Saturday, May 31, 2008

More Jesuit Audios in late May 2008

Eric Phelps on Cloak & Dagger May 16 2008

Exposing Alex Jones





QUOTE (Take It In Blood @ May 24 2008, 09:38 PM)

QUOTE (gneiss @ May 14 2008, 05:27 AM)
Re: New Eric Jon Phelps Audio

The archive for Eric's new show is available here:

You have to pay though

Some really good news, Take It In Blood:

Greg Szymanski has now archived all of Eric's shows from the beginning
date of March 27, 2008, and they are available for free downloading,
in MP3 format.

Here is the archive link for Eric's Show on Greg's server, updated through
to yesterday's show:

Eric Jon Phelps: March 2008 shows

Eric Jon Phelps: April 2008 shows:

Eric Jon Phelps: May 2008 shows:

Also, #sterntuary" will now be posting Eric's shows on Usenet, which
will reach thousands of listeners.

Look for them on these groups, which will be posted by him daily. (He has
just posted today's show, on these groups):
alt.binaries.great, alt.binaries.sounds.realaudio,


You can also get Eric and Greg's shows daily off of the Concen torrent site,
courtesy of "tkra", if you prefer using bittorrent:

best regards



New Eric Jon Phelps Audio

Eric Jon Phelps -- May 30, 2008
Guest: Darryl Eberhart -- Day 2.

Jesuits/Vatican and the Lincoln Assassination.

MP3 Format, one hour, 24 kbps
(left click):