I'm not quiting and I'm not giving up. With so much of the bad things in the world, it's necessary to reflect on what's good in the Universe. For example, we live on Earth and we're fortunate for that. The reason is that our place in the solar system is at just the precise place to sustain a varied diversity of life. This diversity of life isn't found in the other planets of this solar system. There is a widely diverse fluana and flora that's very creative. We have to appreciate what we have here. Conversely, everything in the world isn't perfect. With the evil globally present, we have the right to oppose it plus expose it. Free speech is under threat all of the time. The suppresion of free speech affects all us. It effects Christians, non-Christians, conservatives, liberals, libertarians, independents, and anyone who strongly express their views publicly. MSNBC from Wednesday, on May 28, 2008 wrote about Rachel Ray. Dunkin' Donuts pulled a television spot which had Rachel Ray (who is a talk show host and Food Network personality) after a FOX News commentator associated it with terrorists. Neo Con Michelle Malkin said that Ray was wearing a scarf which looks similar to Middle Eastern garb named kiffiyeh. Malkin said this was popularized by Yasser Arafat. I believe this is a silly deal, because Ray has a right to wear that scarf if she desires. Everyone who wear a scarf is not a terrorist despite what Malkin says. Even Dunkin's Senior Vice President for Communications Margie Myers issued a statement saying the scarf wasn't promoting terrorism in anyway whatsoever. It's silly for Dunkin Donuts to pull the ad since wearing it is part of freedom of expression. Also, Rachel Ray was selling a product and not advocating terror attacks at all. Michelle Malkin's tactic is nothing more than promoting paranoia against Muslim people and Arabic culture in general. I disagree with Islam, but unlike Malkin I don't wish Muslims to be brought into concentration camps or unfarily demonizing them. Marine Combat groups are being trained in Indiana. Vic Ryckaert from IndyStar on May 29, 2008 described this very story. U.S. Marine helicopters will land at the old Eastgate Consumer Mall, Brookside Park and other Indianapolis locations. The military wants the area to be a mock battlefield by next week. It's a long exercise existing from next Wednesday through June 19 in an around Indianpolis. The marine want this to be part of staging a huge urban warfare training exercise. The exercise is composed of about 2,300 Marines fm the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit. This base is located at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Debbi Fletcher of the Indianapolis/Marion County Emergency Management Agency said that most of the troops will be deployed at the Indiana State Fairgrounds and the Raytheon facility on Holt Road. The strange thing is that state, federal, and local authorities apparently approved of such actions. One military man (named Col. Mark J. Desens, who is the commander of the 26th MEU) openly admits that their goal in Indianapolis is to expose Marines to certain scenarios in urban communities. The Marines will practice firing weapons, conducting patrols, using vehicle checkpoints, etc. The problem with such actions is that it's a contradiction of Posse Comitatus. That 1878 law forbids the military from acting in law enforcement actions. Using the military in active local governments for police work is not lawful. Now, there are plenty of military bases for the Marines to test scenarios since there should be a seperation of the police and the military. In other words, the military shouldn't conduct such exercises in cities at all. Even some cities canceled such duties. This isn't new. There was even a secret counterterrorism program code-named Power Geyser. A small group of super-secret commandos were hidden among 13000 police and troops and "stood ready with state-of-the-art weaponry to swing into action." Too much militarization of society is always a sign of fascism. We should disagree with such efforts. McClellan came on NBC and the Keith Olbermann show to discuss his new book about the White House. Scott McClellan blames Bush, Rove, Cheney, and others for the propaganda and misleading information pertaining to the Iraq War. He has brought in controversy. Critics say that if he'd realized these errors, why didn't he resign or express strongly his discontent with the errors that the administration placed in making justifications for the war in Iraq. Scott responds that he was caught up in the magnitude of the drum bead for war, which was expressed by the neo-conservative crowd. Now, a Congressman wants Scott McClellan to testify on Iraq, the leak scandal, and other issues revealed in his new book. You really can't call Scott a leftist blogger, because Scott isn't a liberal. Bush said that he's sadden by Scott's book. Some Bush officials like Barlett ascertain that Scott McClellan (who in video criticized those who expressed dissent with Bush's policies. Some believe that he's connected with Bilderberger and Le Cerle member George Soros. Soros is an elitist in favor of global government, abortion, and other evils) is a disgruntled man who wasn't directly involved in the policy making appartus that dealt with the Iraq war. McClellan believes that bipartisanship is a solution to the political agitation in America. The truth is that documents prove that the administration lied about uranium, WMDs, and Bush plus Blair comtemplated using a false flag attack in provoking a war with Iraq much easier. As far back as 1999, before he was even elected President, George W. Bush told Mickey Herskowitz, the ghostwriter of his autobiography, that he craved to invade Iraq (the Generals involved in the Iraq Ware were Jesuit trained even General Gates) and finish the job his father started. The Downing Street Memo, a transcript of a two hour meeting between Bush and Blair at the White House on January 31st, 2003, revealed that, "Mr Bush made it clear the US intended to invade whether or not there was a second UN resolution and even if UN inspectors found no evidence of a banned Iraqi weapons programme."
Therefore, the Bush administration used propaganda, lies, and deception to organize the Iraq War even before the year 2003. The mainstream media is exposing this story, but some of them like O'Reilly omit the real strong facts of obfuscation and deception by the White House in order to justify the war (like the false dossier Powell gave in the United Nations. Powell later admitted that he made a mistake). Behind the scenes (even above the White House), the geo-political/religous oligarchy elite are the centralized power controlling most of the socio-economic/political policies of the globe. They are made up of people (& entities) like David Rockefeller, the City of London, the Pilgrim Society, the Vatican/Jesuits, and bloodlines spanning eons (like the Black Nobility, Saxe Coburg Gotha, the Rothschilds, the Lis, etc.). Technology has risen in complexity and power over the years. Just less than 120 years ago, most of the world traveled on land with horse. Now, we have cars, planes, cell phones, Email, and the common high tech atmosphere of the 21st century. Youtube from Thursday, at May 29, 2008 reported on robo monkeys. Scientists and researchers use a monkey with machines. These machines allow the monkey to use a robotic arms with its brainwaves. These brainwaves allow the money to hold onto objects. It is the first time a prosthestic limb has been made to perform a useful task via brain simulation according to the Youtube video. New Scientist is a magazine reporting on this story. The scientists use mircobes in the monkey's brain. Scientists hope this will work on human beings. Yet, this may take many years since electrodes can be huge inside of human brain at this moment of time. The monkey can feed itself using a robotic arm. They use brainwaves in order to accomphlish this fit. Time and time again, those items mentioned in science fiction are becoming scientific fact. Mike Huckabee made comments about criticizing liberatarianism and he's partly wrong. I don't agree with social liberalism as Huckabee condemns. Yet, Huckabee is wrong to frown on every aspect of libertarianism. Being economically conservative is a philosophy that individuals from across the political spectrum aspire to. Being for civil liberties and individual liberty are principles that we should cherish. Also, Huckabee is wrong in saying that libertarians don't care about our health care or education. It's that libertarians legitimately believe that education and health care should be a free system without government coercion or a government monopoly. Therefore, real libertarians love freedom just like real conservatives and real liberals do. Huckabee, like usual, is compromised. See, Mike Huckabee is a friend of CFR member Richard Haas . Haas publicly calls for a weakening of national sovereignity. He also supports John McCain who is even more liberal than Mike Huckabee is. In fact, McCain, Obama, and Clinton are nearly identical in their policies, except for some issues. Increasing choice, having free markets, reducting government, and increasing individual responsibility are basic solutions that are much better than increasing taxes plus rising spending. Joseph Liberman proposed his carbon credit bill called America’s Climate Security Act of 2007 or S 2191. That will give the EPA powers to implement a carbon credit system. They want to reduce the life giving gas called CO2. The vast majority of Americans oppose the measures in this bill. The bill wants to effect factories that produce 10,000 or more tons of CO2, which isn't that much. They want fines against those companies that won't comply. Lee Rogers evaluated the bill as a front to allow a centralized group called the "Climate Change Credit Corporation" to suck up money from carbon credits in other to control people's lives (while small businesses and developed nations could suffer the worst. It gives expanded powers unto the EPA as well).
Drug Smuggling is real and have been done by the CIA and other agencies for decades. It happens even today. Back in September of 2007, a CIA plane was caught in drug smuggling and drug dealing rackets. It contained 4 tons of cocaine. It was a Gulfstream jet. Now in 2008, Customs supervisor Walter Golembiowski and officer John Ajello face narcotics, bribery and conspiracy charges. These charges existed after they were arrested for helping smuggle drugs and contraband through New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport. CNN reported that this investigation has lead to more than 20 people indicted and prosecuted. There was more than 600 pounds of hashish and other drugs from America and France from a shipment. In Texas, Cameron County Constable Saul Ochoa was arrested by the FBI yesterday morning for possession and distribution of marijuana. Ochoa is charged with possessing five to 10 pounds of marijuana on 4 different days in May with the intent to distribute. The CIA was caught shipping drugs. This drug selling further funds wars, terrorist groups, and strengthen the prison industrial complex (That is why 3 Strike Laws and Rico statues immoral harm minorities and the poor in a disapportionated way). Kevin Booth's documentary American Drug War had ex-DEA head Robert Bonner admitting that the CIA was involved in cocaine smuggling operations. Former DEA agent Cele Castillo admits to CIA drug smuggling in order to fund death squads that were trained by the U.S. government. The late journalist Gary Webb exposed the same thing of CIA selling cocaine in the streets of America. The truth is that the Drug War has been a war on innocent people and civil liberties, which inhibits individual freedom. The political world is still discussing about the John McCain and Barack Obama debate on foreign policy subjects. McCain wants an aggressive military commitment in Iraq, while Obama wants most troops withdrawn from Iraq in a few years from now. It appears that both men will compete against each other during the Presidential race season of 2008. Hillary is the one who continues forth. She hopes to win Puerto Rico and the rest of the last primaries in the Democratic race. By June, all of the primaries will be finished. It doesn't take a genius to decipher that political manipulation is occuring in order for the Elite to sponsor the major candidates for President of the United States. For example, it's strange that a man like McCain has his support sewn up when he supports Campaign Finance Reform, some anti-gun laws, global warming hysteria, and the murderous practice of embryonic stem cells research. Third parties are receiving new strength as well. This occured becaus a lot of Americans are dissatified with the current climate of both major political parties. Both of the major parties' leaderships are definitely funded and controlled by the corporate elite. That is why the Constitution Party, the Libertarian Party, the Green Party, and others are recieving a huge amount of popularity. Third Parties fundamentally on the issues have better platforms and solutions than the Democrats or the Republicans. I'm an Independent so I don't agree with joining the Democrats or the Republicans. ACLU Blog of Rights from May 30, 2008 focused on the CIA and torture issues. CIA Director Michael Hayden has already admitted publicly that the CIA achieved waterboarding techniques upon detainees. The ACLU obtained several heavily redacted documents in response to an ongoing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit brought by the ACLU and other organizations seeking documents related to the treatment of prisoners in U.S. custody overseas. One document found via FOIA was a heavily redacted version of a report from the CIA's Office of the Inspector General (or the OIG). It reviews the CIA's interrogation and detention program. It features a Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel opinion from August 2002 (which was yet undisclosed). this opinion appears to be the same OLC memo authorizing specific interrogations methods for use by the CIA that is being withheld by the CIA as a classified document in the ACLU’s FOIA litigation. The OIG points to this document as "unclassified." The CIA wants more documents to be secret. The people have a right to know whatl the government is doing in terms of interrogation methods.
Klaus is ready to debate global warming debate with Al Gore. DPA from Thursday, on May 29, 2008 made mention of this. Vaclav Klaus is the Czech President who is a known dissenter with the view of man-made global warming. Klaus' new book believes that environmental extremist is a threat to human freedoms. It is because the eco-extremists want to tax carbon when carbon dioxide is a natural chemical necessary for the perservation of living organisms. Not to mention that some of these extremists even want to tax children just for the purpose of population control efforts in "supposedly" fighting against "global warming." Klaus spoke at a National Press Building in Washington, D.C. He is promoting his new book entitled, "Blue Planet in Green Shackles - What Is Endangered: Climate or Freedom?" He believes that radical steps to help the environment cripple human freedom. That is accurate since if you want to improve the environment, you need to harness human freedom in the ability to develop real alternative energy and independent solutions instead of authoritarian control of society. Klaus said that some scientists who agree with man made global warming are motivated for money by the government. He feels that free market solutions are needed to address environmental crisis in the world. Our health is important to understand and improve upon. Tara Parker-Pope from IHT at Thursday on May 29, 2008 proclaim that energy drinks are linked to risky behavior among teenagers. These hyper caffeinated energy drinks involved with these studies are Red Bull, Monster, Full Throttle and Amp. They are extremely popular in usage in this decade especially. Tara wrote that about 1/3 of 12 to 24 year olds admit to drink regularly of these energy drinks. More than 3 bilion dollars are the annual sales in the USA of such drinks. Tara Parker Pope wrote that energy drinks are linked to linked with reports of nausea, abnormal heart rhythms and emergency room visits. In Colorado Springs, many high school students last year were ill. Some went into the hospital after complications form the energy beverage of Redline. In March, The Journal of American College Health published a report on the link between energy drinks, athletics and risky behavior. It didn't say that drinks cause bad behavior. The study did sugges that those who have these drinks on a regular basis increase their risk to perform risky behavior. That's why some believe that non-adults should experience these energy drinks. I do believe it's an individual's choice in rather they want to consume energy drinks or or not. I never agreed with compulsory vaccination of any one. Now, a pending NY State Bill exists. It says that all vaccines recommended by the CDC (or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) would be made mandatory for all children (even infant and toddlers). .Assembly Bill 10942 is the name of it. The bill would also permit the administration of vaccines for sexually transmitted infections to minors without parental consent. They want all of it passed by 2010. A-CHAMP, a national, non-partisan political action organization formed by parents in support of children with neurodevelopmental and communication disorders, opposes it. Of course, this is evil since the state has no right to force foreign patrogens into you. Not all vaccines are perfect like the HPV vaccines and the thimerosal-containing vaccines resulting in autism in children. Mercury in vaccines can lower IQ levels, so states should ban any poison in vaccines. Secret Societies and the new world order are incredibly linked. For a long time, the truth has been known that these Secret orders span thousands of years. The other truth is that some in the occult world blatantly call for a new world order. For example, Alice Bailey is one big proponent of the new world order and she was into the occult. Bailey was part of Lucis Trust (which was originally called Lucifer Trust. Lucifer is nothing more than a synymoyn for Satan. Lucifer was described as falling from Heaven in the book of Isaiah. Also, many Masons are quoted as praising or worshipping Lucifer like Manly P. Hall). Ironically, Alice was the wife of Foster Bailey, who was a famous Freemason. The Lucis Trust was in league with the new world order since John Rockefeller was one supporter of Lucis Trust. This group has ties to the United Nations. Alice in her book Externisation of the Hierachy believe that global government could be accomphlished by using the church, governments, and Freemasons (as the custodians of the Mysteries). Some of these occultists believed in the godhood of man and their version of the Christ to rule the world. Christians believe that these false Christ is actually the Antichrist. The point is that globalization and the break up of society into global bodies have been a brainchild for thousands of years. Even some international bankers fund leaders of the Feminist Movement (i.e. Gloria Steniem) like the Rockefeller Foundation. In my life, hopefully my lifetime will come out better than when I started living on this Earth.
By Timothy