Friday, May 30, 2008

Senate To Push Carbon Tax Enslavement Bill



Senate To Push Carbon Tax Enslavement Bill

Lee Rogers
Rogue Government
May 29, 2008

 Over 31,000 scientists have recently come forward refuting the claims of Al Gore and others who are promoting global warming.

The establishment is getting ready to push forward with Joe Lieberman’s proposed carbon credit enslavement bill. The bill otherwise known as America’s Climate Security Act of 2007 or S 2191 will give the Environmental Protection Agency draconian powers to implement a carbon credit system here in the United States. Read my full analysis of the bill here. This is nothing more than a carbon tax and the bill intends to reduce the amount of available carbon credits on a year to year basis starting in the year 2012. This will effectively make it more difficult for small and medium sized businesses to compete with the large multinational corporations who will have the resources to deal with this ridiculous enslavement tax. The threat of man made carbon emissions causing global warming is a documented fraud. Over 31,000 scientists have recently come forward refuting the claims of Al Gore and others who are promoting this lie. The fact that the corporate controlled media can continue to promote this huge lie as propaganda to pass this carbon credit initiative is utterly insane.

According to the Seattle Post Intelligencer, debate is scheduled to begin on this legislation next week.

For years the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works was the burial ground for legislation addressing among other things coal powered electricity generation. The U.S. has about a quarter of the world’s known supply of coal and coal is the primary source of electricity in this country. (Hydroelectric power is not as prominent elsewhere as in this region.) It is commonly said that reducing the emissions of coal used to generate electricity is vital to controlling greenhouse gas emissions here. Most seem to believe that this is the cornerstone to any effective policy. In December the committee, with a Democratic majority, passed America’s Climate Security Act of 2007 and the bill will be debated in the Senate next week.

The Republicans are split on this bill. Larry Craig and other Republicans did all he could to prevent the bill from getting out of committee. The bill though is sponsored by Joe Lieberman and John Warner. (Warner is on the committee.)

Even though there is absolutely no difference between the Republicans and the Democrats, it is pretty clear that the establishment is hell bent on pushing this thing through. The majority of Democrats are going to support this bill and if the Republicans are split on this bill, it means it will pass the U.S. Senate relatively easy. It doesn’t matter that the vast majority of Americans oppose the measures in this bill. The establishment wants this carbon credit initiative passed so they can effectively enslave the majority of free humanity.

The GOP has said that they are going to try to form some opposition to this bill, but in reality it will be nothing more than a staged debate. This piece of legislation is going to get passed and any opposition will be for the purposes of the theater played out in the media to make the masses believe that we actually have Senators that represent the people.

San Francisco has already passed a carbon tax on businesses which is just a warm up for what we are going to see across this country if S 2191 gets passed. It is incredibly insane that these people are going forward with an agenda to establish a system of carbon credits on the basis of man made carbon emissions causing global warming. With over 31,000 scientists many with high level degrees refuting the doomsday claims of Al Gore, this global warming crap along with this carbon tax push is becoming more and more of a sick joke.