Thursday, August 05, 2010

The 21st Century and Beyond

The White House science czar back in 2006 still wanted population reduction and a huge carbon tax. He wanted these goals under the guise of promoting environmental care when real care can be expressed in other alternatives. He promoted such ideas in his article called "The Energy Innovation imperative: Addressing Oil Dependence, Climate Change, and other 21st Century Energy Challenges." The world's population is growing. Yet, it will stabilize by 2050. Holdren still wants a reduced population under the guise of health care, reproductive rights, and educational opportunities for women. John Cleland doesn't want coded language when describing population control. He is the professor of medical demography of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. He said these words in front of representatives of the UN Population Fund, the International Planned Parenthood Foundation, European Commission, World Bank, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Cleland doesn't want politically correct language in expressing his goal of population control in the word. In the 2006 article mentioned before, John Holdren also touched upon the possibility of a carbon-tax: “Perhaps most importantly in the context of the character of energy challenges as elaborated in this article, companies are likely to continue to under-invest in developing and deploying low- and no-carbon energy options until there is a stronger marketplace incentive for such action, either in the form of a substantial carbon tax or its practical equivalent in the form of economy-wide emissions caps implemented through tradable permits.” It’s becoming clear that the aim of reducing the world’s population was still firmly on John P. Holdren’s mind in 2006, just as it was in 1977 when he co-authored Ecoscience. What has changed is the language he chooses to use.

Some have wrote about brain eating vaccines. Making a lobotomized public is a secret goal of the elite. Some vaccines can make people subservient and comply to the elite. For human beings, it's natural to get angry at evil and rebel against tyranny. Being neutered and sterilized in your mind can harm our freedom. The Daily Mail reported that academics say that there they are close to developing the first vaccine for stress. It's a single jab that would make people relax without slowing down. Robert Sapolsky is the Professor of neuroscience at Stanford University of California. He said that medicine is intended to impose a state of "focused calm" by altering brain chemistry. These proposals are similar to George Lucas's 1971 TXH 1138 that wants the population controlled and subjugated via special drugs to suppress emotion. Normal human behavior deals with anger, stress, expressing emotion, and showing passion. Reacting with stress with dangerous or uncomfortable situation is a normal response. Every living human being has this response. Now, some scientists believe that being angry, upset, or passionate is abnormal (and needs to be treated with more pharmaceutical drugs and injections with can virtually lobotomize us into submissive compliance). This is apart of the assault in our minds, our bodies, and our nervous system. This attack continues with the contamination of our food and water supply. Brian altering vaccine research is related to proposals to add lithium to the water supply in order to treat "mood disorders." Folks globally are being bombarded with the cancer causing neurotoxin of sodium fluoride (in the water supply, toothpaste, and other foods). The Nazis fluoridated drinking water on Earth in prison camps. This was done to sterilize people and make folks in concentration camps to act in a clam submissive nature. More and more people know about this information via real education. These dangerous chemicals are in our foods, so the establishment is trying to promote even mercury (which is a toxin) in our bloodstream. Drugged, dumbed down human beings is a brainchild of Utopians and global elitists spanning eons. If you're lobotomized, it decreases the chances of resistance to the evil going on in the world. It's as simple as that. "Brain eating vaccines" is on the top of Google Trends. This can reach millions of people in the world.

We are Change have confronted David de Rothschild on numerous issues like Climategate and the sustainability agenda. David de Rothschild is the heir to the Rothschild family. We are Change asked him real questions. The Rothschilds have been involved in a global system of manipulation, lies, and enslavement for the average family. David de Rothschild shilled for the Copenhagen climate summit. He stumped for his Earth saving plastiki boat that runs on fuel from human beings. He wanted carbon taxes. The Rorthschilds have a company that promote a carbon exchange system as well. He supported man-made global warming going as far saying that icecaps melt on Mars, because the planet is closer to the Sun than the Earth. David de Rothschild is even taking on crowds and talking to ordinary people to redeem support for climate change legislation. He doesn’t want to address Climagate. He claims that he appreciates the skepticism of the public over man-made global warming. Yet, he calls the debate futile as saying that other environmental factors still demand our action to have carbon policing laws. One member from We Are Change San Francisco asked, “What’s more important, the sustainability you’re talking about, or the 99% of the public who will feel the crunch of dramatically reducing their consumption.” Rothschild answered, “It’s both. They are one in the same. You can’t separate the two. I think what we have to do is move from a product-based society to a service-based society.” This quote means that our economy is eliminating our manufacturing jobs and we have only service jobs (that could be controlled by an extreme globalized system). Rothschild said that population reduction can be done of nature. He omits that globalists wanted a depopulation agenda for centuries. Rothschild said that GM or genetically modified foods are “whack.” the global elite have access to their own supply of unadulterated foods and unlikely to encounter such tainted and potentially dangerous food stocks. David de Rothschild talked to the public. The Climategate scandal certainly made climate change proponents scared. The mainstream investigations claim that the professors are cleared. Yet, the leaked documents brought distrust among people. Globalists are desperate to promote their goals. That is why people like us will win in the end. In the end, the truth will prevail.

A pro-life advocate who was arrested in a bubble zone had his charges lifted. This person was a pro-life graduate student. He drew national attention to the plight of pro-life advocates that are losing their free speech rights outside of abortion centers. These charges were gone form the city of Chicago under its new bubble zone law. This person is named Joe Holland. FOX News reporters focused on how he was arrested merely for praying in front of a Chicago-area Planned Parenthood abortion business. Holland was the first pro-life person charged under the new bubble zone law in Chicago that the local citizens say has robbed them of their free speech rights outside of abortion center. He is a Northwestern University graduate student. He was praying the rosary on a public sidewalk outside the Planned Parnethood Near North abortion facility on July 3. This was when staff called the police in claiming that he violated the new ordiance. I don’t agree with using the Rosary of course. The pro-life firm helping Holland is called the Thomas More Society. They secured the dismissal of all charges against him. The ordinance formed a 50 foot buffer outside the entrances of abortion centers. Within that zone, no one can come within a 8 foot zone to distribute literature, counsel, or display a sign. "We are pleased that the City of Chicago has dismissed these false and baseless charges against Joe Holland," said Peter Breen, the group's director and legal counsel. He told "The First Amendment protects prayer on a public sidewalk in Chicago the same as in any other city in the country. We hope that the city will cease the suppression of pro-life speech under the 'bubble zone' ordinance and dismiss the lone remaining case, brought against David Avignone, who was arrested a few days after Joe." Avignone was arrested in the same week as Holland and his first court appearance is August 30. The city council approved the new last October and pro-life groups say that it targets those who provide women abortion alternatives. The new bubble zone law subjects pro-life advocates to a 500 dollar fine for merely talking to women considering abortion outside an abortion facility. "I was just standing by the building praying the rosary and one of the Planned Parenthood volunteers came up to me and started yelling at me that I needed to move 8 feet away, but the thing is I didn't actually approach anyone; I was just standing by the building and the building doesn't actually have a bubble," Holland told Fox News. The pro-life college student said he never responded to the Planned Parenthood volunteer or any other abortion center officials or anyone entering the abortion business. Holland said that he didn’t talk to anyone. The police spokesman Roderick Drew was interviewed by FOX News. He said that Holland stood within an inch of the victim and prayed out loud at a high volume for 10 minutes. The police claimed that Holland didn’t move. Witnesses and video taken of the incident show Holland praying and not giving leaflets (he didn’t picket or do sidewalk counseling). So, the pro-life movement is strong and we have a long way to go in promoting liberty.

There is a lot of secrets being revealed in the world. People know that the Hexagram comes from pagan religions in the world. Some have used it to represent the merging of masculine and feminine archetypes. The bloodlines promoting this symbol are the Black Nobility and the Monarchs of Europe (even the Rothschilds. Some of these families are related to the Sarpi royal families). People like Friedman and Von Hayek desire getting rid of some safeguards in the world. These safeguards being gone contributed to the economic crisis that we are experiencing today in late 2010. Their ilk believe that people have no right to healthcare, but they don’t want private corporations to be greatly regulating in handling health care. Total privatization leads into conflicts of interest among politicians and corporations. Also, Big Pharma deals with fluoride and promoting some questionable vaccinations. Monsanto is the GMO food producer and they promote dangerous substances too. A better system is a balance so the Government pressures the Private Sector to have reasonable prices. People like Friedman, Tim LaHaye, and others in the CNP want to privatize education. In foreign policy, neo conservativism has been modernized by pro-Trotskyist & CFR member Irving Kristol. Neo cons promote fear in order to attempt to have more war in the Middle East. The politics of the Austrian School is made up of an extreme libertarian that oppose even legitimate regulations. Some of them hate the Clean Air and Clean Water Act that made the USA cleaner than in the years before the 1970’s. Mises didn’t want women the right to vote and he praised British colonialism. He hated the workers by saying that: ‘…The masses do not think. This is precisely the reason why they follow those who do think. The intellectual leadership of mankind is a position held by the very few who are able to think…” (Ludwig von Mises, The Market Economy, trans. Danny Lewis, [Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1932], p. 472). This is the exact mentality of the global elite.

By Timothy