Friday, April 17, 2009

Rudy Giuliani Angry at Dutch Jury for Exonerating Osama bin Laden


Rudy Giuliani Angry at Dutch Jury for Exonerating Osama bin Laden
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Jurriaan Maessen
April 17, 2009

In a story on a Dutch television jury’s verdict of not guilty regarding Osama bin

Laden’s alleged involvement in the attacks of September 11 2001, former mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani expresses outrage over the verdict.
Lamenting the fact that television programs are free to air doubt, Rudy Giuliani obviously prefers that the media would do nothing but spout the official version of 911.
As the Hollywood Reporter reported on April 9, a television jury in the Netherlands has ‘ruled there was no proof Bin Laden was the mastermind behind the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in 2001.’ In the television program defense attorney Gerard Spong casts doubt on Bin Laden’s involvement in the planning of the attacks. After a short deliberation, the jury came out and acknowledged there is no real evidence linking the supposed Al-Qaida mastermind to the tragic events of September 11. Spong’s main argument in his sharp and clever plea is the extreme doubtfulness of the ‘admission’ given by someone who vaguely resembles the bearded boogieman.
‘It’s such a bizarre and irrational ruling’, Giuliani said, ‘that I don’t think it’ll have any weight with anyone, other than to fuel conspiracy theories. The clear damage it does is that it gives people who want to seize on irrational theories something else to talk about.’
By casting doubt on the Bin Laden tapes as well as pointing to the fact that 911 is not mentioned in Bin Laden’s rap sheet on the FBI’s most wanted list, Spong apparently forces the former mayor of New York further in the defensive. Giuliani tells

‘The message is a very disturbing one. It’s a very irrational decision based on all the evidence that’s been amassed by the 9/11 Commission that has concluded (Bin Laden) was the instigator and mastermind of the attacks. It’s contradictory to all those factual findings.’
A d v e r t i s e m e n t

It has of course been exhaustively reported that the 9/11 Commission report is heavy with errors and conflicts of interest- not to mention in regards to Giuliani’s own role on that fateful day, which is still shrouded in mystery.
According to the Fox News website, Giuliani remarked that ‘it’s unfortunate that television programs like ‘Devil’s Advocate’ are free to float irrational arguments about who was behind the terror attacks.’

Lamenting the fact that television programs are free to air doubt, he obviously prefers that the media would do nothing but spout the official version of 911.


Research related links

Dutch TV show exonerates Osama bin Laden
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