Monday, November 01, 2010

On the eve of Election 2010 in America

This is the eve of the election. This has been one of the most controversial elections in recent memory. There has been Sharon Angle stories, stories on the Mormon Harry Reid, and the media's spin on issues as well. This election cycle has been interesting yet series. The reason is that whoever is in power will change greatly the future policies and political circumstances of America. There is also violence occuring against both Republican and Democratic supporters that I don't subscribe to at all. Violence is never a viable answer to solve problems in America. Both sides say that we should vote for them or it will be literally like Armageddon or close to a disaster in America. We should reject fear mongering and just contribute what we can to improve the society in America. We should hope for the best and prepare for worst. As for voting, that is a personal decision. I was never the type to tell people who to vote for. We should at least vote for people that are in our immediate community for if you can't help others overseas, you should at least help people in your own vicinity (or where you live at). I reject extremists that Tom Tancredo believing that the government should do nothing to help citizens or that even legal immigration is immoral. Real priorities for America isn't fear mongering, xenophobia, or Islamophobia. It's about getting the economy moving again, improving our health care system, reforming our educational appartus, and creating a better nation than in the past. These are the real priorities that we ought to fight for. Regarldess of who you vote for, you have to make sure that you're voting for the best person that will make a just impact in your own lives.

More people are coming to the conclusion that the Great Depression occured because of fraud. This fraud inspired our current financial crisis too. Robert Shiller admitted to this and he's oen of the top housing experts in America. Foreclosuregate dealt with fraud in banks regularly mishandling homeownership documents (this puts the legality of foreclosurers and relates sales in doubt. Big banks were involved in this). Back in the 1930's, Americans didn't trust business and government dealing fairly in the world. The S.E.C. according to former accoutnant of the SEC Lynn Turner told the NY times that rampant fraud in the 1920's helped to cause the crash of 1929. In 1932-1934, the Senate Banking Committee led by its Chief Counsel Ferdinand Percora said that fraud and corruption led to the Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression. Even the 1930's Pecora Commission investigated that fraud led to the Great Depression (as admitted by Tom Borgers and Professor William K. Black). The Glass Steagal Act was created to prevent the fake use of normal bank desposits for speculative investament. The reason is that there was the mix of the commercial and investment banking industries that occurred in the 1920's. This caused fraud and the division of these activities were set up by the Glass Steagall Act. Economist James K. Galbraith wrote that the FBI warned of the epidemic of mortgage fraud. The government did little. There was low interest rates, deregulation, and non-enforcement of laws that inspired the currenct recession. This caused the super rich to oppress the poor. There was a Ponzi pyramid scheme in Florida rela estate lead by Charles Ponzi. He made his scheme in real estate in a fake place called Nettie. He inspired an early Florida real estate bubble. Mortgages are laundered by the banks. Some want the criminals involved in the fraud now prosecuted. The Pecora investigation found widespread manipulation of earnings, conflicts of interest, and insider abuse by the nation's most elite financial leaders. John Kenneth Galbraith's work documented these abuses. Fake loans in the 21st century  caused a maximizing of CEO bonuses. So, economic fraud caused the bubbles, and the bubbles cause the Great Depression and the current recession in 2010 too. The Federal Reserve manipulated currency that caused the recession and Great Depression as well. The corporate redistribution of wealth from the poor to the rich is immoral. For years when the Glass Steagall was repealed in 1999, our economic problems became worst. High inflation is just as wrong as deflation and deflation is what Austrian economics refuse to expose.

Religious News is always real. It was evil in Hitler and Stalin trying to kill Jewish people. Jewish people are still Israelites as shown in the book of Jeremiah and 1 Kings too.  In Jeremiah 31:31-34, the promise is that God would establish a New Covenant with “the house of Israel” and with “the house of Judah.” Verse 31 reads: “Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:” So, those living in the Northern Kingdom were known as Israelites. Frank O'Collins found out that much of the killings of Jewish people existing within a Pentagram of locations. This was the Pale of Settlement. It was formed by the pro-Jesuit Catherine II of Russia. The Jesuits even ruled by the Venetians and harbored hatred of them (as found in its Secret Instructions, Chapter XIV, Section VI on pages 129 and 131in Brownlee’s 1857 edition). The Jesuits was created to infiltrate and destroy Protestant & Baptist institutions specifically. The Vatican/Jesuit network is the nexus of world political/religious power. The Jesuit Superior General is Adolfo Nicolas. The Jesuits and the Vatican use their Masonic/occult agents to influence policy in the world from NYC, D.C. Moscow, Istanbul, Lisbon, Tokyo, Beijing, Brussels (with large EU power. The EU is a Vatican brainchild) etc. Venice once honored the Pope Clement XIV's Bull of Suppression and Extinction from 1773. This is why the Masonic avenger Napoleon I invaded Venince and other places in Europe (that supported the repression of the Jesuits in Bavaria with the Wittelsbachs and the Habsburgs of Austria). The Congress of Vienna in 1815 forced Pope Pius VII to restore the Jesuits. The Pope was given the title of King of the papal states. Veince was ruled by the Roman Catholic Austrians by Prince von Metternich. So, Venetians aren't in the top of the pyramid of world control since the Venetians are ruled by the Vatican/Jesuit network.

Union people surrounds a We Are Change member for heckling ex-President Bill Clinton. Unions are a great institution that protect our workers' right, but not all unions are perfect. There is a video of rally in Pennsylvania. The person heckled is named Anthony Antonello from We Are Change. The union people wore yellow shirts in order to intimidate Anthony. They heckled him and hurled insults as Anthony when Anthony criticized Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton wanted to promote Rep. Kanjorski. One of the union members tells him, “You looking for trouble, you found it,” as the group circles around him. A woman can be heard shouting, “The Secret Service has your number,” as stern faces stared him down. Various others in yellow shirts added, “Nobody wants you here,” and “I didn’t come to hear you,” as well as some other language. A reporter spoke to Antonello after he left the building. She told him that she had witnessed what happened. The reporter said that the union members surrounded him or Anthony really fast. Antonello was alone and was unconfortable by the actions of the hecklers. Anthony wanted to end the FED and called out Bill Clinton. He talked about out of control printing of inflationary paper dollars by the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is a private bank with the coloration of being a government entity. The crowd reacted to Antonello's statements with yelling. They say that it was Bush's fault when decades before Bush, policies that harmed our economy like deregulation and economic exploitation exist in the USA. Rep. Kanjorski ironicaly doens't want to make appearances in town hall meetings. She don't want to face people for fear of talking with "extremists" cameras. the truth is that Congressmen and Congresswomen ought to face their critics and constiuents alike. Citizen journalism is apart of the backbone of the spirit of this nation. You Tube user ThErEdPiLl09 writes that the “Union thugs tried intimidating Anthony Antonello because they didn’t know what the federal reserve is.” Obviously they did not respect his free speech either, enshrined by the 1st Amendment specifically to protect unpopular speech (as at a political event). The Daily Caller reported on the incident. It said in its last paragraph that: "...One man interrupted Clinton at several points early in his speech, yelling for the abolishment of the Federal Reserve. The man was told to leave by others in the crowd, and was seen leaving the building videotaping himself as he talked about being kicked in the shins.” The rally occurred at a school in the Nanticoke area in Pennsylvania where Bill Cinton camaigned for the re-election of Democratic Congressman Paul E. Kanjorski. Kanjorski might lose his seat to an anti-incumbent tide. Bill Clinton talked about a moneybomb, which is Ron Paul's phrase that he promoted in his 2008 Presidential campaign. People know about Ron Paul's Masonic fraternity ties, his refusal to question the official story of 9/11, and supporting military strikes in Afghanistan.

Waldensians and the Albigenses were religious people that disagreed with Rome. They opposed Papal heresies becase Rome acted as an apostate in harming people with violence that disagree with their precepts. They praised idols and call a mere man like the Pope the Vicar of Christ, which is blasphemy. To call a man Holy Father and he's in the place of God and Christ is the height of absurdity and blasphemy again. Without the Waldensians and the Albigenses, there is no Reformation today. The Vatican lied and said that only he Roman Church was the true church before the time of Martin Luther and King Henry VIII. The reality is that independent Christians always existed before Luther was ever born in spreading the Gospel truth. Revelation 17 described the great whore as having similar characteristics to the Vatican. Now, Rome has rewritten information about the church. Some of the literature from Rome even falsely accuse any Waldensian as Gnostic. The Jesuits have promote religious lies too. In the early 20th century, the researcher Albert Close talked aout Rome manipulating the historical records of the Church o Rome. People reaize that Romanism embraces many superstitions in the world. They and their Jesuit agents infiltrated much of the Anglican Church back then and especially today in order to spread Ecumenicalism. Romanism increased its power after 10 tribes sacked the Roman Empire (in the West) by the late 400's A.D. The confession of faith of the Waldensian is consisted of mainstream Christian doctrine. The famed Puritan writer, John Milton (1608-1674) who is best known as the author of Paradise Lost, was also known for defending the Waldenses as true Christians.  In his poem, “On the Late Massacre in Piedmont,” Milton wrote this about the Waldenses who had been betrayed and martyred by one of the Pope’s armies. The Algienses lived in France. Some called tem Cathars or Gnostics. Even if they were Gnostics, that still doesn't justify them being brutally murdered for their religious beleifs. We have to be careful of those accusing every dissenter of Romanism as Manicheans or Gnostics.  Even Luther  was declared by the Synod of Sens to be a Manichean.  The  celebrated Archbishop Usher says that the charge ‘of Manicheanism on the Albigensian sect is evidently false. So, real Christians existed then and now. We shouldn't boast about these things as humans, but we can be certain that the real church never fallen apart completely in history.

By Timothy

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