Friday, April 17, 2009

Other News (The Tea Party, etc.)

CNN Pro-government Propaganda at Tea Party in Chicago




Big Dan said...

If you don't think the tea party's are GOP astroturf, why are they boo'ing this guy?

Also, where's the tea bagging of torture and Big Govt domestic spying? Oh, that's right! A Republican did that! So it's OK!!!

I went to a tea party in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., and I saw a kid with an Obama sign, and an older guy telling that kid to get down on his knees and read the Bible. Then, I got into a conversation with a 20 something year old kid, and he was ranting about Obama's bailouts. I said, "Did you know Bush and Paulson started the bailouts?" He said that wasn't true, he didn't see that anywhere.

That being said, I like your site, and I even link to it. But, don't portray the tea party's as anything but GOP astroturf and FOX promoted.

Where was FOX during the 8 years of Bush? Where were the tea party's? You know where they were? They were actually going on with NO COVERAGE FROM FOX! Why? Because the tea party's were against a Republican president. Ron Paul himself has several links and also his spokesman, saying the tea party's were co-opted by the Republican Party. And that's ONLY because the president isn't a Republican.

Yes, Obama is a shill coward, too, I agree. If you get that far, you got there because of: the people really running this country and electronic voting machines.

PLEASE...the "tea party's" were co-opted from what they were under the Bush years: a real Libertarian grassroots thing.

They're being used now, and Ron Paul is mad about it.

Also, you won't find anyone pro-health care for all Americans, any anti-war protesters, etc...

Gee, what a coincidence!

If I shouted out at the "tea party": "OBAMA IS SCREWING US WITH THESE BAILOUTS!", I would get a standing ovation.

If I shouted out at the "tea party": "BUSH SCREWED US WHEN HE STARTED THE BAILOUTS", riddle me this: how come they would boo me???

You answer that question, you figure it out.

Timothy said...

I knew someone like you would respond in this fashion.

Timothy said...

Here's my response to you. It isn't astroturf from the GOP for the most part. The reason is that many people have expressed the view during these rallies that it's bigger than Republicans and Democrats. You need to realize that.

Also, many in those rallies (who are libertarians and real conservatives) have protested domestic spying, torture, etc. for years. Even Ron Paul (which I don't agree with on every issue) and his supporters have made these points in various rallies. I'm not a Republican, so your words have no influence on me at all.

Of course you will find ignorant people at any rally irrespective of their political ideology. Now, the bailouts were passed by Bush and Paulson. Many people have mentioned this in other rallies. Yet, Obama passed more of the bailout as well.

Sorry, the GOP and FOX is trying to infiltrate the Tea Parties, but many independently minded people are there. FOX wants to be controlled opposition, yet I have exposed this plan for years.

Also, I don't support the agenda of FOX at all. I made that clear in my numerous posts. Also, I don't support the anti-life and anti-gun agenda of MSNBC or CNN. Do you support both networks? I'm not a hypocrite claiming to hate FOX, but won't say a thing about CNN or MSNBC. The tea parties didn't exist under Bush since many of the TEa Parties were sponteaous occurences.

I don't agree with the GOP or the Democrats infiltrating the Tea parties. Also, pro-health care for all isn't what Barack Obama supports. He supports forcing people to have health care even if your don't want. All Americans should have health care, but not at the barrel of a gun. Also, your experiences doesn't negate many independent people at Tea Parties expressing outrage at the corrupt policies at both nations.

Barack Obama is pro-rendition, pro-abortion, anti-gun, and a shill on other issues. That's the truth. So, do I have unconditional alliegance to all Tea Parties? No. Do I slander every Tea Party protestor as a terrorist or a GOP shill? No, because those in many rallies exist from across the political spectrum. You need to realize this.

By Timothy

Timothy said...

I have been a strong critic of FOX, O'Reilly, and the ilk for a while now. Like I said, I don't back down. I won't be a Democrat or a far left shill (who is pro-abortion). I won't be a Republican neo-con either.

Timothy said...

P.S. Can you show documented evidence that no anti-war protestors pracitipated in the Tea Party rallies?

You can't.