Friday, November 05, 2010

I'm Waking Up some more in Friday

This is an new era for the Presidency of President Barack Obama. The Democrats suffered through huge defeats in the House. President Barack Obama probably under peer pressure is following bipartisanship. The reactionaries want him to follow discredited economic and political philosophy among his thinking. The Republicans ironically admitted that they desire to crush a 2nd term of Barack Obama. Republican Mitch McConnell have admitted this goal explicitly in public before. McConnell loves the Heritage Foundation and other Right Paradigm organizations. Some fear that gridlock will occur in Congress since both sides might have discord in developing political resolutions toward real problems existing in American society. The forces of counterrevolutionary reactionaries have made their comeback after regrouping from the 2008 election. I knew this would occur, because political cycles among Democrats and Republicans exist in ebbs and flows. In other words, in some cases Republicans will get more political power and in other cases Democrats will get more power. We have a plutocracy where bashing rhetoric was the order of the day. We live in America as it exists and it isn't a post racial society at all. The reactionaries are once again scapegoating minorities, immigrants, poor whites, and other people as an excuse to promote economic austerity. They won't call for a mobilization of a large massive jobs and public works programs. Corporate Democrats are just as wrong in wanting to transfer trillions of dollars in public wealth to Wall Street (mixed with an inadequate stimulus effort). Even big insurance and drug companies influenced parts of the health care law to require people to pay for private insurance. The Billionaires of the Koch Brothers and Rupert Murdoch promote hatred in them funding the Tea party movement too. This could be a repeat of the Bill Clinton years. Bill Clinton was a corporate Democrat that passed NAFTA, welfare reform, deregulation of the economy & Wall Street, and saw the explosion of the prison Gulag system in America. His deficit commission next month will call for cuts in Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid (these aren't entitlements since people have worked for these benefits and these benefits aren't given for nothing at all). The safety net is under threat like never before. Ironically the Tea Party types that achieved their status in life in part by public education and many Great Society programs will expect this system to be privatized. The Tea Party will welcome minorities on their  terms though. The hope is for the damage for our country to be non-existent and to promote our freedoms more than ever. Both parties have been promoting corporate military warfare and class warfare where peace isn't far behind. The Republicans became radical and the Democrats have tried to appease in order to gain the support of corporations while the corporate power structure dominates both political parties. Even Democratic Senator Indiana's Evan Bayh wanted to comprehends. Bayh wants cuts to Social Security and cuts to corporate taxes when corporations pay record low taxation. He's a sellout. President Barack Obama wants to capitulate to the Republican establishment in order to preserve his legacy. Even the stimulus is doing some good while Boehner wants no stimulus whatsoever. Only 3 percent of all small businesses are in the top income bracket. Eric Cantor wants no tax increase in any circumstance. Giving money to the top 1 percent of the country can cause a higher deficit. The sister and great attorney Tanya Bullock from Virginia Beach needs to wake up about this economic issue (or that laissez faire economics don't work. This system was promoted by slave traders from the British East India Company, Adam Smith, etc. to advance reactionary, supremacist doctrines in the world). It's funny that Republicans and Democrats are united in supporting the Bush/Obama war, the Bush/Obama bank bailouts, the Bush/Obama destruction of our civil liberties, the Bush/Obama corporate education policy, and the Bush/Obama favoritism of corporations over working people. They worship deficits instead of trying to create jobs. You don't try to cut valuable social services (you can raise taxes on the rich and cut military spending). You give people the opportunity to work in public working projects, building infrastructure, etc. The leadership of both the Republicans and the Democrats are anti-worker. They are agents of the oligarchy. this is why we should assert our political independence beyond the dictates of any major political party whatsoever.

There has been the fruit of Iraq. People have accused the West of destroying Iraq's lands, culture, and its collective memory. Even days after 9/11, then Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz targeted Iraq for being a terrorist state. President Bush declared war on Iraq in 2003. Iraq was illegally bombed and dismantled. Iraq experienced finite state building and development. Over 1.3 million civilians have died. There has been the ruin of much of its social infrastructure (like potable water, sewage systems, electricity, etc.). Over 8 million Iraqis want humanitarian assistance. There is a lot of poverty there with 54% of Iraqis living on less than 1 dollar day. There has been a minimum of 2.5 million refugees. The education have suffered in Iraq as well. According to the April 27, 2005 United Nations  University International Leadership Institute, about 84% of Iraq's higher education institutions have been burnt, looted, or destroyed. Over 700 primary schools in Iraq have been bombed, 200 have been burnt, and over 3,000 have been looted. Teachers have radically decreased in Baghdad as well. Between March 2003 and October 2008, 31,598 violent attacks against educational institutions were reported in Iraq, according to the Ministry of Education (MoE). Since 2007 bombings at Al Mustansiriya University in Baghdad have killed or maimed more than 335 students and staff members, according to a 19 Oct 2009 NYT article, and a 12-foot-high blast wall has been built around the campus. There has been many murdered academics and hundreds of journalists were forced into exile since the start of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. Much of the Iraqi middle class fled Iraq since they have been the crimes of intimidation, abduction, extortion, killings, and assassination. The Iraqi educated middle class has been a big engine to develop Iraq. Many doctors, lawyers, and other intellectuals have been targeted in Iraq without a real systematic investigation of these crimes and terrorism at all. 15,000 invaluable Mesopotamian artifacts from the National Museum in Baghdad and many other sites are left unguarded. The Museum have been robbed of many artifacts and the occupation authorities took no effective measures to protect important cultural sites either. Pillage, terror, and other evils have been fruits of the Iraqi war. Iraqi's state is turned into a free market paradise. There are low taxes, 100% foreign investor ownership of Iraqi assets, unrestricted imports, leases, and many Iraqis are dispossessed of their own resources. The Wikileaks documents, first made public on 22 October 2010, show how the US military gave a secret order not to investigate torture by Iraqi authorities discovered by American troops. The data also reveal how hundreds of civilians were killed by coalition forces in unreported events, how hundreds of Iraqi civilians: pregnant women, elderly people and children, were shot at checkpoints. Prison and torture abuse of Iraqis have occurred even after the Abu Ghraib scandal. The war is a disgrace. So, justice and restitution ought to exist to improve Iraq and prevent another illegal or immoral war completely.

It's easy to see the dignity and worth of each human being or each person. The intrinsic worth and value of any human being is easy to see. This truth makes us unique and special in the eyes of God. The extension of this truth leads us to help people to improve their lives and their standards of living. Racism, eugenics, and totalitarianism reject the dignity of the individual all of the time. They are refute since irrespective of where a person lives, they still have that chance of self improvement, resistance to tyranny, and improving society around them. Abortion is similar to eugenics since abortion views lie of having a scale of unequal values from conception to birth. To say that human life isn't equal within a pregnancy is accepting an eugenic principle. The Eugenicist Glanville Williams promoted abortion by as early as 1954 (to get rid of legal restrictions against abortion). He became the President of the Abortion Law Reform Association in 1962 to the British law to legalize abortion for the UK in 1967. Williams was a member of the Eugenics Society ironically.  In Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court said that the Constitution protects a "right to privacy" and that the decision to have an abortion is an exercise of this right. But, the Court stated, the right to privacy is not absolute; it can be limited in some cases, such as vaccination and sterilization. So the abortion decision was not about women's rights; it cited a case permitting forced sterilization (from the Buck v. Bell case in 1927). Forced sterilization was legalized in more than a dozen states in America during the early 20th century. So, the eugenics and abortion connection is very real in the world. Roe v. Wade arbitrarily divided pregnancy into 3 trimester to determine how the baby in the womb would be murdered. Early Christians opposed abortion and even the legal scholar William Blackstone.

Bill Gates have funded the approval of GM mosquitoes to combat dengue. There has been a lot of debate about the pending approval of genetically modified salmon. This salmon grew to maturity twice as fast as a natural salmon. Many of its critiques have called it "Frankenfish." Some believe that GM foods can spoil the natural marine environment including it being potentially harmful for human consumption. The debates goes on. It looks like another GM modified live organism may be approved for to be released into the ecosystem called GM mosquitoes. The U.N.'s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said that they plan to combat Dengue fever and other mosquito borne illnesses with genetically modified mosquitoes (that are designed to make them sterile or kill them off). The U.N. news service reported on this story indeed via the IRIN. Scientists want approval to this genetically modified insects. Dengue is a potentially fatal virus. Such moves worry environmentalists as this science has been used in agriculture as it's applied to public health. These mosquitoes are engineered with an extra gene or inserted bacterium (or have had a gene altered. This alteration can make their offspring sterile and unable to spread dengue or simply die). “People generally do not like the unknown and are alarmist. Because there has never been a [field] release of GM [genetically modified] mosquitoes, critics are free to imagine what can possibly go wrong,” said UK-based entomologist and professor at Imperial College London, John Mumford. Mumford is apart of Mosqguide as a principle investigator for the World Health Organization. Mosqguide was created to make the best practices for developing GM mosquitoes to fight mosquito borne diseases like dengue and malaria. For over 50 years, scientists have sent billions of engineered insects (like fruit flies) in claiming that they can save plants. Yet, there haven't been a field release of insects engineered to save humans. There is the Malaysia headquartered GNO Pesticide Action Network-Asia and the Pacific disagreed with a since grant request to release modified mosquitoes on the grounds of that: " may have environmental or health consequences as well as carry risks arising from horizontal gene transfer”, wrote executive director, Sarojeni V. Rengam, who stressed the “possibility of new health risks to humans and animals….the insect may become more virulent, aggressive, or its bite might have different effects on the host.” So, for over 50 years, scientists have been doing this act of sending engineered insects into the ecosystem. These chemicals can damage Nature and introduce new organisms into the world. Some people want to get rid of mosquitoes, but we should be careful not to use GM foods to toil with our environment. Some have used genetically modified species as a weapon. Some recent dengue outbreaks can be directly tied to the U.S. Army experiments coordinated by the CIA.  In most cases of government funding for scientific research, there is usually a military origin.  The technology is even being used as another manufactured terrorist threat. The Bill and Melinda Gates  Foundation funded Australian researchers from the University of Queensland to have regulatory approval to begin in December (in order to release mosquitoes infected with a bacterium that prevented the dengue virus from multiplying as has the Malaysian Ministry of Health). Global groups like the WHO have been exposed for promoting fake phony pandemics. People have concern with human health. Pro-eugenicists like Bill Gates have been involved in the funding of such technology. It should be clear by now to oppose such meddling with nature in order to help “save” humans.

Secret Societies are real. Freemasonry have been involved in politics for many years. Freemasonry was involved in the Third Republic of France and involved its Revolution from the late 1700's. Freemasonry have been in European Parliament, Ministries, and other capacities. In America, the Nativist, Know Nothing party, APA, and the Ku Klux Klan movement have been dominated by Freemason. Back in 1923, 300 of 435 members of the U.S. House of Representatives were members of the Craft. At its peak, Freemasons were apart of more than 50 percent of the House and the Senate each. Even in the 1980's, there have been 14 Senators being Masons and 51 House members being in Freemasonry. The late Congressman Jack F. Kemp was a Freemason. In September, 1987, the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite of the Northern Jurisdiction singled him out to receive the 33rd Degree of that Rite in Boston in September, 1987.  Even under President D. Eisenhower were Freemasons Chief of Staf Sherman Adams, Secretary of State Christian Herter, Secretary of Interior Douglas McKay, and Secretary of Treasury Robert B. Anderson. Some in Freemasonry set policies in their Lodge. Freemasonry have inspired people to promote their own  agenda outside of the Lodge too in various Revolutions or policies. The late Senator Thomas C. Hennings, Jr. of Missouri was a 33rd Degree Freemason. Even Henry Clausen promoted Freemasonry worldwide as once the head of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry in America.

By Timothy

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