Friday, December 18, 2009

2009: The End of the Decade Part 5

Technology Developments
Technology is developing rapidly. Barack Obama nominated the AI pioneer as the Pentagon's Director of Defense Research and Engineering. His name is Zachary Lemnios. Barack Obama himself likes to discuss issues about innovation in technological revolution. Zachary hellp to create DARPA's IPTO to spearhead the AI you witness in the movies. DARPA helped to create the Internet in the late 1960's. Today, the government wants transhumanism and nanotechnology to be advanced greatly. The life extension proposals and transhumanism is nothing more than the 21st century version of the promotion of human godhood or human immorality (which is one of the secret, occult doctrines of the Secret Societies plus the Mystery Schools of old). Technology have advanced in a rapid way to know human brain waves, voice recognition, and other nano-bio-info-cogno- convergence or NBIC. This transhumanist/mystic doctrine is found even in cartoon shows. One example is the "Justice League Unlimited" cartoon, which is one of the throwback cartoons that are modernized in the 21st century. The series is about superheroes (like Batman, Superman, Wonder woman, Flash, and other characters from DC Comics) trying to protect the Earth from aliens and other entities. One episode of it is called "The Return." It's about a nanotechnological based android being coming to Earth to settle an old scroe with the criminal mastermind Lex Luther. The andriod acts like a godlike being and acts Luther about the purpose of his existence. The andriod knows about knowledge, he can destroy planets, communicate, have telepathy, and absorb attacks from superheroes. The andriod later works with one of the superheroes to find his quest for life. This superhero or mystic has the ankh logo in his powers. The ankh represents reproduction and eternal life, thereby the andriod has eternal life. Some believe that the end scene depicts a Masonic “point within a circle” symbol. According to the Mason Alber Makcey, the poin in the cirlce represents the Universe and the solar orb (including the phallic in the circle or female reproduction organ. Mackey also describes this symbol as meaning the following: "...Everybody who has read a masonic “Monitor” is well acquainted with the usual explanation of this symbol. We are told that the point represents an individual brother, the circle the boundary line of his duty to God and man, and the two perpendicular parallel lines the patron saints of the order–St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist...All the deities of pagan antiquity, however numerous they may be, can always be reduced to the two different forms of the generative principle–the active, or male, and the passive, or female. Hence the gods were always arranged in pairs, as Jupiter and Juno, Bacchus and Venus, Osiris and Isis. But the ancients went farther. Believing that the procreative and productive powers of nature might be conceived to exist in the same individual, they made the older of their deities hermaphrodite, and used the term ἀῤῥενοθέλυς, or man-virgin, to denote the union of the two sexes in the same divine person"). Now, the point in the circle representing generation is found by Mackey's research. This symbol is found in the Washington Monument and Vatican's St. Peter's Square (if you look at it from above). The 2012 paranoia is a means where the elite want to serious get much of their goals accomplish. That is why DARPA and NASA want their secret AI programs to be online by 2012 (with invasive brain computer interfaces). Transhumanism mixed with a technological transformation of people is a key threat among humans who love individuality. There are even new laser guns and pain rays. Thee are US acoustical cannons, pain beans mounted on Humvee turrts, and laser beam optical stun rifles. The Halting and Stimulation Response (PHASR) is a non-lethal laser rifle that can dazzel people without causing permanent harm. It was formed by the Air Force Research Laboratory in New Mexico, US. 2 prototypes were delivered to military bases in Texas plus Virginia for further testing. Similar weapons have been used in Iraq and protests across America even (as early as 2004). Elitists like Brzezinski called for a more technocratic society:
"....The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values...Soon it will be possible to assert lamost continous surveillance over every citizen and mainstain up to date complte files containing even the most personal information about the citizen..."
-Elitist Zbigniew Brzezinksi, "Between Two Ages" 1970, pgs. 72, 83.
This is Never the End, Only a New Beginning

2010 is coming soon, 2009 isn't the end of me. Still, the RAND Corporation wants a militarized society. The RAND Corporation is of course one of the research arms of the military industrial complex. It released a study entitled, "A Stability Police Force for the United States: Justification and Creating U.S. Capabilities." In it, they propose the existence of SPFOR. This is an acronym for a hybrid military/law enforcement unit created in America. It's proposed to be created within the U.S. Marshalls or the USMS. The Rand Corporation want it to be used in “in a range of tasks such as crowd and riot control, special weapons and tactics (SWAT), and investigations of organized criminal groups” — both abroad, in UN-directed multilateral military operations, and at home, as dictated by the needs of the Regime. The SPOR's size is initially 2,000-6000 personnel, but it can increase its size with additioanl federal , state, and local police from the USA as necessary. The RAND Study wants the SPOF to avoid conflicts with the Posse Comitatus Act by recommending using the Marshals Service rather than the U.S. Army's Military Police as a host for SPFOR. This RAND Study was conducted for the U.S. Army's Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute. The Posse Comitatus Act forbids the domestic use of the military as a law enforcement body.The RAND Corporation wants this hybrid unit to supplant shortages in local police agencies. Yet, this proposal is really forcing a military internal security force in America. Building the SPFOR within the Marshals Service according to the RAND Corporation document·would place it where its members can develop the needed skills under the hybrid staffing option,” summarizes the document· “Furthermore, the USMS has the broadest law enforcement mandate of any U.S. law enforcement agency…. [This model] provides significant domestic policing and homeland security benefits by providing thousands of additional police officers across the United States.” Back in 1961, the U.S. Government produced a document entitled “Freedom From War” that envisioned the creation of a globe-spanning United Nations “Peace Force” that would work in collaboration with a militarized “internal security” force in each country. Since that time, critics of the UN have anticipated the day when foreign “peacekeepers” would be assigned to police American streets and, if necessary, confiscate privately owned firearms. If a militarized police force does exist in the fashion RAND desires, they could be commanded by D.C. not by the U.N. Well, it's time to say goodbye to 2009 and welcome 2010, which is a new year and a new decade. It's a new era in my life.
By Timothy

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