Friday, March 13, 2009

More Information about the Grove


Sean Hannity has been a neo conservative follower of Rush Limbaugh for years. We realized that Limbaugh don't talk about some of the real issues from torture, rendition, and the new world order. David Edwards at Raw Story from March 11, 2009 accused Sean Hannity of calling Christianity of being comptatible with torture. Of course, we all realize that torture is antithetical to the tenets of Christianity completely. Hannity invited Meghan McCain (who belives in the Obama deception and wants Republicans to be more compromising and liberal as many of them are now) on his show to talk about a court filing by 9/11 defendants deatined at Guantanamo Bay. This group of detainees admitted that they were terrorists according to neo conservatives. This is typically since anyone can say that, yet there is no conclusive evidence to expose them as terrorists at all. Hannity believed that these people waged war on us and 60 detainees have gone back to the battlefield. Hannity doesn't believe that we should give rights to those accused of a crime. He wouldn't say that about U.S. soldiers being held as prisoners of war by other nations. All human beings deserve some rights at some level or another. Meghan McCain supported Hannity's view that no enemy combatant deserve real rights. Sean Hannity accepts enhanced interrogations, but they are nothing more than an eupherism for torture. Enchanced interrogation includes waterboarding, extreme hot and cold temperature applied on detainees, and other torture activities. Meghan McCain disagreed with Hannity on torture. She said that, "I think it’s what separates us from the terrorists. My father could never lift me up as a child because he can’t move his arm. He can’t ride a bike because he can’t bend his knee because he was tortured. I think he knows better..." Hannity is a good propagandist that see our problems as solely a conservative vs. liberal situation. Our problems are bigger than that. It's about an oligarchy trying to rule us the people. We have a right to oppose the agenda of the oligarchs and seek individual liberty, freedom, and a respect for all human life. Now, Sean Hannity's promotion of the war on terror, his supporting Arnold Schwarzenegger as Governor of California, and him being a lapdog of Rush Limbaugh doesn't make him an independent conservative at all. It makes Sean Hannity a controlled pro-FOX News neo conservative puppet.

IAN TALLEY from the Wall Street Journal on March 11, 2009 made manifest about how Barack Obama and the Congress considered a procedural tactic to ram through the climate change bill. The Democratic Congress wants a climate change under the guise of an energy bill. Many Republicans and centrist Democrats fear that this legislation might curtail greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, Obama wants the tactic of “budget reconciliation." That means that Democratic leaders want to fine tune the government's expenditures and revenue later in the year, which needs only 51 votes compared with the standard 60 needed for contentious legislation. Some view this alternative as a last resort option. We do know that man made global warming have been refuted on so many levels. The Middle Age Maximum over 1,000 years ago was much warmer than the temperature we're experience presently. CO2 is a necessary chemical for human survival and plant photosynthesis. The President wants a cap and trade approach where carbon is taxed to a degree (in fact, other things could be taxed greatly from bags to light bulbs. The mercury filled light bulbs are especially dangerous). In 2001, Republicans used the budget reconciliation process to push through tax cuts called for by then-President George W. Bush, and many Democrats accused Mr. Bush of bypassing the democratic process. This is apart of a bigger budget that Barack Obama wants passed from health care to other matters. Sen. Max Baucus, a Democrat from coal-state Montana and the chairman of the Finance Committee, said "it's not a good idea" to use reconciliation to pass cap-and-trade, and the partisan nature of such a strategy would cause the administration trouble. "It's possible 51 votes could be found, but at what cost?" he said. Some Republicans believe that the reconciliation plan is a power grab, because it's a slick way in folks in Democrats acquiring more power in Congress. The deal is that Congress should go out to follow the protocol that is mentioned in the Constitution.

A World Currency have been promoted by people for ages. Agence France-Presse from March 11, 2009 outlined that Kazakh President President Nursultan Nazarbayev has won backing for his plan for a single world currency. Nobel prize winner Professor Robert Mundell wants a global currency as well. Nazarbayev was speaking at an economic forum in the city of the new capital he has built on the Kazakh steppe. He want the "acmetal" or a world currency system. Mundell was the man who helped lay the intellectual groundwork for Europe's single currency. Professor Mundell said that: "...I must say that I agree with President Nazarbayev on his statement and many of the things he said in his plan, the project he made for the world currency, and I believe I’m right on track with what he’s saying...." Mundell said that the idea is about the great promise of improving the economy in his mind. Actually, a world currency is a globalist tool in order to centralize wealth into fewer hands. Mr. Nazarbayev and Professor Mundell wants the Group of 20 to develop economies in forming a working group on the proposal at their summit on the global economic crisis in London (on April 2). “We should deliver our thoughts and the thoughts of this conference to the leaders of those countries,” Mr Nazarbayev said, referring to the G8 and G20 nations. Though a boost for what might seem an other-worldly plan, Prof Mundell has previously suggested single currencies are only appropriate for countries with similar economies. Acmetal is the merging of Greek word acme meaning peak or beat and capital. A global currency is one of the many goals of people who want the existence of the new world order. The new world order is about the centralizing of political, economic, and religious power into a single, socialist style global government. It's the suppression of human rights into an oligarchy. A global currency could be a reality if Patriots don't help our economy.

Gary North from Lew Rockwell on March 11, 2009 outlined how the Fed has destroyed people's retirement. President Barack Obama support his $800 billion bailout of the economy. Now, the government is considering to confiscate 401 (k)s and IRAs in order to have a mandatory savings tax. People are too taxed much already and now some want more taxes on our savings. This is bad policy. Congress has raised this plan of an new income tax and stealing private pensions. Many Democrats want this to exist under the guise of combating the financial issues in America. They want to turn private retirement acounts in government controlled accounts which are managed by the Social Security Administration. Teresa Ghilarducci is one proponent of this plan. She is the professor of economic policy analysis at the New School for Social Research. She testified to Congress months ago that 401 (k)s and IRAs ought to be confiscated. She also wants them to be changed into an universal GRAs managed by the Social Security Administration. GRAs is short for Guaranteed Retirement Accounts. Even a Republican proposed mandatory saving accounts in 1999 was created by the name of former NY Fed chariman Peter Peterson. So, this isn't an one party deal. This bailout was exposed as adding to the federal government's annual deficit to $1.7 trillion in fiscal 2010. Elkhart, Indiana is a place that is the recreation vehicle capital of America. Its economy has collapsed. There is 15% of unemployment and no hope in sight for some people. For years, the RV industry grew. Some people are struggling with their own retirement. Once, RVs in Indiana were in a heavy rotation of business. The article reported that in 2004, RV manufacturers shipped 370,000 units. Of these, 236,000 were made in Indiana. Now, it was a different story by November of 2008. Elkhart, Indiana, had the highest unemployment rate in the nation. It still does. The econonic bubble blew up by 2005. This was when savings started to decrease in a high level. A lot of this came about because of the Federal Reserve bank's monetary inflation. Also, this boom was feuled by the deception of fiat money being continually pumped into the economy. The solutions prescribed by the government so far haven't worked. The reason is that federal funds rate is at 0%. The economy is still falling. The Federal deficit is headed toward $2 trillion a year. No recovery is visible. Elkhart, Indiana is a representation that the old economic policies of hyperinflation, unnecessary spending, and fiat currency making don't work at all. Real solutions deal with growth of our manufacturing base, the improvement of our education system, the cutting of taxes, ending the war on terror, having fair trade, and create a sound monetary policy.

Discrimination against pro-life individuals is very commonplace even in the USA. Steven from March 11, 2009 reported on 2 colleges in eastern Washington. These colleges are experiencing a lawsuit from pro-life students who said that they became the victim of discrimination. Attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund, who is a pro-life law firm, file suit on Monday against Community Colleges of Spokane and Spokane Falls Community College officials. The suit says that the colleges violated the constitutional rights of pro-life students. SFCC officials officials threatened Beth Sheeran and members of a student group with disciplinary measures, including expulsion, if they chose to hold a pro-life event on campus. College officials claimed the event would be “discriminatory” because it would not include a pro-abortion viewpoint. That's a lie since outlining the truth about abortion isn't discriminatory at all. “Christian students shouldn't be threatened, silenced, and discriminated against for attempting to share their beliefs on public college campuses,” ADF attorney Heather Gebelin Hacker told Wednesday. "But this school goes beyond censorship to actually try to compel the students make statements they don't believe. Such a requirement is nothing short of Orwellian," Hacker added. The firm indicated SFCC Director of Student Funded Programs Heather McKenzie rejected Sheeran’s request to hold a pro-life event on campus on January 22, the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. The event would have involved flier distribution and materials posted in an announcement display case in the student center. McKenzie said that it was was wrong to not hold a pro-abortion position in the event. That's silly since you don't heard Holocaust revisionist or denial arguments at college campus. A pro-life message have every right to be shown. After a vote, ADF tells that Roberts, McKenzie, and the group’s faculty advisor, Stormy Kurtz, went to a club meeting and intimidated the students into not holding the event. The flier wasn't offensive since it showed the reality of abortion being murder. Free speech is under threat in a huge level today. ADF-allied attorney Jeffrey Smith of The Smith Law Group in Spokane is local counsel in the case. The lawsuit is Sheeran v. Shea and it was filed with the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Washington. This new anti-life tactics of equating free speech with disciminatory speech is a new lie that is perpetrated by the rabid pro-abortion crowd.

Alabama had a military presence domestically. They were on the area of Samson, Alabama. Samson is a Southern town where a crazed gunman murdered 10 people on Tuesday. Obvious, this action is a violation of Posse Comitatus. The Posse Comitatus Act forbids federal uniformed services from exercising state and local law enforcement. It has been reported by Reuters and the London Telegraph. This comes on previous militarization news. On September 30, 2008, the Army Times reported the 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team, a component of Northern Command, would be “on-call” in response to “natural or manmade emergencies and disasters, including terrorist attacks.” The Army Times article reported the military would be used for “crowd and traffic control” and be issued “nonlethal weapons designed to subdue unruly or dangerous individuals without killing them.” The article says that the brigade could acquire a permament mission. In early 2006, the 109th Congress passed the bill with provisions giving the President the power to use federal troops inside America in emergency situations. In 2008, Congress restored many of the earlier limitations on the president’s ability to deploy troops within the United States, but Bush issued a signing statement indicating he was not bound by the changes. Military troops because of a local law enforcement deal is an overreach of the authority of the federal government (and it signifies a futher erosion of Posse Comitatus. Some people indeed want the illegal federalization of state and local law enforcement). Of course, some in the media are exploiting this tradegy to promote more anti-gun laws (when we in America have thousands of anti-gun laws in the United States already). Even Britian have the greatest suppression of gun rights in the Western world. They banned most guns in 1997 and their crime rate skyrocketed. “A recent study of all the countries of western Europe has found that in 2001 Britain had the worst record for killings, violence and burglary, and its citizens had one of the highest risks in the industrialized world of becoming victims of crime,” historian Joyce Lee Malcolm wrote for the fall 2004 issue of Journal on Firearms & Public Policy. Therefore, we need to solve questions of our culture in reasonable ways without suppressing innocent citizens' right to keep and bear arms.

Secret Societies are still here like the Bohemian Grove. Many know that the owl is a sacred bird in the Bohemian Grove. The owl is seen by occultists as intelligent creatures and that is why the goddess Pallas Athena (they were present in high numbers in the Acropolis of Athens, which was a Temple that worshipped Athena in ancient Greece) was signified with the owl. Minvera is the ancient Roman version of Athena. The Bavarian Illuminati utilized the owl as an emblem as well. The Bavarian Illuminati wanted enlightenment principles to govern the world (in the process of getting rid of Monarchs and organized religion in the process). Ironically, Weishaupt allowed the Minveral Academy to transpire in his group. The Minerval degree was in the Bavarian Illuminati as from, which was above the Novice degree. People were called on to learn figures from ancient Greece and Rome. The owl was a nightly bird and according to Terry Melanson, the Bavarian Illuminati operated at night. On each Minerval ceremony, the initiates recited and were taught a lecture on a slight version of the Ode to Wisdom poem (which was written by Elizabeth Carter). This poem ironically has the word Care, which is similar to the Bohemian Grove's Cremation of Care. That is why idols of owl are commonplace among members of the Bohemian Grove. There is another group similar to the Bohemian grove called the Schlaraffia (it was created in Prague, Bohemia in 1859). It was made up at first of actors and musicians just like the Bohemian Grove originally had. This group wanted to promote art, humor, and a care free attitude about life. An actor by the name of Victor Mueller-Fabricius founded the club in Cincinnati in 1893. Their ceremony were similar to the civic societies of the Middle Ages. They venerate the owl as a symbol of wisdom. The Schlaraffa wanted friendship among people. The catch with this group would praise Minvera owl symbol. According to the historian Richard B. Spence, members of Schlaraffia would be apart of Sat B'hai, the Royal Order of Sikha (which was apart of the OTO). American and British intelligence accused the Schlaraffia of promoting German propaganda in a silent, slick way. Another branch of the Schlaraffa came into San Francisco during the late 1800's. Both the Bohemian Grove and Schlaraffia wanted to get rid of the cares of life. This concept in the Bohemian Grove is exempflied as destroying Care (or releasing the everyday mundane life).

By Timothy