Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring is Here in 2009

Spring is here in 2009

I've always had dream in desiring to present accurate, authentic facts to the world. Books, the Internet, and other forms of media have enabled me to acquire the sufficient resoucres in achieving that goal. It's Spring now and temperatures around Southeastern Virginia (where I live) are still cooler than the Spring of Last year. So many events are flashing regularly like lightning, yet my calm demeanor will propel me to succed onward in my life. I'm still young, but I trust in God and he has enabled me to contribute greatly in my life (in pronounced ways). Today, folks are debating vociferiously about the best financial solution in ending our American economic downturn. President Barack Obama believes faithfully that his bailout plan will stir up economic growth. His critics maintain that Barack is allowing the government (along with the Federal Reserve) to possess near drocanian powers in handling the economy (i.e. The government is allowed to declared any bank bad and take over its processes completely. Some who dissent with President Obama's policies feel that the government is spending too much money as it is during a recession). The truth is that something needs to be done. Most people would agree with that. The reason is that folks are living in tents in great numbers, people are starving, and the unemployment levels in America have never been this high in over 20 years. Doing nothing and allowing the government to permanently control every aspect of our economy will make the problem worse. Barack Obama falsely accuses his strongest critics of not offering alternative plans to help our financial wide currents. The truth is that individuals from across the political spectrum have devised and promoted alternatives to the present banker bailout law. The government senttens of billions to other banks, including $87 billion to JP Morgan Chase for bad Lehman Brothers trades, and even AIG recieved huge bonuses. The bailout law allows billions of dollars to be owned by select banks and these banks will hopefully loan the money to the American people. These loans aren't occuring immediately since many banks are hestitant in giving loans to people. Timothy Geithner unveiled his Public-Private Investment Program (PPIP) on March 23.

Also, Barack Obama and his allies endorse the cap and trade plan that can tax carbon. Carbon is obviously a natural resource that organisms need to survive. Some extremists wants cows, water, air, and other things to be taxed for carbon purposes. The U.N. and the big bankers will probably recieve this money. These taxes can harm the Third World the most since they need industrialization and trade form other countries to improve their societal development. If industry has too much taxes, the world suffers as well. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner (who admitted that he cheated on his taxes) is promoting this agenda. This isn't an one party deal since the Republican Party have conducted itself in economically bad policies as well.

Barack Obama, Geitner, and Bernake days ago defended the dollar and denounced proposals by China and Russia to supplant the greenback with a new global currency. Yet, the policies of the Federal Reserve, the Treasury, and the Obama administration are creating the perfect storm for the dollar's death (and its replacement with a new international reverse currency). “… The dollar is extraordinarily strong right now,” said Obama during his prime-time press conference. “The reason the dollar is strong right now is because investors consider the United States the strongest economy in the world, with the most stable political system in the world. So, you don’t have to take my word for it.” When asked if he supported the introduction of a new global currency, Obama flatly stated, “No, I don’t support a global currency.” Now, China supports Russia's proposal to hand the IMF to create a new supra-national currency in response to the call for an alternative to the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency. Last week the Kremlin called for the “creation of a supranational reserve currency to be issued by international institutions as part of a reform of the global financial system.” A global currency would collapse the greenback, of which trillions are held in foreign exchange reserves by foreign countries like China and Japan. Bernake says that he doesn't support a global currency, but he does support efforts to create a global regulatory framework that would act as the vehicle for the introduction of a new global currency to replace the dollar. That's similar to Orwellian Doublespeak. He has echoed the sentiments of Blair, Brown, Merkel, Sarkozy and others in calling for a new world economic order. The big picture is how trillions of federal reserve notes are being used to throw good money after bad, the continued paying of corrupter banker's bonuses, and continuation of the bailout in America that can harm Americans. Too much of a bailout can cause a hyperinflantionary crisis that can lower the value of the dollar even further. Treasury Secretary Geithner has played a leading role in the wholesale looting of the greenback, announcing this week that the printing presses will be cranked to the tune of at least another $1 trillion to buy more “toxic assets” from the sagging balance sheets of failing institutions. Not to mention that tax hikes are proposed all over the board in America when you exist in an economic recession. Barack Obama wants government intervention, but too much government intervention have in the past have contributed to the economic crisis in the first place (when taxpayer wealth is being stolen to be sent to the same Wall Street oligarchs that fund his campaign). Obama has conversely announced that he will pursue a new world economic order, a “new global deal” in alliance with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown. This new global deal is the centralization of wealth into fewer hands and creating a single authority to handle the world economy. These nefarious goals of a possible global currency have caused one Congresswomen to respond.

Rep. Michele Bachmann has introduced legislation that would "bar the dollar from being replace by any foreign currency." The big picture is that the policies of Geithner and Barack Obama consist of a Federal Reserve/banker take over of our money, because the these new laws allow the government to near nationalize more major banks in America. Some criticize the stimulus law for promoting medical records to be electronically perserved when privacy issues haven't been accurately addressed. Barack Obama definitely has radical pro-abortion proposals. Abortion groups (like NARAL and Planned Parenthood) have submitted their 50 page proposal to the Obama-Biden Administration. They are scheming to loot the treasury for $1.5 billion dollars more. These proposals include: $65 million for the UNFPA, an international aid organization connected to coercive abortion as part of Chinas coercive one-child policy, Repeal the Hyde Amendment Vastly expanding federal taxpayer funding for abortion, Expand taxpayer-funded abortions on military bases, and include $1 BILLION dollars in taxpayer funding for International Abortion Groups. Barack Obama ended the Mexico City Policy and now abortion can be funded overseas with our tax dollars. The only solutions to these complications are to end the war on terror, give real tax cuts, have fair trade deals, give incentives for American jobs to grow in America, end the Federal Reserve (which regularly develops hyperinflation, currency debasement, and overspending), decentralize economic power, cut unnecessary spending, and build the economy from the ground up. The left/right paradigm is one of the explicit strategies that the Big Foundations and the rest of the global elite utilize today in order to divide people and prevent individuals from discovering the authentic truth about the New World Order. To understand this paradigm, it must be imperative to learn what a global government will consist of. Global government is a socialist/communist-like dictatorship with the centralization of power to a few, total government control over a society, the suspension of civil liberties, the elimination of private property, the end of a free enterprise system, brutal and indiscriminate murder via population control, concentration camps for dissidents, and big government bureaucries. Folks from the Left and the Right reject this tyranny, but many are brainwashed into thinking that fascism, communism, or totalitarianism is a representation of the Left or the Right.

Obama Deception extras

The fascism of Adolf Hitler and the communism of Stalin were funded by the exact same people consisting of fake capitalists (not real capitalists, but actually globalists and internationalists. These men are the Knights of Malta, Pilgrims, high level Freemasons, Bilderbergers, and others) bankers and industrialists from New York City, Washington D.C., and London. This plan of globalism has been going on for thousands of years. Fascism and Communism are essentially similar things. (Both agree with the centralization of power, the ending of civil liberties, an secret oppressive police, and total government control of a nation). Both the Left and the Right abhor this. This is extremism. The big picture is that Foundations, the CFR, the Vatican/Jesuit network, and the rest of the corporate establishment control the leadership of the Republicans and the Democrats. That's the deal. These globalists use the 2 party system as a means to control our political system, and restrict independent parties. Hence, those exhibiting real solutions aren't made in America efficiently. That's why the big corporations fund the world carbon tax movement, Homeland Security, and the war on terror simultanaeously. That's why when you look at Republican and Democratic differences, little exists (among the elites of both parties). For example, even Freemason Al Sharpton and pro-CNP Pat Robertson accept the man-made global warming propaganda (when the ice in Alaska have increased rapidly. Alaskan Glaciers have Grown For First Time In 250 Years .Temperatures being 3 degrees below average in the glaciers caused winter snow to remain for longer, prompting the increase in glacial mass, reports the Daily Tech). The Republicans and Democrats overtly criticize each other. While covertly, they colloborate to permit false choices in this world for people to see. That is why the liberal establishment falsely demonize all conservatives as extremist fascists (when real conservatives and real Christians have been exposing the new world order plus the Bush administration for years. Real conservatives reject preemptive war, civil liberty violations, and the suppression of the rule of Law). Not to mention that in a way, the Democrat Party props up the Republican Party and vice versa. What I mean is that a single major party can destroy easily by pressure from the citizenry. Yet, if you take 2 establishment major party and lean against each other, they are much harder to get rid of. The reason is that both major parties act as an arch consolidating power and restricting real debate on issues. This restriction builds on the new world order system. That system is that the people are controlled by the government, the government is influenced by the military and intelligence agencies, and these groups are ruled by the international bankers. The international bankers are controlled by the high level political groups (like the Pilgrims, the Bilderbergers, etc.), high level religious/occult groups (like the Vatican), and elite bloodlines found in Europe plus other locations globally.

The neo con establishment falsely demonize all liberals as extremists or traitors conversely. Agitation is made by interest groups and the mainstream media to prop up the Left and the Right into conflict. This conflict doesn't make real answers, but a synthesis of ideas into more elite control of the country. Democrats may attack Republicans and Republicans may attack Barack Obama, but that controlled paradigm is controlled by the corporate, religious elite. Thereby, the elite is sucessful in controlling real revolution. 2 false choices (of Democrats and Republicans) prevents the real improvement of society. It's a paradigm resulting in a powerful distraction among citizens. The truth is that real liberals and real conservatives support individual liberty, reject illegal, preemptive wars, reject the suppression of voting rights, love of the Bill of Rights, possess the rejection of warrantless wiretapes, encourage the non-embrace of torture, and each believe in the decentralization of power of government. In other words, government shouldn't centralized its power to control all aspects of society. Individuals and the people should have power superior to the government. Even on the Second Amendment, some liberals are coming around to embrace gun rights. The reason is that if you suppress a citizen's right to own a gun, they can and will suppress other rights as well. This doesn't mean we should agree on every issue. I don't agree with my family members on every issue. These false choices are made by design. This does we ought to be meek with each other, yet we should be firm against the Left/Right paradigm. The truth of this Left/Right Paradigm exists as a way not only fermenting deception to the world populace, but entrench control over the masses to rule. We should look outside of the book and see the real world.

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The Law

Legal matters are important to discuss. Laws are complex and relates to the times of human history. Some laws are legitimate and other laws are unjust with the means to oppress a people. The history of America with laws is no exception when dealing with legitimate and bad laws. Even judges in America use their power to enact judicial murder. One easy example of judicial murder pertain to the illegal and immoral starvation and dehydration of Terri Schiavo. Terri was murdered despite Florida Statues and the Geneva Convention banning the intentional starvation and dehyradation of an innocent human being. Numerous people have already realized that some in oour judicial system have run out of control by legislating from the bench (instead of interpretating the laws of the land. Interpretating the law is the true role of the judicial branch of government). For us in America, governmental powers are included in the Declaration of Independence. The purpose of civil government is to protect and secure our God given rights including the right to life. Historians and legal scholars have understood that our legal system have been not only infiltrated by radical humanists, but also by globalists. Some of these globalists believe that international law ought to acquire supremacy over our national laws here in the United States of America. The LOST Treaty is another example of another anti-national sovereignity proposal where the United Nations controls how America travels in its own waters. The Founding Fathers were never perfect like we know. Yet, even they understood that God alone is the lawgiver unto human beigns. The Founding Fathers were influenced by many thinkers to create the Bill of Rights and Constitution. Some of these people that they were influenced by were the famous William Blackstone, Locke, and Montesquieu.

William Blackstone was a famous law professor in England. He devised his Commentaries on the Laws of England. He concluded that “the laws of nature,” having been dictated by God Himself, is superior to all others and “binding over all the globe, in all countries, and at all times.” He also states that: "If man's laws did contradict God's laws, Blackstaone stated, they were not valid." (History of American Education: From Harvard Scholars to Worker Bees of the New World Order, by Vanghn Shatzer, pg. 10). Accoding to Shatzer, Blackstone's Law book were used in about 160 years by American lawyers, courts, the U.S. Senate, and law schools (in order to settle disputes, to define words, and to examine procedure). Even Thomas Jefferson said that the Founding Fathers expressly focused on Blackstone's Commentaries as similar to how Muslims are dedicated in following the Koran. This means that we believe that any human law that is contrary to God's law was noll and void. He also opposed abortion in his writings. Now, the Founders utilized Blackstone's words as outlining a fixed standard of justice in the land. Montesquieu influenced the Founders to develop a seperation of powers within the government. All of our rights henceforth come from God, who is the Creator of the Universe. Some view the radical distortion of legal parameter in dealing with our God-given rights to the popularization of Darwinian Evolution. Darwinian Evolution teaches that gradual, Natural changes of species (via natural selection and other processes) develop all life on Earth. Many scientists dispute this view of the origin of life, because of the Cambrian explosion, the complexity of the human cell, the law of biogenesis, the lack of transistional fossil records that relate to macroevolution, the existence of the 2nd law of Thermodynamics, and other facts. Charles Darwin didn't invent the theory of Evolution since Evolutionary thoughts existed in Mystery School teachings spanning thousands of years. Charles Darwin published his book in 1859 entitled, "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life." Herbert Spencer spread Darwinian Evolution to the masses. Even Darwin speculated that if it's proven that slight modifications via natural processes created all life was false, his theory would crumble. Today, Darwin's views are taught everywhere, especially in Universities. Social Darwinian is mostly rejected since social Darwinian bashes the poor and has many racist tenets.

Darwin's views according to conservatives distorted our legal system in negative ways. Darwinian Evolution hit Harvard University early on. Charles William Eliot was the new President of Harvard in 10 years after the publication of the Origin of the Species. He changed the motto from “Christo et Ecclesiae” (For Christ and Church) to “Veritas” the Latin word for Truth. Eliot ironcially believed that man by himself (and without any Divine guidance or assistance) could find the truth by means of the scientific method. He believed that solely the scientific method was by which means man could achieve knowledge. There is nothing wrong with using science to understand the world, but the Universe is bigger than about science. If you want to find the truth, it's important to understand a multiple amount of field. Also, God created Nature and inspired men to work in Science. Eliot falsely believed that evolutionary philosophy is related to physical and moral laws. he taught that all life was evolving into something better (and the Universe is not governed by fixed laws). He spread his virus into colleges nationwide. A lawyer that supported Eliot was Christopher Columbus Langdell. Even though Langdell was young, with almost no trial experience, and with no legal reputation, Eliot allowed Langbell to be elected as the first dean of Harvard Law School.

Langdell influence law in Harvard and almost every law school in America in the time. He promoted the case law method. The case law method perfectly representated the views of evolutionary philosophy. Langdell admitted to this in his own words:

"...Law, considered as a science, consists of certain principles or doctrines… Each of these doctrines has arrived at its present state by slow degrees; in other words, it is a growth, extending in many cases through centuries. This growth is to be traced in the main through a series of cases; and much the shortest and best, if not the only way of mastering the doctrine effectively, is by studying the case in which it is embodied...” This means that in Langdell believed that law was to be used in a scientific manner, which would be guided by evolutionary principles. Langdell introduced case law in the American legal system. Case law views laws as constantly changing to suit a specific time throughout the centuries:

"Case law basically means judges would interpret the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights as they believed it should be interpreted...If judged did not believe abortion was murder...they ruled accordingly. If judges did not believe homosexuality was wrong, they ruled accordingly.." (Case Law and quotes and info, History of American Education, Shatzer, pg. 24)

As usual, Langdell didn't believe in God and he viewed law as ever changing. Case law deals with studying the rulings of other judges. Langbell believed that the evolution of law was guided by judges. He didn't want to study the writings of the Founding Fathers since he felt that they couldn't be comprehended on a certain level. So, Langbell's goal was to use scientific means to study law and reject the concept of fixed unalterable laws. The Founding Fathers conversely believed that law was a fixed and that they originated from God himself. This is true since moral absolutes exist in the world. If there was no authority to where laws existed from, laws can be devised by any means whatsoever and moral relativism comes into play (Evolutionary theory has a hard time to decepher how to believe in what is right and wrong). Lawyers influenced by the Dean of Harvard Law School Langdell for 25 years were Freemason Louis Brandeis, Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. and Learned Hand. Louis Brandeis graduated from Harvard in 1877 and was famous for advising President Woodrow Wilson (and being on the Supreme Court. He used scientific data to act on the 1908 case Muller v. Oregon as a litigator). Homles Jr. was Brandeis' friend. Brandies supported most of the New Deal legislation being introduced by FDR. His friend Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. entered Harvard in 1864 ( He was accused of promoting a socialist agenda and he was appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1902). In his 1897 article for the Harvard Law Review, titled “The Path of the Law,” Holmes that he accepted an evolutionary view of the law:

“The development of our law has gone on for nearly a thousand years, like the development of a plant, each generation taking the inevitable next step, mind, like matter, simply obeying a law of spontaneous growth. It is perfectly natural and right that it should have been so.”

Even the U.S. Supreme Court endorsed the concept of forced sterilization in its 1927 Buck v. Bell ruling which authorized the involuntarily sterilization of a young girl described as "feeble-minded." The ruling stood until 1974, when the state of Virginia repealed its sterilization procedures. In the 1927 decision, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. noted, "It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes." Holmes even denied that morality had to do with the law. If you strip morality from the law, you get anarchy and violence. Secular humanism is one foundational aspect of those who to radically change our culture in the world. Humanism is a belief basically believing that man is the complete decider of his destiny, some accept moral relativism, and the abhorence of Judeo-Christian religious influence in the development of society or principles. John Dewey (a writer along with 33 others of the Humanist Manifesto) is a key pioneer of humanism. Some have gone to classify Humanism as a religion because they worship the power of man to create a nearly perfect society without God. Also, they believe in evolution or that natural selection via nature has the divine power to make all organisms in the Earth. Many religious groups like Tao and Buddhism don't require you to believe in any God. A Humanist called humanism a religion without God. The Humanist Manifesto I in the 1930's quote: "...Religious Humanism considers the complete realization of human personality to be the end of man's life and seeks its development and fulfillment in the here and now. This is the explanation of the humanist's social passion...." Even the Supreme Court in 1965 called humanism a religion. Dewey and others help shift a large part of the educational system. It's from thinking about phonics, math (and science plus logical thinking skills) into self esteem and group think (without in some cases mastering the basics of subjects. Without understanding the basics, you can never work in a group). That's why 10 years ago I've learned the basics about math, science, language, and history. By the 1930's, case law was supported in replace of Blackstone's Commentaries: "...The first major decision made using the case law method was in 1962, the removal f prayer from schools..." (History of American Education by Vaugh Shatzer, pg. 24). Ironcially, American schools taught the Bible for a very long time. The 1960's gave use good things and bad things (like the increase of divorce, STDs, murders, etc.). Schools now teach the religious New Age/Hindu teaching of Evolution (which relates to reincarnation, since reincarnation teaches that life is evolving constantly via natural processes into being better, which is determined by karma). Another of the progeny of Langdell is Learned Hand. Although never having served on the Supreme Court, he was so influential that he is often referred to as the 10th Justice of the Supreme Court. He delivered more than 2,000 opinions, but his greatest legacy was founding the American Law Institute (ALI).

The Mission of ALI was “to promote the clarification and simplification of the law, to better adapt law to contemporary social needs, to achieve agreement among lawyers on the fundamental principles of the common law, and to correct legal uncertainty and complexity.” Learned Hand as the founder maintained major positions in the Institute for the duration of his life. The ALI was funded by Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations, no friends of liberty nor of our Constitutional Republic. The ALI supported the fraudulent research of Alfred Kinsey (who was funded by the establishment and had pedophiles to perform crimes in order to break up Judeo-Christian values in America). Kinsey as exposed in Chris Pinto's new film called "The Kinsey Syndrome." The ALI created the pro-Kinsey Moral Penal Code. Kinsey’s biographer acknowledges that The Model Penal Code “is virtually a Kinsey document… At one point Kinsey is cited six times in twelve pages.” Kinsey visited Crowley's Themea Abbey before his death shortly in 1955. He shared many of Crowley's friends and acquaintances like occult filmmaker Kenneth Anger, American Nazi George Sylvester Viereck, and French pedophile Rene Guyan. Dr. Hermann Muller was one of the Kinsey's influences at the Indiana University. Kinsey corresponded with the Nazi pedophile Dr. Friedrich Karl Hugo Viktor von Balluseck who ran a small Polish town in WWII. Balluseck molested boys and girls from 1927 to 1957 exposed by court testimony. Kinsey didn't much care for his crime, but he wanted his correspondence to gather results to skew his child sexuality data. In November 2004, the movie "Kinsey" came out, which portrayed him in a mainly positive way, but he was an adulterer. According to Dr. Cathy Burns and Stanley Montieth's "Brotherhood of Darkness", Alfred Kinsey was a sado-masochistic homosexual. Kinsey is obviously a sex pervert. This "Father of the sexual revolution" led to repealing abortion laws, promote pornography, high divorce rates, high STD rates among the young, and obscene sex education based in even elementary schools. Kinsey “findings” recommended in the Model Penal Code intended that penalties should be lightened for all “sex offenders.” It recommended not only that fornication and adultery be normalized, but pornography, rape, incest, abortion, sodomy and pedophilia as well. Alfred Kinsey was so much a sexual pervert that he did things to himself that was truly abhorent. Through the ALI, much of the laws pertaiing to sex crimes were lessen. It is only recently in the 21st century where folks from across the political spectrum have enacted laws that punish sex offenders in a strong way. This anti-God agenda is embraced by humanists, globalists, occultists, Secret Society members as we known. Some of the crowd take things further and want Christians to be extreminated. Gus Hall, who was once the leader of the Communist Party said that: "...I dream of a time when the last Congressman is strangled to death on the guts of the last preacher...and since the Christians love to sing about blood, why not give them a little of it.." (Gus Hall, "The Coming Persecution by Pastor Joe Schimmel). New Ager Ruth Montgomery said that: "...We, the elders have been patiently take action to cut out this corrupted and corrupting element in the body of humanity.." (Dr. Cathy Burns, Billy Graham and His Friends, pg. 544).

Thinking law in an evolutionary way is faulty, because using that standard can create moral relativism. If man's standard for law changes, there is no justification to limit what actions are immoral or just for man to do. That is why moral absolutes seem reasonable since throughout human history, principles exist that prevent human beings from harming another human being. Real Law indeed comes from God, because the origin of the Universe is God. Laws are very importants of our existence. American law was influenced from the Mosaic Law, the Magna Carta (which had habeas corpus), and the British Common Law. One big portion of British Common Law was the British Bill of Rights of 1689. There are some similarities between this version of the Bill of Rights and the American Bill of Rights. One quote from the British 1689 Bill of Rights says that: "...That the freedom of speech and debates or proceedings in Parliament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Parliament;..." This is akin to the First Amendment that henceforth gives citizens the freedom of speech, the press, religion, the right to seek greivances, and the right to peacefully assemble.

By Timothy


toronto realtor said...

What's this talk about the new supra national currency of MMF? Why don't China and Russia use EURO as a reserve currency instead of creating a new one? Or am I missing something here?

Anyway, I'm saving your blog to my favourites and read the rest of the article later. It surely got my attention..

Take care,

Timothy said...

China and Russia feels that the dollar's value is so depleted that they want possibly a globally currency. I don't know why they haven't considered the euro. One reason they considered a new currency is because the IMF has a global saving currency called the SDR. Also, China and Russia are uniting in hegemony against the West politically.