Mohamed El Baradei is the globalist pied piper of the Egyptian revolt. Many protesters sincerely want to free from the dictator Hosni Mubarak. The revolt is heavily composed of an organically driven people. Egypt is controlled now heavily by the U.S. military industrial complex. One threat now is that hopefully a NGO/globalist funded person like El Baradei won't take over Egypt if the autocrat Mubarack leaves office after almost 30 years. Under Mubarak, the country gets some $2 billion in aid from America, 2nd only to Israel in the Middle East. Most of that money is spend on Egypt's military not to the people of Egypt. Egypt pays out $1.1 million annually to the Podesta Group, which is a left gatekeeping organization that's closely tied to the Obama administration (some say this is acting as foreign agents for Mubarak's regime). Mubarack has loyalty to the U.S. Empire. Vice President Joe Biden said that Mubarak's unbroken 30 year reign didn't represent a dictatorship and that he was a close ally of the West. That isn't true of course. “Egypt under Mubarak uses its billions in U.S. military aid to detain, beat and torture dissenters, opposition politicians and journalists; many have died in custody,” writes Mark Zepezauer. “Thousands of political prisoners and pro-democracy activists are held in overcrowded, disease-ridden prisons, without charges or trials. Press restrictions, including newspaper shutdowns, are widespread.” This grassroots movement among individual people is different from the staged color revolution in Georgia, the Ukraine, or Yugoslavia (when thsoe events were orchestrated events disguised as spontaneous uprisings intended to remove rogue leaders hostile to the global elite's agenda for world government. The Egyptian revolt is started by young Egyptians that are tired of their freedoms being violated. Some folks are trying to co-opt this movement (by the same elite people that pulled Mubarak's strings for decades) that is occuring in the streets of Cairo, Alexandria, Suez, and other palces. The U.S. knew that Egypt's regime was bound to collapse for 3 years. The Telegraph said that the American Embassy trained rebel leaders to try to infiltrate opposition groups from the very beginning. One infiltrate is the top UN official and staunch Mubarak adversary Mohamed El Baradei. He went into Cairo to attempt to lead the protest movement. El Baradei serves on the Board of Trustees of the International Crisis Group (or the ICG). The ICG issued a press statement protesting the house arrest of El Baradei. The ICG is a slick, NGO (or non-governmental organization) that has an annual budget of over $15 million. It's bankrolled by folks in the Carnegie, Ford and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundatiosn. George Soros' Open Society Institute fund the ICG too. Soros serves as a membber of the organizaiton's Executive Committee. This is a mjor geopolitical steering group of the global elite (especially among Left Gatekeepers). El Baradei might be a new man to head the post-Mubarak government. Those protesting Mubarak shouldn't fall for a NGO frontman. Mubarak knows that his time with the power elite may be short by remarking during a national address Saturday that the protests were “part of a bigger plot to shake the stability and destroy the legitimacy” of the political system. Zbigniew Brzezinski is a globalist on the board of the International Crisis Group. He warned last year that the international hierachy was experiencing rebellion from a global awakening that wqould be led by young radical in third world nations. Brzezinski predicted the wave of revolt now and it's spreading like wildfire in the globe. Brzezinki and his fellow globalists want to pick up the pieces in order to continue the status quo. While, the people who risked their lives for real change will be victims of a monumental deception. If the Egyptians topple Mubarak to replace him with El Baradei, they will have achieved nothing (to make Egypt to exist as a subservient client state of the U.S. military industrial complex). If the Egyptians wish Egypt to be an independent nation (and then achieve this goal), then it can be a great thing in history. The protesters destroying Egyptian artifacts are wrong and these protesters ironically aren't the originators of the Egyptian nation to put it bluntly. So, real reforms and real liberty ought to manifest itself inside of Egypt.
The inequality in America is worse than in Egpt, Tunisia, and Yemen. The people from those 3 nations were protested for inequality in economics. The Gini Coefficient is the figure that economists use to measure inequality. It's higher in America. The Gini Coefficients are like golf or that the lower the score, the better economic equality. According to the CIA World Fact Book, the U.S. is ranked as the 42nd most unequal country in the world, with a Gini Coefficient of 45. Tunisia is ranked the 62nd most unequal country, with a Gini Coefficient of 40. Yemen is ranked 76th most unequal, with a Gini Coefficient of 37.7. And Egypt is ranked as the 90th most unequal country, with a Gini Coefficient of around 34.4. Inequality in America soared in the last couple of years, so the Gini Coefficient could be higher. Why aren't Americans protesting in the streets like the Egyptians are. One reason is that Americans have some of the wealthiest people on Earth until recently with conforts and entertainment (with food, etc.). Another reasons is that as Dan Ariely of Duke University and Michael I. Norton of Harvard Business School demonstrate – Americans consistently underestimate the amount of inequality in our nation. In other words, many Americans actually think that the distribution of wealth is more equitable than it actually is. That is why anyone in America calling for real help for the poor is slandered as a socialist or Marxist. Or, as the study’s authors put it: “All demographic groups — even those not usually associated with wealth redistribution such as Republicans and the wealthy — desired a more equal distribution of wealth than the status quo.” The report … “Building a Better America — One Wealth Quintile At A Time” by Dan Ariely of Duke University and Michael I. Norton of Harvard Business School … shows that across ideological, economic and gender groups, Americans thought the richest 20 percent of our society controlled about 59 percent of the wealth, while the real number is closer to 84 percent. Many Americans are afraid to lose their Utopian priviledges. Real changes will cost sacrifice. The system is corrupt. No human should allow another human to starve to death. People have the right to help their neighbor out if they need help or assistance in life. How can you call this system fair when the top 10 percent wealthiest people control over half of the wealth in the world. Radical socialism and laissez capitalism obviously don't work. They either cause more economic disparities or ban any private enterpise (even legitiamte private enterprise like private charity, private non-profit groups, etc.). So, we should have a mixed economy to handle our problems. We can give excessive bonsues to corporations either. There must be the unwindling of the massive derivative losses. That is why economic populists want to ban speculative attacks and other financial instruments to avoid societies suffering. The IMF privatize and assest strip the nations which doesn't work to cause economic growth at all. Energy independence is an important part of a sovereign nation as well. There needs to be a radical restruction of our current economic system to deplete economic inequality from all across the board.
Being Pro-Life is a lifestyle. So, it's important for us who are pro-life to communicate with people, help people, and live out our lives in an authentic fashion. Many Pro-life people and those who seen the Maafa 21 documentary heard about Samuel Yette. He supported civil rights and wrote the 1971 controversial book called "The Choice: The Issue of Black Survival in America." His book is so controversial that he was fired and entangled in a 6 year court battle that he lost. He still write literature and continues to desire a new book. His older 1971 book exposed that eugenics, abortion, and population control efforts by the establishment intentionally target the black community. This has been exposed thoroughly in the documentary Maafa 21. The Nixon White House wanted him out of Newseek. Yette claimed that Nixon's White House Conference on Food and Nutrition of December 2-4, 1969 was a slick tactic in reducing the hungery people (not to handle the relief of hungry in America). The Nixon plan wanted everyone to have a guaranteed minimum income of $1,600 a year. (This is less than welfare was paying at that time). Nixon's plan would tie into the weak guaranateed minimum income that could cause less money, less food, and more hunger. Nixon wanted birth control information and devices available to any and all girls over the age of 13 with or without parental consent. This proposal was proposed by Dr. Charles Lowe of the National Institute of Health. He wanted Congress to pass a law that allowed mandatory abortions for unmarried girls within the 1st three months of pregnancy and have mandatory sterilization for any unmarried girl giving birth out of wedlock for the 2nd time. The plan even called for mandatory sterilization for any unmarried girl giving birth out of wedlock for the 2nd time. This plan was so evil that the even Fannie Lou Hammer (or the great sister) protected the plan in front of a dozen young black men. Nixon in recently shown conversation wanted population control and abortion if the child was biracial or a product of rape. Nixon was very racist, especially in private. Nixon was one man and both the Republicans and the Democrats (as Yette exposed in his book. Peopel have said that his book is an excellent book and I believe them) achieved their dirt against the American people. Corrupt government harming people have been proven all of the time. The government harmed the poor especially with sterilization, restrictions of resources, and ignoring the real plight of all of the poor in Western society. The government should be a tool to help people.
Maximiliano exposed more truth. He exposed how the Jesuit Order used Telsa's technology to cry to control the climate and natural diasters via the Manila University and Observatory. The Observatory began its post-war operations in Baguio in 1951. They first studied seismology (or things related to Earthquakes) and the study of the ionsophere. In 1963, the Manila Observatory transferred to the Loyola Heights campus of the Ateneo de Manila University where it continued its seismic, geomagnetic and radio physics research while expanding into solar physics as well. The current Jesuit General is Adolfo Nicolas Pachon was the director of the East Asian Pastoral Institute at the Ateneo de Manila University in Quezon City, Philippines (from 1978 to 1984). HAARP has similiar ionosphere exploiting technology in America. HAARP stands for the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. In 1964 Ling started a holding company and established three public companies, LTV Aerospace, LTV Ling Altec, and LTV Electrosystems (later E-Systems, then part of Raytheon IIS, and since 2002 part of L-3 Communications-Integrated Systems (L-3/IS)). Hew was the founder and head of Ling-Temco Vought or LTV. He was the son of a Catholic convert. He entered a Carmelite monastery. His mother died when he was young. He failed to graduate from his Jesuit high school, but he was a master electrician after training at an U.S. Navy school in Mississippi. So, he was a Jesuit edcuated man and he was involved in the HAARP installation. E Systems owns the HAARP's patients and Ling owns E-System. Today, groups like the Knights of Malta and the Knights of St. John are in an alliance to promtoe their agenda.
There are more information about the V occult symbolism. The V is a known representation of the Pan falsed horned god. This was an ancient deity of Northern Europe. Nigel A. Cornwall of Britain wrote, "The sign I believe has its origins as a symbol for a pagan horned God." Cornwall also suggested that when the sign is given with the palm inside, it is recognized as a horribly vulgar and offensive gesture—signifying penetration of both body orifices. Dr. Cathy Burns wrote about the V sign in concrete terms as well. She said that the 2 fingers upward relates to the Masonic and Gnostic Law of Opposites (that is similar to the Masonic Lodge's black and white checkerboard floors). Researchers believe that the V sign corresponds not only to Pan, but to the androgynous Baphomet motiff. The V is used as the Roman sign for the number 5. Adam Weishaupt used the hand sign as the Law of Fives. More and more popular culture types are discussing about the Illuminati and related issues. Why? One reason is that more and more people in the Internet, DVDs, and other places are talking about. People talked about back in the day, but discussions about these issues are limited. Now, it's more common when you have T-Shirts and artists talking about it. The reality is that the Bavarian Illuminati was formed in 1776 by the Jesuit-trained professor Adam Weishaupt. He wanted an Utopian world where private property was ended and the world to be under the control their group. Later, this version of the Illuminati ended and modern geo-political groups have huge power in the world (in the Vatican/Jesuit network, the Pilgrim Society, the Bilderberg Group, etc.). Those of us who research this stuff in a credible fashion aren't fooled by those who deny the corporate control of the mainstream music industry or the tactics some use in that world indeed. That is why people like me don't gossip about the musical world or the Illuminati at all. We do serious research all of the time. That is why some in that music industry are angry since we use serious research. It has a resonance. Many of these musicians are used as puppets to promote the agendas of globalization, loose moral values, and a sense of moral relativism.
By Timothy