_________________ (Sarasota, Florida Planned Parenthood Denied Govt Funds Now Does Abortions) (Christian Group Starts Prayer Campaign for Obama to Change Mind on Abortion) (British Abortion Practitioner Allan Templeton Gets Award From Queen Elizabeth II)
Pro-God, Pro-Human Life, anti-New World Order, Anti-Nefarious Secret Societies, Pro-Civil Liberties, anti-Torture, anti-National ID Card, Pro-Family, Anti-Neo Conservativism, Pro-Net Neutrality, Pro-Home Schooling, Anti-Voting Fraud, Pro-Good Israelis & Pro-Good Palestinians, Anti-Human Trafficking, Pro-Health Freedom, Anti-Codex Alimentarius, Pro-Action, Anti-Bigotry, Pro-9/11 Justice, Anti-Genocide, and Pro-Gun Control. My name is Timothy and I'm from the state of Virginia.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Lincoln Memorial: Doric Temple of Apollo?, Etc.
The Last Day of 2008
Oregon wants to have a mileage tax and a tracking system in their legislation. A year ago, the Oregon Department of Transportation announced it had demonstrated it a new way to pay for roads. They want to have a mileage tax and satellite technology in order to do it. Hasso Hering from the Albany Democrat-Herald on December 29, 2008 described this issue. Today, Governor Ted Kulongoski want the Oregon legislature to take the next step. He wants this to be apart of a transportation related bill that he has filed for the 2009 legislative season. The government wants a path of transition away from the gas tax as the central funding source for transportation. The Governor comments on his website that: “As Oregonians drive less and demand more fuel-efficient vehicles, it is increasingly important that the state find a new way, other than the gas tax, to finance our transportation system." Kulongoski's policies online propose to continue the work of a special task force that came up with and tested the idea of a mileage tax to replace the gas tax. The governor wants the task force: “to partner with auto manufacturers to refine technology that would enable Oregonians to pay for the transportation system based on how many miles they drive.” Typically, the governor maintains that privacy concerns are addressed for rural Oregon. A task force utilized a study and test. Critics believe that the technology could be used to track where vehicles go, not just how far they travel. This information would even be stored by the government. The Governor's proposal is so typical of the statist threat that has overreach in our daily lives. If the government can add new taxes in our mileage, they can propose new taxes to anything imaginable. The reality is that controlling our lives more hasn't worked. There has to be more liberty and other solutions if you want more serious improvements in our country's infrastructure.
There was a boat incident relating to the Israel and Gaza conflict. An Israeli patrol boat intercepted a yacht carrying three tons of medical supplies to Gaza in international waters early on Tuesday. The Israelis claim the boat was trying to run an Israeli blockade. Those on the boat believe that the Israeli military intentionally hit their humanitarian boat on purpose. There were 16 passengers on the boat. These people include doctors, journalists, and human rights activists. ex-Congresswoman Cythnia McKinney was on the boat. She ran for the Green Party during the 2008 Presidential Election. McKinney was one of the few Congresspeople calling for an independent investigation of 9/11. I don't agree with her on gun rights and abortion, but she has been one of the sincere liberals that wanted justice in the world. She told CNN about the boat issue from Lebanon. He told John Roberts that: "...Our boat was rammed three times, twice in the front and once on the side." McKinney called the comments of the Israeli Foreign Ministry as disinformation. The ship supported the Free Gazar Movement. They sponsored the relief mission in order to end the seige of Gaza. Also, the members inside of the boat desire to give medical supplies and food to the victims of the Gaza attacks in Gaza. Blasts are occuring everywhere there. There were small boats and they didn't cross into Israeli waters at all. The truth is that rockets bombing Israel is wrong. Also, the acts of Israel in Gaza have been disproportionate and wrong. Many civilians have died and even a school was bombed. McKinney appealed to President elect Barack Obama to say something about the humanitarian crisis that the people of Gaza are experiencing. McKinney is known for opposing Israeli policies. The boat was named Dignity. It appears that the governments of Israel, Gaza, Hamas, etc. just like the American government have done wicked policies in their actions. The bombing of Gaza continue. Civilians are dying in high numbers because Gaza has a high population density. This doesn't justify these bombings, but puts context surrounding these events. This doesn't mean all Jews or all Arabs are blamed for this violence, but a small few of extremists. I believe Jewish people and Arabic have a right to live in Israel, but you can never support injustice among any side.
The Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich had chosen Roland Burris as the replacement for Barack Obama's Senate seat. Now, Rod still is having controversy over being accused of selling Obama's Senate seat to the highest bidder. Now, Rod denies all of these charges. Even though Rod is an unsavory character, a profane language talker, and an anti-liberty proponent, he is still innocent until proven guilty under the court of law. Rod has promised to fight this case until the end. Now, Roland Burris is famous in Illinois as being the former Illinois attorney general. I never heard of him until yesterday. Senate members though plan on rejecting Burris because Blagojevich named Burris as a candidate. If this occurs, this could be brought to the Supreme Court to figure out if Roland Burris gets the Senate seat or not. Bobby Rush (who is an ex-Black Panther and famous Illinois politican) said that Burris should have a fair hearing and not be lynched like Blagojevich was hounded. Top Obama aides, including his selection as White House chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, are coming under fire for reportedly talking to Blagojevich about the appointment. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has written that he will oppose the Burris pick. Roland Burris is the first African American to serve statewide office in Illinois from 1983 as comptroller. He was Illinois' Attorney General from 1991 to 1995. During his tenure as the state's top attorney, he came under criticism from pro-life advocates for determining that the state's anti-stalking law is gender-neutral and declaring that it could be used to prosecute pro-life advocates who offer information to women outside an abortion center. Burris was also accused to twisting the law to prosecute pro-life sidewalk counselors to curry favor with abortion advocates prior to a bid for governor. So, he is definitely pro-abortion. What's interesting is that I found out that Roland Burris is a Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity member. He is also a 32nd Degree Prince Hall Freemason. Roland Burris ran and lost his bid for Governor of Illinois twice. Time will tell what will happen to Roland Burris in his quest to get the Illinois Senate seat or not.
Vic Livingston from the NowPublic on December 30, 2008 reported on more evil forms of torture. It's easy to prove the reality of domestic torture. This was done by corporations and governments for thousands of years. There has been new technology. This technology revolves around radiation weaponry that has been around for years. There are energy weapons existing now. One type of weapon is called D.E.W. It is called directed energy weapons. The radiation exist in various forms ranging from mircowave energy, sound waves, X-Rays, and evne gamma rays. Some of these weapons are in the experimental stage. Some are bukly that the Army have demonstrated in a microwave weapon. The Active Denial System is such a weapon that can create ear spliting sound. The government justifies the outlines of these devices in claiming that these instruments are "non-lethal" when in fact a dosage of radiated energy can be hazardous to people. That energy can stun, maim, burn, cause strokes, cause, aneurysms, and induce illnesses (like cancer) or kill. The April 2008 FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin had an article in describing the D.E.W. There is community stalking where citizens are targeted with DEW weapons. This is certainly fascism since many innocent people (under the guise of being called dissidents, radicals, undesireables, and whistle-blowers) are targeted with these D.E.W. radiation weapons. According to Nowpublic, journalists have been targeted as related to this pervasive surveillance. Even some in the government want to institute shock devices in the aircraft. For far too often, we do little about our constitutional rights being violated all of the time. There are plenty of evidences to validate this point of a civil liberty crisis. They include the Patriot Act, warrantless wiretapping, warrantless checkpoints, militarized polices, random searches, and the military handling domestic affairs throughout America. Some of these victims are not even charged with any violation of the law. Justice should be made toward victims of these events.
Peter Schiff believes that government interference only makes the problem worse for our finances. He went on CNBC to debate economists about the bailout. These economists believes that the ballout was necessary and inevitable. The problem is that the bailout law had blacked out sections in it about who would fund the money, it gives the Federal Reserve draconian powers, it had pork in it, and it does not have adequate judicial review toward the Federal Reserve at all. Schiff said that the word stimulus is a minsnomer, because that government had proven itself incapable of stimulating the economy and has only sought to “interfere with the free market’s ability to create legitimate wealth." These policies in Peter Schiff's mind have lead into more inflation and more destruction of the American economy. Others challenged him with the notion that stimulus programs ended the Great Depression in the 1930's. Schiff responded by saying that had the market been allow to run its natural course absent the interference of government or the FED, the Great Depression wouldn't of have existed. He added that capitalism had the cure for the disease with which the government has infected the market. “The problem was in the 1920’s, the Federal Reserve blew up a stock market bubble, when it burst we needed to have a severe recession but Hoover wouldn’t let that happen, he tried to intervene, he tried to prop up companies, he tried to keep companies from failing, he was the most interventionist president up until that point - he started the Great Depression,” said Schiff, adding that Roosevelt then compounded the problem through the rest of the 30’s. Not to mention that some of FDR's policies was stricken down by the Supreme Court. The Court said back then that some of the New Deal was monopolistic (because people were getting arrested for violating food controls). Now, the military build up during WWII ended the Great Depression. The government economic mandates haven't created an economic stimulus in the later half of 2008 at all. Schiff predicted that the ultimate bottom for the Dow would mean it was worth just one ounce of gold and that it would hit a low of value between five and seven ounces of gold next year. The lesson is we should be anti-debt, pro-investment, pro-balanced budget, and cut spending that isn't needed for our country at all. Sound economic principles have always been solutions to our economic crisis.
Women have been strongly pro-life for centuries. Maria Vitale from (as an Editorial Columnist) from December 30, 2008 focused on this truth. Now, January 22, 2009 is the date about the March of Life. This is a time when peaceful pro-life protestors of every background protest the evils of abortion. Women have always been an outspoken voice in the pro-life movement. This is especially witnessed among those women who regreted their own abortions. Alveda King is a such a woman, who is the uncle of Dr. Martin Luther King. Alveda deeply regreted the 2 abortions she experienced. One was without her consent and the other was at her request. She has said, “My birthday is Jan. 22, and each year, this day is marred by the fact that it is the anniversary of Roe v. Wade and the anniversary of death for millions of babies. I and my deceased children are victims of abortion, and subsequently the Roe v. Wade decision has adversely affected the lives of my entire family.” Alveda King isn't alone in her grief. The Silent No More Awareness Campaign is made up of women from around the nation that exposes the pain, emotional, and physical negative consequences associated with abortion. Jennifer O'Neill is the group's celebrity spokeswoman. She is an actress and model that experienced depression after he suffered her abortion. O'Neill said in a Capitol Hill briefing, “Of course the protection of the unborn child is at the center of my heart. However, the aftermath of abortion can be equally deadly for both mother and unborn child. (A woman who has an abortion) is sentenced to bear that for the rest of her life.” Abortion indeed does have adverse side effects. Research has shown that about 60 percent of women who experience post-abortion after-effects have thoughts of suicide and 28 percent try to kill themselves. A study of women eight weeks after their abortions found that 44 percent experienced nervous disorders and 36 percent had sleep disturbances. Damage of the uterus and other forms of sexual dysfunction can come about as a result of abortion. Patricia Heaton, Emmy Award-winning star of TV’s “Everybody Loves Raymond,” is the honorary chairwoman of Feminists for Life. Better child care and housing options for women are solutions that people can agree to in order to stop abortions. It's ever more apparent that women deserve better than abortion. Even Sarah Palin did the right thing to perserve the life of her son Trig despite of him living with Down Syndrome. Compassion is what's needed in our society and abortion isn't apart of compassion at all. Abortion is murder. Especially after Roe v. Wade, abortion is exposed as a destructive practice.
2008 is almost over. This year has been greatly interesting. I've learned about real facts concerning history, politics, the economy, etc. I've been through many debates with Freemasons (who claim that Masonry is beign when high level Freemasons from Albert Pike to other admit that Masonry is related to the occult Mystery Religions plus the unscriptural Kabbala), anti-Semites, skeptics, and other people. 2008 exposed a lot of crooks. This year has also been the increase of my works to be popular to people on a higher level. I've exposed the Vatican, the Masons, and other nefarious organizations. I will not back down from my core convictions at all. This year is like a rebirth of my commitment in finding the truth in society. 2009 will be an interesting year. Barack Obama is the new President. He wants an economic stimulus. According to him, a stimulus package will jump start the economy. The future will tell if Obama's policies will improve the conditions of this bad economy or not. One thing is certainly etched in stone. The precise discernment I have with George W. Bush, I will continue to have for Barack Obama. There will be new deceptions in the horizons in 2009. On the the other hand, more human beings will wake up in 2009 as well. I reject bigotry and racism, so I won't back down some those who want to intimidate people into blaming one group of people for all of the evils in the world. There will be new challenges, but the truth will remain. God, who is the Truth will exist forever and ever.
By Timothy
Note by Me: I don't agree with Schfally's membership of the Dame of Malta, but this is interesting information.
By Timothy
New Study Further Disproves Freakonomics Abortion-Crime Reduction Theory
New Study Further Disproves Freakonomics Abortion-Crime Reduction Theory
by Steven Ertelt Editor
December 31, 2008
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Washington, DC ( -- A new study offer more reasons for doubting the Freakonomics theory put forward by University of Chicago economist Steven Levitt that claims legalizing abortion reduced crime. The study shows a large rise in homicides by black teens in recent years even though black women have the highest abortion rate.
Respected criminologist James Alan Fox of Northeastern University has released a new study showing homicides by blacks between the ages of 14 and 17 has jumped 34 percent from 2000 through 2007.
The number of crimes for white people in the same age range did not increase.
In the book Freakonomics, Levitt claimed legalizing abortion led to a major drop in murder and other violent crimes in the 1980s and 1990s. He theorized that the babies who were victimized by abortion would have been more likely to commit crimes.
But Fox's study shows violent crime in the black community has gone up in the last decade -- not down.
"Yes, it's not nearly as bad as it was in 1990, but it is worse than it was in 2000," he told the Chicago Sun-Times.
Yet, if Levitt's hypothesis is true, crime should have gone down significantly in the black community because of a higher abortion rate.
A report in September from the pro-abortion Alan Guttmacher Institute finds abortions are more likely to be done on women who are African-American.
“Many Americans will welcome the news that there are fewer abortions, particularly among teens," says Sharon Camp, the president of the research group. "But at the same time, abortions are becoming more concentrated among women of color and low-income women."
Between 1994 and 2004, the abortion rate for Hispanic women fell by 20% and there was a 30% decline among non-Hispanic white women. But black women saw the lowest decline -- at 15 percent during the same time period.
Black women account for 37% of abortions, white women for 34%, Hispanic women 22% and women of other races 8%.
With Fox showing that the violent crimes are lowering among white teenagers and rising among black teenagers, the data appears to be another proof against the Freakonomics abortion-crime theory.
But the Fox study isn't the first to cast doubts on it.
An August 2007 study conducted by a researcher at the University of Maryland shows that legalized abortion has led to higher rates of crime and increased murder rates. The occurred because a higher percentage of children grew up in single-parent homes during the years following Roe v. Wade.
The findings were published in the April 2007 issue of the academic journal Economic Inquiry and are part of a new book written by researcher John R. Lott.
According to Lott, the high court's decision ultimately resulted in more out-of-wedlock births, a reduction in the number of children adopted and fewer married parents.
Before that, Lott and John Whitley, affiliated with the University of Chicago, wrote a paper in August 2006 challenging the abortion-crime reduction claims.
Meanwhile, in November 2005, Christopher Foote, a senior economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and research assistant Christopher Goetz, told the Wall St. Journal the data Levitt used was faulty.
Foote said there was a "missing formula" in Levitt's original research that allowed him to ignore certain factors that may have contributed to the lowering of crime rates during the 1980s and 1990s.
Foote also argues that Levitt counted the total number of arrests made when he should have used per-capita figures. After Foote adjusted for both factors, the abortion effect simply disappeared, the Journal reported.
"There are no statistical grounds for believing that the hypothetical youths who were aborted as fetuses would have been more likely to commit crimes had they reached maturity than the actual youths who developed from fetuses and carried to term," the Foote and Goetz say in their report.
Buzz up!
New Study Further Disproves Freakonomics Abortion-Crime Reduction Theory
by Steven Ertelt Editor
December 31, 2008
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Washington, DC ( -- A new study offer more reasons for doubting the Freakonomics theory put forward by University of Chicago economist Steven Levitt that claims legalizing abortion reduced crime. The study shows a large rise in homicides by black teens in recent years even though black women have the highest abortion rate.
Respected criminologist James Alan Fox of Northeastern University has released a new study showing homicides by blacks between the ages of 14 and 17 has jumped 34 percent from 2000 through 2007.
The number of crimes for white people in the same age range did not increase.
In the book Freakonomics, Levitt claimed legalizing abortion led to a major drop in murder and other violent crimes in the 1980s and 1990s. He theorized that the babies who were victimized by abortion would have been more likely to commit crimes.
But Fox's study shows violent crime in the black community has gone up in the last decade -- not down.
"Yes, it's not nearly as bad as it was in 1990, but it is worse than it was in 2000," he told the Chicago Sun-Times.
Yet, if Levitt's hypothesis is true, crime should have gone down significantly in the black community because of a higher abortion rate.
A report in September from the pro-abortion Alan Guttmacher Institute finds abortions are more likely to be done on women who are African-American.
“Many Americans will welcome the news that there are fewer abortions, particularly among teens," says Sharon Camp, the president of the research group. "But at the same time, abortions are becoming more concentrated among women of color and low-income women."
Between 1994 and 2004, the abortion rate for Hispanic women fell by 20% and there was a 30% decline among non-Hispanic white women. But black women saw the lowest decline -- at 15 percent during the same time period.
Black women account for 37% of abortions, white women for 34%, Hispanic women 22% and women of other races 8%.
With Fox showing that the violent crimes are lowering among white teenagers and rising among black teenagers, the data appears to be another proof against the Freakonomics abortion-crime theory.
But the Fox study isn't the first to cast doubts on it.
An August 2007 study conducted by a researcher at the University of Maryland shows that legalized abortion has led to higher rates of crime and increased murder rates. The occurred because a higher percentage of children grew up in single-parent homes during the years following Roe v. Wade.
The findings were published in the April 2007 issue of the academic journal Economic Inquiry and are part of a new book written by researcher John R. Lott.
According to Lott, the high court's decision ultimately resulted in more out-of-wedlock births, a reduction in the number of children adopted and fewer married parents.
Before that, Lott and John Whitley, affiliated with the University of Chicago, wrote a paper in August 2006 challenging the abortion-crime reduction claims.
Meanwhile, in November 2005, Christopher Foote, a senior economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and research assistant Christopher Goetz, told the Wall St. Journal the data Levitt used was faulty.
Foote said there was a "missing formula" in Levitt's original research that allowed him to ignore certain factors that may have contributed to the lowering of crime rates during the 1980s and 1990s.
Foote also argues that Levitt counted the total number of arrests made when he should have used per-capita figures. After Foote adjusted for both factors, the abortion effect simply disappeared, the Journal reported.
"There are no statistical grounds for believing that the hypothetical youths who were aborted as fetuses would have been more likely to commit crimes had they reached maturity than the actual youths who developed from fetuses and carried to term," the Foote and Goetz say in their report.
Buzz up!
Iconic civil rights advocate laid off by Village Voice
Iconic civil rights advocate laid off by Village Voice
Muriel Kane
Raw Story
December 31, 2008
Long-time civil rights advocate Nat Hentoff has been laid off by the financially troubled Village Voice.
The 83 year old Hentoff had worked for the paper since 1958, only three years after its founding. He responded to the news, which he received by phone on Tuesday morning, by saying, “I’m 83 and a half. You’d think they’d have let me go silently. Fortunately, I’ve never been more productive.”
A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Hentoff’s greatest prominent came in the 1960’s, when he was known as both a jazz critic and a leading exponent of free speech. He testified at the 1964 obscenity trial of comedian Lenny Bruce and helped launch the career of a young Bob Dylan. In 1971, a veiled reference in Hentoff’s column to the Pentagon Papers helped convince the New York Times to print the documents that revealed the Nixon administration’s lies.
In recent years, Hentoff has appeared to grow more conservative. He supported the invasion of Iraq on humanitarian grounds and became an opponent of abortion to the point where he refused to support the candidacy of Barack Obama.
However, Hentoff remains a fervent supporter of the freedom of the press. He wrote in his column for the Voice in 2007, “In the more than half a century I’ve been a reporter, there has never been as systematic an operation to intimidate and then silence the press as is now taking place under the Bush-Cheney-Gonzales administration.”
Earlier this month, Hentoff raised an alarm over the DNA Fingerprint Act of 2005, which is about to give give the federal government the power to collect DNA samples from anyone arrested for any crime.
“With all due immodesty,” Hentoff told the Times, “I think it doesn’t help to lose me because people have told me they read The Voice not only for me, but certainly for me.”
Iconic civil rights advocate laid off by Village Voice
Muriel Kane
Raw Story
December 31, 2008
Long-time civil rights advocate Nat Hentoff has been laid off by the financially troubled Village Voice.
The 83 year old Hentoff had worked for the paper since 1958, only three years after its founding. He responded to the news, which he received by phone on Tuesday morning, by saying, “I’m 83 and a half. You’d think they’d have let me go silently. Fortunately, I’ve never been more productive.”
A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Hentoff’s greatest prominent came in the 1960’s, when he was known as both a jazz critic and a leading exponent of free speech. He testified at the 1964 obscenity trial of comedian Lenny Bruce and helped launch the career of a young Bob Dylan. In 1971, a veiled reference in Hentoff’s column to the Pentagon Papers helped convince the New York Times to print the documents that revealed the Nixon administration’s lies.
In recent years, Hentoff has appeared to grow more conservative. He supported the invasion of Iraq on humanitarian grounds and became an opponent of abortion to the point where he refused to support the candidacy of Barack Obama.
However, Hentoff remains a fervent supporter of the freedom of the press. He wrote in his column for the Voice in 2007, “In the more than half a century I’ve been a reporter, there has never been as systematic an operation to intimidate and then silence the press as is now taking place under the Bush-Cheney-Gonzales administration.”
Earlier this month, Hentoff raised an alarm over the DNA Fingerprint Act of 2005, which is about to give give the federal government the power to collect DNA samples from anyone arrested for any crime.
“With all due immodesty,” Hentoff told the Times, “I think it doesn’t help to lose me because people have told me they read The Voice not only for me, but certainly for me.”
Military Backpeddles on Troops in America
Military Backpeddles on Troops in America
Carolyn Harris
December 31, 2008
Air Force General Victor E Renuart Jr.
The commander of NORTHCOM, Air Force General Victor E Renuart Jr., recently held a press conference regarding the deployment of troops in America. This new mission has made many in America not only concerned but worried and the General tried to dispel those fears.
Chairman of the House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) was nonplussed because Congress not only had not been briefed but was concerned that the new homeland missions would complicate their job as “steward of the defense budget.” No mention was made about being upset that we now have troops on our streets, only that his job would be made harder.
General Renuart explained that the new task force is “designed” to respond to chemical, biolocal or nuclear attacks and is “not meant to authorize the federal government to enforce martial law.” Such a statement may placate some but note the language - troops on the ground do not authorize martial law, the President does. And the President has not only Public Laws (Military Commissions Act and the John Warner Defense Authorization Act) on the books but Executive Orders under which he can declare an “emergency” and initiate martial law. [Full list of all Executive Orders here/a>.]
The General told the press, “It is not a force designed to go in and enforce laws. The national guard is empowered to do that through the states. This force is designed to go and render assistance and aid, as opposed to create security.” This is the not what was clearly stated in the Army Times article. See here and here for additional information on deployment of troops under NORTHCOM and how the National Guard is being assimilated into the federal military.
Despite his platitudes to the press and assurances to Congress that it would not require significant new funding from Congress, it is clear that the new task force’s deployment in the homeland most certainly is here to restore order in the event of civil unrest due to “unforseen economic collapse.” Unforseen? They are clearly here to prepare for widespread dissent and food riots due to the economic collapse.
So, as has been seen lately around the nation, the troops are engaging in a psychological operation to get the public used to seeing them on the streets. Troops have recently assisted California Highway Patrol at roadblocks supposedly to catch drunk drivers, they have assisted with Border Patrol and in other capacities such as collecting toys for underprivilged children for Christmas. The impression that citizens are supposed to have is “that military are here to help us!” Unfortunately as Alex Jones has said many times on air, this is part of a larger public relations effort before 20,000 troops are here under NORTHCOM.
A d v e r t i s e m e n t
That the military would feel the need to backpeddle, despite the fact that the reports in mainstream mediahave pushed the approved talking points, shows that they monitor the alternative media and what information is being provided to warn the populace on this issue. It also shows their concern about the increasing number of people who are not comfortable seeing military in full battle gear in their town, as well as the groundswell of people who are buying out the gun shops around the nation.
The military brass are clearly concerned about how the homeland missions are being perceived and that their public relations campaign is not going as well as planned. Look for major incidents in the near future to justify their presence.
Many in law enforcement and the military are deeply patriotic and are not aware of why they are being federalized, much less that it is universal and that they are becoming part of the control grid. One thing that patriots can do to educate the military that you know or happen to see is to give this incredibly powerful document: Operation Vampire Killer (.pdf). It is written by police for police and military and educates them not only about the New World Order, but exhorts them to think deeply about whether or not they will obey the command if and when they are told to disarm or fire upon fellow Americans.
If the police and military refuse to disarm Americans and refuse to fire upon us, the New World Order plan for America is greatly hampered. We must be bold and fearless and get this into the hands of those who have the decision to make.
Military Backpeddles on Troops in America
Carolyn Harris
December 31, 2008
Air Force General Victor E Renuart Jr.
The commander of NORTHCOM, Air Force General Victor E Renuart Jr., recently held a press conference regarding the deployment of troops in America. This new mission has made many in America not only concerned but worried and the General tried to dispel those fears.
Chairman of the House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) was nonplussed because Congress not only had not been briefed but was concerned that the new homeland missions would complicate their job as “steward of the defense budget.” No mention was made about being upset that we now have troops on our streets, only that his job would be made harder.
General Renuart explained that the new task force is “designed” to respond to chemical, biolocal or nuclear attacks and is “not meant to authorize the federal government to enforce martial law.” Such a statement may placate some but note the language - troops on the ground do not authorize martial law, the President does. And the President has not only Public Laws (Military Commissions Act and the John Warner Defense Authorization Act) on the books but Executive Orders under which he can declare an “emergency” and initiate martial law. [Full list of all Executive Orders here/a>.]
The General told the press, “It is not a force designed to go in and enforce laws. The national guard is empowered to do that through the states. This force is designed to go and render assistance and aid, as opposed to create security.” This is the not what was clearly stated in the Army Times article. See here and here for additional information on deployment of troops under NORTHCOM and how the National Guard is being assimilated into the federal military.
Despite his platitudes to the press and assurances to Congress that it would not require significant new funding from Congress, it is clear that the new task force’s deployment in the homeland most certainly is here to restore order in the event of civil unrest due to “unforseen economic collapse.” Unforseen? They are clearly here to prepare for widespread dissent and food riots due to the economic collapse.
So, as has been seen lately around the nation, the troops are engaging in a psychological operation to get the public used to seeing them on the streets. Troops have recently assisted California Highway Patrol at roadblocks supposedly to catch drunk drivers, they have assisted with Border Patrol and in other capacities such as collecting toys for underprivilged children for Christmas. The impression that citizens are supposed to have is “that military are here to help us!” Unfortunately as Alex Jones has said many times on air, this is part of a larger public relations effort before 20,000 troops are here under NORTHCOM.
A d v e r t i s e m e n t
That the military would feel the need to backpeddle, despite the fact that the reports in mainstream mediahave pushed the approved talking points, shows that they monitor the alternative media and what information is being provided to warn the populace on this issue. It also shows their concern about the increasing number of people who are not comfortable seeing military in full battle gear in their town, as well as the groundswell of people who are buying out the gun shops around the nation.
The military brass are clearly concerned about how the homeland missions are being perceived and that their public relations campaign is not going as well as planned. Look for major incidents in the near future to justify their presence.
Many in law enforcement and the military are deeply patriotic and are not aware of why they are being federalized, much less that it is universal and that they are becoming part of the control grid. One thing that patriots can do to educate the military that you know or happen to see is to give this incredibly powerful document: Operation Vampire Killer (.pdf). It is written by police for police and military and educates them not only about the New World Order, but exhorts them to think deeply about whether or not they will obey the command if and when they are told to disarm or fire upon fellow Americans.
If the police and military refuse to disarm Americans and refuse to fire upon us, the New World Order plan for America is greatly hampered. We must be bold and fearless and get this into the hands of those who have the decision to make.
Corporate Media Notices War College Report on Economic Crisis
Corporate Media Notices War College Report on Economic Crisis
Kurt Nimmo
Dec 31, 2008
It took a while for them to come around, but the corporate media has finally taken note of the U.S. Army War College report predicting civil unrest due to the private bank engineered economic crisis now gearing up and threatening to kick into Mad Max mode.
From the El Paso Times:
A U.S. Army War College report warns an economic crisis in the United States could lead to massive civil unrest and the need to call on the military to restore order.
Retired Army Lt. Col. Nathan Freir wrote the report “Known Unknowns: Unconventional Strategic Shocks in Defense Strategy Development,” which the Army think tank in Carlisle, Pa., recently released.
“Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities … to defend basic domestic order and human security,” the report said, in case of “unforeseen economic collapse,” “pervasive public health emergencies,” and “catastrophic natural and human disasters,” among other possible crises.
The report also suggests the new (Barack Obama) administration could face a “strategic shock” within the first eight months in office.
Read the rest of the story at the El Paso Times.
And there is Motley Fool CAPS, the website supposedly designed to help the little guy beat the market. Motley does a follow-up on the original corporate media story published by the Phoenix Business Journal and little covered beyond the blogosphere and alternative news websites like Infowars and Prison Planet. Raw Story and Newsmax also covered the story.
A CAPS blogger attempts to make a funny out of the situation, although it is no laughing matter:
This likely has been posted before…..sorry if you are reading it again. But with this being the Holidays and all, with some of us busy lighting candles, or partying with Santa, or whatever…..a few may have missed it.
I am not saying any of the above will happen…..simply the Pentagon now thinks it is a possibility and is making preparations for civil unrest. If the Pentagon thinks economic collapse is a relevant issue….should we at CAPs?????
Should we red thumb or green thumb in the event of an economic collapse??? Which symbols would you red and which would you green??? Just like the Pentagon, Alstry plays to win….regardless what comes our way.
CAUTION!!!!!!….for those of you that actually like the Constitution and its implications….contemplating the above can have serious adverse consequences on your mental well being and potentially your physical health. For immediate relief of emotional symptoms, my suggestion is try some prosecco with fresh pomegranete sprinkled thoughout….the bubbles causing the seeds to dance will make you smile…..drinking them will make you feel more relaxed….in moderation of course……you don’t want the cure to be worse than the disease…..otherwise you might be just like the Fed:)
Read the Motley Fool CAPS article.
Alex Jones has talked about martial law and a military dictatorship on his radio show and in his films for years. It now appears, with the release of the in-your-face War College report, at least a few corporate media outlets are beginning to pay attention, although Motley Fool and the El Paso Times are hardly the Washington Post or the New York Times.
But then it is the role of the corporate Mockingbird media to ignore the obvious and when confronted with the facts denounce those who speak the truth as nutty conspiracy theorists.
Corporate Media Notices War College Report on Economic Crisis
Kurt Nimmo
Dec 31, 2008
It took a while for them to come around, but the corporate media has finally taken note of the U.S. Army War College report predicting civil unrest due to the private bank engineered economic crisis now gearing up and threatening to kick into Mad Max mode.
From the El Paso Times:
A U.S. Army War College report warns an economic crisis in the United States could lead to massive civil unrest and the need to call on the military to restore order.
Retired Army Lt. Col. Nathan Freir wrote the report “Known Unknowns: Unconventional Strategic Shocks in Defense Strategy Development,” which the Army think tank in Carlisle, Pa., recently released.
“Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities … to defend basic domestic order and human security,” the report said, in case of “unforeseen economic collapse,” “pervasive public health emergencies,” and “catastrophic natural and human disasters,” among other possible crises.
The report also suggests the new (Barack Obama) administration could face a “strategic shock” within the first eight months in office.
Read the rest of the story at the El Paso Times.
And there is Motley Fool CAPS, the website supposedly designed to help the little guy beat the market. Motley does a follow-up on the original corporate media story published by the Phoenix Business Journal and little covered beyond the blogosphere and alternative news websites like Infowars and Prison Planet. Raw Story and Newsmax also covered the story.
A CAPS blogger attempts to make a funny out of the situation, although it is no laughing matter:
This likely has been posted before…..sorry if you are reading it again. But with this being the Holidays and all, with some of us busy lighting candles, or partying with Santa, or whatever…..a few may have missed it.
I am not saying any of the above will happen…..simply the Pentagon now thinks it is a possibility and is making preparations for civil unrest. If the Pentagon thinks economic collapse is a relevant issue….should we at CAPs?????
Should we red thumb or green thumb in the event of an economic collapse??? Which symbols would you red and which would you green??? Just like the Pentagon, Alstry plays to win….regardless what comes our way.
CAUTION!!!!!!….for those of you that actually like the Constitution and its implications….contemplating the above can have serious adverse consequences on your mental well being and potentially your physical health. For immediate relief of emotional symptoms, my suggestion is try some prosecco with fresh pomegranete sprinkled thoughout….the bubbles causing the seeds to dance will make you smile…..drinking them will make you feel more relaxed….in moderation of course……you don’t want the cure to be worse than the disease…..otherwise you might be just like the Fed:)
Read the Motley Fool CAPS article.
Alex Jones has talked about martial law and a military dictatorship on his radio show and in his films for years. It now appears, with the release of the in-your-face War College report, at least a few corporate media outlets are beginning to pay attention, although Motley Fool and the El Paso Times are hardly the Washington Post or the New York Times.
But then it is the role of the corporate Mockingbird media to ignore the obvious and when confronted with the facts denounce those who speak the truth as nutty conspiracy theorists.
More Jesuits News
(Lest readers of Puritan News believe our assertions regarding significant Vatican influences over the C.I.A. are merely the delusions of crazed Christian radicals, we offer this article which was submitted by correspondent Al Hembd.)
The article below contains excerpts from an article by Dr. Stephen Mumford
of New Jersey. Dr Mumford is admittedly a secular humanist. However, as a
secular humanist, he recognizes the dangers of the Vatican's intrusive
political meddlings in America's affairs. He documents below, for example,
how the CIA was founded by an Irish Roman Catholic, Bill Donovan (who
was a member of the Knights of Malta. He was chief of the Knights of Malta
in North America for some years. The Knights of Malta are a military order
that date back to and were composed of Crusaders. Mr. Donovan was awarded a
medal for his services to the Vatican--and that while he was overseeing the
formation of the CIA.). Mumford also records how the CIA has several times
meddled in covert operations, explicitly for the benefit of the Vatican's
Avro Manhattan documents how that the CIA worked very closely in tandem
with the Vatican, in his monumental book "The Vatican Moscow Washington
Alliance." It was the CIA, for example, that secretly aided the Hungarian
Freedom Fighters in 1956, at Pope Pius XII's behest--even though the
majority of Hungarians did not favor the Freedom Fighters' cause. Why?
Because the Freedom Fighters--a front group for the CIA and the
Vatican--were putting Cardinal Mindzenty as the head of the country. That,
of course, would have made Hungary a Roman Catholic country.
But Hungary is not a Roman Catholic country! It is Reformed. Before
Austria took them over, the State Church of Hungary was the Hungarian
Reformed Church. I personally know this, because I lived in Kalamazoo,
Michigan, where the leader of the Hungarian Reformed Church at that time
had emigrated. He explained how that the whole Hungarian Freedom Fighters
movement was a trick of the Vatican to force Hungary to become a Roman
Catholic country. It was the CIA that organized the entire rebellion.
It seems that Pius XII, in his old age, was under the influence of powerful
psychotropic drugs, adminstered to him in the Vatican for his chronic
depression. (according to Avro Manhattan, in the "Vatican Moscow Washington
Alliance"). Under the influence of these drugs, he had visions of Christ
and the saints. During this time of "visions," he came to believe that
Mary was about to fulfill the Third Vision of Fatima, in which she would
give to him [the Pope] Russia. For this reason, Pius XII was solicitous to
escalate the Cold War between Washington and Moscow into an outright hot
war, in which Communism would be defeated, and in which the Vatican could
then move in, under CIA auspices, to take over the religious machinery of
the country. Pius was hoping the whole Hungarian affair would spark an
outright war between the US and Russia, and would result in the downfall of
Stalin's government, thus destroying the power of the Russian Orthodox Church,
and opening the door for the Vatican to move in.
It was for this reason, says Avro Manhattan, that Stalin then began
employing his KGB agents in an active recruitment movement for a
Socialist/Marxist Pope to replace Pius upon his death. The KGB settled on
Roncalli, who subsequently was elected in 1957, and became John XXIII.
(Much bribe money was paid to Third World cardinals to effect this
election. The Vatican conclaves bring the term "simony" to new and
dizzying heights.)
In 1960, the CIA, again under the auspices of the Vatican, and particularly
under the rabid support of Cardinal Spellman, supported the Roman Catholic
takeover of South Vietnam by the Roman Catholic tyrant Diem. South Vietnam
at the time was a Buddhist country. Of course, later, under Paul VI, a
Socialist Pope, and Pedro Arrupe, the Marxist Black Pope appointed by Paul,
the Vatican reversed its strategy.
By the way General Westmoreland, head of the US Armed Forces in Vietnam, is
Roman Catholic, and a member of the Knights of Malta.
It is not without reason below that Dr Mumford says: "The CIA serves as an
agency through which secret "assistance" to the Holy Mother [Roman
Catholic] Church can be provided by secret American society members acting
as her defenders..."
These "secret American society members" are primarily the Knights of Malta
and Opus Dei. The current director of the CIA, Gilbert Tenet, is Roman
Catholic, and a member of the Knights of Malta. So is William F. Buckley, a
famous former CIA agent, and proponent of supposedly "conservative" causes.
So was Allen Foster Dulles, the first major chief of the CIA, and later, a
member of the Council of Foreign Relations in New York City. (His nephew
is currently a Jesuit professor of theology at the Jesuit Fordham
University in New York City.)
In fact, almost all the heads and major ranking officers of the CIA have
either been Knights of Malta or FreeMasons (as was George Bush Sr--here's
that FreeMason/Roman Catholic alliance again).
Also: the head of the FBI who ordered the siege of Waco is Roman Catholic,
and a member of the Knights of Malta. That is Louis Freeh. Freeh is also
a member of Opus Dei.
Lon Horiuchi, the sniper who shot members of the militant Randy Weaver's
family under very questionable circumstances--and who was also reputed to
have shot people in the Waco compound--is a Japanese Roman Catholic.
J. Gordon Liddy, who led the raid into the Watergate Hotel in 1972--breaking
into the Democratic Party's headquarters for Richard Nixon--he was a CIA
agent, Roman Catholic, and also a member of the Knights of Malta. By the
way, the Vatican owns the Watergate Hotel, according to David Yallop,
author of "In God's Name" (the book on the murder of John Paul I).
We need urgently another Protestant Reformation.
"Donovan did more to safeguard and champion the [Roman Catholic] Church
than any other American, ......"
By Dr. [Phd.] Stephen Mumford
>From page 172
Influence of the [Roman] Catholic Hierarchy on Government Policy
[-----] Consider the intensity of the commitment of these secret society
members as "international defenders of the [Roman Catholic] Church." It is
hardly a secret that one of the most important American advances in
"defending the [Roman Catholic] Church" by Catholic elitists was the
creation of the Central Intelligence Agency [CIA]. The activities of the
CIA go far beyond intelligence gathering of an international nature.
The CIA serves as an agency through which secret "assistance" to the Holy
Mother [Roman Catholic] Church can be provided by secret American society
members acting as her defenders:
During the CIA's formative years, Protestants predominated...... Somehow,
however, [Roman] Catholics wrested control of the CIA's covert-action
section. It was no coincidence that some of the agency's more grandiose
operations were in [Roman] Catholic countries of Latin America and the
[Roman] Catholic regime of South Vietnam.11
For creating the Office of Strategic Services [OSS], the wartime predecessor to the CIA, and this special arrangement with the Vatican, General William "Wild Bill" Donovan was decorated in July 1944 by Pope Pius XII with the Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Sylvester, the oldest and most prestigious of papal knighthoods. This award has been given to only one hundred other men in history, who "by feat of arms or writing or
outstanding deeds have spread the faith and have safeguarded and championed
the [Roman Catholic] Church."12
Donovan did more to safeguard and champion the [Roman Catholic] Church than
any other American, and he was rewarded for his services with the highest
[Roman] Catholic award ever received by an American. No doubt, thousands of
others have striven with their deeds for similar recognition.
By Dr. [Phd.] Stephen Mumford
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 84-72500
Pub by........ Humanist Press PO Box 146 Amherst, NY
Available [about $10] from-
Center for Research on Population and Security
PO Box 13067
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
also see ................. WILD BILL DONOVAN - The Last Hero
by Anthony Cave Brown ....... published by TIMES BOOKS 1982
"Donovan did more to safeguard and champion the [Roman Catholic] Church than any other American, ......"
By Dr. [Phd.] Stephen Mumford
From page 172
Influence of the [Roman] Catholic Hierarchy on Government Policy
[-----] Consider the intensity of the commitment of these secret society members as "international defenders of the [Roman Catholic] Church." It is hardly a secret that one of the most important American advances in "defending the [Roman Catholic] Church" by Catholic elitists was the creation of the Central Intelligence Agency [CIA]. The activities of the CIA go far beyond intelligence gathering of an international nature.
The CIA serves as an agency through which secret "assistance" to the Holy Mother [Roman Catholic] Church can be provided by secret American society members acting as her defenders:
During the CIA's formative years, Protestants predominated...... Somehow, however, [Roman] Catholics wrested control of the CIA's covert-action section. It was no coincidence that some of the agency's more grandiose operations were in [Roman] Catholic countries of Latin America and the [Roman] Catholic regime of South Vietnam.11
For creating the Office of Strategic Services [OSS], the wartime predecessor to the CIA, and this special arrangement with the Vatican,
General William "Wild Bill" Donovan was decorated in July 1944 by Pope Pius XII with the Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Sylvester, the oldest and most prestigious of papal knighthoods. This award has been given to only one hundred other men in history, who "by feat of arms or writing or outstanding deeds have spread the faith and have safeguarded and championed the [Roman Catholic] Church."12
Donovan did more to safeguard and champion the [Roman Catholic] Church than any other American, and he was rewarded for his services with the highest [Roman] Catholic award ever received by an American. No doubt, thousands of others have striven with their deeds for similar recognition.
By Dr. [Phd.] Stephen Mumford
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 84-72500
Pub by........ Humanist Press PO Box 146 Amherst, NY
Available [about $10] from-
Center for Research on Population and Security
PO Box 13067
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
also see ................. WILD BILL DONOVAN - The Last Hero
by Anthony Cave Brown ....... published by TIMES BOOKS 1982
The CIA created with stolen Holocaust Yiddish monies. Created by the Knights of Malta through their British Intelligence such as William Stephenson. Created by combining most parts of the Office of Strategic Services with the Nazis. The same Nazis the Knights of Malta bought over utilising the Dragonovic ratlines and Vatican passports and mercy trains. At the core it's all Knights of Malta pulling all the intelligensia strings including all these opposame phoney patriot big named pied pipers out there.
-Craig Oxley
It's interesting that comic shows Rosalyn Carter greeting Jim Jones. If you listen to what John Todd said about the occult he claimed Ruth Carter Stapleton was a high-level witch. So it's not surprising to see that family rubbing arms with Jones.Carter's mother was also a piece of work and probably a occultist although I have yet to do that research.
Here's something I found today which was interesting. Deborah Layton who married an alleged CIA agent George Phillip Blakey, wrote a book filled with propaganda about peoples temple. Well that book is "a part of the curriculum at Gonzaga University's Doctorate Program for Leadership" I found her father's obituary:
i was amazed to see this admitted in a mainstream newspaper. they added a lot of propaganda at the end but it still tells you a lot.notice how they are wanting his son/her brother freed. they are talking about larry layton, the only one prosecuted for the georgetown airport landing strip shooting which supposedly killed a congressman and 3 others. He did get paroled. imagine that. after killing 4 people of which included a congressman. I wonder what he's doing now? i can't track him down!
Ruth Carter Stapleton is also mentioned in Dr. Cathy Burns' book "Billy Graham and His Friends." Stapleton was quoted as saying how she was "born again" in an art museum...completely clueless as to how to actually be saved.
They, being the Aldobradini family, as that googlebook link you gave out shows, are connected to the MEDICI? Can you say...BLACK NOBILITY!!!Gee, is that enough of a connection to please Michael Tsarion and his ilk to prove that they're bad news? Does anyone know how soulinspiriation found that book? A LINK TO IT WAS GIVEN OUT IN THE THREAD ON THE ALDOBRADINIS. And Tsarion and his ilk have the nerve to say that Craig doesn't back up what he says about this bloodline! ALL THEY HAD TO DO WAS TAKE THE TIME TO READ THE ENTIRE TOPIC. THAT'S ALL.
"Since in my free time I received singing lessons in the cloister at Lambach, I had excellent opportunity to intoxicate myself with the solemn splendor of the brilliant church festivals. As was only natural the abbot seemed to me, as the village priest had once seemed to my father, the highest and most desirable ideal. "
Mein Kampf by Adolf HitlerVolume One - A ReckoningChapter I: In The House Of My Parents
(Lest readers of Puritan News believe our assertions regarding significant Vatican influences over the C.I.A. are merely the delusions of crazed Christian radicals, we offer this article which was submitted by correspondent Al Hembd.)
The article below contains excerpts from an article by Dr. Stephen Mumford
of New Jersey. Dr Mumford is admittedly a secular humanist. However, as a
secular humanist, he recognizes the dangers of the Vatican's intrusive
political meddlings in America's affairs. He documents below, for example,
how the CIA was founded by an Irish Roman Catholic, Bill Donovan (who
was a member of the Knights of Malta. He was chief of the Knights of Malta
in North America for some years. The Knights of Malta are a military order
that date back to and were composed of Crusaders. Mr. Donovan was awarded a
medal for his services to the Vatican--and that while he was overseeing the
formation of the CIA.). Mumford also records how the CIA has several times
meddled in covert operations, explicitly for the benefit of the Vatican's
Avro Manhattan documents how that the CIA worked very closely in tandem
with the Vatican, in his monumental book "The Vatican Moscow Washington
Alliance." It was the CIA, for example, that secretly aided the Hungarian
Freedom Fighters in 1956, at Pope Pius XII's behest--even though the
majority of Hungarians did not favor the Freedom Fighters' cause. Why?
Because the Freedom Fighters--a front group for the CIA and the
Vatican--were putting Cardinal Mindzenty as the head of the country. That,
of course, would have made Hungary a Roman Catholic country.
But Hungary is not a Roman Catholic country! It is Reformed. Before
Austria took them over, the State Church of Hungary was the Hungarian
Reformed Church. I personally know this, because I lived in Kalamazoo,
Michigan, where the leader of the Hungarian Reformed Church at that time
had emigrated. He explained how that the whole Hungarian Freedom Fighters
movement was a trick of the Vatican to force Hungary to become a Roman
Catholic country. It was the CIA that organized the entire rebellion.
It seems that Pius XII, in his old age, was under the influence of powerful
psychotropic drugs, adminstered to him in the Vatican for his chronic
depression. (according to Avro Manhattan, in the "Vatican Moscow Washington
Alliance"). Under the influence of these drugs, he had visions of Christ
and the saints. During this time of "visions," he came to believe that
Mary was about to fulfill the Third Vision of Fatima, in which she would
give to him [the Pope] Russia. For this reason, Pius XII was solicitous to
escalate the Cold War between Washington and Moscow into an outright hot
war, in which Communism would be defeated, and in which the Vatican could
then move in, under CIA auspices, to take over the religious machinery of
the country. Pius was hoping the whole Hungarian affair would spark an
outright war between the US and Russia, and would result in the downfall of
Stalin's government, thus destroying the power of the Russian Orthodox Church,
and opening the door for the Vatican to move in.
It was for this reason, says Avro Manhattan, that Stalin then began
employing his KGB agents in an active recruitment movement for a
Socialist/Marxist Pope to replace Pius upon his death. The KGB settled on
Roncalli, who subsequently was elected in 1957, and became John XXIII.
(Much bribe money was paid to Third World cardinals to effect this
election. The Vatican conclaves bring the term "simony" to new and
dizzying heights.)
In 1960, the CIA, again under the auspices of the Vatican, and particularly
under the rabid support of Cardinal Spellman, supported the Roman Catholic
takeover of South Vietnam by the Roman Catholic tyrant Diem. South Vietnam
at the time was a Buddhist country. Of course, later, under Paul VI, a
Socialist Pope, and Pedro Arrupe, the Marxist Black Pope appointed by Paul,
the Vatican reversed its strategy.
By the way General Westmoreland, head of the US Armed Forces in Vietnam, is
Roman Catholic, and a member of the Knights of Malta.
It is not without reason below that Dr Mumford says: "The CIA serves as an
agency through which secret "assistance" to the Holy Mother [Roman
Catholic] Church can be provided by secret American society members acting
as her defenders..."
These "secret American society members" are primarily the Knights of Malta
and Opus Dei. The current director of the CIA, Gilbert Tenet, is Roman
Catholic, and a member of the Knights of Malta. So is William F. Buckley, a
famous former CIA agent, and proponent of supposedly "conservative" causes.
So was Allen Foster Dulles, the first major chief of the CIA, and later, a
member of the Council of Foreign Relations in New York City. (His nephew
is currently a Jesuit professor of theology at the Jesuit Fordham
University in New York City.)
In fact, almost all the heads and major ranking officers of the CIA have
either been Knights of Malta or FreeMasons (as was George Bush Sr--here's
that FreeMason/Roman Catholic alliance again).
Also: the head of the FBI who ordered the siege of Waco is Roman Catholic,
and a member of the Knights of Malta. That is Louis Freeh. Freeh is also
a member of Opus Dei.
Lon Horiuchi, the sniper who shot members of the militant Randy Weaver's
family under very questionable circumstances--and who was also reputed to
have shot people in the Waco compound--is a Japanese Roman Catholic.
J. Gordon Liddy, who led the raid into the Watergate Hotel in 1972--breaking
into the Democratic Party's headquarters for Richard Nixon--he was a CIA
agent, Roman Catholic, and also a member of the Knights of Malta. By the
way, the Vatican owns the Watergate Hotel, according to David Yallop,
author of "In God's Name" (the book on the murder of John Paul I).
We need urgently another Protestant Reformation.
"Donovan did more to safeguard and champion the [Roman Catholic] Church
than any other American, ......"
By Dr. [Phd.] Stephen Mumford
>From page 172
Influence of the [Roman] Catholic Hierarchy on Government Policy
[-----] Consider the intensity of the commitment of these secret society
members as "international defenders of the [Roman Catholic] Church." It is
hardly a secret that one of the most important American advances in
"defending the [Roman Catholic] Church" by Catholic elitists was the
creation of the Central Intelligence Agency [CIA]. The activities of the
CIA go far beyond intelligence gathering of an international nature.
The CIA serves as an agency through which secret "assistance" to the Holy
Mother [Roman Catholic] Church can be provided by secret American society
members acting as her defenders:
During the CIA's formative years, Protestants predominated...... Somehow,
however, [Roman] Catholics wrested control of the CIA's covert-action
section. It was no coincidence that some of the agency's more grandiose
operations were in [Roman] Catholic countries of Latin America and the
[Roman] Catholic regime of South Vietnam.11
For creating the Office of Strategic Services [OSS], the wartime predecessor to the CIA, and this special arrangement with the Vatican, General William "Wild Bill" Donovan was decorated in July 1944 by Pope Pius XII with the Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Sylvester, the oldest and most prestigious of papal knighthoods. This award has been given to only one hundred other men in history, who "by feat of arms or writing or
outstanding deeds have spread the faith and have safeguarded and championed
the [Roman Catholic] Church."12
Donovan did more to safeguard and champion the [Roman Catholic] Church than
any other American, and he was rewarded for his services with the highest
[Roman] Catholic award ever received by an American. No doubt, thousands of
others have striven with their deeds for similar recognition.
By Dr. [Phd.] Stephen Mumford
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 84-72500
Pub by........ Humanist Press PO Box 146 Amherst, NY
Available [about $10] from-
Center for Research on Population and Security
PO Box 13067
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
also see ................. WILD BILL DONOVAN - The Last Hero
by Anthony Cave Brown ....... published by TIMES BOOKS 1982
"Donovan did more to safeguard and champion the [Roman Catholic] Church than any other American, ......"
By Dr. [Phd.] Stephen Mumford
From page 172
Influence of the [Roman] Catholic Hierarchy on Government Policy
[-----] Consider the intensity of the commitment of these secret society members as "international defenders of the [Roman Catholic] Church." It is hardly a secret that one of the most important American advances in "defending the [Roman Catholic] Church" by Catholic elitists was the creation of the Central Intelligence Agency [CIA]. The activities of the CIA go far beyond intelligence gathering of an international nature.
The CIA serves as an agency through which secret "assistance" to the Holy Mother [Roman Catholic] Church can be provided by secret American society members acting as her defenders:
During the CIA's formative years, Protestants predominated...... Somehow, however, [Roman] Catholics wrested control of the CIA's covert-action section. It was no coincidence that some of the agency's more grandiose operations were in [Roman] Catholic countries of Latin America and the [Roman] Catholic regime of South Vietnam.11
For creating the Office of Strategic Services [OSS], the wartime predecessor to the CIA, and this special arrangement with the Vatican,
General William "Wild Bill" Donovan was decorated in July 1944 by Pope Pius XII with the Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Sylvester, the oldest and most prestigious of papal knighthoods. This award has been given to only one hundred other men in history, who "by feat of arms or writing or outstanding deeds have spread the faith and have safeguarded and championed the [Roman Catholic] Church."12
Donovan did more to safeguard and champion the [Roman Catholic] Church than any other American, and he was rewarded for his services with the highest [Roman] Catholic award ever received by an American. No doubt, thousands of others have striven with their deeds for similar recognition.
By Dr. [Phd.] Stephen Mumford
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 84-72500
Pub by........ Humanist Press PO Box 146 Amherst, NY
Available [about $10] from-
Center for Research on Population and Security
PO Box 13067
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
also see ................. WILD BILL DONOVAN - The Last Hero
by Anthony Cave Brown ....... published by TIMES BOOKS 1982
The CIA created with stolen Holocaust Yiddish monies. Created by the Knights of Malta through their British Intelligence such as William Stephenson. Created by combining most parts of the Office of Strategic Services with the Nazis. The same Nazis the Knights of Malta bought over utilising the Dragonovic ratlines and Vatican passports and mercy trains. At the core it's all Knights of Malta pulling all the intelligensia strings including all these opposame phoney patriot big named pied pipers out there.
-Craig Oxley
It's interesting that comic shows Rosalyn Carter greeting Jim Jones. If you listen to what John Todd said about the occult he claimed Ruth Carter Stapleton was a high-level witch. So it's not surprising to see that family rubbing arms with Jones.Carter's mother was also a piece of work and probably a occultist although I have yet to do that research.
Here's something I found today which was interesting. Deborah Layton who married an alleged CIA agent George Phillip Blakey, wrote a book filled with propaganda about peoples temple. Well that book is "a part of the curriculum at Gonzaga University's Doctorate Program for Leadership" I found her father's obituary:
i was amazed to see this admitted in a mainstream newspaper. they added a lot of propaganda at the end but it still tells you a lot.notice how they are wanting his son/her brother freed. they are talking about larry layton, the only one prosecuted for the georgetown airport landing strip shooting which supposedly killed a congressman and 3 others. He did get paroled. imagine that. after killing 4 people of which included a congressman. I wonder what he's doing now? i can't track him down!
Ruth Carter Stapleton is also mentioned in Dr. Cathy Burns' book "Billy Graham and His Friends." Stapleton was quoted as saying how she was "born again" in an art museum...completely clueless as to how to actually be saved.
They, being the Aldobradini family, as that googlebook link you gave out shows, are connected to the MEDICI? Can you say...BLACK NOBILITY!!!Gee, is that enough of a connection to please Michael Tsarion and his ilk to prove that they're bad news? Does anyone know how soulinspiriation found that book? A LINK TO IT WAS GIVEN OUT IN THE THREAD ON THE ALDOBRADINIS. And Tsarion and his ilk have the nerve to say that Craig doesn't back up what he says about this bloodline! ALL THEY HAD TO DO WAS TAKE THE TIME TO READ THE ENTIRE TOPIC. THAT'S ALL.
"Since in my free time I received singing lessons in the cloister at Lambach, I had excellent opportunity to intoxicate myself with the solemn splendor of the brilliant church festivals. As was only natural the abbot seemed to me, as the village priest had once seemed to my father, the highest and most desirable ideal. "
Mein Kampf by Adolf HitlerVolume One - A ReckoningChapter I: In The House Of My Parents
The True origin of Scottish Rite Freemasonry According to the Masonic Quiz Book: Ask Me Another, Brother
by William Peterson
"The Jesuits wrote the first 25 rites of Scottish Freemasonry in then College de Clermont in Paris in 1754""Chevalier de Bonneville [like the Bonneville automobile manufactured by Chevrolet/General Motors] formed a chapter of twenty-five Degrees of the so-called High-Degrees in the College of Jesuits of Clermont, in Paris in 1754. The adherents of the House of Stuart had made the college of Clermont their asylum, they being mostly Scotchmen. One of these Degrees being the "Scottish Master," the new body organized in Charleston, S.C., in 1801, gave the name of Scottish Rite to these Degrees, which name ever since that time has characterized the Rite all over the world."In a letter written by Charles Sotheran addressed to the New York Press Club, dated January 11, 1877,:
"It is curious to note too that most of the bodies which work these, such as the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, the Rite of Avignon, the Order of the Temple, Fesslor's Rite, the 'Grand Council of the Emperors of the East and West Sovereign Prince Masons', etc., etc., are nearly all the offspring of the sons of Ignatius Loyola. The Baron Hundt, Chevalier Ramsey, Tschoudy, Zinnendorf, and numerous others, who founded the grades in these rites, worked under instructions from the General of the Jesuits. The nest where these high degrees were hatched, and no Masonic rite is free from their baleful influence more or less, was the Jesuit College of Clermont at Paris."
In the reality it was the Jesuits who created the whole of the Scottish Rite. This included you see the degrees instituted by Fredrick the Great. As I've highlighted in the past this order is not Jewish as many have been fooled to believe. It is the Scottish Rite behind the B'Nai B'Rith, says it all doesn't it. You can just smell the Sabbatean Frankist Hofjuden's of the Pope can't you haha.
-Craig Oxley
The True origin of Scottish Rite Freemasonry According to the Masonic Quiz Book: Ask Me Another, Brother
by William Peterson
"The Jesuits wrote the first 25 rites of Scottish Freemasonry in then College de Clermont in Paris in 1754""Chevalier de Bonneville [like the Bonneville automobile manufactured by Chevrolet/General Motors] formed a chapter of twenty-five Degrees of the so-called High-Degrees in the College of Jesuits of Clermont, in Paris in 1754. The adherents of the House of Stuart had made the college of Clermont their asylum, they being mostly Scotchmen. One of these Degrees being the "Scottish Master," the new body organized in Charleston, S.C., in 1801, gave the name of Scottish Rite to these Degrees, which name ever since that time has characterized the Rite all over the world."In a letter written by Charles Sotheran addressed to the New York Press Club, dated January 11, 1877,:
"It is curious to note too that most of the bodies which work these, such as the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, the Rite of Avignon, the Order of the Temple, Fesslor's Rite, the 'Grand Council of the Emperors of the East and West Sovereign Prince Masons', etc., etc., are nearly all the offspring of the sons of Ignatius Loyola. The Baron Hundt, Chevalier Ramsey, Tschoudy, Zinnendorf, and numerous others, who founded the grades in these rites, worked under instructions from the General of the Jesuits. The nest where these high degrees were hatched, and no Masonic rite is free from their baleful influence more or less, was the Jesuit College of Clermont at Paris."
In the reality it was the Jesuits who created the whole of the Scottish Rite. This included you see the degrees instituted by Fredrick the Great. As I've highlighted in the past this order is not Jewish as many have been fooled to believe. It is the Scottish Rite behind the B'Nai B'Rith, says it all doesn't it. You can just smell the Sabbatean Frankist Hofjuden's of the Pope can't you haha.
-Craig Oxley
Survey : Majority of Doctors Support Bush Admin Abortion Conscience Rule
Survey : Majority of Doctors Support Bush Admin Abortion Conscience Rule
by Steven Ertelt Editor
December 30, 2008
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Washington, DC ( -- A new survey finds half of physicians nationwide support the new rules the Bush administration put in place that protect the conscience rights of doctors on abortion. The rules make it so medical centers and staff aren't forced to do abortions or refer for them.
They provide better enforcement for existing federal laws by potentially revoking federal funding from violators and making them certify in writing that they will respect conscience rights.
A new national study among 1,736 physicians conducted by HCD Research reveals 50 percent of physicians support the new rules. Just 33 percent oppose the rules and the rest had no opinion.
A majority of those who responded also said they believed the "government should be involved in protecting health workers who refuse to participate in care they find ethically, morally or religiously objectionable."
A majority of physicians who responded also agreed with the statement that "doctors and hospitals have the right to refuse to perform any procedure that is inconsistent with their personal beliefs.
However, while doctors supported the conscience rights on abortion, they didn't think the rule should include revoking the funding of government entities or medical centers that violate those rights. Some 43 percent said no while 22 percent said funding should be revoked and the rest did not answer.
However, nearly three-quarters (73%) did not agree that health care professionals have the right to withhold information about where a patient can obtain the care they need.
The HCD question in that case did not specifically include abortion, so it remains unknown whether physicians believe doctors should be required to make abortion referrals when they won't do an abortion themselves.
As has reported, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut says he will lead a fight against the federal rule and is expected to file a lawsuit against it.
Though the new regulations have nothing to do with birth control, Blumenthal is echoing the arguments from leading pro-abortion groups who claim its access will be adversely impacted by them.
He said he will resume working with pro-abortion officials in the other states to derail the pro-life protections for medical centers and staff -- slated to take effect on January 20.
Buzz up!
Survey : Majority of Doctors Support Bush Admin Abortion Conscience Rule
by Steven Ertelt Editor
December 30, 2008
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Washington, DC ( -- A new survey finds half of physicians nationwide support the new rules the Bush administration put in place that protect the conscience rights of doctors on abortion. The rules make it so medical centers and staff aren't forced to do abortions or refer for them.
They provide better enforcement for existing federal laws by potentially revoking federal funding from violators and making them certify in writing that they will respect conscience rights.
A new national study among 1,736 physicians conducted by HCD Research reveals 50 percent of physicians support the new rules. Just 33 percent oppose the rules and the rest had no opinion.
A majority of those who responded also said they believed the "government should be involved in protecting health workers who refuse to participate in care they find ethically, morally or religiously objectionable."
A majority of physicians who responded also agreed with the statement that "doctors and hospitals have the right to refuse to perform any procedure that is inconsistent with their personal beliefs.
However, while doctors supported the conscience rights on abortion, they didn't think the rule should include revoking the funding of government entities or medical centers that violate those rights. Some 43 percent said no while 22 percent said funding should be revoked and the rest did not answer.
However, nearly three-quarters (73%) did not agree that health care professionals have the right to withhold information about where a patient can obtain the care they need.
The HCD question in that case did not specifically include abortion, so it remains unknown whether physicians believe doctors should be required to make abortion referrals when they won't do an abortion themselves.
As has reported, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut says he will lead a fight against the federal rule and is expected to file a lawsuit against it.
Though the new regulations have nothing to do with birth control, Blumenthal is echoing the arguments from leading pro-abortion groups who claim its access will be adversely impacted by them.
He said he will resume working with pro-abortion officials in the other states to derail the pro-life protections for medical centers and staff -- slated to take effect on January 20.
Buzz up!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Roland Burris (a 32nd Degree Prince Hall Freemason) Watered Down Abortion-Infanticide Law Barack Obama Refused to Fix
Roland Burris Watered Down Abortion-Infanticide Law Barack Obama Refused to Fix
by Steven Ertelt Editor
December 30, 2008
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Springfield, IL ( -- Roland Burris has been named by embattled pro-abortion Gov. Rod Blagojevich to serve the remainder of Barack Obama's term in the Senate. However, pro-life advocates are not happy with appointment in part because Burris watered down an anti-infanticide law that was contentious in the presidential campaign.
During the presidential debate, Obama came under fire for repeatedly voting against an Illinois version of the Born Alive Infants Protection Act while he was a state legislator.
Lawmakers put forward the bill because existing law had lost its effectiveness in making sure newborns who survive failed abortions or are purposefully born prematurely receive adequate medical care.
Chicago-area nurse Jill Stanek had exposed the practice at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn where babies were left in soiled utility rooms to die instead of receiving treatment.
Burris rendered the state's born alive law unenforceable by signing a consent decree.
The 1975 law protected only infants the abortion practitioner believed to be "viable." That subjective view could allow abortion practitioners to leave babies to die following botched abortions despite the medical possibility that they may live if given proper medical care.The decree eviscerated the law further by nullifying the use of key definitions. Members of the Illinois legislature had to put forward a bill to strengthen the law in part because of actions Burris took.
During the presidential debate, Obama claimed the anti-infanticide bills he voted against weren't necessary because of an existing state law.
However, those bills would never have been necessary had Burris not gutted the law a decade before, according to officials with National Right to Life.
"Obama's defenders now insist that the Illinois Born-Alive Infants Protection Act was not needed because, they claim, Illinois already had a 1975 law," the group explained during the campaign.
"They fail to mention that the law covered only situations where an abortionist decided before the abortion that there was 'a reasonable likelihood of sustained survival of the fetus outside the womb,'" NRLC added. "Humans are often born alive a month or more before they reach the point where such "sustained survival" -- that is, long-term survival -- is possible or likely (which is often called the point of 'viability.)'"
"Moreover, this already-weak law was further weakened by a consent decree issued by a federal court in 1993, which among other things permanently prohibits state officials from enforcing the law's definitions of 'born alive,' 'live born,' and 'live birth,'" the group concluded.
Roland Burris Watered Down Abortion-Infanticide Law Barack Obama Refused to Fix
by Steven Ertelt Editor
December 30, 2008
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Springfield, IL ( -- Roland Burris has been named by embattled pro-abortion Gov. Rod Blagojevich to serve the remainder of Barack Obama's term in the Senate. However, pro-life advocates are not happy with appointment in part because Burris watered down an anti-infanticide law that was contentious in the presidential campaign.
During the presidential debate, Obama came under fire for repeatedly voting against an Illinois version of the Born Alive Infants Protection Act while he was a state legislator.
Lawmakers put forward the bill because existing law had lost its effectiveness in making sure newborns who survive failed abortions or are purposefully born prematurely receive adequate medical care.
Chicago-area nurse Jill Stanek had exposed the practice at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn where babies were left in soiled utility rooms to die instead of receiving treatment.
Burris rendered the state's born alive law unenforceable by signing a consent decree.
The 1975 law protected only infants the abortion practitioner believed to be "viable." That subjective view could allow abortion practitioners to leave babies to die following botched abortions despite the medical possibility that they may live if given proper medical care.The decree eviscerated the law further by nullifying the use of key definitions. Members of the Illinois legislature had to put forward a bill to strengthen the law in part because of actions Burris took.
During the presidential debate, Obama claimed the anti-infanticide bills he voted against weren't necessary because of an existing state law.
However, those bills would never have been necessary had Burris not gutted the law a decade before, according to officials with National Right to Life.
"Obama's defenders now insist that the Illinois Born-Alive Infants Protection Act was not needed because, they claim, Illinois already had a 1975 law," the group explained during the campaign.
"They fail to mention that the law covered only situations where an abortionist decided before the abortion that there was 'a reasonable likelihood of sustained survival of the fetus outside the womb,'" NRLC added. "Humans are often born alive a month or more before they reach the point where such "sustained survival" -- that is, long-term survival -- is possible or likely (which is often called the point of 'viability.)'"
"Moreover, this already-weak law was further weakened by a consent decree issued by a federal court in 1993, which among other things permanently prohibits state officials from enforcing the law's definitions of 'born alive,' 'live born,' and 'live birth,'" the group concluded.
Globalism: a historical deception
Globalism: a historical deception
Jurriaan Maessen
December 30, 2008
The cave drawings accompanying Gideon Rachman’s article entitled ‘And now for a world government’ clearly illustrate a widespread misconception. It also demonstrates the cunning of one world- propagandists in the crafting of their arguments. We are shown typical Palaeolithic artistry: horses, warriors, deer and, portrayed on the very same rocky surface, a globe. It is almost admirable were it not so deviously cunning, to bundle within a single image the primitive with the ‘modern’ and by doing this, considering the latter as the logical conclusion of the former. Rachman explains:
‘For the first time since homo sapiens began to doodle on cave walls, there is an argument, an opportunity and a means to make serious steps towards a world government.’
This statement may be considered as the basic assumption out of which a lot of these globalists’ musings emanate. Point of departure is always the human journey, that once upon a time began with cave-scribbling tribes scattered aimlessly on the planet surface, in the course of time crystallizing into sophisticated city-states, in turn evolving into nation-states- and finally, approaching present-day, culminating into one world-state, eclipsing all of the above. It sounds logical, treacherously logical. As we take a closer look at this line of reasoning however, we immediately encounter difficulties. The logic as it turns out, is not so logical after all- and besides, without long term historical precedent. History is certainly littered with tyrants and their attempts to bring about overarching supranational states. And without exception, their enterprises eventually failed, forcing freedom loving people throughout history to build firewalls against tyranny, at the same time compelling the elite to refocus their eyes on more modest ambitions.
After the Roman Empire had collapsed, other, smaller kingdoms emerged out of its ruins, who in turn left no method unused to enslave their populations. This goes for the Greeks, the Babylonians, and almost every other system with imperial designs. The Egyptian kingdom, once a vast and powerful culture, grew to be just a shadow of its former self at the beginning of our calendar. Charlemagne established the great Frankish empire only to unwittingly lay the groundwork for the establishing of sovereign states, like Germany and France. We have only to study history in order to counter the mythology of a gradual evolution towards a one world system. There is no evidence supporting an historic, chronological pattern of progression from the small to the great. More often than not it is the other way around, for excessive power tends to provoke resistance.
There is however a great deal of evidence in support of an elite, propagandising some sort of natural calling of nations to outgrow its borders in order to melt into a larger international system. It is the tyrant’s argument. And it has hideous, dangerous lumps growing all over it. Not only is globalism being presented as something unavoidable, as a force of nature that is beyond anyone’s ability to resist, it is also being portrayed as beneficial to the world. Are we to overcome our ‘global difficulties’ we must give up our hard-fought freedoms and surrender them to the world state that, after all, is looking out for our best interests. The cave drawings in Rachman’s publication do not so much reflect reality, as they represent very effectively the elite’s view of reality.
This view is not the only falsehood looming on the horizon. Every tyrant or tyrannical system has used certain pretexts to destroy liberty and crush dissent, deeming all means justified to accomplish its stated goals. It was either the threat by an outside force- a spectre haunting the woods around the village- or some natural disaster the gods had in store for us if we did not increase our offerings. It is no different in our time, where the spectre manifests itself as a bearded boogieman and the impending doom comes in the form of anthropogenic global warming. Who knows, the expected unfreeze may expose Osama Bin Laden out of his cryonic suspension in the process.
The insincerity of the arguments for a one world system is the new world order’s Achilles’ heel- and the infowarrior’s greatest weapon. In order to adequately maintain control, the elite must make use of feigned, fictitious events along which these policies can be guided. Real natural calamities are loose canons, as are genuine external threats, because they often times (though not always) refuse to align with the designs of the elite. Therefore by exposing these falsehoods, we automatically expose the mindset behind them. The truth is the elite’s biggest problem that refuses to go away; it’s the pebble in their shoe and, possibly, their future undoing. The German propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels already said it in an unguarded moment:
‘The truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the state.’
Globalism: a historical deception
Jurriaan Maessen
December 30, 2008
The cave drawings accompanying Gideon Rachman’s article entitled ‘And now for a world government’ clearly illustrate a widespread misconception. It also demonstrates the cunning of one world- propagandists in the crafting of their arguments. We are shown typical Palaeolithic artistry: horses, warriors, deer and, portrayed on the very same rocky surface, a globe. It is almost admirable were it not so deviously cunning, to bundle within a single image the primitive with the ‘modern’ and by doing this, considering the latter as the logical conclusion of the former. Rachman explains:
‘For the first time since homo sapiens began to doodle on cave walls, there is an argument, an opportunity and a means to make serious steps towards a world government.’
This statement may be considered as the basic assumption out of which a lot of these globalists’ musings emanate. Point of departure is always the human journey, that once upon a time began with cave-scribbling tribes scattered aimlessly on the planet surface, in the course of time crystallizing into sophisticated city-states, in turn evolving into nation-states- and finally, approaching present-day, culminating into one world-state, eclipsing all of the above. It sounds logical, treacherously logical. As we take a closer look at this line of reasoning however, we immediately encounter difficulties. The logic as it turns out, is not so logical after all- and besides, without long term historical precedent. History is certainly littered with tyrants and their attempts to bring about overarching supranational states. And without exception, their enterprises eventually failed, forcing freedom loving people throughout history to build firewalls against tyranny, at the same time compelling the elite to refocus their eyes on more modest ambitions.
After the Roman Empire had collapsed, other, smaller kingdoms emerged out of its ruins, who in turn left no method unused to enslave their populations. This goes for the Greeks, the Babylonians, and almost every other system with imperial designs. The Egyptian kingdom, once a vast and powerful culture, grew to be just a shadow of its former self at the beginning of our calendar. Charlemagne established the great Frankish empire only to unwittingly lay the groundwork for the establishing of sovereign states, like Germany and France. We have only to study history in order to counter the mythology of a gradual evolution towards a one world system. There is no evidence supporting an historic, chronological pattern of progression from the small to the great. More often than not it is the other way around, for excessive power tends to provoke resistance.
There is however a great deal of evidence in support of an elite, propagandising some sort of natural calling of nations to outgrow its borders in order to melt into a larger international system. It is the tyrant’s argument. And it has hideous, dangerous lumps growing all over it. Not only is globalism being presented as something unavoidable, as a force of nature that is beyond anyone’s ability to resist, it is also being portrayed as beneficial to the world. Are we to overcome our ‘global difficulties’ we must give up our hard-fought freedoms and surrender them to the world state that, after all, is looking out for our best interests. The cave drawings in Rachman’s publication do not so much reflect reality, as they represent very effectively the elite’s view of reality.
This view is not the only falsehood looming on the horizon. Every tyrant or tyrannical system has used certain pretexts to destroy liberty and crush dissent, deeming all means justified to accomplish its stated goals. It was either the threat by an outside force- a spectre haunting the woods around the village- or some natural disaster the gods had in store for us if we did not increase our offerings. It is no different in our time, where the spectre manifests itself as a bearded boogieman and the impending doom comes in the form of anthropogenic global warming. Who knows, the expected unfreeze may expose Osama Bin Laden out of his cryonic suspension in the process.
The insincerity of the arguments for a one world system is the new world order’s Achilles’ heel- and the infowarrior’s greatest weapon. In order to adequately maintain control, the elite must make use of feigned, fictitious events along which these policies can be guided. Real natural calamities are loose canons, as are genuine external threats, because they often times (though not always) refuse to align with the designs of the elite. Therefore by exposing these falsehoods, we automatically expose the mindset behind them. The truth is the elite’s biggest problem that refuses to go away; it’s the pebble in their shoe and, possibly, their future undoing. The German propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels already said it in an unguarded moment:
‘The truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the state.’
More News (I don't agree with Roberts' lies about conservative Christians since he hates conservative Christians' views) (I don't agree with Roberts' lies about conservative Christians since he hates conservative Christians' views)
Sarah Palin's Daughter Bristol Gives Birth to Son, Abortion Was Campaign Issue
Sarah Palin's Daughter Bristol Gives Birth to Son, Abortion Was Campaign Issue
by Steven Ertelt Editor
December 30, 2008
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Washington, DC ( -- The daughter of former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin has given birth to a son after her teenage pregnancy sparked a debate over abortion during the campaign. Reports indicate 18-year-old Bristol Palin gave birth to Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston on Saturday.
Although the governor's office plans to release no information about the birth, calling it a private, family matter, Bristol's grandmother's sister Colleen Jones talked about the birth with People magazine.
Jones says Tripp was born at 7 pounds, 4 ounces and that "the baby is fine and Bristol is doing well."
The Palin family won kudos for supporting their pregnant daughter Bristol when she announced she was pregnant and would marry her boyfriend, Levi Johnston.
Melinda Delahoyde , the president of Care Net, told at the time of the announcement that the Palin family deserved praise for helping their daughter choose life during a difficult situation.
"The Palin family, however, has chosen a path not without difficulty, but one without the grief of abortion. They have showed to their daughter what so many children go without – unconditional love,” she said.
Wendy Wright, the president of Concerned Women for America, told that Sarah Palin's response to her daughter’s pregnancy reminds her of the pro-life response she had to the news that her fifth child had Down syndrome.
“The surprise announcement that Gov. Sarah Palin's daughter is pregnant provided another opportunity for the vice-presidential candidate to make a politically convenient choice or the right one,” Wright told
“The family could have treated the innocent baby as a 'punishment' and secretly snuffed out the child's life to avoid a high-profile embarrassment,” Wright said, referring to comments Barack Obama made about his own daughters.
Those responses were in contrast to one from former Planned Parenthood president Gloria Feldt, who suggested Palin was making her daughter keep the baby.
"She probably feels powerless right now," Feldt said in response to the news back in September. "Because of her family's attitude she probably doesn't feel that she has a choice in terms of what will happen to her."
Wright said Feldt’s comments make Planned Parenthood’s agenda and mindset about women and children clear.
“Gloria’s condescension toward young pregnant women exposes the business model of Planned Parenthood. It is inconceivable to them that a woman would want an unexpected baby,” she said. “This narrow-minded approach should clang warning bells about how Planned Parenthood treats its clients as if they are people who need to be separated from their families and disabused of any desire to mother their baby.”
Buzz up!
Sarah Palin's Daughter Bristol Gives Birth to Son, Abortion Was Campaign Issue
by Steven Ertelt Editor
December 30, 2008
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Washington, DC ( -- The daughter of former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin has given birth to a son after her teenage pregnancy sparked a debate over abortion during the campaign. Reports indicate 18-year-old Bristol Palin gave birth to Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston on Saturday.
Although the governor's office plans to release no information about the birth, calling it a private, family matter, Bristol's grandmother's sister Colleen Jones talked about the birth with People magazine.
Jones says Tripp was born at 7 pounds, 4 ounces and that "the baby is fine and Bristol is doing well."
The Palin family won kudos for supporting their pregnant daughter Bristol when she announced she was pregnant and would marry her boyfriend, Levi Johnston.
Melinda Delahoyde , the president of Care Net, told at the time of the announcement that the Palin family deserved praise for helping their daughter choose life during a difficult situation.
"The Palin family, however, has chosen a path not without difficulty, but one without the grief of abortion. They have showed to their daughter what so many children go without – unconditional love,” she said.
Wendy Wright, the president of Concerned Women for America, told that Sarah Palin's response to her daughter’s pregnancy reminds her of the pro-life response she had to the news that her fifth child had Down syndrome.
“The surprise announcement that Gov. Sarah Palin's daughter is pregnant provided another opportunity for the vice-presidential candidate to make a politically convenient choice or the right one,” Wright told
“The family could have treated the innocent baby as a 'punishment' and secretly snuffed out the child's life to avoid a high-profile embarrassment,” Wright said, referring to comments Barack Obama made about his own daughters.
Those responses were in contrast to one from former Planned Parenthood president Gloria Feldt, who suggested Palin was making her daughter keep the baby.
"She probably feels powerless right now," Feldt said in response to the news back in September. "Because of her family's attitude she probably doesn't feel that she has a choice in terms of what will happen to her."
Wright said Feldt’s comments make Planned Parenthood’s agenda and mindset about women and children clear.
“Gloria’s condescension toward young pregnant women exposes the business model of Planned Parenthood. It is inconceivable to them that a woman would want an unexpected baby,” she said. “This narrow-minded approach should clang warning bells about how Planned Parenthood treats its clients as if they are people who need to be separated from their families and disabused of any desire to mother their baby.”
Buzz up!
Schiff: Government Interference Only Makes The Problem Worse
Schiff: Government Interference Only Makes The Problem Worse
Establishment talking heads still pushing useless and destructive bailout
Paul Joseph WatsonPrison
December 30, 2008
Investor Peter Schiff again went to battle with a raft of establishment talking heads on CNBC yesterday who attempted to propagandize for the bailout by pushing the idea that it was necessary and inevitable.
Schiff pointed out that the word “stimulus” was a misnomer because the government has proven itself incapable of stimulating the economy and has only sought to “interfere with the free market’s ability to create legitimate wealth,” a process that would lead to more inflation and more destruction.
When challenged with the notion that stimulus programs ended the Great Depression in the 1930’s, Schiff pointed out that had the market been allowed to run its natural course absent the interference of government or the Federal Reserve, then there never would have been a Great Depression, adding that capitalism had the cure for the disease with which the government has infected the market.
While others on the panel attempted to argue for accepting the “inevitability” of more financial regulation, Schiff urged that such measures be resisted. The other establishment talking heads bizarrely promoted the idea of accepting government mandated measures despite the fact that they have proven to make the problem worse in the past and have done nothing to stimulate the economy over the second half of 2008. This is akin to being in a car hurtling towards a brick wall and not slamming on the breaks but preparing for the “inevitability” of crashing through it.
“The problem was in the 1920’s, the Federal Reserve blew up a stock market bubble, when it burst we needed to have a severe recession but Hoover wouldn’t let that happen, he tried to intervene, he tried to prop up companies, he tried to keep companies from failing, he was the most interventionist president up until that point - he started the Great Depression,” said Schiff, adding that Roosevelt then compounded the problem through the rest of the 30’s.
Schiff predicted that the ultimate bottom for the Dow would mean it was worth just one ounce of gold and that it would hit a low of value between five and seven ounces of gold next year.
“It’s gonna be a huge decline in the price of stocks and a huge rise in the price of gold as well,” said Schiff, adding that the creep away from the dollar would soon turn into a “stampede”.
Watch the clips.
Schiff: Government Interference Only Makes The Problem Worse
Establishment talking heads still pushing useless and destructive bailout
Paul Joseph WatsonPrison
December 30, 2008
Investor Peter Schiff again went to battle with a raft of establishment talking heads on CNBC yesterday who attempted to propagandize for the bailout by pushing the idea that it was necessary and inevitable.
Schiff pointed out that the word “stimulus” was a misnomer because the government has proven itself incapable of stimulating the economy and has only sought to “interfere with the free market’s ability to create legitimate wealth,” a process that would lead to more inflation and more destruction.
When challenged with the notion that stimulus programs ended the Great Depression in the 1930’s, Schiff pointed out that had the market been allowed to run its natural course absent the interference of government or the Federal Reserve, then there never would have been a Great Depression, adding that capitalism had the cure for the disease with which the government has infected the market.
While others on the panel attempted to argue for accepting the “inevitability” of more financial regulation, Schiff urged that such measures be resisted. The other establishment talking heads bizarrely promoted the idea of accepting government mandated measures despite the fact that they have proven to make the problem worse in the past and have done nothing to stimulate the economy over the second half of 2008. This is akin to being in a car hurtling towards a brick wall and not slamming on the breaks but preparing for the “inevitability” of crashing through it.
“The problem was in the 1920’s, the Federal Reserve blew up a stock market bubble, when it burst we needed to have a severe recession but Hoover wouldn’t let that happen, he tried to intervene, he tried to prop up companies, he tried to keep companies from failing, he was the most interventionist president up until that point - he started the Great Depression,” said Schiff, adding that Roosevelt then compounded the problem through the rest of the 30’s.
Schiff predicted that the ultimate bottom for the Dow would mean it was worth just one ounce of gold and that it would hit a low of value between five and seven ounces of gold next year.
“It’s gonna be a huge decline in the price of stocks and a huge rise in the price of gold as well,” said Schiff, adding that the creep away from the dollar would soon turn into a “stampede”.
Watch the clips.
Monday, December 29, 2008
From This is the link.
Tackling the Tough Topics
World War I
(American History Part III)
"Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God!" – William Tyndale
Issue #61 // February 25, 2005 // Editor: Darryl Eberhart
((UPDATED/EXPANDED: March 4, 9, and 13, 2005))
((NOTE: All emphasis throughout this newsletter, unless otherwise noted, is by the editor of “Tackling the Tough Topics (TTT)”. Some issues of my TTT newsletters and my “Examining the Tough Issues (ETI)” newsletters can be read on the following two Internet web sites: and .))
((NOTE: This issue of TTT may seriously disturb some folks’ comfort zones. Additionally, this issue is dedicated to all courageous Americans who have stood against evil, corruption, and tyranny throughout history!))
"Who will rise up for me against the evildoers, or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?" (Psalm 94:16)
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
George Santayana (1863-1952; Spanish philosopher & writer)
"Woodrow Wilson was re-elected president in 1916 on a platform that he had 'kept us out of war' and on the implied promise that he would 'keep us out of war'. Yet, five months later [i.e., in April of 1917] he asked Congress to declare war on Germany .
…What caused our [ U.S. ] government to change its mind so suddenly? MONEY!!! An allied commission…came over shortly before the war declaration and called on the President. The President summoned a group of advisers. The head of the commission spoke. Stripped of its diplomatic language, this is what he told the President and his group: 'There is no use kidding ourselves any longer. The cause of the allies is lost. We now owe you (American bankers, American munitions makers, American manufacturers, American speculators, American exporters) five or six billion dollars. If we lose (and without the help of the United States we must lose) we, England , France and Italy , cannot pay back this MONEY…and Germany won't. So…'"
Smedley D. Butler (1881-1940; Major General , U.S. Marine Corps, retired; a double Medal of Honor recipient)
((Ed. Comment to preceding quotation: Major General Smedley D. Butler wrote a great book entitled War is a Racket!))
"Having consolidated their financial grip on most of the European nations by the middle of the last century [Ed. Note: the 1800s], the international bankers worked feverishly to extend their sphere of influence to the ends of the earth in preparation for their final assault on the United States – a nation which, through its unique Constitution, remained free.
In the decades that followed it became apparent that, in order to achieve their goal of world domination, they would have to instigate a series of world wars which would result in the leveling of the old world in preparation for the construction of the New World Order. This plan was outlined in graphic detail by Albert Pike, the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and the top Illuminist in America, in a letter to Giusseppe Mazzini dated August 15, 1871. ((Ed. Comment: Pike had been a Confederate general in the "War Between the States" of 1861-1865.)) Pike stated that the first world war was to be fomented in order to destroy Czarist Russia – and to place that vast land under the direct control of Illuminati agents. [Communist] Russia was then to be used as a 'bogey man' to further the aims of the Illuminati worldwide.
World War II was to be fomented through manipulation of the differences that existed between the German nationalists and the Political Zionists. This was to result in an expansion of [Communist] Russian influence and the establishment of a state of Israel in Palestine .
The Third World War was planned to result from the differences stirred up by Illuminati agents between the Zionists and the Arabs. The conflict was planned to spread worldwide."
Des Griffin (author of the book Descent into Slavery?)
"This [i.e., World War I] was the 'war to make the world safe for democracy'. No one mentioned to them [i.e., the soldiers] as they marched away, that their going and their dying would mean huge war profits." – Major General Smedley D. Butler
"In the World War [i.e., World War I] a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the [First] World War." – Major General Smedley D. Butler
"For a great many years, as a soldier, I had a suspicion that war was a racket; not until I retired did I fully realize it." – Major General Smedley D. Butler
"War is a racket fought by the common man for the benefit of the rich and powerful."
Major General Smedley D. Butler
"I have estimated that the bankers…made about $30 billion out of the First World War." Dr. Martin A. Larson
"They thought to die for their country; they died for the industrialists."
Anatole France (1844-1924; French novelist and literary critic)
"They [i.e., the Wall Street financiers] want war because they make money out of such conflict – out of the human misery that wars bring." – Henry Ford
"'Colonel' [Edward Mandell] House [Ed. Note: a Freemason] was [the] front man for the international banking fraternity. He manipulated President Woodrow Wilson like a puppet. Wilson called him [i.e., 'Colonel' House] 'my alter ego'. House played a major role in creating the Federal Reserve System, passing the graduated income tax, and getting America into World War I. ['Colonel'] House's influence over Wilson is an example that in the world of super politics the real rulers are NOT always the ones the public sees." – Gary Allen (author)
((Ed. Comment: House was involved in "making" both Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt presidents of the USA .))
"[Financier J. Pierpoint ('J.P.')] Morgan [Ed. Note: a Freemason] was instrumental in pushing [the] U.S. into World War I to protect his loans to [the] British government."
Gary Allen (author)
"We used propaganda to make the boys accept conscription. They were made to feel ashamed if they didn't join the Army. So vicious was this war propaganda that even God was brought into it. With few exceptions our clergymen joined in the clamor to kill, kill, kill."
Major General Smedley D. Butler
"It is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and [for] exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." – Hermann Goering (1893-1946; German politician and Nazi leader)
"A government which has decided on embarking on the hazardous and terrible enterprise of war must at the outset present a one-sided case in justification of its action, and cannot afford to admit in any particular whatever the smallest degree of right or reason on the part of the people it has made up its mind to fight.
Facts must be distorted, relevant circumstances concealed, and a picture presented which by its crude coloring will persuade the ignorant people that their government is blameless, their cause is righteous and that the indisputable wickedness of the enemy is beyond question.
A moment's reflection would tell any responsible person that such obvious bias cannot possibly represent the truth. But the moment's reflection is not allowed; lies are circulated with great rapidity. The unthinking mass[es] accept them and by their excitement sway the rest. The amount of rubbish and humbug that pass under the name of patriotism in wartime in all countries is sufficient to make decent people blush when they are subsequently disillusioned."
Arthur Ponsonby (British Member of Parliament; from "Falsehood in Wartime", 1928)
"There must have been more deliberate lying in the world from 1914 to 1918 than in any other period of the world's history." – Arthur Ponsonby (1928)
((Ed. Comment: Ponsonby made this statement in 1928. A whole lot more deliberate lying and/or "rubbish and humbug" would follow during World War II, the Vietnam War, Gulf War I, and Gulf War II.))
"I want to know who the men in the shadows are,
I want to hear somebody asking them 'Why?' –
They can be counted on to tell us who our enemies are,
But they're never the ones to fight or to die."
Jackson Brown (musician; from his song "Lives in the Balance")
"Those who do not go to war roar like lions."
Kurdish Proverb
" America goes not abroad [i.e., overseas] in search of monsters to destroy. She [i.e., America ] is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own. She well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy and ambition, which assume the colors of patriotism and usurp the standards of freedom."
John Quincy Adams (1767-1848; 6th President of the United States )
"Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all. …The Nation which indulges toward another an habitual hatred or an habitual fondness is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest…"
George Washington (1732-1799; 1st President of the United States ; from his Farewell Address in 1796)
"And say not thou, 'My country, right or wrong'. Nor shed thy blood for an unhallowed cause." – John Quincy Adams (1847)
"The general public shoulders the bill [for war]. The bill renders a horrible accounting: newly place gravestones; mangled bodies; shattered minds; broken hearts and homes; economic instability; depression and all its attendant miseries; back-breaking taxation for generations and generations." – Major General Smedley D. Butler
"Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy."
Henry Kissinger
"It would certainly have been better if Austria-Hungary had punished the Serbians for all the wrongs they had done." – Pope Pius X (1913; information passed to Prince Schonburg)
((Ed. Comment: World War I started in August of 1914 when Austria-Hungary attacked Serbia !))
"So the war-like sentiments of [Pope] Pius X were clearly expressed in 1913 already."
Edmond Paris (author of the book The Secret History of the Jesuits)
"What were the Hapsburgs [Ed note: rulers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire] supposed to do? [The answer: They were to] chastise Serbia , an Orthodox [Christian] nation. The prestige of Austria-Hungary , of these Hapsburgs who, with the Bourbons of Spain , were the last supporters of the Jesuits…would have been greatly increased. For Rome [i.e., the Vatican ], the affair became one of almost religious importance; a victory of apostolic monarchy over Czarism could be considered as a victory of Rome over the schism of the East." – Edmond Paris
((Ed. Comment: The Russian Czar was the protector of Eastern Orthodox Christianity. The "schism of the East" refers to the split in the year 1054 between Western Christianity (the Roman Catholic Church) and Eastern Christianity (the Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church). This split occurred when the Eastern Church refused to recognize the primacy of the Pope of Rome.))
"The ambitious plans of the Vatican and the apostolic imperialism of the Hapsburgs [Ed. Note: the rulers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire] were then in perfect accord, as in the past. To Rome [i.e., the Vatican ] and Vienna [capital of Austria ], the growing power of Serbia marked her out as the enemy to overthrow." – Edmond Paris
"The public is practically unaware of the overwhelming responsibility carried by the Vatican and its Jesuits in the starting of the two world wars – a situation which may be explained in part by the gigantic finances at the disposition of the Vatican and its Jesuits, giving them power in so many spheres, especially since the last conflict [i.e., WWII]." – Edmond Paris
((Ed. Comment: Can we begin to fathom the significance of the five quotations immediately above? The Vatican (and more specifically, her Jesuit Order) had just set up World War I by telling Austria-Hungary that Serbia needed to be punished. We must understand clearly that the Vatican (and more specifically, her Jesuit Order) has long hated non-Roman Catholic Christians, especially Orthodox Christians (most especially those in Serbia and Russia ). The Jesuits also hate the Jews! (Oh, by the way, the Jesuits also hate "liberal" Roman Catholics – "liberal" meaning those who believe in liberty for all.) So, World War I was to be used to try to crush the Serbian Orthodox Christians. This effort failed, so World War II would later be used to try to murder as many Orthodox Christians and Jews as possible. (Between 600,000 to 1 million Serb Orthodox Christians would later be tortured and slaughtered by the Croatian Roman Catholic Ustashi in the early 1940s.) We must not forget that the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 in Russia was used to strike a horrible blow against the Russian Orthodox Church!))
"The Jesuits dominate the Vatican ." – Abbe Fremont
(Note: Most of this introduction is the same as was used for "American History – Parts I & II".)
Editor of TTT's favorite subject in both high school and college was history – especially American history. After I retired from military service, I began to read history books "outside of" mainstream publishing. To my horror I quickly discovered that a whole lot of very important information had been omitted from our history textbooks, especially in the public education system. Something very sinister happened in our beloved America in the 20th century, especially in the early to mid 1900s. It seems that some very wealthy individuals who hated America 's national sovereignty, her Republican form of government, and our beloved Constitution took over the mainstream media, the major publishing companies, and our public education system.
Once this takeover was complete, these wealthy individuals, who had placed their well-paid lackeys in key positions, gave us a carefully "edited" and "sanitized" version of history! Oh, they left in tact the names of generals, senators, and presidents. They also left in tact dates of important battles. They, however, did do something that was very repugnant - they omitted many key facts, especially regarding reasons and motives for wars, assassinations, etc. Something they also omitted were any references to the globalist rich and power elite who often rule nations "from behind the scenes". They certainly omitted any references to the tremendous power and influence of "secret societies" on the course of history. They also at times actually "fabricated historical evidence", such as the "lone-nut assassin Oswald" and the "magic bullet" theories surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Possibly worst of all, these maniacal, power-hungry "control freaks" (i.e., the globalist rich and power elite and their well-paid lackeys) have stolen the truth of history from numerous generations of Americans. And this is one of the main reasons why this editor of TTT writes newsletters – to try to get small pieces of historical truth out to a few more of those Americans who have been cheated by these "robbers of history".
I would like to cover the following important topics in this issue of TTT:
(1) World War I – the hostilities;
(2) The time frame immediately prior to America's intervention in the war; and,
(3) The immediate aftermath of World War I plus the League of Nations.
There are a lot of important facts concerning all of these topics that are not covered in the vast majority of the school textbooks on American history. If we do not learn these "lessons of history", then we take the chance of repeating them!
II. WORLD WAR I (1914-1918)
NOTE: Number of Americans KILLED in World War I: 116,516.
A. World War I – the Hostilities:
World War I broke out in Europe in 1914. Here is what author Des Griffin has to say in his excellent book Descent Into Slavery? concerning the outbreak of World War I on the European continent:
"…Behind the scenes feverish preparations were being made to embroil the world in an international bloodbath that would shake civilization to its very foundations. The Illuminati knew that to succeed in their plan to create a One-World Government (making the people of the world forsake their patriotism and surrender their sovereignty) they would have to create a situation of such hideous devastation that no nation would be left untouched. All of the nations of the world would have to be brought to their knees, pleading for peace at any price.
Most historians are agreed that the spark which ignited the Great War of 1914-1918 [i.e., World War I] was a trivial, localized dispute involving Austria and Serbia. Ordinarily, such squabbles would be settled in a matter of days, if not hours. This squabble, however, was different; it was used by the powers behind the scenes to bring about the world war that was planned more than forty years earlier by Illuminist [and Freemason] Albert Pike. Austria and Serbia commenced hostilities on August 2, [1914]. By August 4, France and Belgium were involved. On that day England declared war on Germany…"
The major combatants were:
(a.) On the "Allied" Side: France, Great Britain, Russia, and later in the war, the United States;
(b.) On the "Central Powers" Side: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey.
The World Scope Encyclopedia states, in part:
"The [First World] War raged with unprecedented violence from July 28, 1914 to November 11, 1918, eventually involving 27 nations, and more than nine-tenths of the global population. Nearly twice as many deaths resulted from World War I as from all the wars fought from 1790 through 1913. The enormous costs of the war as well as property damage resulted in hugely increased national debts in all the belligerent countries." ((Ed. Comment: And this war was certainly carefully planned to result in both huge casualties and enormous debts.))
The supposed "spark" for World War I was the assassination on June 28, 1914 of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the heir apparent to the Austro-Hungarian throne. This occurred in Sarajevo, Bosnia. Austria, with German assurances of support, presented Serbia (considered responsible for the assassination) with a tough ultimatum on July 23, 1914. Despite a conciliatory reply from Serbia, Austria went ahead with a declaration of war on Serbia on July 28, 1914. The war kicked off the next day when Austrian artillery shelled the Serbian capital of Belgrade. Fourteen more declarations of war by various nations involved in WWI followed during the month of August 1914. The Great War was on!
B. The Time Frame Immediate Prior to America's Intervention in the War:
Again, the purpose of this newsletter is NOT to discuss the horrible bloodshed in the trench warfare that prevailed during the war on the western front, or the use of gas, etc. It is to show that this ("first") world war was carefully planned, orchestrated, and choreographed by international banksters and secret societies.
The "half-hearted" peace efforts are just one example of how this war was manipulated. U.S. President Woodrow Wilson had sent his "alter ego", Freemason 'Colonel' Edward Mandell House, to Europe in January of 1915 and again in 1916. (('Colonel' House had helped get Wilson, and later, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, elected president of the USA.)) House's loyalty was NOT to the United States – yet he was running the U.S. presidency "from behind the scenes". Please recall Gary Allen's comment about House from the "quotations" section of this newsletter: "'Colonel' [Edward Mandell] House [a Freemason] was [the] front man for the international banking fraternity." Anyway, House's several efforts at 'peacemaking' failed. ((One certainly must wonder how hard he really tried, since the longer the war dragged out, the more profits the banksters made!)) Additionally, House had already committed the USA to enter the war when he had signed the House-Grey Memorandum. This memorandum had promised U.S. intervention in the war if the Germans did not quickly make peace.
The German government had proposed peace negotiations on behalf of the Central Powers on December 12, 1916, but the "Allies" rejected any peace negotiations. This allowed the war to drag on for almost two more bloody years, causing millions of more casualties – and making lots of money for the international banksters funding both sides!
((Ed. Comment: This same scenario would later be replayed during World War II, when German Admiral Canaris in the spring of 1943 offered the Allies the following: he and other German leaders would remove Hitler and then surrender German military forces to the Allied Forces. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt deliberately ignored this proposal – thus extending the war almost two more bloody years, and prolonging the death, suffering, and carnage of World War II. It also gave the international banksters two more years to make lots of money funding both sides in the conflict!))
By the way, a number of personalities were involved in fomenting both World War I and World War II (especially in secret meetings). Two of the more famous were Winston Churchill and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Many people know that these two men "led" their respective nations (Great Britain and the USA, respectively) during World War II. But far fewer Americans know the role these two "enemies of humanity" played in World War I.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt had been appointed Assistant Secretary of the Navy prior to America’s entry into WWI. Roosevelt maintained a "full court press" on his boss, Navy Secretary Joseph Daniels, for measures that would speed up America's entry into the war. These measures included arming merchant ships and using American naval vessels for convoy protection in hostile waters – measures that Navy Secretary Daniels opposed. Roosevelt and others were working "behind the scenes" to bring pressure on President Wilson to enter the war.
Winston Churchill, as the British First 'Lord' of the Admiralty during World War I, was likewise putting a "full court press" on top American power brokers to get the USA into the war. It was this same Winston Churchill who ordered the British escort ship Juno to return to port, leaving the Lusitania sitting alone off the west coast of Ireland, where she was torpedoed on May 7, 1915 by a German submarine. ((The Juno had been scheduled to go out and escort the Lusitania into port.))
And so 114 American lives were lost when the British liner Lusitania was sunk off the west coast of Ireland on May 7, 1915. Some books contend that this "violation of the freedom of the seas" contributed to the later declaration of war by the United States on Germany in April of 1917. What is often omitted from American history books are the facts that the Lusitania was carrying munitions for the British war effort, and that the German Consulate in New York City had made numerous efforts to warn Americans NOT to board the Lusitania!
The following paragraph is a quote concerning the Lusitania by author Gary Allen from his excellent book None Dare Call It Conspiracy:
"The Lusitania, at the time it was sunk, was carrying six million pounds of ammunition. It was actually illegal for American passengers to be aboard a ship carrying munitions to belligerents. Almost two years before the liner was sunk, the New York Tribune (June 19, 1913) carried a squib which stated: 'Cunard officials acknowledged to the Tribune correspondent today that the greyhound [Lusitania] is being equipped with high power naval rifles…' In fact, the Lusitania was registered in the British Navy as an auxiliary cruiser. In addition, the German government took out large ads in all the New York papers warning potential passengers that the ship was carrying munitions and telling them not to cross the Atlantic [Ocean] on it. Those who chose to make the trip knew the risk they were taking. Yet the sinking of the Lusitania was used by clever propagandists to portray the Germans as inhuman slaughterers of innocents. Submarine warfare was manufactured into a 'cause celebre' to push us into war. On April 6, 1917, Congress declared war. The American people acquiesced on the basis that it would be a 'war to end all wars'."
The following text is taken from extracts from my first TTT (#1) entitled "Do We Really Want Another Persian Gulf War?", and TTT #3 entitled "War [for the most part] Stinks!" ( : )
"Most Americans were opposed to America's entry into World War I. George Washington had wisely warned the American people to avoid 'foreign entanglements'. Yet the British, and some of America's leaders, were bound and determined to send America's soldiers overseas to fight someone else's war!
First, the 'enemy' was demonized by the British and American press. German soldiers were derogatorily referred to as 'Huns', and many false stories appeared in the press telling of German soldiers roaming the Belgian countryside 'cutting off the breasts of young girls', etc.
Secondly, the United States needed a 'provocation'. And so the 'Lusitania', a British steamship, was loaded up with American passengers AND AMMUNITION, and sent off into hostile waters heading for Great Britain. This was done despite warnings from the Germans that ships entering these waters would be sunk by German submarines. We know now that the escort ships were 'pulled back' a distance from the 'Lusitania', and it was torpedoed and sunk. …[The sinking of the Lusitania] gave the ruling powers the EXCUSE they needed to send American troops to fight in a purely European squabble! (And let's not forget that President Wilson had run on a [Democratic Party] plank stating that he would NOT send American boys [off to fight] overseas!)
Thirdly, war 'fever' and 'hysteria' were quickly stirred up by the press. The American people were told that our American boys were going overseas to fight the war 'to end all wars', and 'to make the world safe for democracy'.
Fourthly, our American boys indeed did go over to Europe to fight, bleed, and die; and the munitions makers, bankers, ship builders, manufacturers, meat packers, and speculators made big profits."
C. Immediate Aftermath of World War I plus the League of Nations:
Here is the horrendous cost of this war according to the World Scope Encyclopedia:
"65 million men had been mobilized for battle; 9 million had been killed in action; and 22,000,000 had been wounded."
We must remember that top-level Freemason Albert Pike in 1871 had outlined THREE world wars that were to be fomented, orchestrated, and choreographed in order to "achieve the Illuminist goal of world domination" (as stated by author Des Griffin).
The globalist rich and power elite had hoped that a very bloody world war would lead to the founding of a world governance body, with the peoples of the world crying for peace. So, when their carefully orchestrated world war ended, they tried to set up the League of Nations. Unfortunately for these globalist rich and power elite, America still had some good, patriotic U.S. senators who realized what the elitists were up to, and these patriotic senators blocked America's entry into the League of Nations.
Well, fortunately for the globalist rich and power elite, they already had a contingency plan in place – an upcoming second world war. They would attempt to orchestrate an even bloodier conflict that would have the people of planet Earth begging for peace, and for a world governing body to ensure that peace.
On June 28, 1919, World War I came to a formal end with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. The oppressive war reparations laid on Germany surely guaranteed a second world war in the decades ahead. ((And it was planned that way!)) The globalist rich and power elite would again foment and orchestrate another bloody world conflict to advance their one-world agenda. One result of World War II would be the creation of the United Nations.
If we went every year to the same "used car salesman" to purchase a vehicle, and every year he would sell us yet another "lemon", then how many times would we keep going back to the same used car salesman? Yet the history of most American wars has been a history of lies, deception, propaganda, and manipulation of our patriotism! Phony slogans are also often part of the war propaganda, e.g., "Remember the Maine", "Remember the Lusitania", "the war to end all wars", "the war to make the world safe for democracy", etc. Yet as we often find out later, things were somewhat different than we had been told at the time of the particular "incident" that was used as an excuse to go to war. For example, when the U.S. battleship Maine was the victim of an explosion, and sunk in Havana (Cuba) harbor on February 15, 1898, it was assumed that the Spanish military forces garrisoned in Cuba were responsible. And thus we had the 10-week Spanish-American War and the famous slogan "Remember the Maine". Only later did we the American people find out that the explosion had come from the inside of the ship!
Then, in World War I, the Germans were portrayed as barbarians for sinking the Lusitania on May 7, 1915 – a British ship carrying not only American passengers, but also six million pounds of ammunition! LIES were also spread about the "Huns" (the Germans) running around the Belgian countryside cutting the breasts off young ladies and the hands off young boys. We would later get replays of such LIES with the "greatly exaggerated" Gulf of Tonkin Incident (i.e., the North Vietnamese naval vessels did NOT attack the U.S. ships in the area) which was used to escalate U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. Even more LIES would follow with the contrived (by a Madison Avenue Advertising firm) story of Iraqi soldiers tossing babies out of incubators in Kuwait (part of our justification for U.S. military involvement in Gulf War I), and with the LIES about the "weapons of mass destruction (WMD)" that were used to justify U.S. military involvement in Gulf War II.
We also have been fed the LIES about Pearl Harbor, the POW/MIA issue, Agent Orange, Gulf War Illness, the military servicemen used as guinea pigs in radiation tests, etc.
The Japanese were portrayed as "less than human" in World War II, much as Iraqis are now portrayed as "less than human" in Gulf War II.
Well, we've had World War I and World War II. Gulf War II 'smells' a whole lot like the beginning of World War III – especially if the U.S. gets involved in Iran and/or Syria. Of course, there is still the real danger of a Red Chinese invasion of Taiwan (Nationalist China) and the danger of a North Korean invasion of South Korea. America's combat forces are already stretched extremely “thin” in many locations around the globe.
Considering the above, we must all ask ourselves these very important questions:
"What happens if Russia and Red China decide to join forces in order to attack America while most of our military troops are tied down overseas?" And, "Is part of the scenario of World War III to take down the United States of America?"
As philosopher Santayana stated, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." We Americans can no longer trust our fearless leaders to do what is in the best interest of the American people. We can no longer trust our leaders to tell us all the facts concerning on-going wars and future wars. If we do not learn from our past history, then American young men and young women are going to continue to be used as "cannon fodder" in many wars all over the globe that are not in our genuine national interest. As elitist Henry Kissinger has stated, "Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy." And that is what the rich and power elite think of our children and grandchildren – pawns to be used in U.S. foreign policy.
Editor of TTT is NOT anti-war. I served twenty years on active duty in both the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Army. I am in favor of all wars that truly defend this country's best interests – but not the wars that are in the interests of the globalist rich and power elite! We need to be defending this country's borders, and stopping the massive illegal immigration that is contributing to the destruction of this nation's infrastructure and economy. We Americans need to learn the lessons of war – and the history of American involvement in foreign wars, or we will continue to make the costly mistakes of the past. Once we get informed, we need to hold our government leaders responsible for committing American troops overseas! That is our duty as citizens! And we also, when we have gotten well informed on this topic, must become "teachers" of others. And that brings us to this final section on what we can do.
1. If you think that this issue of "Tackling the Tough Topics" contains important information, then please make as many copies of it as you can possibly afford to, and give them away "free of charge" to others.
2. We all need to get more informed about the wars in America's history, especially about the men behind the scenes who foment and orchestrate these wars. Once we get informed, we need to become "teachers", helping others to get informed. Here are some good books – try to obtain as many of them as you can possibly afford.
(a.) The book The Unseen Hand: An Introduction to the Conspiratorial View of History by A. Ralph Epperson; 1985; paperback, 488-pages; $18.45 postpaid. This excellent book deals with a lot of the "missing gaps" in American history books. It covers such topics as "money & gold", "secret societies", and a number of wars in which Americans participated: "The American Revolution", "The Civil War", "World War I", "World War II", and "The Korean War". The "Radio Liberty" catalog, in part, states the following about this book: "It is the contention of the author that the major events of the past, the wars, the depressions and the revolutions, have been planned years in advance by an international conspiracy." To order this book, make check or money order payable to "Radio Liberty" and send it to the following address: Radio Liberty // P.O. Box 969 // Soquel, CA 95073. For credit card orders, call toll-free 800-544-8927.
(b.) The book None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen; 1971; paperback, 138 pages; $10.45 postpaid. It deals with international financiers and their fomenting and orchestration of wars. It contains great information on the sinking of the Lusitania and the First World War. To order, send check or money order payable to "Radio Liberty" to the following address: Radio Liberty // P.O. Box 969 // Soquel, CA 95073. For credit card orders, call toll-free 800-544-8927.
(c.) The book Descent Into Slavery? by Des Griffin. This 316-page paperback book deals with a lot of the "missing gaps" in American history textbooks. It covers such topics as the international banksters, and some very important "behind the scenes" facts about both World War I and World War II. This excellent book is $17 postpaid. To order, make check or money order payable to "Emissary Publications" and send it to the following address: Emissary Publications // 9205 SE. Clackamas Rd., #1776 // Clackamas, OR 97015. Phone/fax: 503-824-2050 (no credit card orders).
(d.) The book The Secret History of the Jesuits by Edmond Paris; 206-page paperback; $10.75 postpaid. The back cover states, in part: "Edmond Paris boldly exposes the Vatican's [Ed. Note: more specifically, the Jesuit Order's] involvement in world politics, intrigues, and the fomenting of wars throughout history." This book has chapters on both World War I and World War II. To order, make check or money order payable to "Chick Publications", and send it to the following address: Chick Publications // P.O. Box 3500 // Ontario, CA 91761-1019. Or, for credit card orders, call 909-987-0771.
(e.) The book Slick Willie & the Amazing American Bodybag Factory, Inc. by William H. Huff. ((This book is most highly recommended by Editor of "Tackling the Tough Topics". And don't worry, it is NOT a book about Bill Clinton's escapades!)) This book contains "The War Prayer" by Mark Twain; an open letter by Bill Huff to our military personnel; a short biography of USMC Major General Smedley D. Butler (a double-Medal of Honor recipient); and Major General Butler's great little book "War is a Racket!". Major General Butler's quotes at the beginning of this newsletter came from this book. Slick Willie & the Amazing American Bodybag Factory, Inc. is available for $7 postpaid. To order, make check or money order payable to "William H. Huff" and send it to the following address: LEXREX // P.O. Box 553 // Hamstead, MD 21074. For credit card orders, please call 1-410-374-5116. Or, visit Bill Huff's web site: .
3. Here are two of the very best web sites for seeking truth – they contain key news items suppressed by the establishment-controlled mainstream media, plus insightful analysis: and .
"Who will rise up for me against the evildoers, or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?" (Psalm 94:16)
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Tackling the Tough Topics
World War I
(American History Part III)
"Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God!" – William Tyndale
Issue #61 // February 25, 2005 // Editor: Darryl Eberhart
((UPDATED/EXPANDED: March 4, 9, and 13, 2005))
((NOTE: All emphasis throughout this newsletter, unless otherwise noted, is by the editor of “Tackling the Tough Topics (TTT)”. Some issues of my TTT newsletters and my “Examining the Tough Issues (ETI)” newsletters can be read on the following two Internet web sites: and .))
((NOTE: This issue of TTT may seriously disturb some folks’ comfort zones. Additionally, this issue is dedicated to all courageous Americans who have stood against evil, corruption, and tyranny throughout history!))
"Who will rise up for me against the evildoers, or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?" (Psalm 94:16)
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
George Santayana (1863-1952; Spanish philosopher & writer)
"Woodrow Wilson was re-elected president in 1916 on a platform that he had 'kept us out of war' and on the implied promise that he would 'keep us out of war'. Yet, five months later [i.e., in April of 1917] he asked Congress to declare war on Germany .
…What caused our [ U.S. ] government to change its mind so suddenly? MONEY!!! An allied commission…came over shortly before the war declaration and called on the President. The President summoned a group of advisers. The head of the commission spoke. Stripped of its diplomatic language, this is what he told the President and his group: 'There is no use kidding ourselves any longer. The cause of the allies is lost. We now owe you (American bankers, American munitions makers, American manufacturers, American speculators, American exporters) five or six billion dollars. If we lose (and without the help of the United States we must lose) we, England , France and Italy , cannot pay back this MONEY…and Germany won't. So…'"
Smedley D. Butler (1881-1940; Major General , U.S. Marine Corps, retired; a double Medal of Honor recipient)
((Ed. Comment to preceding quotation: Major General Smedley D. Butler wrote a great book entitled War is a Racket!))
"Having consolidated their financial grip on most of the European nations by the middle of the last century [Ed. Note: the 1800s], the international bankers worked feverishly to extend their sphere of influence to the ends of the earth in preparation for their final assault on the United States – a nation which, through its unique Constitution, remained free.
In the decades that followed it became apparent that, in order to achieve their goal of world domination, they would have to instigate a series of world wars which would result in the leveling of the old world in preparation for the construction of the New World Order. This plan was outlined in graphic detail by Albert Pike, the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and the top Illuminist in America, in a letter to Giusseppe Mazzini dated August 15, 1871. ((Ed. Comment: Pike had been a Confederate general in the "War Between the States" of 1861-1865.)) Pike stated that the first world war was to be fomented in order to destroy Czarist Russia – and to place that vast land under the direct control of Illuminati agents. [Communist] Russia was then to be used as a 'bogey man' to further the aims of the Illuminati worldwide.
World War II was to be fomented through manipulation of the differences that existed between the German nationalists and the Political Zionists. This was to result in an expansion of [Communist] Russian influence and the establishment of a state of Israel in Palestine .
The Third World War was planned to result from the differences stirred up by Illuminati agents between the Zionists and the Arabs. The conflict was planned to spread worldwide."
Des Griffin (author of the book Descent into Slavery?)
"This [i.e., World War I] was the 'war to make the world safe for democracy'. No one mentioned to them [i.e., the soldiers] as they marched away, that their going and their dying would mean huge war profits." – Major General Smedley D. Butler
"In the World War [i.e., World War I] a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the [First] World War." – Major General Smedley D. Butler
"For a great many years, as a soldier, I had a suspicion that war was a racket; not until I retired did I fully realize it." – Major General Smedley D. Butler
"War is a racket fought by the common man for the benefit of the rich and powerful."
Major General Smedley D. Butler
"I have estimated that the bankers…made about $30 billion out of the First World War." Dr. Martin A. Larson
"They thought to die for their country; they died for the industrialists."
Anatole France (1844-1924; French novelist and literary critic)
"They [i.e., the Wall Street financiers] want war because they make money out of such conflict – out of the human misery that wars bring." – Henry Ford
"'Colonel' [Edward Mandell] House [Ed. Note: a Freemason] was [the] front man for the international banking fraternity. He manipulated President Woodrow Wilson like a puppet. Wilson called him [i.e., 'Colonel' House] 'my alter ego'. House played a major role in creating the Federal Reserve System, passing the graduated income tax, and getting America into World War I. ['Colonel'] House's influence over Wilson is an example that in the world of super politics the real rulers are NOT always the ones the public sees." – Gary Allen (author)
((Ed. Comment: House was involved in "making" both Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt presidents of the USA .))
"[Financier J. Pierpoint ('J.P.')] Morgan [Ed. Note: a Freemason] was instrumental in pushing [the] U.S. into World War I to protect his loans to [the] British government."
Gary Allen (author)
"We used propaganda to make the boys accept conscription. They were made to feel ashamed if they didn't join the Army. So vicious was this war propaganda that even God was brought into it. With few exceptions our clergymen joined in the clamor to kill, kill, kill."
Major General Smedley D. Butler
"It is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and [for] exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." – Hermann Goering (1893-1946; German politician and Nazi leader)
"A government which has decided on embarking on the hazardous and terrible enterprise of war must at the outset present a one-sided case in justification of its action, and cannot afford to admit in any particular whatever the smallest degree of right or reason on the part of the people it has made up its mind to fight.
Facts must be distorted, relevant circumstances concealed, and a picture presented which by its crude coloring will persuade the ignorant people that their government is blameless, their cause is righteous and that the indisputable wickedness of the enemy is beyond question.
A moment's reflection would tell any responsible person that such obvious bias cannot possibly represent the truth. But the moment's reflection is not allowed; lies are circulated with great rapidity. The unthinking mass[es] accept them and by their excitement sway the rest. The amount of rubbish and humbug that pass under the name of patriotism in wartime in all countries is sufficient to make decent people blush when they are subsequently disillusioned."
Arthur Ponsonby (British Member of Parliament; from "Falsehood in Wartime", 1928)
"There must have been more deliberate lying in the world from 1914 to 1918 than in any other period of the world's history." – Arthur Ponsonby (1928)
((Ed. Comment: Ponsonby made this statement in 1928. A whole lot more deliberate lying and/or "rubbish and humbug" would follow during World War II, the Vietnam War, Gulf War I, and Gulf War II.))
"I want to know who the men in the shadows are,
I want to hear somebody asking them 'Why?' –
They can be counted on to tell us who our enemies are,
But they're never the ones to fight or to die."
Jackson Brown (musician; from his song "Lives in the Balance")
"Those who do not go to war roar like lions."
Kurdish Proverb
" America goes not abroad [i.e., overseas] in search of monsters to destroy. She [i.e., America ] is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own. She well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy and ambition, which assume the colors of patriotism and usurp the standards of freedom."
John Quincy Adams (1767-1848; 6th President of the United States )
"Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all. …The Nation which indulges toward another an habitual hatred or an habitual fondness is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest…"
George Washington (1732-1799; 1st President of the United States ; from his Farewell Address in 1796)
"And say not thou, 'My country, right or wrong'. Nor shed thy blood for an unhallowed cause." – John Quincy Adams (1847)
"The general public shoulders the bill [for war]. The bill renders a horrible accounting: newly place gravestones; mangled bodies; shattered minds; broken hearts and homes; economic instability; depression and all its attendant miseries; back-breaking taxation for generations and generations." – Major General Smedley D. Butler
"Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy."
Henry Kissinger
"It would certainly have been better if Austria-Hungary had punished the Serbians for all the wrongs they had done." – Pope Pius X (1913; information passed to Prince Schonburg)
((Ed. Comment: World War I started in August of 1914 when Austria-Hungary attacked Serbia !))
"So the war-like sentiments of [Pope] Pius X were clearly expressed in 1913 already."
Edmond Paris (author of the book The Secret History of the Jesuits)
"What were the Hapsburgs [Ed note: rulers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire] supposed to do? [The answer: They were to] chastise Serbia , an Orthodox [Christian] nation. The prestige of Austria-Hungary , of these Hapsburgs who, with the Bourbons of Spain , were the last supporters of the Jesuits…would have been greatly increased. For Rome [i.e., the Vatican ], the affair became one of almost religious importance; a victory of apostolic monarchy over Czarism could be considered as a victory of Rome over the schism of the East." – Edmond Paris
((Ed. Comment: The Russian Czar was the protector of Eastern Orthodox Christianity. The "schism of the East" refers to the split in the year 1054 between Western Christianity (the Roman Catholic Church) and Eastern Christianity (the Eastern Orthodox Catholic Church). This split occurred when the Eastern Church refused to recognize the primacy of the Pope of Rome.))
"The ambitious plans of the Vatican and the apostolic imperialism of the Hapsburgs [Ed. Note: the rulers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire] were then in perfect accord, as in the past. To Rome [i.e., the Vatican ] and Vienna [capital of Austria ], the growing power of Serbia marked her out as the enemy to overthrow." – Edmond Paris
"The public is practically unaware of the overwhelming responsibility carried by the Vatican and its Jesuits in the starting of the two world wars – a situation which may be explained in part by the gigantic finances at the disposition of the Vatican and its Jesuits, giving them power in so many spheres, especially since the last conflict [i.e., WWII]." – Edmond Paris
((Ed. Comment: Can we begin to fathom the significance of the five quotations immediately above? The Vatican (and more specifically, her Jesuit Order) had just set up World War I by telling Austria-Hungary that Serbia needed to be punished. We must understand clearly that the Vatican (and more specifically, her Jesuit Order) has long hated non-Roman Catholic Christians, especially Orthodox Christians (most especially those in Serbia and Russia ). The Jesuits also hate the Jews! (Oh, by the way, the Jesuits also hate "liberal" Roman Catholics – "liberal" meaning those who believe in liberty for all.) So, World War I was to be used to try to crush the Serbian Orthodox Christians. This effort failed, so World War II would later be used to try to murder as many Orthodox Christians and Jews as possible. (Between 600,000 to 1 million Serb Orthodox Christians would later be tortured and slaughtered by the Croatian Roman Catholic Ustashi in the early 1940s.) We must not forget that the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 in Russia was used to strike a horrible blow against the Russian Orthodox Church!))
"The Jesuits dominate the Vatican ." – Abbe Fremont
(Note: Most of this introduction is the same as was used for "American History – Parts I & II".)
Editor of TTT's favorite subject in both high school and college was history – especially American history. After I retired from military service, I began to read history books "outside of" mainstream publishing. To my horror I quickly discovered that a whole lot of very important information had been omitted from our history textbooks, especially in the public education system. Something very sinister happened in our beloved America in the 20th century, especially in the early to mid 1900s. It seems that some very wealthy individuals who hated America 's national sovereignty, her Republican form of government, and our beloved Constitution took over the mainstream media, the major publishing companies, and our public education system.
Once this takeover was complete, these wealthy individuals, who had placed their well-paid lackeys in key positions, gave us a carefully "edited" and "sanitized" version of history! Oh, they left in tact the names of generals, senators, and presidents. They also left in tact dates of important battles. They, however, did do something that was very repugnant - they omitted many key facts, especially regarding reasons and motives for wars, assassinations, etc. Something they also omitted were any references to the globalist rich and power elite who often rule nations "from behind the scenes". They certainly omitted any references to the tremendous power and influence of "secret societies" on the course of history. They also at times actually "fabricated historical evidence", such as the "lone-nut assassin Oswald" and the "magic bullet" theories surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Possibly worst of all, these maniacal, power-hungry "control freaks" (i.e., the globalist rich and power elite and their well-paid lackeys) have stolen the truth of history from numerous generations of Americans. And this is one of the main reasons why this editor of TTT writes newsletters – to try to get small pieces of historical truth out to a few more of those Americans who have been cheated by these "robbers of history".
I would like to cover the following important topics in this issue of TTT:
(1) World War I – the hostilities;
(2) The time frame immediately prior to America's intervention in the war; and,
(3) The immediate aftermath of World War I plus the League of Nations.
There are a lot of important facts concerning all of these topics that are not covered in the vast majority of the school textbooks on American history. If we do not learn these "lessons of history", then we take the chance of repeating them!
II. WORLD WAR I (1914-1918)
NOTE: Number of Americans KILLED in World War I: 116,516.
A. World War I – the Hostilities:
World War I broke out in Europe in 1914. Here is what author Des Griffin has to say in his excellent book Descent Into Slavery? concerning the outbreak of World War I on the European continent:
"…Behind the scenes feverish preparations were being made to embroil the world in an international bloodbath that would shake civilization to its very foundations. The Illuminati knew that to succeed in their plan to create a One-World Government (making the people of the world forsake their patriotism and surrender their sovereignty) they would have to create a situation of such hideous devastation that no nation would be left untouched. All of the nations of the world would have to be brought to their knees, pleading for peace at any price.
Most historians are agreed that the spark which ignited the Great War of 1914-1918 [i.e., World War I] was a trivial, localized dispute involving Austria and Serbia. Ordinarily, such squabbles would be settled in a matter of days, if not hours. This squabble, however, was different; it was used by the powers behind the scenes to bring about the world war that was planned more than forty years earlier by Illuminist [and Freemason] Albert Pike. Austria and Serbia commenced hostilities on August 2, [1914]. By August 4, France and Belgium were involved. On that day England declared war on Germany…"
The major combatants were:
(a.) On the "Allied" Side: France, Great Britain, Russia, and later in the war, the United States;
(b.) On the "Central Powers" Side: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey.
The World Scope Encyclopedia states, in part:
"The [First World] War raged with unprecedented violence from July 28, 1914 to November 11, 1918, eventually involving 27 nations, and more than nine-tenths of the global population. Nearly twice as many deaths resulted from World War I as from all the wars fought from 1790 through 1913. The enormous costs of the war as well as property damage resulted in hugely increased national debts in all the belligerent countries." ((Ed. Comment: And this war was certainly carefully planned to result in both huge casualties and enormous debts.))
The supposed "spark" for World War I was the assassination on June 28, 1914 of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the heir apparent to the Austro-Hungarian throne. This occurred in Sarajevo, Bosnia. Austria, with German assurances of support, presented Serbia (considered responsible for the assassination) with a tough ultimatum on July 23, 1914. Despite a conciliatory reply from Serbia, Austria went ahead with a declaration of war on Serbia on July 28, 1914. The war kicked off the next day when Austrian artillery shelled the Serbian capital of Belgrade. Fourteen more declarations of war by various nations involved in WWI followed during the month of August 1914. The Great War was on!
B. The Time Frame Immediate Prior to America's Intervention in the War:
Again, the purpose of this newsletter is NOT to discuss the horrible bloodshed in the trench warfare that prevailed during the war on the western front, or the use of gas, etc. It is to show that this ("first") world war was carefully planned, orchestrated, and choreographed by international banksters and secret societies.
The "half-hearted" peace efforts are just one example of how this war was manipulated. U.S. President Woodrow Wilson had sent his "alter ego", Freemason 'Colonel' Edward Mandell House, to Europe in January of 1915 and again in 1916. (('Colonel' House had helped get Wilson, and later, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, elected president of the USA.)) House's loyalty was NOT to the United States – yet he was running the U.S. presidency "from behind the scenes". Please recall Gary Allen's comment about House from the "quotations" section of this newsletter: "'Colonel' [Edward Mandell] House [a Freemason] was [the] front man for the international banking fraternity." Anyway, House's several efforts at 'peacemaking' failed. ((One certainly must wonder how hard he really tried, since the longer the war dragged out, the more profits the banksters made!)) Additionally, House had already committed the USA to enter the war when he had signed the House-Grey Memorandum. This memorandum had promised U.S. intervention in the war if the Germans did not quickly make peace.
The German government had proposed peace negotiations on behalf of the Central Powers on December 12, 1916, but the "Allies" rejected any peace negotiations. This allowed the war to drag on for almost two more bloody years, causing millions of more casualties – and making lots of money for the international banksters funding both sides!
((Ed. Comment: This same scenario would later be replayed during World War II, when German Admiral Canaris in the spring of 1943 offered the Allies the following: he and other German leaders would remove Hitler and then surrender German military forces to the Allied Forces. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt deliberately ignored this proposal – thus extending the war almost two more bloody years, and prolonging the death, suffering, and carnage of World War II. It also gave the international banksters two more years to make lots of money funding both sides in the conflict!))
By the way, a number of personalities were involved in fomenting both World War I and World War II (especially in secret meetings). Two of the more famous were Winston Churchill and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Many people know that these two men "led" their respective nations (Great Britain and the USA, respectively) during World War II. But far fewer Americans know the role these two "enemies of humanity" played in World War I.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt had been appointed Assistant Secretary of the Navy prior to America’s entry into WWI. Roosevelt maintained a "full court press" on his boss, Navy Secretary Joseph Daniels, for measures that would speed up America's entry into the war. These measures included arming merchant ships and using American naval vessels for convoy protection in hostile waters – measures that Navy Secretary Daniels opposed. Roosevelt and others were working "behind the scenes" to bring pressure on President Wilson to enter the war.
Winston Churchill, as the British First 'Lord' of the Admiralty during World War I, was likewise putting a "full court press" on top American power brokers to get the USA into the war. It was this same Winston Churchill who ordered the British escort ship Juno to return to port, leaving the Lusitania sitting alone off the west coast of Ireland, where she was torpedoed on May 7, 1915 by a German submarine. ((The Juno had been scheduled to go out and escort the Lusitania into port.))
And so 114 American lives were lost when the British liner Lusitania was sunk off the west coast of Ireland on May 7, 1915. Some books contend that this "violation of the freedom of the seas" contributed to the later declaration of war by the United States on Germany in April of 1917. What is often omitted from American history books are the facts that the Lusitania was carrying munitions for the British war effort, and that the German Consulate in New York City had made numerous efforts to warn Americans NOT to board the Lusitania!
The following paragraph is a quote concerning the Lusitania by author Gary Allen from his excellent book None Dare Call It Conspiracy:
"The Lusitania, at the time it was sunk, was carrying six million pounds of ammunition. It was actually illegal for American passengers to be aboard a ship carrying munitions to belligerents. Almost two years before the liner was sunk, the New York Tribune (June 19, 1913) carried a squib which stated: 'Cunard officials acknowledged to the Tribune correspondent today that the greyhound [Lusitania] is being equipped with high power naval rifles…' In fact, the Lusitania was registered in the British Navy as an auxiliary cruiser. In addition, the German government took out large ads in all the New York papers warning potential passengers that the ship was carrying munitions and telling them not to cross the Atlantic [Ocean] on it. Those who chose to make the trip knew the risk they were taking. Yet the sinking of the Lusitania was used by clever propagandists to portray the Germans as inhuman slaughterers of innocents. Submarine warfare was manufactured into a 'cause celebre' to push us into war. On April 6, 1917, Congress declared war. The American people acquiesced on the basis that it would be a 'war to end all wars'."
The following text is taken from extracts from my first TTT (#1) entitled "Do We Really Want Another Persian Gulf War?", and TTT #3 entitled "War [for the most part] Stinks!" ( : )
"Most Americans were opposed to America's entry into World War I. George Washington had wisely warned the American people to avoid 'foreign entanglements'. Yet the British, and some of America's leaders, were bound and determined to send America's soldiers overseas to fight someone else's war!
First, the 'enemy' was demonized by the British and American press. German soldiers were derogatorily referred to as 'Huns', and many false stories appeared in the press telling of German soldiers roaming the Belgian countryside 'cutting off the breasts of young girls', etc.
Secondly, the United States needed a 'provocation'. And so the 'Lusitania', a British steamship, was loaded up with American passengers AND AMMUNITION, and sent off into hostile waters heading for Great Britain. This was done despite warnings from the Germans that ships entering these waters would be sunk by German submarines. We know now that the escort ships were 'pulled back' a distance from the 'Lusitania', and it was torpedoed and sunk. …[The sinking of the Lusitania] gave the ruling powers the EXCUSE they needed to send American troops to fight in a purely European squabble! (And let's not forget that President Wilson had run on a [Democratic Party] plank stating that he would NOT send American boys [off to fight] overseas!)
Thirdly, war 'fever' and 'hysteria' were quickly stirred up by the press. The American people were told that our American boys were going overseas to fight the war 'to end all wars', and 'to make the world safe for democracy'.
Fourthly, our American boys indeed did go over to Europe to fight, bleed, and die; and the munitions makers, bankers, ship builders, manufacturers, meat packers, and speculators made big profits."
C. Immediate Aftermath of World War I plus the League of Nations:
Here is the horrendous cost of this war according to the World Scope Encyclopedia:
"65 million men had been mobilized for battle; 9 million had been killed in action; and 22,000,000 had been wounded."
We must remember that top-level Freemason Albert Pike in 1871 had outlined THREE world wars that were to be fomented, orchestrated, and choreographed in order to "achieve the Illuminist goal of world domination" (as stated by author Des Griffin).
The globalist rich and power elite had hoped that a very bloody world war would lead to the founding of a world governance body, with the peoples of the world crying for peace. So, when their carefully orchestrated world war ended, they tried to set up the League of Nations. Unfortunately for these globalist rich and power elite, America still had some good, patriotic U.S. senators who realized what the elitists were up to, and these patriotic senators blocked America's entry into the League of Nations.
Well, fortunately for the globalist rich and power elite, they already had a contingency plan in place – an upcoming second world war. They would attempt to orchestrate an even bloodier conflict that would have the people of planet Earth begging for peace, and for a world governing body to ensure that peace.
On June 28, 1919, World War I came to a formal end with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. The oppressive war reparations laid on Germany surely guaranteed a second world war in the decades ahead. ((And it was planned that way!)) The globalist rich and power elite would again foment and orchestrate another bloody world conflict to advance their one-world agenda. One result of World War II would be the creation of the United Nations.
If we went every year to the same "used car salesman" to purchase a vehicle, and every year he would sell us yet another "lemon", then how many times would we keep going back to the same used car salesman? Yet the history of most American wars has been a history of lies, deception, propaganda, and manipulation of our patriotism! Phony slogans are also often part of the war propaganda, e.g., "Remember the Maine", "Remember the Lusitania", "the war to end all wars", "the war to make the world safe for democracy", etc. Yet as we often find out later, things were somewhat different than we had been told at the time of the particular "incident" that was used as an excuse to go to war. For example, when the U.S. battleship Maine was the victim of an explosion, and sunk in Havana (Cuba) harbor on February 15, 1898, it was assumed that the Spanish military forces garrisoned in Cuba were responsible. And thus we had the 10-week Spanish-American War and the famous slogan "Remember the Maine". Only later did we the American people find out that the explosion had come from the inside of the ship!
Then, in World War I, the Germans were portrayed as barbarians for sinking the Lusitania on May 7, 1915 – a British ship carrying not only American passengers, but also six million pounds of ammunition! LIES were also spread about the "Huns" (the Germans) running around the Belgian countryside cutting the breasts off young ladies and the hands off young boys. We would later get replays of such LIES with the "greatly exaggerated" Gulf of Tonkin Incident (i.e., the North Vietnamese naval vessels did NOT attack the U.S. ships in the area) which was used to escalate U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. Even more LIES would follow with the contrived (by a Madison Avenue Advertising firm) story of Iraqi soldiers tossing babies out of incubators in Kuwait (part of our justification for U.S. military involvement in Gulf War I), and with the LIES about the "weapons of mass destruction (WMD)" that were used to justify U.S. military involvement in Gulf War II.
We also have been fed the LIES about Pearl Harbor, the POW/MIA issue, Agent Orange, Gulf War Illness, the military servicemen used as guinea pigs in radiation tests, etc.
The Japanese were portrayed as "less than human" in World War II, much as Iraqis are now portrayed as "less than human" in Gulf War II.
Well, we've had World War I and World War II. Gulf War II 'smells' a whole lot like the beginning of World War III – especially if the U.S. gets involved in Iran and/or Syria. Of course, there is still the real danger of a Red Chinese invasion of Taiwan (Nationalist China) and the danger of a North Korean invasion of South Korea. America's combat forces are already stretched extremely “thin” in many locations around the globe.
Considering the above, we must all ask ourselves these very important questions:
"What happens if Russia and Red China decide to join forces in order to attack America while most of our military troops are tied down overseas?" And, "Is part of the scenario of World War III to take down the United States of America?"
As philosopher Santayana stated, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." We Americans can no longer trust our fearless leaders to do what is in the best interest of the American people. We can no longer trust our leaders to tell us all the facts concerning on-going wars and future wars. If we do not learn from our past history, then American young men and young women are going to continue to be used as "cannon fodder" in many wars all over the globe that are not in our genuine national interest. As elitist Henry Kissinger has stated, "Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy." And that is what the rich and power elite think of our children and grandchildren – pawns to be used in U.S. foreign policy.
Editor of TTT is NOT anti-war. I served twenty years on active duty in both the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Army. I am in favor of all wars that truly defend this country's best interests – but not the wars that are in the interests of the globalist rich and power elite! We need to be defending this country's borders, and stopping the massive illegal immigration that is contributing to the destruction of this nation's infrastructure and economy. We Americans need to learn the lessons of war – and the history of American involvement in foreign wars, or we will continue to make the costly mistakes of the past. Once we get informed, we need to hold our government leaders responsible for committing American troops overseas! That is our duty as citizens! And we also, when we have gotten well informed on this topic, must become "teachers" of others. And that brings us to this final section on what we can do.
1. If you think that this issue of "Tackling the Tough Topics" contains important information, then please make as many copies of it as you can possibly afford to, and give them away "free of charge" to others.
2. We all need to get more informed about the wars in America's history, especially about the men behind the scenes who foment and orchestrate these wars. Once we get informed, we need to become "teachers", helping others to get informed. Here are some good books – try to obtain as many of them as you can possibly afford.
(a.) The book The Unseen Hand: An Introduction to the Conspiratorial View of History by A. Ralph Epperson; 1985; paperback, 488-pages; $18.45 postpaid. This excellent book deals with a lot of the "missing gaps" in American history books. It covers such topics as "money & gold", "secret societies", and a number of wars in which Americans participated: "The American Revolution", "The Civil War", "World War I", "World War II", and "The Korean War". The "Radio Liberty" catalog, in part, states the following about this book: "It is the contention of the author that the major events of the past, the wars, the depressions and the revolutions, have been planned years in advance by an international conspiracy." To order this book, make check or money order payable to "Radio Liberty" and send it to the following address: Radio Liberty // P.O. Box 969 // Soquel, CA 95073. For credit card orders, call toll-free 800-544-8927.
(b.) The book None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen; 1971; paperback, 138 pages; $10.45 postpaid. It deals with international financiers and their fomenting and orchestration of wars. It contains great information on the sinking of the Lusitania and the First World War. To order, send check or money order payable to "Radio Liberty" to the following address: Radio Liberty // P.O. Box 969 // Soquel, CA 95073. For credit card orders, call toll-free 800-544-8927.
(c.) The book Descent Into Slavery? by Des Griffin. This 316-page paperback book deals with a lot of the "missing gaps" in American history textbooks. It covers such topics as the international banksters, and some very important "behind the scenes" facts about both World War I and World War II. This excellent book is $17 postpaid. To order, make check or money order payable to "Emissary Publications" and send it to the following address: Emissary Publications // 9205 SE. Clackamas Rd., #1776 // Clackamas, OR 97015. Phone/fax: 503-824-2050 (no credit card orders).
(d.) The book The Secret History of the Jesuits by Edmond Paris; 206-page paperback; $10.75 postpaid. The back cover states, in part: "Edmond Paris boldly exposes the Vatican's [Ed. Note: more specifically, the Jesuit Order's] involvement in world politics, intrigues, and the fomenting of wars throughout history." This book has chapters on both World War I and World War II. To order, make check or money order payable to "Chick Publications", and send it to the following address: Chick Publications // P.O. Box 3500 // Ontario, CA 91761-1019. Or, for credit card orders, call 909-987-0771.
(e.) The book Slick Willie & the Amazing American Bodybag Factory, Inc. by William H. Huff. ((This book is most highly recommended by Editor of "Tackling the Tough Topics". And don't worry, it is NOT a book about Bill Clinton's escapades!)) This book contains "The War Prayer" by Mark Twain; an open letter by Bill Huff to our military personnel; a short biography of USMC Major General Smedley D. Butler (a double-Medal of Honor recipient); and Major General Butler's great little book "War is a Racket!". Major General Butler's quotes at the beginning of this newsletter came from this book. Slick Willie & the Amazing American Bodybag Factory, Inc. is available for $7 postpaid. To order, make check or money order payable to "William H. Huff" and send it to the following address: LEXREX // P.O. Box 553 // Hamstead, MD 21074. For credit card orders, please call 1-410-374-5116. Or, visit Bill Huff's web site: .
3. Here are two of the very best web sites for seeking truth – they contain key news items suppressed by the establishment-controlled mainstream media, plus insightful analysis: and .
"Who will rise up for me against the evildoers, or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?" (Psalm 94:16)
About Darryl Eberhart
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