Friday, December 18, 2009

2009: The End of the Decade Part 4

meetme52 The Esoteric Interpretation of The Black Eyed Peas Meet Me Halfway

Symbolism in Videos is common to be exposed. Vigilant recently expose the esoteric parts of the Black Eyed Peas video called "Meet Me Halfway." Black Eyed Peas used to be an underground rap group in the late 1990's and turned more pop in the 21st century with the addition of Fergie, who is a singer. The website showed the truth that the video was about a journey from Earth into illumination. Illumination is the occult concept of humanity ascending into godhood and perfection basically. The video has occult influences from Gnosticism, Kabbalah, Freemasonry , Theosophy, and even some Eastern religions. The video starts with Fergie lying in a lush, green jungle. She is on the Earth plane in the physical world. Vigilant believes that she represents the Eve archetype in the Garden of Eden. Fergie looks into the sky to seek more than what the terrestial world can give her (as her biggest wish). She wants to divine nature of the Universe in her spiritual quest. is another artist of Black Eye Peas. assists Fergie in her higher consciouness journey to achieve spiritual enlightenment. He is dressed as sage or mystic found in Eastern religion. He is mediated. He acts like he has an aura and an ethereal non human presence. wants Fergie to come to him in order to be spiritual. The dualism of being spiritual and Fergie being physical is found in the 2 souls concept in Kabbalah and Rosicurcianism (even in alchemy, there is Mercury being female and Sulfur being male). uses a Torah Point to consult his map. The torah pointer is found in Kabbalah studies to find enlightenment (The Kabbalah like Gnosticism teach 2 Adams being one was a divine being and an Earthly Adam. Hall wrote about this). The rapper Will.I.Am acts as the vehicle or the liason between the spiritual and the terrestrial world. He allows Fergie and to unite again. Will.I.Am raps about traveling. The elephant that Will.I.Am travels on has the image of the double headed eagle. This symbol is found in the Vatican, Byznatine Empire, Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the 33rd Degree, etc. This image represents the union of dual forces, equilibrium in nature, authority, power, etc. uses the pine cone staff. is the active principle and Fergie is the passive principle. When they merge together, they are complete and one. This is done in the cosmic desert. Pine cones have many meanings in the occult. The pine cone links the physical and spiritual worlds. It can relate to the third eye of the pineal grand that in the occult opens man's mind into the spiritual world (after you're awakened your 7 chakra field in your body). When the 7 chakras are activitated, you recieve spiritual perception according to esoteric thought. The cone has been found in Vatican imagery and the staff of the 2 serpent kundalini image. The staff represents the spine and the pine cone represents the pineal gland. Kundalini is the serpent power in Hinduism and Illuminists. Manly P. Hall wrote that the pine cone has been caused the thyrsus of bacchus and used in the crown of a deceased person meeting Osiris in his Judgment Hall. The pineal gland is the sacred pine cone in man – the eye single according to Hall in the following words:

"...Sufficient similarity exists between the Masonic CHiram and the Kundalini of Hindu mysticism to warrant the assumption that CHiram may be considered a symbol also of the Spirit Fire moving through the sixth ventricle of the spinal column. The exact science of human regeneration is the Lost Key of Masonry, for when the Spirit Fire is lifted up through the thirty-three degrees, or segments of the spinal column, and enters into the domed chamber of the human skull, it finally passes into the pituitary body (Isis), where it invokes Ra (the pineal gland) and demands the Sacred Name. Operative Masonry, in the fullest meaning of that term, signifies the process by which the Eye of Horus is opened. E. A. Wallis Budge has noted that in some of the papyri illustrating the entrance of the souls of the dead into the judgment hall of Osiris the deceased person has a pine cone attached to the crown of his head. The Greek mystics also carried a symbolic staff, the upper end being in the form of a pine cone, which was called the thyrsus of Bacchus. In the human brain there is a tiny gland called the pineal body, which is the sacred eye of the ancients, and corresponds to the third eye of the Cyclops. Little is known concerning the function of the pineal body, which Descartes suggested (more wisely than he knew) might be the abode of the spirit of man. As its name signifies, the pineal gland is the sacred pine cone in man – the eye single, which cannot be opened until CHiram (the Spirit Fire) is raised through the sacred seals which are called the Seven Churches in Asia.”-Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages

meetme91 The Esoteric Interpretation of The Black Eyed Peas Meet Me Halfway

Rapper Taboo sees the light represents enlightenment and divinity. He raps about going into the otherside. Will. I.Am opens the portal so Fergie and can meet. The pyramid shaped gateway outlines the spiritual world and people coming into divnity. The lower shaped cube gateway is representative of planet Earth or the material plane in the video. So, Black Eyed Peas' Meet Me Halfway has many symbols from Buddhism, Alchemy, Freemasonry, the Kabbalah, etc. The video shows the simple goal of esoterics to go from the material plane into spiritua enlightenment. This is the same goal of alchemy, Freemasonry, and other Secret Societies. The video proves that occult symbolism is common in the world of mainstream music. It's find to have a connection with God and help others. It's certainly wrong to exploit symbolism to promote evil, wars, and distractions.


The Arrivals and the Wake Up Project
The Arrivals and The Wake Up Project have errors. The Arrivals is a series trying to expose the new world order agenda, but they were created by Muslims. They are right that a new world order agenda does exist in which some are trying to create an one world order. Many of these elitists follow Satanism and the occult, which the Arrival series is right about, the alien/UFO deception is demonic, and that the Babylonian mysteries that exist thousands of years ago are influencing Secret orders today. The Arrivals and the Wake UP Project endorse some parts of the Zeitgeist story. They believe that it's accurate for some part the Christian Jesus Christ, which is false. They are Muslims, so they support their version of Jesus, which they disagree with Zeitgeist on. In Islam, Jesus is considered just a prophet, he didn't die on the cross, etc. The truth is that the many of the ancient mythological figures of Buddha, Mithras, and others weren't born of a virgin like Jesus Christ was. The lie of Jesus Christ being similar to Horus, etc. was a recent invention created by occultists like HP Blavastsky (including Gerald Massey. Massey was a high Cheif Druid and he was contributor to Blavastsky's Lucifer Magazine. Zeitgeist followed the works of Freemasons Albert Churchward, James Churchward, Druid and Mason Geoffrey Higgins, and Freemason Michael Baigent as well) and some Freemasons. The Wake Up Project promotes lies into their religious beliefs. As early as 1889, Blavastky had told a group of Theosophical students that the real purpose of establishing the Society was to prepare humanity of the World Teacher when he appeared again on Earth. The World Teacher has been promoted by esoterics, but this is a slick deciever. Zeitgeist is promoting the occult/Masonic views on history. The Arrivals and the Wake Up Project agrees with Zeitgiest's error that Horus was referred to as the Son of God, the Light of the world, and the ruler of all. They don't try to debunk that part of Zeitgeist, because the Arrivals, etc. believe that Jesus Christ isn't the Son of God, or the Light of the World, but only a prophet. The Bible says that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Light of the world, and the Saviour of mankind though. The Wake Up Project attacks the New Testament Jesus as the story of Horus, which is false. They are picking and choosing what they agree with Zeitgeist. So, the Arrivals' Wake Up Project is attacking the Bible secretly. Muslims never deny that God can forgive sins.
The Wake Up Project uses Catholic sun symbolism and Saturnalia date of Decemeber 25 as an excuse to falsely tie Biblical Christianity to apostacy. The Bible doesn't teach the date of Jesus Christ's birth at all. December 25 is the date of Christmas, which relates to the Mass of Romanism. The early American Christians rejected Christmas as a Papal invention. Romanism added paganism to appease pagans. That is why Romanism tried to ban the common man to own the Bible in his or her own tongue. So, the pagan sun symbolism was never apart of true Christianity and came about infiltrate apostate Christianity centuries after 100 A.D. The symbolism of the new world order has an Eye of Horus. The new world order is trying to use the choas in the world as an excuse to promote their Utopia. In other words, the new world order crowd is trying to pose as our Saviours (which they aren't) as a means to con people to accept their agenda. Alice Bailey admitted that: "...The new world order must be appropriate to a world which has passed through a destructive crisis and to a humanity which is badly shattered by the experience. The new world order must lay the foundation for a future world order which will be possible only after a time of recovery, of reconstruction, and of rebuilding..." The old world in Bailey's mind must be destroyed in order to create the new world order. The Wake Up Project supports the Madhi as the Messiah, when there is no Scriptural verse to support the Madhi as the Messiah. You can make the case that the Mahdi is an archetype of the Antichrist. The Antichrist will claim to be God in a Temple according to 2 Thessalonians 2:2-4 and Daniel 11. So, the Antichrist will try to exalt himself all beings. The Bible says that the Antichrist will come first then the 2nd arrival of Jesus Christ.
Afghanistan and Pakistan Updates
Afghanistan is a controversial subject. Afghanistan posseses a very ancient history. It's based in South Central Asia. It borders Iran to the West, Pakistan to the south and east, and near Turkemistan. Historically, the area is known as the Silk Road during the MIddle Ages where trading in goods plus foods was common. Afghan is the name for the ethnic Pashtuns. The Pashtuns is the largest ethnic group of the country. Pasthuns are Iranian ehtno-linguistic group of people who live in Central Asia not only in Afghanistan. Some still don't know the complete origins of the Pasthuns though. They spoke an Indo-European nation and some believe that they are an Iranian group of people, possibly descendants of the Bactrians plus the Scythians. Iranian tribes did live in Afghanistan during ancient times. They are known to be divided into various clans. Pasthuns have mixed with other invaders and other neigbhoring groups, so they aren't homogeneous. Some recent genetic genealogy studies show Pashto-speaking Pashtuns are mainly related to Iranian peoples and to the Burusho who speak a language isolate. A famous Pasthun was Mohammaed Zahir Shah, who was the last King of Afghanistan. He reigned from 1933 to 1973. Thousands of years ago, farming communities flourished in Afghanistan. It was a nexus point where Indo-European peoples have created civilizations and evne fought with others. The region houses the Aryan/Indo-Iranian tribes like the Bactrians, the Arians, Arachosians, etc. The Indo-Aryans have had influence in the region. Zoroastrianism even may have originated in Afghanistan between 1800 and 800 B.C. Zoroaster, the philosopher and religious leader lieved and died in Balkh. There was the ancient Iranian language of Avestan. In the 6th century B.C., the Medians were overtaken by the Achaemenid Persians. The Persians took over Afghanistan as well, which the Greeks called Arachosia.
Alexander the Great (who was Macedonian) would be famous for his Empire. His empire spread from Greece, Egypt, the Middle East, into Afghanistan, and as far East as Eastern India. After Alexander died, the Selecuid Empire ruled Afghanistan until 305 B.C. when the Hindu Mauryan Empire gained much of the area. Hinduism and Buddhism flourished in the Afghan region in that time period. Bactria existed in Afghanistan and Greco-Bactrians utilized Greek culture. By the 1st century A.D., the Parthian Empire subjugated Afghanistan, but they lost it to Indo-Pathian peoples. Kingdoms spread from the Kushan Empire, the Sassanids in the 3rd century A.D., and others. The Muslim Arabic armies conquered Afghanistan by the early Middle Ages. The Mongols has a temporary rule over Afghanistan. Later, the Durrani Empire in the 1700's marked the beginnings of the modern Afghan state. Nadir Shah ruled many Pashtuns of the Abdali clan. They ruled the region of Kandahar, Ghanzi, Kabul, and Lahore, He was assassinted by possibly his nephew Ali Qoli in June 19, 1747. Much of the Afghani lands by the 19th century was owned by British colonalists after the Anglo-Afghan wars. Afghanistan had tensions with British India and soon Pakistan was formed. The Kingdom of Afghanistan existed in the 20th century. Some reforms existed in the Kingdom. A key person behind the reforms was Mahmud Tarzi. He was Amanullah Khan's Foreign Minister and father in law. Mahmud supported the education of women. He fought for Article 68 of Afghanistan's first Constitution (that was declared via a Loya Jirga) which made elementary education compulsory. Amanullah allowed the abolition of the traditional Muslim veil for women and the creation of co-educational schools. This angered many tribal and religious leaders of course. Amanullas was forced to abdicate from the throne in January 1928 after Kabul fell to forces which were led by Habibullah Kalakani.
File:Zaher Shah Kennedy.jpg
The longest period of stability in Afghanistan was when the country was under the rule of King Zahir Shah (from 1933 until 1973). By 1973, Mohammad Doaud Khan was the first President of Afghanistan. He was Zahir Shah's brother in law. Khan criticized Pakistan and wanted Soviet plus USA help for development. Khan was controversial and was murdered by the PDPA (or the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan). This murder along with Khan's family was called the Great Saur Revolution (or Khalq. Saur means April in Pashto). On May 1, 1978, Taraki became President. The country was then renamed the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (DRA), and the PDPA regime lasted, in some form or another, until April 1992. The PDPA allowed the freedom of religion, land reforms, waiving farmers' debt nationwide, and introduced women into political life. Marxist woman Anahita Ratebzad called for equal rights for women, job security, health care, and equal education. By the late 1970's, religious Afghanis opposed this reality. So, America saw the situation to attack Afghanistan as a means to weaken the Soviet Union. The government in Afghanistan was pro-Soviet, so if the West could provoke conflict, the Soviets will respond by occupying Afghanistan. This occupation by the Soviet will allow the West to fund Muslim radicals called the Mujahideen to take over the Afghanistan government. The funding of Muslim radicals started in the Carter administration and increased during the Reagan administration. The Soviets finally withrew at about 1989. Yet, the United States did little to rebuild Afghanistan after the war, so the Tablian ruled Afghanistan by the early 1990's. They harmed women by banning them from working and women couldn't even attend schools or universities. Thieves were amputated and other human rights abuses came. Ironically, opium production during the reign of the Taliban was almost wiped out by 2001. 9/11 caused a new focus on Afghanistan and Afghanistan would be changed forever. Afghanistan will never be the same after 9/11.
Carl Levin (who is a Michigan Democrat and Chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services) went to Face the Nation days ago and talked about Afghanistan. Levin's Senate Committee made a report that believes that George W. Bush messed up. They believe Bush allowed Osama bin Laden to get away at Tora Bora. Levin told Harry Smith of CBS that if the U.S. military murdered Osama, we wouldn't of been in Afghanistan presently. The truth is this. The invasion of Afghanistan didn't have to do with Osama bin Laden or the September 11, 2001 attacks in America. The official story on Afghanistan has been a big deception. The occupation of Afghanistan (which Levin probably knows about since he's the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee) has a great deal to do with geopolitics. This geopolitics (as exposed by Zbingniew Brzezinksi's "The Grand Chessboard" book) is about the U.S./West having a footprint in Central Asia (to offset Russia and China) and to gain the oil/mineral resources of the Caspian Sea, which is north of Afghanistan. The BBC reported on September 18, 2001 reported that the U.S. planned to invade Afghanistan before 9/11. Niaz Naik (or a former Pakistani Foreign Secretary) was told by senior American officials in mid-July 2001 that military action against Afghanistan would occur by the middle of October. The idea was to overthrow the Taliban and install a “moderate” government — a government not as intransigent as the Taliban — led by former Afghan King Zahir Shah. Before 9/11, the U.S. was an ally of the CIA/ISI spawned group of the Taliban. An expert on Afghanistan and Pakistan Ahmed Rashid wrote that: "...Between 1994 and 1996, the USA supported the Taliban politically through its allies Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, essentially because Washington viewed the Taliban as anti-Iranian, anti-Shia, and pro-Western. Between 1995 and 1997, US support was even more driven because of its backing for the Unocal [pipeline] project..." Back in 1995, oil giant Unocal penned a 8 billion dollar deal with Turkmenistan. This was done to build 2 pipeline (one for oil and one for gas) to transport oil through Afghanistan and into Pakistan. The Taliban rejected the deal and American forces invaded Afghanistan in 2001. So, the Afghanistan history is very complex.
It's easy to witness the agenda of Barack Obama trying to escalate the war in Afghanistan with his December 1, 2009 speech in West Point. He is also invading Pakistan, which is wrong. Pakistan has about 160 million people with a nuclear program. Afghanistan could be broken up if solutions are made in that country. Researchers believe that some in the West desire Afghanistan to be broken up, so Paksitan can experience balkanization as well in order to act as a buffer in Eurasia near China. Ethnic exploitation by Western governments have occured in Afghanistan and Pakistan for centuries. Acccording to Tarpley, the balkanization path to have a new Pakistan civil war has been supported by U.S. Special Forces General Stanley McChrystal. He organized the network of U.S. torture chambers in Iraq. McChrystal is famous for his policy of making the Sunnis vs. Shiites by agitating the al-Qeada in Iraq. The Middle East and other nations like Afghanistan have complex ethnic group. The Pashtun people are located mainly in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Then we have the Baluchis, located primarily in Pakistan and Iran. The Punjabis inhabit Pakistan, as do the Sindhis. The Bhutto family came from Sind. The Taliban is mostly Pasthun in Afghanistan. Many of them are alienated by the President Karzai when he's a Pasthun ironically. Even after the initial American invasion of Afghanistan, the U.S. allied with the Afghan National Army (it was formed by the US after the 2001. The Afghan officer corps are made up of mostly Tajiks from the Northern Alliance that worked with the USA agaisnt the Pashtun Taliban). The Tajiks speak Dari, sometimes known as eastern Persian. Other Afghan officers come from the Hazara people. The important thing is that the Pashtuns feel shut out. So, part of the U.S. strategy was to murder and pacify the Pashtuns. That is why 40,000 more U.S. including NATO forces are sent into the Helmand province and other locations where the Pashtuns are the majority. The Pashtuns respond to these circumstances by fighting foreign occupation and some of them are sent into Pakistan. The Pashtuns also alieanted from the central government in Pakistan. The Punjabs and the Sindhis influence the Islamabad government plus the army. Covertly in the Pakistan, the U.S. is doing operation like assassinations of peopel via unmanned vehicles or drones, murders by the CIA, reported Blackwater snipers, and terrorist massacares (that the Pakistani Taliban blame on Blackwater). These acts are immoral of course. The Pashtun people could start a secessionist movement because of this. The Baluchis live in Iran and have their grievances against Iran's central governmetn in Tehran, which they see as controlled by the Persians. In Iranian Baluchistan, the CIA is funding the murderous Jundullah organization, which was recently denounced by Teheran for the murder of a number of top officials of the Iranian Pasdaran Revolutionary guards. Even Democratic Russ Feingold of Wisconsin warned that U.S. policy in Afghanistan could actually push terrorists and extremists into Pakistan and, as a consequence, further destabilize the region: “You know, I asked the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mullen, and Mr. Holbrooke, our envoy over there, a while ago, you know, is there a risk that if we build up troops in Afghanistan, that will push more extremists into Pakistan?” he told ABC. “They couldn’t deny it, and this week, Prime Minister Gilani of Pakistan specifically said that his concern about the buildup is that it will drive more extremists into Pakistan, so I think it’s just the opposite, that this boots-on-the-ground approach alienates the Afghan population and specifically encourages the Taliban to further coalesce with Al Qaida, which is the complete opposite of our national security interest.” That is why Barack Obama's speech at West Point blur the distinction between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Even General McChrystal and U.S. Ambassador Eikenberry merged Afghanistan and Pakistan in their congressional hearings as "Afpak" or "Afpakia." Secret U.S. programs are in Uzbekistan as well. A Break up of Pakistan could allow the West to control its oil resources stagnating the power base of China. So, the geopolitics in Afghanistan and Pakistan is more complex than realized. We of course in the anti-war movement should oppose these endeavors as causing death and Utopian in nature.

Heresies are common and we have right to expose them. Homeopathy has been criticized in many quarters. Some have shown that homeopathy relates to energy and the occult. This approach to medicine has been blasted by legitimate church leaders. Traditional medicine has nothing to do with a mystical energy at all. The founder of modern homoepathy was a physician named Samuel Hahnemann. Samuel believed that disease and disorder was triggered when the vital force dominates the human body in an unopposed and dynamic way. Homeopaths claim that the cause of a disease-like sign or symptom in a healthy body is itself capable of curing the sign or symptom. Medically, this theory isn't proven conclusively. Homeopathy claims that it can have physical healing and help a person's emotional and mental state. Some homoepathy supporters promote occultic water to deal with illnessses. Modern medicine have improved the quality of life in many sectors, although some people have exploited it to promote evil (like forced vaccinations, germ warfare, etc.). Samuel's book "Organon of the Art of Healing" remains the foundational text in the field. At the 1960 Montreux International Congress on Homeopathy, the 160th anniversary of the Organon was celebrated. The congress said, “The Organon is for the homeopath what the Bible is for the Christian.” Ironically, Hahnemann was exposed as linking with occult ideas according to the Logos Resource Pages. He rejected the Jesus Christ of the Bible, allied with Eatsern religions, and followed Confucius as his model. He was a follower of Emanuel Swedenborg, who taught his followers to enter an alternative state of consciousness in order to commune with spirits. Hahnemann praised the occultist Mesmer as having a gift from God. Hahnemman was pantheist believing that God is in all things, which is a heresy. Homeopathy teaches the Hindu concept that a vital life force or life energy is in all things. This pantheistic ideal is one critical part of New Age plus occult thought. It deals with handling the energy field so-called. Some of their remedies are nothing more than water. There are drug materials that homoeopathic supports believe harbor a spirit. Homoepathy is certainly dangerous being occultic, panthetic, and harboring a Hindu-like philosophy. According to one source: “The occult influence in homeopathy is transmitted to the individual, bringing him consciously or unconsciously under demonic influence. ... It is significant frequently to find nervous depression in families using homeopathic treatments” (Homeopathy Examined, translated from French by Marvyn Kilgore, 1984). So, the truth is coming out in these things.
The Jesus Seminar is getting more New Age. The Jesus Seminar is about liberal theological leaders denying much if not most of what the New Testament says about Jesus Christ. So, they have councils and meetings to find new ways to not only question the Bible, but question or deny many of the core tenets of Christianity (from the virgin birth, the resurrection, Jesus' existence even, etc. The Bible is clear is that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is a core tenet of Christianity. If you deny the resurrection, you can't be a Christian period). They promote apostasy. Lloyd Geering written a new book that wants people to depart from the faith, which was once delivered unto the saints according to Jude 1:3. The Jesus Seminar supports Geerings book. The endorsement of Geering’s book on the Jesus Seminar website says, ‘The mainline churches in the Western world are declining ... because they are all out of step with the modern secular world. ... the churches reveal a lack of faith by insisting on an infallible Bible and a set of unchangeable doctrines tailored to an obsolete worldview” (, November 6, 2009). This is disrespect by that Seminar of course. Geering's book is called "Coming Back to Earth." Geering wants people to complete the work of the Second Axial Age. This nothing wrong than promoting a new age to achieve "a global consciousness." He believes that God is present in us and life itself. This is false since God created the Universe, but God isn't all in us or in all creation. God is seperate from his creation. Brethren, apostasy and unbelief is widespread and it seems the world is rushing recklessly toward its demise, so ‘... abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming’ (1 John 2:28).” The Bible is clear that God is personal towards us humans, but man can't be God or evolve into a god. The Second Axial age is nothing more than a veiled promotion of the new world order or the new age.
Ecumenicalism is still going on in the 21st century. One of the biggest Ecumenicals in the world is Tony Blair including Rick Warren. The Tony Blair Foundation wants to promote charity and have dialogue without changing the fundamentals of anyone's faith. Yet, is this foundation just one keystone toward the creation of an one world religious atmosphere. History proves it. New Age leaders like David Spangler want the new religious age to come under the guise of taking a Luciferic initiation. Even Jesuit priest Theilhard de Chardin wanted the unification for all world religions to herald the coming of his Christ (not the Jesus Christ of the Bible of course). Chardin is considered the father of the New Age movement. His writings were key in the development of Vatican II. Vatican II launched the modern ecumenical movement in the 20th to the 21st century. Tony Blair himself is an Ecumenical and is a recent convert to Roman Catholicism. He had masses and talked with the Pope about globalization including having dialogue with other faiths. Rick Warren supports the Emergent Church movement as well with ties to the Vatican. The Vatican wants globalization as they have been key in developing the infrastructure for the establishment of the European Union (according to Adrian Hitlon's "The Principality and Power of Europe" on pg. 34). The Treaty of Rome was created in 1957 that caused the EEC or the European Economic Community to be formed. It was formed to have economic barriers to decrease in Europe, which lead to the EU. Hitlon believes that the Vatican wants to promote their policies in the so-called Christian Democratic parties. Emergent leader Brian McLaren use Vatican terminology to promote their goals of Ecumenicalism and spiritual apostasy. Salvation is the solution to the Vatican and Ecumenicalism. According to Catholic doctrine, there is NO SALVATION outside the Church of Rome. This is testified to by the most up to date declarations from the Roman Church, which can be found in Vatican Council II. The Vatican believes that without the Pope, the sacrament, the Virgin Mary, and other things, you can't be saved. This isn't true. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.” (John 11:25-26) With this, Paul wrote: “For by grace are ye saved through faith … not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9). Anyone can be saved just like Roman Catholics have been saved as well.

By Timothy