayer, living a holy life, helping people, educating people, writing information and showing it to people, and other forms of activism. We can't make a difference without first being active in our own communities and across the Earth. Don't get me wrong. I love my country, but one of the ways you show love of country is by exposing the evils in the country and the world.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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