Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers DVD (A Review and Commentary)

I've just got the The Hidden Faith DVD, so I will show what it's about in this blog.

It's made up 10 sections and it ends with the Question of Freemasonry. The film is nearly 3 hours long being long. At the end of the film, it shows a point by point refutation of many of the major doctrines that exists within Masonry. As many realize, Masonry is just the modern rendition of the pagan Mystery Religion mixed with Diestic/Theistic tradition. It shows a distinct, unique form of a musical score. It shows listings of many Founders and it debunks Barton's Dominonist ideas. I've seen much of the beginning. It talked about the Puritan faith and Thomas Paine. Paine denied the Virgin birth and accepted the concept that the human mind was the superior way to determine reason in society. Paine hated the Bible and rejected Christianity. It has information that even I didn't know before. Paine was associating with a Freemason and Illuminati member back in the late 1700's. Paine lived with the man (who accepted Illuminati ideas via Weishaupt's right hand man named Christian Bode). He worshipped nearly Reason, which has been personified as the Goddess or the human intellect. To many Founders, Reason literally is God. They rejected the supernatural in existence, but believe in nature and Nature's God in order develop their own political and social systems. The film is a combination of a lecture and documentary format. It has information on George Washington that was controversial, yet interesting. It refutes David Barton's ideas thoroughly as well. It's an excellent film, especially people that love to research history in the Revolutionary era. It proves that although many real Christians lived in the 1600's and the 1700's evident by the Great Awakening, etc., many Founding Fathers were just as pro-Illuminist and anti-Christ as the Bavarian Illuminati (and other Secret societies). Some of the Founders' bigoted statements about Christianity ring commonplace in our world in the time of 2010.

By Timothy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw whole DVD, excellent.