Sunday, March 22, 2009

Extra Jesuit connections in March 2009

Dear Eric,
I hope this email finds you safe and well in the lord's service.

This year I downloaded a radio broadcast from Pastor Slattery's page on, it featured an interview with yourself. You gave an introduction to the topic of the Jesuits and also spoke about the Kennedy assassination....which is a topic close to my heart (although ,being Scottish, I'm not sure why, I guess gross injustice has a worldwide impact). This was the first time id heard about the black pope and became aware of your existence and work.

I'm somewhat of an amateur researcher, I come from an area of Scotland which is steeped in Freemasonry, my closest work colleague is a former worshipful master or (3rd degree blue lodge) and there is a lodge in every single town of this council district.

Wow. That makes sense as the Order rules both Scotland and England via Freemasonry.

I began to think that Freemasonry was the main driving force behind the world...then my research led me to a man named John Todd, I have several audio tapes made in the 70's. They are his presentations on the Illuminati, in his presentations he limits the influence of freemasonry to the level of being just part of the chain with the levels corresponding to other levels from other organisations e.g witchcraft ( John Todd's main focus area)

At this moment I feel I have to apologise for the random nature of this email hopefully it will all become clearer as I ask a few questions.

Firstly, I was wondering what your opinion is of John Todd (if you have one)? I feel that some of your work backs up some of the things he said in his presentations e.g (to paraphrase JT)

I learned much from John Todd. He was a Grand Druid indeed. He and Alberto Rivera spoke about the chain of power and both agreed that the Black Pope was at the head.

1. Kennedy was killed because he broke his allegiance to the pope.

Most correct. He hated Cardinal Spellman and sought to break Rome's CIA into a thousand pieces. He also opposed the pope's Federal Reserve Bank and refused to back the voucher system---using public money to finance Roman Catholic schools---something the George W. Bush has done!

2. Jews are not in control/to blame, only the Jews that are of the synagogue of satan.

Correct. The Jews that are put in front of our faces are merely Rome's "Court Jews." All of them are Freemasons, inducted into the mysteries and thus subservient to the grand Osiris of all, the pope of Rome. Presently, the Gentiles are the "head," the Jews are the tail as per Deuternomy 28.

3. He highlights the Influence of the Rothschild's placing them at the top 4.

The Rothschilds are powerful, but only by permission of the papacy. They could be crushed out of existence with a phone call from Jesuit General Adolfo Nicolas to a top Jesuit in British Intelligence. Todd thought the Rothschilds had more power then they really possessed.

He emphasises the involvement of the CFR in control of Government.
I find it encouraging that you back each other up even if your information is 20 years apart. The bible says "out of the mouths of two or three witnesses a thing is established".

Amen on that one! Todd was murdered several years ago.

Secondly, could you link me to any information regarding Scotland/UK and what's going to happen here in terms of the Jesuit agenda? Who is the head Jesuit in Scotland?...and how do i get under his skin?

You have a great source in England. I have ccd him and his website is His name is Craig and he is a fighter and an excellent researcher.

Thirdly, regarding your recent debate with Michael Collins Piper, his condescending and somewhat arrogant dismissal of your work as "wrong wrong wrong" has possibly allowed the critics to pile up.

1. how would you counter such comments to silence the critics?

The critics must give an explanation as to the reason for the multitude of Knights of Malta involved in backing the Labor Zionist government in Israel. They must address the history of the Jesuit Order and then prove the Order is benign today. They must answer the question as to which came first, the Labor Zionists or the Jesuits---which Jesuits have always backed the Masonic Labor Zionists. There are many issues they must address before we can conclude that the Jews run the world---especially when the Lord Jesus Christ states that Jerusalem is to be trodden down by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles will be fulfilled (Luke 21:24).

2. Was that an example of Collins Piper's Coadjutor mode in overdrive?

His refusal to address the fact that William F. Buckley was a Knight of Malta as well as being a pro Labor Zionist backing Israel; Piper's refusal to admit that he knows much about the Jesuit Order as he is a quoter of their magazine, La Civilta Cattolica; his refusal to admit that the Knights of Malta were influencial the promotion of The Spotlight which magazine Piper wrote for for many years; his refusal to admit that Willis Carto is a Nazi and most like another Knight of Malta remembering the Carto and J. Peter Grace were friends; and his outright denial that he does not know much about the papacy. Michael Collins Piper is a most brilliant man and does not miss details, but he refuses to deal with these details.

Fourthly, ive heard a few presentations by Fritz Springmeier, he seems not to mention the jesuits at all in the presentations i have seen does this make him a coadjutor?

Possibly and possibly not. Fritz was a blamer of the Jews which set him up for a prison sentence. Since the Jesuits control the courts, they love to prosecute and imprison those who blame the Jews, for it gives the appearance that indeed, the Jews do run the country. I do not think Fritz is a Coadjutor, however.

(im realizing i should get on my knees in prayer and ask god to sharpen my spiritual discernment)

Finally id just like to say thank you for your insightful presentations, books and work.
I hope this email hasn't been too much of a bore to read.
As true King James Bible believing Baptist Christians we have a thirst for truth may we always find it through the lord's word and his guidance.

Amen brother!

I look forward to hearing from you
God Bless,
Stephen Gibbons ,22

Sincerely in faith,

Brother Eric, 55 (oh help!)

I do not agree with your comments below Eric about the Order not wishing people to believe the Jews rule the World. This is exactly what they Society of Jesus wish for, in order to veil themselves. What we see with the imprisonment of people attacking Hofjudens they call Jews is simple. The fact of the matter is that the Sabbatean Frankist Hofjudens are simply a more openly vicious hater of their critics and enemies. No different to say the Sicilian Mafia killing critics whilst say the Russian Mafia leaving them alone so to speak. Just a different mind frame and gang with different ways of going about their business. I find the Church of Rome simply leaves most people alone in order to highly veil themselves. So again I highly disagree with that comment. Maybe you've made an error and wish to correct yourself on it? Fritz Springmeier was placed in Jail because he was simply un-controllable by the Maltese Intelligence network. He was a true-Christian apart from his blinkered Judiac hating side. He highlighted many occult things and these are the real reasons he was removed for now. Whilst the man with the Templar connection, Jordan Maxwell simply walks the streets with ease up to this day. The same Maxwell who claims Fritz stole his work. Regardless of who stole what, the truth is that Fritz was uncontrolled and Maxwell IS!

Craig Oxley


Dear Craig,

I must have made a mistake in speaking. I have always said that the Order
wants the world to believe that the Jews run the nations.

Brother Eric



_______________ (Catholics loving fascists)

________________ (The Piory de Sion Hoax)

________________ Wall Street


Anonymous said...

You gentlemen must have better things to do?

Timothy said...

Nothing is with wrong with exposing the Jesuits and living your life.

By Timothy