Sunday, June 13, 2010

Summer 2010 Part 5


It's a fact that Steinem was on the CIA payroll. Now, there's a difference between legitimate feminism (of just wanting equality among both genders in life. There is nothing wrong with equal pay, equal respect, and equal rights among all genders. Women ought to have equal job & educational opportunities) and that corporate feminism (that believes in the lie of no differences among males and females biologically & emotionally or promoting divisiveness among the sexes). The tensions among genders contributed to the growth of the 2 evil movements of the male-bashing and the female bashing movements too. Wilt Chamberlain popularized the evil bash black women movement and the evil bash black men movement has been popularized by Gloria Steinem & her ally Michele Wallace back in 1978. Even Wilt was wrong on some of the things he did. As for me, I will never scapegoat anyone in my life. I am accountable for my own mistakes and no one else is. I want to mention the following. Black women have made tons of sacrifices in the black community. From slavery, the civil rights movement, etc. black women have been in the forefront in fighting for our legitimate liberties. Without a black women, I wouldn't be here. There are tons of times when my black mother came and help me study when I was in grade school. There were plenty of times when black women were curteous to me and treated me with dignity and respect. There are plenty of times when I've assisted black women in assignments in a great manner. I taught by my father to be a man. I've helped my brothers out and stood beside my brothers to fight for our rights as men. Yes, I do know how to fight or defend myself. So, I don't live by stereotypes since there are plenty of sisters with love, respect, and honor. It seems like many brothers (not all of course. There are tons of strong brothers worldwide) are weak in that they jump ship when trouble came. Our ancestors never quit from fighting against oppression. They shed blood and some died in many occasions, so we could exist in this country and battle for justice and equality. A man has the responsibility to build his own self not a woman. A woman can give advice to a man, but a man should improve his life with his own power. Only a man can teach a male to be a man in many instances. Only a woman can teach a female in how to be a woman in many instances. A man and women should work side by side in our civilization though not behind or in front. Why should we quit in standing up for our women. We shouldn't quit. We should stand up for our women and fight for our woman like a man supposed to do. You have to have mental liberation indeed. So, we should go in and stand up for black women and stand up for black men as well. That's apart of my blood and my race. I knew of this stuff in a higher level especially in my mid to late 20s. So, I will never bash males or females collectively at all. Protecting your own self interest (among an ethnic group) is not seperatist. It's just plain common sense. No one is perfect, but we are going to change for the better. So, yes, I do believe in nationalism. I've always did.

Before discussing about Wallace, it's time to discuss about Gloria Steinem. Steinem admitted that she had links to the CIA. She was recruited by the CIA before she was graduated high school. She was born in a poor family, but was allowed to attend the elite and expensive Smith College. She spied for the CIA in India under a Chester Bowles Student Fellowship. The CIA back in the 1950's and the 1960's wanted to disrupt and control anti-war, civil rights, and other youth movements. In 1958, Steinem was recruited by CIA’s Cord Meyers to direct the “informal group of activists” now called the “Independent Research Service.” This was part of Meyer’s “Congress for Cultural Freedom,” which created magazines like “Encounter” and “Partisan Review” to promote a left-liberal chic to oppose Marxism. Steinem went out with the war criminal Henry Kissinger on dates. How can a feminist date a technocrat and war criminal like Kissinger? She dated J. Stanley Pottinger for 9 years. Pottinger was a leader to sabotage civil rights enforcement at the Justice Department . He was the assistant attorney General under President Nixon and President Ford. Columnist Liz Smith said that millionaire publisher Mortimer Zuckerman (who publishes the race baiting New York Daily News) gave 1.2 million dollars to Ms. Magazine. A story about Steinem’s CIA connections appeared in the “Village Voice” on May 21, 1979. An organization of radical white feminists called “Red Stockings” outed Gloria Steinem as a CIA agent. When Red Stockings tried to publish a book called “Feminist Revolution” in 1979 with a chapter that detailed Steinem’s CIA connections, Steinem and her powerful CIA-connected friends forced Random House to delete the chapter on Steinem. A person wrote in my blog that Gunderson never worked with Steinem and I take this person at his or her word. Gunderson (an ex-FBI agent) exposed Satanism, but omitted how the Vatican and CIA participated in ritualized abuse. Gloria Steinem first came across the radar of Black men in 1978 when Steinem put a book called “Black Macho and the Myth of the Superwoman” on the cover of Ms. Magazine, the magazine which she controlled. The book was “written” by a Black “feminist” and “activist” named Michele Wallace who came out of nowhere. Wallace was in her early 20s back then. Wallace slandered Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth (who were great abolitionists) as ugly and stupid for supporting Black men. These are lies and ignorance of course.

She called black revolutionaries chauvinist macho pigs and advised Black women to go it alone. These are lies since Black men and Black women need each other to make great benefits in black culture in general. Gloria Steinem said that Wallace’s book would “define the future of Black relationships” and she pushed hard to make sure the book received massive publicity. Of course Gloria wanted this to try to push a wedge among black men and black women being the limousine liberal that this liar is. Now, the black men bashing increased after 1978. Later, it was found that Gloria Steinem might of been the ghostwriter of the book defining her as a closet racist. Wallace had a nervous breakdown and went into hiding for two years. Steinem is a Bill Clinton supporter. Bill Clinton is more slick than Bush. Now, he got an mentally disabled black man executed named Ricky Ray Rector. He passed the welfare reform bill that has left thousands of women, black people, white people, Asian people, and Hispanic people destitute. He passed draconian drug laws as well and advocated trade deals that sent thousands of jobs overseas (and Bill refused to rescue thousands of Rwandans from genocide). Gloria supported Hillary Clinton as well. Gloria made the remark that black men received the vote "fifty years before women," in a Times Op-Ed (Jan.8). What this liar Gloria meant by that remark is that white women suffered worse suffering than black men in America. That's a lie since black men were met by domestic terrorism, including massacres, and economic retaliation when attempting to exercise the right to have true human rights. White women didn't suffer these things in a high level from 1865-1964 at all. Steinem and her followers should read, Redemption, The Last Battle Of The Civil War," by Nicholas Lemann, which tells the story about how "in 1875, an army of white terrorists in Mississippi led a campaign to 'redeem' their state--to abolish with violence and murder if need be, the newly won civil rights of freed slaves and blacks." Black people were murdered in the 1800's for just trying the exercise the right to vote. Even Cindy Sheehan called Hillary Clinton a phony. Sheehan opposed the Iraq War, while Hillary voted for the 2002 Iraq war resolution. Even anti-lynching crusader Ida B. Wells legitimately tried to stop lynching in America. Yet, the so-called feminist Frances Willard disagreed with opposing lynching. Willard was wrong and she hypocritically wanted suffrage. Willard wanted lynching. Radical feminist Susan Brownmiller's implied that Emmett Till got what he deserved (with being mutilated). Feminist hero, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, offended Frederick Douglass--an abolitionist woman attempted to prevent his daughter from gaining entrance to a girls' school--when she referred to black men as "s__." She was an unabashed white supremacist. She said in 1867, that" [with the black man] we have no new element in government, but with the education and elevation of women, we have a power that is to develop the Saxon race into a higher and nobler life." Steinem should read. Race, Rape, and Lynching by Sandra Gunning, and Angela Davis's excellent Women, Culture, & Politics." This book exposed racism in the suffragette movement although women should be able to vote. Gloria Steinem made the racist stereotype that white women appealled to Barack Obama since he's seen as more masculine being a black male. I told you for a while that these limousine liberals are just as racist as a reactionary neo con like a Rush Limbaugh (i.e. Rosie O'Donnell mocked a Chinese person's accent or Bill Maher talking about the stereotype that you're not a real black man if you don't act aggressive for no legitimate reason whatsoever. Even that left gatekeeper Joan Rivers made cowardly, disrespectful comments about Michelle Obama recently. These types don't love you at all period. People need to wake up). The difference between the 2 is that a reactionary would show their teeth more. The good news is that black women for decades have criticized these racist, radical feminists. In the 2nd day of the convention of Seneca Falls in 1848, white suffragettes tried to prevent the hero Sojourner Truth from speaking. Many of these white suffragettes (not all of them) didn't want black women to have equal rights or voting rights. The scene was described by Frances Dana Gage in Ms. Davis's book. Some minority female feminists believe that some of the middle and upper class white feminists are insensitive to their concerns. In the 21st century, many of these upper class "feminists" would act patronizing or have a false superior attitude toward women of color. Typically, Steinem ignores Hillary Clinton's war votes that can affect many women in Iraq and Afghanistan. Black feminist Bell Hooks exposed the corporate feminists in her book Outlaw Culture. Gloria Steinem is hypocrite by condemning Clarence Thomas for his accused sexual misconduct against Anita Hill, but won't criticize Bill Clinton for his adultery, misogyny, possible rape of a woman, and other crimes even before he was President. Bill Clinton like George W. Bush is a corporate puppet. Though Steinem accuses men of being mean to Mrs. Clinton. Although, she expressed no outrage about surrogate Bill Shaheen painting Obama as drug dealer, or the innuendo promoted by Senator Bob Kerrey. Bob Kerrey was in the Vietnam war and he implied that Barack Obama is some closeted Muslim. In the New York Times, Gloria Steinem's using a hypothetical black woman to do a house cleaning on Obama was what these women must have had in mind. Using a black woman as a prop angered the Nobel Laureate Toni Morrison. Toni criticized Gloria Steinem. Toni Morrison criticized Alice Walker's The Color Purple. Gloria said that the book, The Color Purple, in which one black man commits incest, told "the truth" about black men, the kind of collective blame that's been used against her ethnic group since the time of "the Romans." Gloria once supported the candidacy of Shirley Chisholm's Presidential candidacy and then abandoned it as Shirley became tearful. Shirley Chisholm was always a strong black woman. Gloria is such a racist liar. The Democratic Leadership Council, whose founder, Al Frum, still brags about how he put black people in their place. Clinton was the DLC's candidate for president. So, the lesson here is that there is nothing wrong with equality among males and females. We should respect people of any gender. Yet, we should oppose the radical form of feminism, we should oppose women bashing, and we should oppose male bashing as well.

Anti-immigrant rhetoric is nothing new. Immigration for thousands of years have been a blessing in the world. This anti-immigrant movement have ties to racists, eugenicists, and other evil people. Tom Tancredo in his book "In Mortal danger" bashed Hispanic Americans and use cultural condescension against Muslims and African Americans. Trancedo doesn't beleive that babies born in America should have citizenship. This is ironic since Trancedo's grandparents were immigrated into the U.S. from Italy. Some of the same nativist rhetoric that he embraces were used when his ancestors were demonized (and Trancedo is using those same words that the bigots back then used against his own people). He believes in his version of the traditional America. What America does he means? Does he mean the America where people's lands got stolen or folks were lynched or the America where real tolerance made real changes in America. Trancedo spoke where the crowd had Confederate flags and this event was promoted by the neo-Confederate League of the South. Dr. Michael Hill is the League of the South's President. He said that the U.S. is being overrun by immigrants of non-white descent. Trancedo in his book promote Winston Churchill's 1899 bigoted tone against Muslims. He supports Ann Coulter. Coulter defended racists Charles Murrary and Richard Hernstein's "The Bell Curve" that falsely links race to IQ. The truth is that a person of any race can improve their IQ level via strict intervention. Coulter uses slurs against Muslims. Trancedo is a hypocrite by claiming individualism, but propose that everyone from "suspect countries" should be deported immediately. Victor Davis Hanson wants cuts in legal immigration and wants us to confirm to the Anglicized version of American culture. Hanson is from the Hoover Institution.

Hanson doesn't believe in cultural equality. Knight of Malta Pat Buchannan lies and said that America shouldn't have guilt about racism. Madison Grant was an eugenicist and another anti-immigration radical. He wrote the 1916 "The Passing of the Great Race" the racist words that; "...democracy is fatal to progress when 2 races of unequal value live side by side..." The racist Klan supported draconian restrictions on immigration in 1924. Grant was a lawyer and president of the New York Zoological Society. He was vice President of the Immigration Restriction League. The IRL called itstelf the Eugenic Immigration League. These people reject a man having a right to accept his or her own culture. The anti-immigration movement have allowed the elite to polarize the African American and Hispanic communities in some cases. The good news is that vast majority of both communities haven't taken the bait to hate each other over this issue. There is the Minutemen movement. They are divided into 2 factions. One faction legitimately disagrees with illegal immigration and the other faction is radical and they won't even accept legal immigration. So, immigration is great and real reforms are needed since illegal immigration is a serious problem in America.

The Jesuit Order created the modern Pre-Tribulation Rapture theology. Now, the early church and the Bible is futurist. This means that the Antichrist or the man of sin will come in the future and he will try to harm Jewish plus rule the world temporary. Jesus Christ comes back to end the Antichrist's reign, have a 1,000 year reign, and build his eternal Kingdom forever. The Word of God is clear that there will be a future, visible, coming of Jesus Christ who left Israel nearly 2,000 ago. This Biblical futurism has been expressed by Hippolytus, the Didache, Barnabas, and others. Preterism is blatantly invented by the Jesuits too. Preterism is a belief system. It states that almost all prophecies in the Bible (except the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ) has been fulfilled by 70 A.D. The founder of Preterism was the Jesuit Luis de Alcazar. Preterism is a heresy promoted by so-called professing Christians and by New Ager Benjamin Creme. Creme promotes the Preterism lie in order to give a convenient excuse to promote his Maitreya false Christ. Now, Alcazar wrote his 900 page commentary titled, "Investigation of the Hidden Sense of the Apocalypse," which proposes the entire book of Revelation be applied to pagan Rome and the first six centuries of the Church's existence. None of his commentary was applied to the Middle Ages, thus taking the focus off of and pointing away from the pope as the Antichrist and Catholicism as his system of rule. The shifting away from exposing the Papacy is a key tactic of any Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor then and now. Now, the pro-Jesuit Francisco Ribera invented the modern secret pre-Rapture doctrine. He lived from 1537 to 1591. He wrote that the Tribulation would occur and the church will be raptured 45 days before the end of the Tribulation and return with Jesus Christ at the end of it. The Bible says that the chuch will do to much tribulation and that Jesus Christ will make his 2nd coming at the end of the Tribulation.

The pro-Jesuit scholar Cardinal Robert Bellarmine believed in a similar pre-tribulation philosophy as a means to negate the corruption in the Roman Catholic Church. The Jesuit priest Manuel Lacunza accepted similar doctrines and he might of inspired Irving. Lacunza wrote under an assumed "Jewish" name to obscure the fact that he was a Catholic, in order to give his book better acceptance in Protestantism (which was his intended audience). An advocate of Futurism, Lacunza was deliberately attempting to take the pressure off the papacy by proposing that the Antichrist was still far off in the future. His manuscript was published in London, Spain, Mexico and Paris between 1811 and 1826. Later, Margaret McDonald promoted the false "secret coming" of Jesus Christ in the 1800's. John Nelson Darby & Scofield took the pre-trib doctrine to another level. The Left Behind series promotes these prophetic heresies too. Others legitimately expose the Jesuit-version of futurism to deny any real Jewish people living in 2010. That's a lie since real Jewish people do exist as the Sephradic, Lemba, Yemeni, and other groups of Jewish people (that are descendants from the ancient Hebrews that existed thousands of years ago). This doesn't mean that Israel is perfect. It isn't with the Hexagram as apart of its flag, etc. Neither are other Middle Eastern nations perfect too like the religious liberty suppression in Saudi Arabia, Syria, etc. The pre-trib rapture is commonly promoted in mainstream TV ministries and the Ecumenical Movement. Some of their proponents made their false predictions about Jesus Christ's 2nd coming over the years (like the JWs). Even Fritz Springmeier exposed the pre-trib rapture and accepted the Biblical Posttribulation Gospel. He said that:

"...One way that you can spot this doctrine is that its believers believe that they are going to be raptured because supposedly God doesn’t want them to suffer. (Which is contrary to what He says in His Word.) They will not challenge the evil global dictatorship that continues to tighten its grip on us like a boa constrictor because they are going to be magically whisked away from trouble...."

Fritz also wrote that:

"... For 18 centuries, Christians had believed in what is called today the Post-Trib Rapture—that is that when Christ returned they would be caught up with him. This is what 1 Thes 4:13-18 clearly indicates. However, several Protestant groups in Ireland, Scotland and England with Jesuit ties began preaching a secret Rapture after Margaret's visions....In England, The Oxford Movement, a secret Jesuit program to destroy Protestantism published tracts promoting the Rapture. A Robert Baxter, began prophesying and receiving angelic communications, which included the Rapture. On Presbyterian church caught up in this early Charismatic movement, formally applied to become Roman Catholic. Later, Baxter declared that the messages he had received although supernatural, had come from Satan...."

The Bible is clear that we should fight against evil by doing good plus contend for the faith.

The BP disaster proves that Big Oil has corruption issues. The BP disaster is having a mixed result among the Barack Obama administration. This BP oil spill can allow people see the scope of the problem with BP and how it effects energy markets plus politics. Barack Obama said that he didn't know of the ties of the corruption between oil companies and politicans extending past the Bush's administration into his time in office. Oil and energy corruption is common in America though. BP began when oil was discovered in Iran by 1908 by William Knox D'Arcy. In that year, the Anglo-Persian oil Company came about. In 1923, Winston Churchill was secretly paid about 5,000 pounds to lobby the British government in order to create a monopoly over Iranian oil. The pro-Western Prime Minister in Iran was assassinated in 1951. Later, the Iranian Parliament nationalized the oil industry by an unanimous vote. There was an election of a new nationalist Prime Minister named Mossadeq. The CIA and the British led a coup against Mossadeq by 1953. He was ousted from power. In 1954, the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company changed it name to British Petroleum. BP grew into an international consortium. It shared profit with Iran at a 50-50 split. The company was 40% owned by Iran, 40% owned by 5 American companies, 20% owned by Royal Dutch Shell and the French Petroleum Company. No Iranians were allowed on the Board of Directors or to audit the company. The 5 American companies include Exxon, Gulf Oil, Mobil, Standard Oil and Texaco; all of which were controlled, merged or or owned by parent companies affiliated with the Rockefeller family over time Many of the Rockefellers and other families own the oil monopoly in covert means after the Sherman Antitrust Act was passed. Oil cartels have done price fixing before. Some feel that stockholders don't necessarily control the company when BP is called a publicly traded company. In 1979, the Ayatollah Khomeini broke all contracts and gave 90% ownership to BP oil. Iran retained a 10% interest. In 1988, BP merged with Amoco (a subsidiary of Standard Oil), and in 2002, acquired ARCO. Peter Sutherland was the non-executive chairman of BP for 13 years until the end of 2009. Sutherland is apart of the Trilateral Commission, the UN, Goldman Sachs, he was director of Bank of Scotland, etc. Sutherland was instrumental in the UK’s immigration mess, negating Ireland’s ban on abortion. Sutherland is even reported to be on the steering committee of the Bilderberg group. He has been succeeded by Carl-Henric Svanberg, former CEO of Ericsson telecommunications. Obama claimed full authority over the environmental horror, yet he don't want to ban the toxic dispersant Corexit. Corexit is produced by NALCO. NALCO's original name is the National Aluminate Corporation. It formed a limited partnership with Exxon Chemical Company in 1994. Ondeo Nalco was purchased by Goldman Sachs, Apollo, and Blackstone in 2003. It's now a publicly traded company. There was the use of Corexit in Alaska after the Exxon Valdez disaster. This caused toxicity to humans against their respiratory system, nervous system, liver, kidney, and made blood disorders. NALCO's business ties have made safe and natural cleanup methods avoided in the Gulf in order to have an economic agenda. Barack Obama lifted the bans for offshore drilling just before the Gulf oil disaster. Now, he's considering to ban more drilling because of the oil spill. Some feel that Agenda 21 is promoted, but Agenda 21 deals with how corporate interests control private property under the guise of environmental protection. There is nothing wrong with alternative energies being promoted like wind, solar, natural gas, alcohol, and hemp production. Alcohol can be made from almost anything that ferments. According to Robert Deitch, in his book “Hemp: American History Revisited”, Prohibition- the outlaw of alcohol on moral principles, which lasted from 1920- 1933 was a result of collusion between Rockefeller, who owned Standard Oil and Mellon, who owned Gulf Oil. The book says that prohibition was used to make America reliant on oil instead of alcohol in car engines. Alcohol is cheap to make. Hemp is another source of natural oil. That is why the feds prohibited it in many cases. Hemp is a threat to the oil industry. Some want a criminal investigation of BP. There are many evidence of environmental crimes and a lack of accountability from BP. There was the massive spill that occured in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska in 2006. No felony convictions came about from the 2006 incident. BP violated the Clean Air Act. Some view these investigations as a tool to create more govenrmental control, but it's never immoral to have investigatiosn. There is also a suggestion of prosecution for Endangered Species Act (ESA) violations; the purpose for this is not to hold BP liable for killing wildlife and sea creatures. Some fear an expansion of the federal government, but the expansion of corporate power caused the crisis in the first place. the United Nations recently announced that they are shifting their attention away from man made global warming “problems” to endangered species. Of course, this is a result of the unravelling of the of the scientific lies about man made global warming which was revealed in numerous scandals including ‘Climategate.' Although, the ESA shouldn't be exploited by some to steal private property. There are controlled opposition in environmental groups like the Friends of the Earth (FOE), WWF, Sierra Club, NRDC, etc. They are funded by the Club of Rome, the Rockefeller & ford Foundations, oil companies, and the United Nations. NGOs are tied to them as well to conduct theft or private property and depopulation schemes. This doesn't mean we shouldn't take care of the environment, but we should be careful in cleaning up the world around us.

By Timothy


stuartbramhall said...

Interesting blog. I especially like the part about Gloria Steinem. She supposedly had oversight over a division of female informants who posed as extreme feminists in order to disrupt community organizing in African American communities. I think I met one of them in 1987, but fortunately the man in charge of our organization was wise to what was happening and did appropriate damage control. Obviously what she did to the women's rights movement was far more damaging. I write about some of these experiences in my recent memoir THE MOST REVOLUTIONARY ACT: MEMOIR OF AN AMERICAN REFUGEE (I currently live in exile in New Zealand).

Brian Hill said...

Thanks for getting all of this important information. I may submit this to my news site depending on your permission because getting out the facts and truth will beat all the government propaganda being put out by the Pentagon right now.

Timothy said...

Thanks for both of you. Brian Hill, you always have my permission to use this information since the real truth ought to be known on these issues.

By Timothy

Anonymous said...

[Hi Truthseeker. Saw this on the net. Any reaction? Karl]

Catholicism Invented the Rapture? C'mon!

Many web sites claim that a 16th century Jesuit Catholic priest named Francisco Ribera taught an early form of the famous evangelical "rapture" that reportedly precedes and is disconnected from the final Second Coming.
To see the actual thrust of this claim, Google "Francisco Ribera taught a rapture 45 days before the end of Antichrist's future reign."
But no one ever quotes even one sentence from Ribera's monumental commentary on the Book of Revelation which is said to be the source of the 45-day rapture claim.
Claimants are challenged to produce Ribera's own words on this matter. If they cannot, their names should be blazoned on the web as hysterical historians! (BTW, no other Catholic leader, including Jesuit priest Manuel Lacunza, has ever taught a prior rapture.)
Curious about the real beginnings of the same mystical "fly-away" belief (a.k.a. the "pre-tribulation rapture") that has captivated many evangelical leaders including Darby, Scofield, Lindsey, Falwell, LaHaye, and Hagee? Google "Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty."

Timothy said...

Here is my reaction:

It's a historical fact that the Jesuit priest Francisco Ribera embraced a form of Futurism. He believed that the Tribulation Church will be ratured 45 days before the end of the Tribultion and return with Christ at the end of it. The Jesuit priest De Lacunza did not promote a pretribulational rapture of the saints at the future time of the Antichrist. His rapture of the saints occurred 45 days before the end of Daniel's 70th week, probably an influence from Ribera. Lacunza's book would have a dramatic influence on Edward Irving and his formation of the Pretribulation doctrine. So, both men including MacDonald believed in different forms of the pretribulation rapture. The Bible is rather clear that it believes in the posttribulation rapture.

Links on this issue are found in the following places: (I don't agree with Seventh Day Adventism though).

Timothy said...