The “Boogie Man” lives!
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David Limbaugh
By John Lofton, Editor
“Boogie Man” politics is the unimaginative, morally relativistic, anti-Christian, un-principled, lesser-of-two-evils politics which says “X” may not be perfect but, hey!, “X” is better than “Y” so support “X.”
In a message to subscribers of “Human Events” headlined: “Why the Democrats are morally and intellectually bankrupt and richly deserve to lose in 2006 and 2008,” they are told about a “startling new book” by David Limbaugh which “shows just how far the Democratic Party has fallen, and why there is little prospect of redemption.”
The first paragraph of this message reads (get ready for the “Boogie Man”): “Conservatives know that the Republican Party is far from perfect. It could do much better on immigration, domestic spending, and many other issues. But at least it does still stand for something beyond the win-at—all-costs mentality that has captured the soul of the Democratic Party.”
Bingo! There he is — the “Boogie Man!” And, for-the-record, I see no difference at all between the two parties as far as both of them, at the national level, having a “win-at-all-costs mentality.”
This message goes on to say: “Limbaugh argues that, because of this, the GOP (the Republican Party) is now the only choice for those who want to see our nation prevail in the war on terror.”
Comment: See what I mean about being unimaginative. The GOP is “the only choice” blah, blah, blah. Really? The “only choice?” Well, yes, of course, the “only choice” to a Republican Party cheerleader like Limbaugh. As for the GOP “prevailing” in the “war on terror,” I’ve read numerous reliable reports saying that Bush’s un-Biblical, un-Constitutional, unnecessary war in Iraq has created many, many more terrorists than existed before this war!
Message: “Moreover, the GOP still contains many trustworthy people who are working for sound conservative domestic policies as well.”
Comment: Excellent! It’s good to know that not every Republican is untrustworthy! Whoooooopeeeeeeee!
Message: “But the Democrats are another story altogether. At this point the party of Truman and Scoop Jackson stands for little beyond attacking President Bush. It has long lost any legitimate right to claim to be a responsible opposition party.”
Comment: The Democrats are not “another story all together!” In terms of Biblical and Constitutional civil government, both parties are irresponsible. In fact, in many ways, the Democratic Party is more honest than the GOP. The Dems run as what they are: Big Government Liberals; the Republicans run as limited-government Conservatives but when elected govern as Big Government Liberals.
Message: “Democrats such as Sen. Joseph Lieberman who understand the need for a strong national defense are ostracized by party elites for their responsible statements on the war.”
Comment: Any pro-Iraq war statement is not responsible.
Message: “The 1970s Catholic, Southern, and bluecollar Democrats who held on to traditional moral values while their party threw them overboard are now mostly ‘Reagan Republicans.’”
Comment: If true, then these folks were had because Reagan did nothing about the so-called “social issues” which is what the “traditional moral values” issues were called when Reagan was in office.
Message: “Lies, lies, lies — and the Democrats. In [his book] David Limbaugh indicts today’s Democrats using their own words. This meticulously documented book reveals just how far the Democratic Party has fallen, and shows why there is little promise of redemption in sight.”
Comment: When it comes to lying and falling far, Limbaugh doesn’t want to go there. No way! By rapidly abandoning every conservative thing the Republicans said they were for, the GOP has lied more than the Democrats and fallen much further than the Democrats who, as I say, run as Big Government Liberals and govern this way.
Message: “You can now get all the dirt on the Democrats — in their own self-damning words in your FREE hardcover copy of [Limbaugh’s book] when you renew your subscription to HUMAN EVENTS.”
Comment: Thanks but no thanks. With their lying, bait-and-switch, run-as-conservatives-but-govern-as-Big-Government-Liberals tactics, the Republicans are up to their eyeballs in “dirt.”
Message: “[Limbaugh] exposes the outright dishonesty of Democratic leaders as they dare to politicize issues of national security and reveals how top Democratic leaders have a consistent pattern of lying about the President over the war in Iraq. He shows how much damage they have done to their credibility with their carping and defeatism, and explains how their intense hatred of George W. Bush has led them into all sorts of political blind alleys.”
Comment: “Dishonesty?!” “Lying?!” Not one of the major reasons Bush & Company cited for going to war in Iraq have proven to have been true! And, of course, Bush has done nothing to “politicize” the national security issue, right?
Message: “Limbaugh also lays bare the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of the Democratic Party on judges…and the economy, exposing them as the party that is trashing the Constitution and driving the once-robust American economy to the brink of catastrophe.”
Comment: Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Talk about “moral and intellectual bankruptcy!” Bush has named two Supreme Court judges (Roberts, Alito) who made it clear they have no problem with the high court’s murderous, pro-abortion, Roe v. Wade decision. And in their respective confirmation hearings, both men explicitly renounced their supposed Christian faith saying it would have nothing to do with their judging! As for the economy, Bush has given us the most debt-ridden Federal Government in the history of our country. And Bush has “trashed” the Constitution like no President in modern times!
Message: “Limbaugh readily admits that our country needs a responsible opposition party — a party willing to participate in an honest policy debate — but sadly, the Democrats fall way short of the mark.”
Comment: And so do the Republicans!
Message: “Limbaugh…in sobering, breath taking detail…revea1s how, in their desperation to regain the power they held for decades, Democrats have seized on a few isolated scandals and manufactured others — while real systemic corruption is in the highest positions of Democratic leadership.”
Comment: Limbaugh’s book is “sober” about nothing. It is knee-jerk blather from a drunk Republican Party cheerleader.
Message: [Limbaugh notes] the Democratic Party’s decline: it took firm root in the late 1960s and 1970s, but has accelerated dramatically over the last decade.”
Comment: Again, from what they have said they believe in, the Republicans have declined more rapidly.
Message: [Limbaugh exposes] the Democrats’ false claims that Bush is trampling on the Constitution — while doing all they can to subordinate the Constitution to their own political ends.”
Comment: But Bush has trampled on the Constitution!
Message: “While they have had the effrontery to lambaste President Bush over his Weapons of Mass Destruction assertions, scores of Democrats are on public record making similarly strong statements about Iraqi WMD.”
Comment: So, what? Two wrongs make a right? Absurd.
Message: “Why the Democrats aren’t even honest about their own core convictions.”
Comment: And what, pray tell, are the “core convictions” of the Republicans — other than, like the Democrats, doing and saying virtually anything to get elected and/or re-elected?
Message: “Don’t ever, ever be tempted to vote for a liberal, even as a protest vote.”
Comment: If you voted for Bush, you voted for one who has governed as a liberal!
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