Saturday, November 06, 2010

Info on Economics

Per capita income is not the measure of standard of living, Bozino.

It is measured by such things as life expectancy (dropping in the USA), educational quality, health, extent of hopeless poverty, etc. The USA is FAR worse in these indices than the EU.

Yes, 216 is posting truth about slavery. The slave trade damaged Africa in profound ways. Economically and socially. No way around it... to some extent Africa's problems today are the result of slavery, and the rest due simply to the colonial rule which extracted wealth in return for very little...

Anyone wishing to understand how this worked should read Kwame Nkrumah's "Neocolonialism", which describes the experience of Ghana with British imperialism.

-Ish tov


Depends on the country. The general standard of living in Scandinavia is higher, and may b4 higher in Germany than in the USA.

One must be careful about this. Certainly the number of dollars made by American workers today is greater than it was fifty years ago. But the general standard of living among American workers is lower today than then



Is Ish Tov talking babout solidarity with a SYSTEM or global solidarith with VICTIMS of the system? It could be argued, as Malcolm and Martin both argued, that we're facing an international system of racism, capitalism and imperialistic exploitation. And if the system is international, the fight against the system would have to be international as well. This would mean, for example, that the black and other poor have interests in common when poor and oppressed Indians in Guatemala, exploited victims in Africa, oppressed peoples in Asian and elsewhere.
Malcolm and (eventually) Martin saw the Black movement as part of a worldwide movement of the oppressed and dispossessed. So did W.E.B. DuBois before them. So, did the Black Panthers after them.
What bothers me is that thanks to COINTELPRO, and the replacement of progressive and revolutionary brothers and sisters by opportunistic black bourgeoisie at the level of "community" leadership, and cliques of pimps and thugs in the hood (who haven't learn to go the way of Malcolm), we're losing the tradition of progressive and REVOLUTIONARY black political thinking. Or at least that thinking is becoming marginalized.
We must regain it if Black America is to move of her present malaise, and if the struggle for liberation is to move forward.



Indeed, but the majority of the oppressed and poor are african, and i mean throughout the world not just on the continent.....

Capitalism without the added connotation based on race/color, would still be exploitive, but the african worker in general here in amerikkka and throughout must forge ahead due to this very fact, and the small % of white poor nations if any at all are extremely non-existent, because the system has proven to be a main target of the african whether poor or middle class, wherever they may be!

Brother Malcom seen the need to have solidarity with whites only if they were for fighting for the african as well as themselves,not just fighting for the cause, but for the african cause as well..... he alluded many of times to being able to accept help from whites but he was mainly targeting africans and non-white nations that were being oppressed by the social-economic system in place then and still in place even more devastatingly today!

In this system of racist capitalism as presented in the o.p, this is not a system that targets whites in this day and age, it basically uses them as "Collateral Damage", while going after its REAL TARGET!


-216 Elite


Claude Meillasoux! I'm amazed to see him quoted in here. As a grad student of Anthro and Geography I had to read his stuff, and mostly it was good. Glad to see someone else in here can read!

Of course Africans weren't and aren't the only ones abused by this grew by vastly abusing white people as well, not to mention Native, Asian, and nearly anyone else they could get their claws into...

-Pere du Champ
Mc Gaheysville, VA


Well some scholars hold that racism has been an integral part of the development of modern capitalism. Indeed, some argue that the profit motive which drove capital to expand and to create the slave trade was the basis for the development of racism. Indeed, racism helped create a "race" of slaves in America, and then a race of the superexploited. Or at least some analyses would hold this. At least in America, racism and capitalism have been tightly linked both because it's profitable, it helps keep exploited divided (partly by giving even white poor a sense of superiority on the basis of whiteness),and creates a conservative stablizing culture which undermines revolutionary consciousness.
Racism is one of the reasons why we're one of the few industrialized nations that don't have universal health care and other benefits. Other Western democracies less divided by race have been able for form social movements based on unity of have nots vs haves.
Race has now, as Obama himself recognizes, diverted attention away from health care issues--class issues--as a result of this dispute between Prof. Gates and the arresting officer.
Racism and capitalism mutually reinforce and uphold each other.


Some posters are like those howling fsscist mobs with signs depicting Barack Obama as a Nazi (even thought Hitler would have exterminated blacks had he been able).
There's an appaling level of political illiteracy in America, as well as cultural illiteracy.
Obama, at most a CENTRIST liberal, is denounced by the FAR RIGHT as fascist despite the fact that fascism (and especially Nazism) is a far right ideology and movement.
And I've been to France numerous times. If France were Stalinist state they hid it pretty well with all those oppositional newspapers, political parties and dissident intellectuals,
In fact, France and Germany and Scandinavia have general GREATER personal and politicla liberty than do More political parties are a part of things--hence more CHOICE. And there's single payer health care.
Also, I noted that in France people seem more often to be able to hold RATIONAL conversations. They actually READ and THINK. I wish such habits were more popular among our compatriots aux Etats-Unis.



Given the global crisis of capitalism, it's far from clear that the system is stronger than ever before. It was certainly more stable at the time MalcolmX made the statement that poster quote.
And even aside from just the current recession--which seems to persist regardless of what policies are adopted by Democrats or Republicans--there are certain developments within contemporary capitalism that are perhaps creating unprecedented crises, of which the current recession may just be the tip of the iceberg.
Most important may be the electronic revolution itself. Capitalism has always tended to revolutionize technology; but hitherto that resulted in creation of labor saving instruments. Now, the electronic revolution, with computerization and robotization, capitalism is creating more and more LABOR-REPLACING devices. Labor gradually becomes obsolete. But how do people live if they cannot work? And how can capitalists sell to people who cannot buy.
And this current revolution within capitalism is just beginning.
The system may well be imploding from within; and what SEEMS like strength turns our perhaps to be the system last hurrah.
How many people saw the end of the old Roman order, or even modern monarchical and feudal orders, until these were already on their death beds?



-haven,t any questions from tea party about 911. If Tea Party is really about freedom wouldn,t answers about 911 be main focus. All else is irrelevent---Stop Ignoring 9/11 & PNACWe must open PNAC and 9/11 to public discourse because all roads may very well lead .... But PNAC needed 9/11 to take place. They wanted 9/11 to take place.... - Cached - Similar
Kristol ClearSep 29, 2009 ... Is there any question that the PNAC plan for war against Iraq became feasible only because of 9/11? Is there any question at all that PNAC ... - Cached - Similar
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Killtown: PNAC behind 9/11?Jan 2, 2006 ... PNAC behind 9/11? "The Project for the New American Century is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to a few fundamental ... - Cached - Similar
Videos for pnac/911
Iraq, PNAC, 911, Where do all the Roads Lead?
75 min - Mar 21, 2007

9/11 Coincidences (5/19)
6 min - Apr 12, 2007
Uploaded by NufffRespect



George W. Bush formed his own oil drilling company, Arbusto Energy, in Midland, Tex. James R. Bath, a friend and neighbor, was used to funnel money from Osama bin Laden's brother, Salem bin Laden to set up George W. Bush in the oil business, according to The Wall Street Journal and other reputable sources.

Salem bin Laden, a close friend of the Saudi King Fahd had "invested heavily in Bush's first business venture," according to The Daily Mail (U.K.).

Bath found investors for Arbusto and "made his fortune" by investing the money of two BCCI-connected Saudi sheiks, Khalid bin Mahfouz and Salem bin Laden. Mahfouz was one of the richest men in the world and a controlling shareholder in BCCI.
Note: BCCI was not a bank. It was a drug and weapons conduit and money laundering operation fronting as a bank

Bill White, a former real estate business partner of Bath, said: "He had put up $50,000 to help George, Jr., get started in oil business" at a time when "Bath had no substantial money of his own," according to The Outlaw Bank. Shortly after Bush's father was appointed director of the CIA, Salem bin Laden appointed Bath as his business representative in Texas.(American Free Press, 10-07-01)



9 months ago
Pogroms killed 150k Jews during Lenin's reign alone. Preferential treatment?
Stalin believed he could maintain alliance with Hitler for the very reason that they were both interested in exterminating Jews.
He didn't realize that Hitler had the same delusion that you do, namely that Communism is not separate from Judaism. I guess that makes all three of you fools.
Hatred of Jews and ennoblement of some imagined "white ancestry" is merely a variation on an old "divide and conquer" strategy.

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