Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ron Paul and Fascism

manchicken Says:
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bob: Wow. Sounds like you really think you’re better than everybody else. People coming into the US and having jobs and feeding their families is no threat, so there’s no just cause to “defend” against it. Ron Paul’s racist ties and personal racism are well-known, and I’m certainly not the only one reporting on it. If you’d pull your head out of the sand you’d see that.
stephen: Yes, actually, I have seen all these things. As a youth minister on the south side of Chicago I saw a great many things… most of them good. The city is doing a lot to help the poor in that area: they have food banks, WIC–a program that provides mothers and their infants with food and healthcare–they have education, they have Link which is a debit-card type program to help lower-income families get food. I’ve seen a great many situations where the government does help the poor, and just because you’re holding yourself back by being too scared and ignorant doesn’t mean it’s not going on. You seem to think you know what goes on in the inner-city, but you don’t. I’ve been in the middle of it, and I’ve worked with the young people to whom it is a daily fact of life. You should really be more careful who you accuse of being ignorant, “sir”.


5 days ago 4
I don't hate anyone. I just think racism and intolerance are wrong. You're free to disagree. David Duke, Don Black, and most other Paul supporters do.
The Civil War was 150 years ago. Nothing happened then that couldn't have been reversed by any of the next 28 presidential administrations. You've chosen a poor boogeyman for your insane conspiracy ramblings about China, job outsourcing, and "Control [of] the market."

1 day ago
Neither the Civil War nor the Civil Rights Movement promised "the end of so-called evil by whites." Ending the Holocaust did not promise the end of evil, either. They were just a hell of a lot better than the alternative of MORE slavery, segregation, torture, and pain. Nothing has happened since 1990 to diminish the value of freedom and liberty or justify a return to slavery or apartheid. There are certainly no "keen observations" to support such a result, which is why you fail to identify any.

1 day ago
I know what the 10th amendment says. Unlike you, I actually studied American history and law before forming an opinion about it. The 10th Amendment does not even mention unilateral secession, much less authorize it. Instead, the main text of the Constitution prohibits unilateral secession, as Robert E. Lee explained, most people knew in 1861, and the United States Supreme Court confirmed in a decision that has stood for 141 years.
Remind me---where did you go to law school?

2 days ago
The South had no Constitutional RIGHT to secede. Unilateral secession is, was, and always has been unconstitutional, as Robert E. Lee and many others explained, as most everyone knew in 1861, and as the United States and Alaska Supreme Courts confirmed in decisions you've never even read.
And Lincoln was president 150 years ago. He didn't do anything that couldn't have been reversed by any of the intervening 28 presidents. You've picked a poor boogeyman on which to hang your paranoid horse__

1 week ago
Actually, unilateral secession is, was, and always has been unconstitutional, as Madison, Thomas Paine, Lincoln and many others explained, as most everyone knew in 1861, and as the United States and Alaska Supreme Courts have confirmed in decisions you've never even read. Lincoln and other Americans swore an oath to defend and uphold the Constitution, and they did. You have thousands of legal options if you lose an election; seceding and killing American troops just isn't one of them.

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