Monday, November 01, 2010

Fall in 2010 Part 3

Forced Global Eugenics Part 2
Eugenics is real and have had a long history. It wasn't just promoted by organized secret socieites. It was apart of the open policy of many institutions spanning thousands of years. Modern eugenicists have been promoted by foundations, front groups, scientists, and even some doctors. It's very true that every human has equal value. All humans are created equal and that's true as well. Eugenics deny human equal. Even Betrand Russell (a supporter of eugenics admitted to this). Russell said that: "..."The ideas of eugenics are based on the assumption that men are unequal, while democracy is based on the assumption that they are equal" (The Sanctity of Life and the Criminal Law, Glanville Williams, 1957, p. 73). They or the eugenicists are biocratic utopians. A 1913 Booklet admits that infanticide is the father of modern day eugenics. This obscure booklet (click for PDF) entitled “Ancient Eugenics” was written in 1913 by “late scholar” Allen G. Roper. It showed some facts on the origin and nature of eugenics. The author is a big proponent of eugenics himself. This work delves into the mindset of eugenicists. Many of them believe to be equal to God and they want the leisure of deciding who lives and dies. Roper proved that the ancients originated the lie of exterminating the so-called "weak" in favor of the so-called 'strong.' Roper doesn't just trace this philosophy back to the ancient Greeks. He descends even further into the past until he wrote about the very beginnings of man. The preface to the history of Eugenics according to him comes from barbarism. The Spartan legislator didn't originate eugenics according to him, but the primitive savage (in his deluded mind) who kiled his sickly child. People Roper called savages lived short lives, they were deformed, and they were a burden to the tribe. Eugenic extremists believe that human law superseded natural law to justify killing babies at birth. Charles Darwin believed that the "savage races" would die off as a result of evolution via natural selection. This extreme view is found in his book called "The Descent of Man." Darwin's cousin is Francis Galton. Galton followed Evolution and coined the word eugenicsin 1880. Roper wrote that infanticide was done to preserve humanity. Infanticide is immoral of course. Roper states outright that eugenics flows form the killing of babies. Roper believed that nature kills the unit by disagree. He belived that: "...Modern Eugenics is based on Evolution not a passive form, but one that concedes some latitude to the guiding action of the human will.” He wrote that infanticide was disappearing, so other people developed their Utopian dream. So, the human breeding plan of the Spartans evolved into the scientific stripiclture of Galton. Eugenics existed for millennia. Neo-eugenics came after WWII after the Nazis did it. The mainstream media claimed that it doesn't it.

Yet, Rockefeller Foundation-funded groups have aided neo-eugenics, the radical environmental movement, etc. Many radical environmentalists used the example of infanticide, human sacrifice, and other evils to justify radical population control. So, extremists want a scientific dictatorship in the world. This eugenics agenda is based on the ancient practice of infanticide. Roper admitted that modern eugenicists have modified their tactics in using the state. Roper obsessed with population decrease of the so-called "unfit" and the stability of the population of the so-called "fit." Plato was obsessed with population and wanted a state with 8,000 people in it. Plato wanted the guardian to regulate the number of marriages. He believed that Numbers have a mystical dimension as occultists plus biocrats believe in. The modern George Guidestones said that: "....Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.” This Malthusian goal of radical depopulation is nothing new. Roper wants the nation to accept eugenics in order for its tenets to be embraced. Roper wanted overt tactics in promoting the evils of eugenics. Eugenics was used as an instrument of the state in Nazi Germany, Europe, and even in the U.S. (with old laws that have forced sterilizations and other evils back decades ago). The United Nations today promote population control efforts. The Founding Fathers weren't perfect, but many of them didn't agree with the Eighteenth century European eugenicists promoting oppression instead of honor toward the human race. In the Federalist Papers we find Hamilton saying:

"Unhappily ... Europe, by her arms and by her negotiations, by force and by fraud, has in different degrees extended her dominion over ... all. Africa, Asia and America have successively felt her domination. The superiority she has long maintained has tempted her to plume herself as the mistress of the world, and to consider the rest of mankind as created for her benefit. Men admired as profound philosophers have in direct terms attributed to her inhabitants a physical superiority and have gravely asserted that all animals, and with them the human species, degenerate in America - that even dogs cease to bark after having breathed awhile in our atmosphere. Facts have too long supported these arrogant pretensions of the European. It belongs to us to vindicate the honour of the human race and to teach that assuming brother moderation."
Eugenics is antithetical to democracy, freedom, and the concept of a Republic. This is why the super wealthy like John D. Rockefeller Jr. supported eugenics. The Rockefeller Foundation gave money to Ernst Rudin. Rudin and Alfred Ploetz co-founded the German Eugenics Society. Rudin wrote Hitler's 1933 Sterilization Law. Rudin was the inspiration for all of Hitler's racial laws like the Nuremberg law that made Jewish people 2nd class citizens in Germany. They desired that wealth should be concentrated into a few hands in monopolies. The elite are monopoly people. Pro-Life Manna is always here in the Universe. More and more people are waking up that abortion isn't a real choice. It ends choices and the unborn human babies is murdered in process of the act of abortion. The Reactionary and racist Charles Murray wanted the decrease of Black and Hispanic populations in his own words:

"...."population control is too important to be stopped by some right wing pro life types.. Take the new influx of Hispanic immigrants ...Their lack of respect for democracy and social order is frightening. I hope I can do something to stem the tide. I'd set up a clinic in Mexico for free if I could ... The Aid to Families with Dependent Children is the worst boondoggle ever created. When a sullen black woman of 17 or 18 can decide to have a baby and get welfare and food stamps and become a burden to all of us, it's time to stop. In parts of South Los Angeles having babies for welfare is the only industry people have..." Murray promoted his literature in believing the lie that people of color like African Americans have inferior natural IQ levels to white and Asian people.

The Maafa 21 film inspired a lot of people to be more Pro-Life than they once more. That is the documentary that exposed how Planned Parenthood was originated by eugenicists and some abortionists using bigotry as a justification to commit their deadly actions. The wealthy oligarchy instituted the slave trade, slavery, the Holocaust, various wars, abortion, and population control to promote not only racism (in demonizing their fellow human beings), but to decrease the world's population as much as possible. Human beings of many backgrounds have been pro-life and assisted people suffering from abortion too. You can't kill people to alleviate poverty. You create jobs, give assistance, and create real programs that can benefit the poor. Being opposed to abortion on demand isn't a partisan since folks from across the political spectrum are Pro-life. One Congressman Trent Franks have priase the Maafa 21 document· After on showing, one African-American woman who works as an aid to a pro-choice member of the Congressional Black Caucus said, “I was moved to tears. I came in here with an opposite mindset and I am leaving with another. My life has been changed forever.” Rev. Clenard Childress organized a group of African Americna pro-life activists that gave out 400 copies of Maafa 21 to members of the NAACP at their recent 4 day national convention. Later, the credentialed members of the NAACP cam back from their hotel room to ask what they could do to help. One person who woke up was an NAACP attorney. One professor at a historically black college said he was going to make
Maafa 21 part of his curriculum. Many younger people has a resonance with the message since younger people are more Pro-Life than 2 generations ago. CFR member Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg admitted that Roe was decided because of concerns over population growth and growth that she didn't want too many off. One member of the Supreme Court pretty much admitted that Roe was create not to give women rights, but to preserve a population control ethos. Wanting certain people to not give birth is the essence of Eugenics. Kedi Obi Awabu is one California man spreading Maafa 21 across universities in America (that are predominately African American). Many groups of people are waking up about this issue. That's great news. Planned Parenthood have been caught in numerous scandals as well. Eugenics, population control, and Planned Parenthood are tied historically.
Charles Manson is an environmental extremist. He embraces a religion of death. James Jay Lee and other extremist belief in the eugenicist belief that man is totally evil and must die in high number to create harmony with Nature. Charles Manson was a leader of a group of people that killed 9 people in the summer of 1969. Manson wanted a race war in California. Now, he's in prison. He supports man-made global warming and he wants a massive killing of the Earth. Manson's views represents eugenicists to a T. He agrees with the overpopulation myth. The Manson family killed actress Sharon Tate and her unborn baby (This includes Rosemary LaBianaca and he husband Leno). These actions sent shockwaves worldwide. It ended the free love hippie movement in the 1960's. Manson himself shot and wounded one man named Bernard Crowe. He desired that his followers to kill other victims. Manson masterminded the murders in a bid to precipitate a race war between whites and blacks which he called "Helter Skelter." This is named from the Beatles song with the same title. Manson recieved life sentences including his followers for the murders in October, November, and December 1969. James Jay Lee was the eco-terrorists that stormed the Discovery Channel building with guns and explosives. Manson still has a following. They like Manson want to kill millions of people for the sake of global warming. He has the Nazi swastika tattoo on his forehead and Nazis exterminated millions of innocent people. Manson like the gunman Lee watch Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" to inspire them to embrace global warming extremism. There is climate change, but there is no conclusive evidence that man alone has the total influence in the direction of the environment since natural forces have a huge say in the course of world climate change. This doesn't mean we do nothing to solve environmental issues though. Manson in an interview back in the mid 1980's talked about the ice caps melting and wanted to kill people. He doesn't regret killing Sharon Tate, Rosemary LaBianca, and 7 others. He said that the murders were done in the name of saving the environment and he regreted not killing more people. Responding to a question about the killing, the murderer Manson said that: "....I am working to save my air, my water, my trees and my wildlife, and I’m trying to do away with society.” He claimed that the Earth is dying. Killing people doesn't save the Earth. Saving the Earth includes banning poisons in our water, modernizing technology, and developing society's standard of living. Manson talked about suicide parlors to exterminate people. Manson told Geraldo Rivera to get 50 million people dead to please the Earth. When you see Manson advocating this sick genocide, you know it's a problem. This neo-eugenics is promoted by many others. Manson wanted to return use to the agrarian age. Manson is echoing the propaganda of people like author and environmentalist Keith Farnish, who in a recent book called for acts of sabotage and environmental terrorism in blowing up dams and demolishing cities in order to return the planet to pre-industrial society. Prominent NASA global warming alarmist and Al Gore ally Dr. James Hansen endorsed Farnish’s book. James Jay Lee also parroted this anti-industrialist creed, calling for the need to “disassemble civilization” in his online rant. Manson want CO2 to be punished in criminal charges if they are emitted into the air. John Holdren once called for a planetary regime to handle forced abortions and mandatory sterilization policies in his 1977 book called Ecoscience. James Jay Lee called humans parasitic human infants. A 24 year old female follower of Manson named Star wanted to save life on Earth from humans. Charles Manson desires an one world government. Manson's official website wants to have a One World Order under the teachings of ATWA (or the Air, Trees, Water, and Animals). James Lovelock, top environmentalist and creator of the Gaia hypothesis, who told the Guardian earlier this year that “democracy must be put on hold” to combat global warming and that “a few people with authority” should be allowed to run the planet. Squeaky Fromme is one of Manson's family in 1975 that tried to kill President Gerald Ford in the name of trying to save California's redwood trees. Even Dr. Eric R. Pianka (an American biologist based at the University of Texas in Austin) wanted 90 percent of the world's population to be killed by the ebola virus. This is real and many top scientists and professors in attendance appalled him (when he said of these plans). This religion of death is sick. Francisco Loetro and 23 year old Miriam Coletti killed themselves in a pact to bring attention to global warming. They tried to kill their son and their other baby. So, these eco-terrorists are a threat to society. We have the right to refute their lies and oppose them.
People have the right to be Pro-Life if they want to without shame. Unfortunately in our time, Pro-Life people are threaten and harrashed all of the time by pro-abortion extremists. One Pro-Life Tennessee minister recieved threats. His name is Pastor David Shelley of Nashville, TN's Smith Springs Baptist Church. He wanted to endorse candidates, which in my opinion is his right. He has the free speech right to do it. If you don't like, you can go into another church. If I didn't agree with a pastor's political views, I have the right to leave that church and go into another one. He fears vandalism. Now, the controversy is that tax code restricts church and nonprofit political activity in exchange for tax exempt status. In other words, the government bribes churches to not speak on certain issues for the sake of control. Some pastors are defying the law. Shelley exposed the pro-abortion ivews of many candidates like U.S. Rep. Jim Cooper, D-Nashville, and state Sen. Thelma Harper, D-Nashville. Shelley exposed the fact that 52 million American babies have been murdered since Roe came about. He didn't want to vote for a person that would agree with an innocent baby getting their body parts destroyed, which is his right. Hypocrispy existed on the establishment Left. They criticize real racists like NY Republican Jim Russell (who has pro-eugenics opinion), yet, they won't expose Planned Parenthood's racist and pro-eugenics past history though. We shouldn't symphatize with the views of Jim Russell though. Jim Russell wrote disagreeing with people voluntarily communicating with each other of different races. He wrote the bigoted remark that: "...The population should be homoegeneous...What is still more important is unity of religious background; and reasons of race and culture combine to make any large number of fre-thinking Jews undesirable." Of course, Russell is radically anti-immigrant. Margaret Sanger wanted all would be parents to go before her eugenic boards to request a “PERMIT TO BREED." Sanger also called for those who were poor and what she considered to be “morons and immoral‘ , to be shipped to colonies where they would live in “Farms and Open Spaces” dedicated to brainwashing these so-called “inferior types” into having what Sanger called, “Better moral conduct." So, Sanger is no role model. She was an evil woman. Sanger was Pro-Klan too. Here's a source on it:
"Always to me any aroused group was a good group, and therefore I accepted an invitation to talk to the women's branch of the Ku Klux Klan..." Planned Parenthood founder, Margaret Sanger
(Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, P.366)
There has been the incident occuring in Discovery Channel. The gunman is named James Jay Lee. He was a long time protester of the Discovery Channel (its headquarters are in Maryland). James was an eugenicist. He demanded that the Discovery Channel must “broadcast to the world their commitment to save the planet” and “stop encouraging the birth of any more parasitic human infants” has taken a hostage at the television network’s headquarters in downtown Silver Spring, Maryland. That's evil since any human born in the Earth is a blessing from God. The mainstream media reported that the man entered the building with explosives and has taken a security guard hostage. The Montgomery County Police spokesman Cpl. Dan Fritz told the Washington Post that tactical and bomb squad officers are on the scene and are forming a plan to deal with the situation. The Post reported that a note was posted on the Internet on July 18 demanding the implementation of a global eugenics programs. The extremist James wanted infants to not be birthed and he wanted programs to promote human sterilization and infertility. He's such a sick man. Human growth is a blessing and population growth ought to be promoted. I don't agree with the Discovery Channel on many issues like their support of Freemasonry, etc. Yet, it is wrong for anyone to take people hostage or to cause a violent disruption in the property of Discovery Channel. The Manifesto from James promote the misguided and intrinstically evil philosophies of Malthus, and Darwin (in terms of believing in favored races and the lie of inferiority of some races of people). So, this man was an anti-population extremist. James Jay Lee is a homeless man according to the Justice Department. Lee’s MySpace account declares. “The Idea to Save the Planet is HERE!” The MySpace page says Lee would like to meet people who read Daniel Quinn, described as an environmental author. Quinn is the author of Beyond Civilization and received Turner Tomorrow Fellowship Award in 1991. Ted Turner is a notorious eugenicist. These eugenicist terrorists are a threat to humanity indeed. That is why we should do our best to only only rebut the lies of eugenics, but prevent terrorists from trying to keep people hostage against their will. These liars view humanity as an enemy, while people like me view humanity as allies in solving our problems.
Anti-immigrant rhetoric is nothing new. Immigration for thousands of years have been a blessing in the world. This anti-immigrant movement have ties to racists, eugenicists, and other evil people. Tom Tancredo in his book "In Mortal danger' bash Hispanic Americans and use cultural condescension against Muslims and African Americans. Trancedo doesn't beleive that babies born in America should have citizenship. This is ironic since Trancedo's grandparents were immigrated into the U.S. from Italy. Some of the same nativist rhetoric he embraces his ancestors were demonized using those same words he spews today. He believes in his version of the traditional America. What America does he means. Does he mean the America where people's lands got stolen or folks were lynched or the America were real tolerance made real changes in America. Trancedo spoke where the crowd had Confederate flags and this event was promoted by the neo-Confederate League of the South. Dr. Michael Hill is the League of the South's President. He said that the U.S. is being overrun by immigrants of non-white descent. Trancedo in his book promote Winston Churchill's 1899 bigoted tone against Muslims. He supports Ann Coulter. Coulter defended racists Charles Murrary and Richard Hernstein's "The Bell Curve" that falsely links race to IQ. Coulter uses slurs against Muslim. Trancedo is a hypocrite by claiming individualism, but propose that everyone from "suspect countries" should be deported immediately. Victor Davis Hanson wants cuts in legal immigration and wants us to confirm to the Anglicized version of American culture. Hanson is from the Hoover Institution. Hanson doesn't believe in cultural equality. Knight of Malta Pat Buchannan lies and said that America shouldn't have guilt about racism. Madison Grant was an eugenicist and another anti-immigration radical. He wrote the 1916 "The Passing of the Great Race" the racist words that; "...democracy is fatal to progress when 2 races of unequal value live side by side..." The racist Klan supported draconian restrictions on immigration in 1924. Grant was a lawyer and president of the New York Zoological Society. He was vice President of the Immigration Restriction League. The IRL called itstelf the Eugenic Immigration League. These people reject a man having a right to accept his or her own culture. The immigration movement have allowed the elite to polarize the African American and Hispanic communities in some cases. The good news is that vast majority of both communities haven't taken the bait to hate each other over this issue. There is the Minutemen movement. They are divided into 2 factions. One faction legitimately disagrees with illegal immigration and the other factions is radical and they won't even accept legal immigration. So, immigration is great and real reforms are needed since illegal immigration is a serious problem in America.
Some want President Barack Obama to promote good science by promoting adult stem cell research. Obama said that he will base funding decisions on evidence and restore science in its rightful palce. A widely heralded scientific breakthrough gives him the chance to turn his airy rhetoric into solid action. President Barack Obama and other politicans who minimize the value of early human life are trying to make us support the dangerous, non-effective action of embryonic stem cell research. This issue is a new wedge issue. For years, many of these self-righteous politicans have hurled stones at their pro-life opponents who advocated ethical adult stem cell research accusing them of cruelly standing in the way of cures. Senator John Edwards in his vice Presidential campaign back in 2004 said that: "...People like Christopher Reeve will get up out of that wheelchair and walk again." Yet, no cures have been found via ESCs. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was wrong to say that embryonic stem cell research hold the biblical power to cure. These claims are false. It's a snake oil campiagn greased the skids for hundreds of millions of federal plus state tax dollars to be dumped into the black hole of embryonic stem cell research during a time of economic crisis. A federal judge on August 23 granted a temporary halting of such illegal and prodigal research. This is based on a lawsuit brought by several adult stem cell researchers, the Christian Medical Association, and others. News reports recently heralded a landmark breakthrough. Scientists are now producing apparently safe, efficient and effective alternatives to human embryonic stem cells, using induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPS cells. Compared to the speculative, controversial and dangerous embryonic stem cell research that Mr. Obama has insisted on funding illegally, iPS cell and adult stem cell research is a cheaper, faster, safer, more efficient and quicker path to real cures for real patients. In 2009, scientists found out a way to make nerve cells from iPS cells. A team at the University of California Los Angeles was able to make motor neurons out of the induced pluripotent stem cells and the scientists hope to make cells tailored to specific diseases for therapy. Scientists in Canada and England published a paper showing they had turned skin cells into iPS cells. Science is moving fast to prevent many IPS cells from causing tumors too. So, with iPS research, embroyonic stem cell research is obsolete. The President can accept or reject the real evidence. Real science without junk science should be used to help people out. People should have ethical and effective stem cell research as the best hope for real patients.

By Timothy

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