Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Contact and Human Life

Education is important. Mandating that kids go to school is a controversy in England. A strong coalition of Britian's leading independent schools are against the government's policy on education. They desire that the government should end their national curriculum for the kids that are under five years old. They believe that it's a violation of parents' right to educate their children in how they see fit. This group is called the ISC or the Independent Schools Council. They represent 1,280 fee paying schools. They wrote an angry letter to Beverley Hughes, the Children’s Minister. They view the government's policy of children under five years old as too much governent interference than any other age group. The Independent education groups believes that the the Early Years Foundation Stage framework is oppressive. The framework wants up to 500 developmental milestones between birth and primary school. It also requires children under the age of five to be assessed on 69 writing, problem solving and numeracy skills. Some critics of it view the framework as focusing too much on formal learning at the expense of free play. They also see this school program as functioning like a nursery. The reason is that this UK framework requires the government to have too much observation of the children's activities which can interfere with the teachers' ability to interact with children. Parents ultimately ought to have the primary function of educating their child irrespective if it's homeschooling, private schooling, or public schooling. Educational freedom plus more educational oppurtunities and access always equal success (along with discipline, music, small class sizes, etc.). United Nations Peacekeepers are once again accused of sexually abusing young children. Mike Pflanz from London Telegraph at Tuesday, on May 27, 2008 exposed the U.N. on this issue. A 12 month investigation found that sexual abuse of children as young as 6 were done by aid workers and United Nations peacekeepers. This is done despite the peacekeepers promising to stop their activities. More than half of the children interviewed for the study (found in the Ivory Coast, South Sudan, and Haiti) knew of cases of forced sex with aid staff or peacekeepers. The assaults occur in exchange for food or protection. This isn't new. U.N. peacekeepers were accused of sexual misconduct in Cambodia, Africa, and other places of the Third World. One victim of such sick acts was a 12 year old named "Elizabeth." She said that she was raped by 10 men who were peacekeepers. She was one out of 341 children interviewed pertaining to this issue. Some victims were abused by the staff of Save the Children. Now, this should end the hypocrispy by some of the Left who just love the United Nations. It's hypocritical of some of them to suck up to the U.N. when the United Nations were created by the same imperalist international bankers (like John Foster Dulles) that they rightfully criticize. Leftists like say that Bush is anti-U.N, but that false. The reasons are that George W. Bush publicly praised the U.N. and funds UNESCO, which is a United Nations group. Also, the U.N. got caught in population control plans, vaccine scams, and U.N. peacekeeping sexual scandals. Kofi Annan used to be its Secretary General and now its Secretary General is named Ban Ki-moon from South Korea. The European Union is another group with controversy. Some people want the EU to eliminate Eurosceptics as an organized opposition within the EU Parliament. Richard Corbett, a British Labour MEP, is a leading proponent of this policy. If it passes, most pro-EU groups will gain more power. Trueveo from May 27, 2008 reported on San Antonio cops forcing blood tests on drivers. I don't drink alcohol, but I don't believe in violating citizens' privacy by forcing people to give up their blood. Homeland Security even want to monitor Lake Erie.

Ohio Homeland Security (a division of ODPS) recently established the Northern Border Initiative (NBI), a collaborative Homeland Security effort among federal, state and local partners along Ohio’s international maritime border and Lake Erie shoreline. This allows Homeland Security to look at the lake plus relaying on tattletales to report "suspicious acts." Frankly, citizens and law enforcement are responsible for protecting the Lake not a recently created big government group called the DHS. Phil Leggiere from Don’t Tase Me, Bro at May 28, 2008 exposed on how the Florida Country allowed teachers to read student text messages. Manatee County officials want this for the "safety of the children." Some support this evil by citing that the children's Constitutional rights should end in the school door. That's false since the Constitution is active in and out of school. The Fourth Amendment protects explicitly against unauthorized searches and seizures. Some more people have criticized the Bush administration. His name is ironically Scott McClellan. McClellan wrote that George W. Bush followed instinct in cosigning the Iraq War rather than having an elaborate debate on whether to conduct the Iraq War or not. McClellan subscribed to the belief that the neo-conservatives in the administration really want war with Iraq to fulfill an ideological goal of the democratization of Iraq via force. The Iraq War was a product of deception and lies. Bush said that Iraq was a direct threat to America and that was false. There was even infamous White House memo in which Bush and Blair discussed staging a provocation (via flying an U2 spy plane painting with UN colors over Iraq to provoke Saddam to shoot it down. They hope that would create a wide support for the war) for an invasion of Iraq following the absence of weapons of mass destruction. Scott wrote that Karl Rove and others had a secret meeting dealing with the Valerie Plame issue. Plame was exposed as a CIA agent. Plame accuses Bush administration officials of doing this. Karl Rove and Bush claims that Scott made a mistake or presented false accusations against them. Scott McClellan also accuses the press corps for accepting the White House's propaganda on the Iraq War and Condoleeza Rice's accomodating attitude. George W. Bush is a puppet, he's responsible for his bad policies . The war on terrorism keeps on going. Far too often, it's been found that much of terrorism is funded or created by leaders of intelligence agencies or governments. For example, British and American Intelligence agencies aided the Muslim Brotherhood in order to inhibit true Arabic nationalism in the Middle East like in Egypt. That's why the Muslim Brotherhood opposed the nationalist Gamal Abd al-Nasser. Nasser wasn't perfect, so I want to make that clear. Even al-Qaeda was an offshoot of this Brotherhood. al-Qaeda follows the Wahbabi version of Islam, which even teaches to hate Shia Muslims plus other non-Wahhabi Muslims. The CIA even worked with Osama bin Laden. The Wahhabis just refuse to endorse the ideas of true freedom and self-determination. BBC from May 26, 2008 described on how an UK MP wants the government to go ahead with a system of personal carbon credits to meet "emissions targets." What this means is that people would be given a yearly carbon limit for fuel and energy use. They can only exceed these levels by buying credits from those who use less. Some ministers believe that this would be more effective than taxes for cutting carbon emissions. Some like Tim Yeo want a personal carbon trading which uses a single plastic card in handling emission reductions. Mr. Benn believes that this plan has a high costs and practical problems to overcome. Benn said that hte program will be between £700 million and £2 billion, and would cost £1bn-£2bn a year to run. Some MPs want to go as far as wanting all adults to use a carbon ration card to pay for oil, airline tickets, and household energy. The carbon tax and credits is about transfering money from some to other people. This is a nanny state on the back of deception. Some of these carbon credit will negatively effect the poor because there is a heavy burden on the poor to adequately pay taxes in this proposal. The truth is that climate is a dynamic part of our Earth's existence. Climates existing in warmth and cooling is a natural cycle. The climate was much warmer than the temperatures now. There was record cold winter temperatures worldwide in the 2007-2008 season and some parts of the solar system are warming up as well. The vast majority of environmental factors are created by natural forces and the sun not by mankind. Over 30,000 credible scientists expressed dissent with man made global warming. Anne-Marie Slaughter from The Washington Post at May 26, 2008 made known about the book "The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making" which was written By David Rothkopf. Rothkopf is a puppet of Henry Kissinger, because he was a former managing director of Kissinger Associates. Kissinger worked with the Nixon administration, the Vatican, and the Rockefellers. He was crucial in the war crimes in Chile and extreme population control plans for the Third World during the 1970's. In typical fashion, Henry Kissinger advocates John McCain for the Presidency of the USA. David writes that about 6,000 people are part of a superclass dealing with world geo-political affairs. David Rothkopf wrote that these people sit on government committees, head the largest companies in the world, and are the top of many boards. These men and women govern and regulate the lives of millions of people in multiple nations worldwide. One superclass member is Blackstone Group executive Stephen Schwarzman, who is not only fabulously wealthy, but also chairman of the Kennedy Center, a board member of the New York Public Library, the New York City Ballet, the Film Society of Lincoln Center and the New York City Partnership. Stephen A. Schwarzman is a member of Skulls and Bones. Blackstone had connections to 9/11 in money. The connection is that Blackstone (which is private investment bank) praticipated in investments dealing with WTC Building Number Seven. Schwarzman is a powerful man. David cites Davos, Bilderberg, the Bohemian Grove, and Fathers and Sons as elite gathering places. The Bilderberg Group will meet in Chantilly, Virginia at the Westfields Marriott hotel from June 5-8. Yet, the Knights of Malta (they make up some of the most powerful people in the world like Constantinian Knight David L. Garrison, Bowie Kent Kuhn, and George P. Clancy Jr.), The Pilgrim Society, and the City of London are even more powerful than the latter organizations that David Rothkopf describes. Clancy is a very powerful Knight of Malta. He's the Executive Vice President and Chief Lending Officer of Chevy Chase Bank, FSB. George P. Clancy Jr. is a Member of the Board of Trustees of the University System of Maryland Foundation, Inc. and he was on the Executive Committee of the Washington D.C. Police Foundation. Mr. Clancy has been a director of Washington Gas Light Company and a director of WGL Holdings since December 2000. All of these groups like Davos, etc. should be exposed though.

Steven Ertelt from Editor at May 23, 2008 wrote about Pro-Life News. A new Gallup poll shows that Americans are more pro-life than residents in Europeans. This isn't suprising since America is one of the most conservative nations in the Western world. The polls say that 48% of Americans find abortion to be morally wrong and 40% view it the opposite. France have 77% of the people find abortion to be good, UK have 58% to approve of it along with Germany having 52% viewing it the same way. That's wild, but Europe is more accepting of abortion than us. Abortion is the destruction of unborn human life. Abortion is murder. Only 22% of religious Americans view abortion as fine. Now, Muslims in European nations appear to be more pro-life than the American public in general. Just 34 percent of Muslims in Berlin agree with abortion. Only 24 percent of Muslims in Paris and 10 percent of Muslims in London believe that abortion is okay. That tells me that we have a long way to go in educating society on the risk factors and dangers of abortion. I will say that Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty had vetoed the Kahn-Cohen cloning bill. This bill would force taxpayers to fund the destruction of human life. That's a good thing. Pro-Life citizens in California are still having their campaign to stop state abortion funding. That's honorable since if you're really Pro-Life, you should at least expose abortion or go out and make Pro-Life policy changes. The Pro Lifers plan to go into California to protest the $33 million California spends on funding abortions. Wynette Sills of the Coalition to Eliminate Abortion Funding, tells the historical "Rally for Life" event that it's a renewal of a campaign that lost steam. About 25% of taxpayer money fundingabortions goes into Planned Parenthood. Wynette Sills hopes to get pro-Life Democrats, Hispanics, African-Americans, and others to have a greater impacts since all of these groups have strong pro-Life people in them. BBC from May 27, 2008 expressed news about a billion dollar lawsuit against Youtube. This of course threatens Internet Freedom. Google's owner even commented that Viacom's tactic are a serious threat to the freedom of the Internet. Now, Viacom is seeking to get rid of 150,000 "authorized" clips off of Youtube. Google lawyers believe that this action will inhibit internet freedom thereby banning possibly hundreds of millions of people from exchanging information over the web. Google further states that they have had been faithful to the requirements of the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Google outlines the view that they've responded properly to claims of infringement. Google believes that Youtube have gone the extra mile in promoting the protection of their works. Google's vice President of content partnerships named David Eun said that he's going all the way to the Supreme Court. Now, internet freedom is one cornerstone of our society in the 21st century. Lately, certain members of the government and some corporations abhor net neutrality and want Internet 2 promoted. Instead of those nefarious goals, Internet freedom and net neutrality are the ways to go. ERIC SCHMITT and DAVID JOHNSTON from The Dispatch at May 27, 2008 described on how the federal government want absurd requirements on states to get anti-terrorism cash. Juliette N. Kayyem is the Massachusetts homeland security adviser was in her office in early February an aide brought her some news. The aide said that Massachusetts must come up with a plan to protect the state from I.E.D.s to qualify for federal money. IEDS are improvised explosive devices. This is unusual because a state doesn't need that. IEDs on highways obviously increases the risk of exploding highways in Massachusetts. Some criticize this policy as focusing too much with fighting potential terrorist threats while more urgent priorities are necessary. $23 billion in domestic security have been flowed from the federal government into the states. Although, little or no intelliggence of al-Qaeda or any its potential homegrown offshoots have came up. Michael Chertoff, who is the head of Homeland Security, wants to be flexible with local governmens. Leesa Berens Morrison, Arizona’s homeland security director, said the new federal guidance “absolutely surprised us.” Leesa Morrison made it known that state officials were scrambling to comply. It's nothing more than extra steps of Homeland Security controlling more of the lives of the American people. If these tactics were effective, why do the government keep on proposing more laws that actually limits civil liberties. Hence, these acts submits more of the state's powers unto the federal government constantly. If the Patriot Act was great, there wouldn't be any need for extra powers by the federal government. Frankily, these laws and the Patriot Act inhibits liberties and freedoms from the American people. The Presidential is heating up. John McCain accuses Barack Obama of giving up since Obama opposes an extended, long term military commitment in the nation of Iraq. McCain spoke these words days ago even on Memorial Day. Obama accused McCain of having no coherent plans on health and economic issues. Barack Obama concieves that John McCain is a carbon-copy of George W. Bush's policies. Hillary Clinton is just a desperate woman. It appears that it's nearly impossible that she will get the Democratic nomination. She's funded by the Papal Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch and even Scaife. Therefore, Hillary has a right to campaign but her chances are rapidly diminishing in terms of her goal of being a Presidential nominee. Some of the Presidential candidates refuse to expose the NAFTA Superhighway. Regardless of what Waldman and Keith Olbermann says, the NAFTA Superhighway is real. It typically isn't called with that name today. Today, this plan is known as North America's SuperCorridor Coalition or NASCO. A 1998 document which WND has obtained shows the North American SuperCorridor Coalition, or NASCO, was originally named the North American Superhighway Coalition. The Trans Texas Corridor and other roads plans exist encompassing the North American continent. For the mainstream media to deny this is cowardice on their part. I don't agree with Lou Dobbs' support of the Real ID Act, but at least he is exposing the NAFTA Superhighway plan. Even NASCO's own website says that the NAFTA Superhighway exists as I-35. That's the smoking gun proving its existence today. These roads are part of globalization. They relate to the Security Prosperity Partnership agreements which bypasses Congress, agreements between the bureaucracies of the US and Mexican governments.

The SPP meetings are even secret endorsing North American integration. The advocacy for the North American Union is also real. Even ex-Mexican President Vicente Fox said that a long term goal of him (plus other elites) involve the creation of a North American Union similar to the EU. If the North American Union agenda didn't exist, why would 100 students praticipate in the mock fourth annual Triumvirate of the North American Forum on Integration? The answer is that it does exist. Speakers from Canada, the USA, and Mexico are speaking in this Triumvirate meeting about trade corridors and immigration. Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur rightfully exposed NAFTA as an oligarchical brainchild to flood America with foreign goods, while domestic America production is lowered. She exposed the SPP which was created without Congressional approval. NAFTA benefits multinational corporations the most resulting in decreasing jobs and it increased illegal immigration (because NAFTA ruined many Mexican farms. She exposed the Cintra's plan of trying to control the TTC or the Trans-Texas Corridor. Cintra is controlled by Spanish billionares. If foreign companies own more transportation infrastructure in America, then we have less control over our own nation). The Elites created NAFTA and the SPP. Mary Tocco from May 24, 2008 at express disdain for vaccines and corruption in medicines. Natural remedies are a common sense solutions to our health ailments. We do have a health care crisis. For example, according to Gary Null, 784,000 died from medical mistakes. One reason for the crisis is how Big Pharma is financially controlling our medical system, colleges, and even large parts of our government. Tocco writes that overmedication is a serious complication as well. Jerome Kassirer MD, former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine has stated that as well. You can have the allopathic way of medicine which solely relies on surgery and chemotherapy for solving health issues. Allopathic medicine primarily focuses on the symptoms of a disease not the underlying causes of an ailment or a disease. Conversely, we ought to have a homeopathic approach to medicine. That approach is focusing on natural remedies like fitness, herbs, and other solutions (No drugs or surgery are utilized unless in life threatening situations). Many vaccines have been poisoned (i.e. even the CDC of the federal government admitted that mercury filled vaccines have a relationship with the uptick in the cases of autism among young children throughout America. Autism is a tradegy), so the health freedom movement is growing. Health freedom isn't going away. Some believe that Monsanto's poisonous GM foods are the way to go, but I rather perfer natural, organic foods instead. Well, it's Wednesday and life keeps on going forward. I'm 24 years old now. Hopefully, I can live a long life before the real End comes, but you never know. What's important is not where you're from. It's how you conduct your life while you're here on this Earth. We're bound to make mistakes. We all made them. The deal is how do you overcome mistakes in other to be better than what you once were. Yet, throughout my life my core views are still the same. I abhor abortion and torture. I believe in the Second Amendment and I subscribe to the protection of our civil liberties. I accept the call to fight against poverty and speaking out for religious freedom in the Earth. I believe we should encourage justice. Therefore, all of us must have a varied outlook on life. I just don't talk about one issue, but many issues. That doesn't mean I place insignifance on these issues. All of these views are important to me. Human life is important. That's why going on the Internet is fine. On the otherhand, we should got out in the streets and help our neigbhors because even the Net can go so far. We should write, speak up, help people, educate people, be active, expose & oppose evil, and be as meek as we can.

By Timothy