Sunday, April 05, 2009

Anderson Cooper tries to make sense of the New World Order

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's really cool I found your blog. and I saw the Bible is one of your favorite book. I also like the fact that you don't censor. I've been censored a lot in blogs lately and I don't even cuss ! It's just that I have very controversial ideas and unfortunately some people cannot take it. So I will be coming back more in the future and hope to find some moe truth.

PS: shouldn't I be commenting on Anderson Cooper and the New World Order ? Look, as much as Andy tries to downplay this, we all know it's going to happen one day or another. it's just a matter of time and I don't have time to go into deep intellectual explanations that only drive everyone nuts. Anderson Cooper is as confused as the average american and Anderson is a truth seeker like everyone. Ok the focus isn't on Anderson but on the fact that there could be a New World Order. Look people; stop freaking out and start focusing on your economic lives, family lives and sex lives. don't worry, be happy.
and again...maybe we should feak out.