Thursday, April 30, 2009

Jesuit Information in April 2009

Note by Me: I don't agree with Eric on views on race.

By Timothy



> Dear Eric,
> I get the picture now. Initially i thought this was being done to
> malign the muslim world. By doing so, by which i mean 9/11, i reasoned
> they wanted to create an excuse by which to rid of the muslims and
> therefore the iraq and afghan war. The current financial crisis also
> seems to be of their making. Looks like the matters have some other
> objective. This is being done by a group of people to acheive their
> ends. Why is this attributed to satan, if at all he exists, when its
> merely some people with bad motives? Satan and all seem to be
> religiously radical concepts to explain away people's bad intentions.
> Does this have a possibility of spinning into something bigger like a
> world war?
> regards,
> Luke

Dear Luke,

The Jesuit General in control of Pope Benedict and the papacy rules the
world through his Jesuit Order, he also controlling high-level, Illuminized
Freemasonry, Scottish Rite as well as Grand Orient Freemasonry. This means
the General controls the top Islamic leaders through Freemasonry. This
means the Jesuit Superior General controls his CIA-created Al Qaeda
Masonic-Islamic international terrorist network---for the benefit of Rome.

Thus, it is the Order using its Islamic terrorist networks including Hamas,
Hezbollah, and Fatah, to wage war against what is left of White Protestant
Western Civilization---all of those Islamic groups being financed by the
Black Pope's oil bonanza, Wahhabi Saudi Arabia. The Order via Knight of
Malta pulled off 911 so as to justify its 21st century Crusade against Shia
Islam, that crusade being financed by Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the
UAE---home of the new commercial capital of the world, Dubai.

Satan is indeed real as the Lord Jesus Christ spoke to him when tempted by
him in Matt.4 and Luke 4. Deep within the Vatican, Satan is worshipped as
did the Knights Templars and as is done by the high Jesuits of today. A
cursive review of parapsychology evidences entities indewelling men and
women who can speak and demonstrate high intelligence and historical
knowledge. There evil spirits and they are submitted to their leader,
Satan, who has plotted to created a world government under the final pope,
murdered, risen from the dead to then sit in a Third Rebuilt Hebrew Temple
in Jerusalem as the Antichrist and Beast of Rev. 13:3-10.

This war will most assuredly become what I call The Third Thirty Years' War
(2001-2030). Like the first two (161801648 and 1914-1945) the Black Pope
will orchestrate it aided by his high Freemasons and Knights of Malta.

Lord Bless,

Brother Eric


Knight of Malta Middle Eastern Navigator, King Juan Carlos of Spain the Roman Monarch controls the Middle East. He answers only to the Jesuit Papal Bloodlines and their front Jesuit hieracy such as the Superior General. Jesuit soldier Thomas Michel controls the powerful Turkish Fethullah Gulen in control of Turkish Ottoman freemasonry and the Grand Logde of Turkey in Istanbul. The whole Middle East answers to the Roman hierachy of the Jesuits and their subordinated since 1798, Knights of Malta. All this goes on of course covertly through inter-religious dialogue as the cover.

Craig Oxley


Brother Eric,
Here is my response to a Man who contacted me on MySpace, that is friend to a Russian brother. They call their Ministry, Eklesian Saints and use the P with the X in the middle as a Symbol (What does that symbolize Brother?), how Romish in My Opinion!

Thank You for the friend request. I see your one of Igor's friends. I accepted Christ as my Savior in the last 6 months. I'm a former Roman Catholic, who started listing to the Gospel from my Mentor Eric Jon Phelps, a Baptist/Calvinist. My question is why do you have links to those wicked Sinners video's like Ron Paul, who once said how the Pope is a "great man", and Jesuit Co-adjutor Alex Jones, who gives some truths, but claims that any of us that believe the Papacy is behind the New World Order is "crazy". He fails to point out that most of the Bilderburgers are Knights of Malta, subject to the Pope of Rome! Its quite evident that our once great Calvinistic Republic has been infiltrated by the Jesuit Order with Jesuit trained alumni, Irish Roman Catholic Joe Biden as Vice Pres, Italian Roman Catholic Nancy Pelosi, as leader of the house, Italian Roman Catholic Leon Pannetta as the head of the modern day "SS" the C.I.A., and the Head of the Department of "Romeland" Security apostate Protestant Janet Napolitano.Not to say 35% of the Senate is Catholic and 5 out of the 9 Supreme Court Justice's are Papists! I hope you preach against the wicked doctrine of Papal Rome, because most Preachers these days are Cowards, afraid that if they speak out against Rome they'll get popped! Secondly I hope you don't subcribe to the Arminian doctrine, that "oh Christ is comming any minute, lets just kick back and not resist evil" because we can't do anything anyway. We are urged to resist evil at all costs in our sphere of influence.
Lord Bless,
Excerpts from my Appearences on "Bibliacl Truth in History & Prophecy"
Pslam CH 110
"The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool."

"The LORD hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek."

"The Lord at thy right hand shall strike through kings in the day of his wrath."

"He shall judge among the heathen, he shall fill the places with the dead bodies; he shall wound the heads over many countries."

Remembering that all is going to plan in Heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ is sitting at the right hand of his Father ready to vanquish his enemies, making them his footstool! Unlike that Wicked White Devil in Rome, who has the audacity to claim he is of the Order of Melchizedek , Jesus Christ of the seed of David is the true “King of Kings, and Lord of Lords” not the White Pope, not the Black Pope, not the Cardinals, and certainly not the Sodomite “Spiritual Bastard” Priests of the Church of Rome. For even though he is merciful and just, he is a God of Wrath who will crush the Kings serving the Pope’s New World Order. He is not some gimpy, hippie, Socialist-Communist, long-haired, blue-eyed, Pagan of Romanism. It’s time to repent White brothers, Do we want to be the Heathens, he judges at Megiddo, when he appears out of the Heavens with sword protruding out of his mouth to smite the Nations, its time to get right with God!

“Be not deceived: God is not mocked: . . . for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7)

Remembering, that God sees everything let us not lose heart knowing that the condemnation of these men and women serving the Pope in Washington is certain at the Great White Throne of Judgment, such as: Socialist/Communist Liberation Theologian Barrack “Barry Davis” Obama, his White Irish Roman Catholic Master, Jesuit trained having honorary degrees from St Joseph’s University and the University of Scranton Joe Biden, head of the House, Jesuit trained at the University of San Francisco Italian Roman Catholic Nancy Pelosi (ushered in by Jesuit, House Chaplain and President of USF, Stephen Privett) Italian Roman Catholic CIA Director, Jesuit trained at Santa Clara University Leon Panetta, and his fellow Jesuit trained alumni at Santa Clara University, fake Protestant head of the Department of “Romeland” Security Janet Napolitano, preceded by that White devil Michael Chertoff who’s name in Russian ,the word "Chertoff" means "of/to the Devil." And last but not least that wicked witch, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton trained at Jesuit Georgetown University, preceded by that Traitor to her own black people Condi Rice who prays to Thomas Moore at the Red Mass!



> Dear Eric,
> As you are quoting the bible in your replies to support what you say
> it implies that your responses rely on the scripture. I for some
> reason cannot attribute people's bad intentions/traits to satan whose
> existence you support by saying that jesus spoke to him as per
> matthew's gospel. As a sidenote then although it does not pertain to
> our main discussion why did/does God need to rest on 7th day and
> moreso when even a day or for that matter night is god's creation?
> regards,
> Luke

Dear Luke,

You must have a final authority for your life, and you do. All men do. My
final authority for faith and practice is the AV1611 Reformation Bible.
Before my time of salvation in Christ, being an atheist, I was my own final

Concerning God resting on the Seventh Day, He "ceased from activity" as God
neither tires nor needs no "rest" as we understand the word "rest." He did
this to institute the first divine institution, the second being marriage
between Adam and Eve.

Secondly, God created only the day light, not the night. The night was
brought into God's creation of Genesis 1:1 by the fall of Lucifer/Satan when
he was cast down (Isa. 14). Thus, Satan is the prince of darkness, and the
father of it. God separated Satan's night from His daylight and called them
"day." Herein we have the bibilcal doctrine of separation good from
evil---a maxim for every born again bible believing Christian.

I trust this is helpful.

Lord Bless,

Brother Eric


Andrea Muhrrteyn said...


Erick didn't mention anything about race? Do you mean you don't agree with Eric on issues of race that he has mentioned elsewhere, or are you interpreting some of his statement made in your post,as racial statements; perhaps regarding Muslims vis a vis white protestants?


Timothy said...

I just make my disclaimer as I always have on many links here. I meant to outline my view that I don't agree with Eric's views on race. He has expressed his views on race on other places (or elsewhere) indeed. I disagree with Eric's view that there are inferior and superior races. It doesn't relate to Muslim people or Protestants at all. I do agree with him in exposing the Jesuit Order though.

By Timothy

Andrea Muhrrteyn said...

Oh, okay...

Next question: Why do you only respond to some of my comments? Why do you ignore some?


Timothy said...

I do try to response to all of your questions, but sometimes I don't have time to.

By Timothy

Andrea Muhrrteyn said...

Thanks for what I imagine was an honest answer.

Not necessarily one that went down well, cause I liked it; but in a choice between an honest answer that i don't like to hear, and a lie, that tells me what i do want to hear; I'd prefer the former, since I prefer feedback that informs me of reality; not illusions.

So, thanks for busting my bubble (although how I managed to create such a bubble about how important i was to you, only i would probably know, interpreting things how I prefered them to be, instead of how they are, I guess); and informing me that i was nowhere near as important to you, as I thought I was (that was my bubble!).

Anyway... I just got to confront that.., so thanks for the help.


My blog said...

Are Masons anti-racist or pro-racist? I've had them commit sex crimes against me as a child, because they thought I was a little to conservative. I didn't support their subversive, white-flight, social engineering agenda's. What I see is simply a bunch of criminals, whose crimes won't be investigated. I believe that these values should be taught at home by parents....NOT SECRET SOCIETIES! Read my blog to learn more about the crimes that were commited against me.

Timothy said...

Freemasonry overtly claims to be against racism, but they have history of bigotry for years. Some individual Masons aren't racist, but they are decieved in joining an unbiblical organization like Freemasonry.

Timothy said...

I've looked at some of your blog. Just because you experienced bad things, that doesn't mean that interracial marriage is wrong. Using assault to prove a point is wrong as well. So, what you suffered was of course immoral. Using abuse to promote fighting against bigotry is not truly fighting against bigotry at all. Using peaceful means to promote not being racist is better than that. I don't agree with everything in your blog. I agree with some things in your blog.