Brain Eating Vaccines: The Reality Behind The “Conspiracy Theory”
Wired Magazine hit piece attempts to debunk legitimate concerns about agenda to chemically lobotomize general public through vaccines, water supply
Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Wired Magazine writer Jonah Lehrer has labeled concerns that vaccines which alter brain chemistry and induce states of “focused calm” could be abused by governments to create lobotomized, servile populations as delusional, paranoid, and idiotic conspiracy theories, despite the fact that major mental health professionals are already pushing for lithium to be introduced into water supplies as a means of mass medicating against “mood disorders”.
Lehrer, an Oxford University graduate and a Rhodes Scholar, brazenly calls Alex Jones a liar in his article today after Jones put out a You Tube video in which he warned that new vaccines designed to reduce stress and neutralize people’s anger could lead to a nightmare THX 1138 scenario, in which the population is controlled and subjugated through the use of special drugs to suppress emotion.
Jones also encouraged listeners to Google search the words “brain eating vaccines,” causing the term to rise to the number 1 position on Google Trends for August 3rd.
In the video, Jones makes the point that vaccines being proposed by people like Robert Sapolsky to impose a state of “focused calm” by altering brain chemistry, as well as shots aimed at curbing drug and cigarette addictions, fit the very definition of being “brain eating” because they fundamentally rewire the brain and shut down innate processes that naturally produce stress, anxiety and aggression – which are all necessary human traits vital to survival and healthy mental functioning.
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Many vaccines contain the preservative thimerosol, a compound derived from mercury. As the video below from the University of Calgary demonstrates, mercury is a potent neurotoxin and causes neurodegeneration, altering the very structure of the brain. The U.S. government has been forced to admit that childhood vaccines preserved with thimerosol have contributed to the explosion in autism cases in the United States.
Lehrer unwittingly exposes his bias tactic to label legitimate concerns surrounding these vaccines as mythical fantasies when he claims that plans by governments to artificially add lithium to the water supply are in fact “idiotic conspiracy theories”.
Perhaps Lehrer can explain why Professor Allan Young of Vancouver’s Institute for Mental Health told the BBC that “Large-scale trials involving the addition of lithium to drinking water supplies may…be feasible,” following claims that lithium led to a reduction in the number of suicides in Japan and helped to alleviate “mood disorders”. It’s hardly an “idiotic conspiracy theory” when one of Canada’s foremost mental health professionals is calling for its potential implementation, is it Mr. Lehrer?
Lehrer also includes a lengthy passage from a separate blog which scoffs at people who are worried about authorities attempting to “sterilize and/or pacify their populations through drugs in their water supplies”.
Apparently, if you are concerned about brain eating vaccines then you’re also stupid enough to think that powerful men in positions of influence have publicly called for the population to be mass medicated against their will by means of sterilants in the water supply.
Presumably then we should take a shot of Robert Sapolsky’s anti-stress vaccine and not concern ourselves with the trivial fact that Barack Obama’s top science czar John P. Holdren advocated in his own textbook Ecoscience that a “planetary regime” should employ a “global police force” to enforce totalitarian measures of population control, including forced abortions, mass sterilization programs conducted via the food and water supply, as well as mandatory bodily implants that would prevent couples from having children.
Neither should the fact that Holdren reiterated these talking points as recently as 2006 be a topic of consternation, and anyone who makes reference to it is obviously just engaging in another “delusional rant,” to use Lehrer’s term.
Of course, this is not the first time that we’ve warned against the dangers of vaccines and been proven right, despite being attacked as delusional conspiracy theorists for doing so at the time. The same claims were made about the H1N1 vaccine when Alex Jones and other leading alternative researches identified the ‘pandemic’ hype as a hoax to sell vaccine stocks and impose an untested formula created with cancer cells- now Wolfgang Wodarg at the Council of Europe has exposed that it was a false panic deliberately-fueled by WHO officials and vaccine industry representatives.
A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Lehrer’s paltry rebuttal, which consists mainly of playground insults and strawman invocations, is perhaps best answered by the readers of his article, the vast majority of whom express their vehement disagreement.
“After reading this article and then watching the Alex Jones well documented video there is no question who is telling the truth and it is most certainly not the author of this article. Major failure Jonah,” writes one, pointing out that Lehrer refuses to even link directly to Jones’ You Tube video, probably because he is unable to debunk Jones’ exhaustively documented analysis about the threat posed by brain-altering vaccines.
“All you did was prove Alex Jones right,” writes another. “That’s what is sad here…you’re not an intellectual. Your a hypocrite with a weak ass puff piece that does nothing to prove Alex Jones wrong but just attacks his character”.
“A vaccine to alleviate stress. Only a domesticated drugged mind could not see the danger in that and then to attack someone who does see danger in it!” points out another.
“I’m an RN, and one of the reasons I am leaving this profession is the vaccine/autism issue. Look into the history of eugenics, and govt testing on unwitting human subjects, and tell me that Alex Jones and the questioning public he serves are “paranoid.” Look at the history of the twentieth century and tell me that governments would never treat their own citizens in this way. Lithium additives to the water supply ARE being proposed, ostensibly as a way to lower the suicide rate. Sodium Floride WAS used by the Nazis to make jewish populations more docile. The CDC and the corporate mainstream media urged pregnant mothers and children to use the flu shot last season, assuring them it was safe, and deriding the “paranoid conspiracy theorists” who warned against it – and I myself, in administering it, read the package insert which clearly stated “The safety of this vaccine for use with pregnant women and children has not been evaluated.” This is about money and power. Give yourself an education in both before you join the simian hooting against “liars” and “paranoids” that follows fact-challenged ad hominem attacks such as the above article,” concludes another commenter.
Jonah Lehrer has been publicly invited to appear on The Alex Jones Show to defend his claim that “Alex Jones is a liar” on the subject of brain eating vaccines. Watch this space to see if he accepts the challenge, or if he continues to hide behind sophomoric jibes and strawman arguments.