Monday, April 04, 2011

Times of History in April of 2011

Canadian officials are having their secretive agreement on the North American perimeter security agreement. The CFR or the Council on Foreign Relations always had a vision for a North American border pass that would require a biometric data and security clearance to cross borders. There are those that want sovereign nations of American under treaty law to move by stealth. Many Canadians don’t like this secrecy. Members of Canada’s CTV shown concern that the draft agreement for the ‘integrated perimeter security’ between the U.S. and Canada is secret and Canadian officials have refused to release plans of it. One of the CTV’s panel members said that it seems that the Canadian government has put the cart before the horse or first signing the deal then discussing it. Another panelist quid that he possessed a copy of the agreement that “doesn’t exist.” The person refuses to show it to viewers because officials were keeping it under wraps. The plan has been classified as a mini-NAFTA that could undermine sovereignty through its integration scheme. “Perimeter agreement could mean goodbye to the 49th parallel,” as one journalist put it, emphasizing that the plan utilized the word “integrate.” Panelist Robert Fife lauded one of the agreement’s worst proposals: utilizing biometric data like iris scans at airport and border checkpoints. Fife has access to the draft. The draft relates directly to the CFR’s recommendation for a North American Border Pass. If the CFR had its way, crossing the border would require security clearance for a smart card that would make people to have biometric identifiers and a fee. The CFR document said that “Only those who voluntarily seek, receive, and pay the costs for a security clearance would obtain a Border Pass.” This plan if it would go into action would go beyond ‘trusted traveled’ measures and heavily restrict international travel. The Globe and Mail said that the federal government desires the public to accept the agenda of a Canada-U.S. perimeter, yet they want to be covert about it. CTV interviewed Canada’s foreign minister named Lawrence Cannon in recent weeks. He was reluctant to speculate on the non-yet public North American perimeter security deal. Cannon told viewers to breathe easily until such an agreement is signed. He wanted people to worry about the economy instead. There has been a reason for this secrecy. The strategy is keeping with the leaked documents obtained in the U.S. from a Judicial Watch FOIA lawsuit (that proved plans to achieve North American integration by stealth). The concept for the North American perimeter security comes from the 2005 Security and Prosperity Partnership Summit. It has been written about in CFR documents (that recommended a 2010 North American economic and security community with an external tariff and an outer security perimeter. This Task Force proposing these plans came in March of 2005 in Texas). The Canadian equivalent of FOIA has refused to release documents about the agreement. They were withheld since the government felt it related to cabinet confidence. This secrecy makes sense from the perspective that the CFR warned in Dec. 2010 that a 2011 push for U.S.-Canadian perimeter security would pose challenges: “While the initiative as outlined makes tremendous sense on both sides of the border, it will face significant opposition in Canada from those who fear that national sovereignty will be sacrificed on the altar of continental security.” On March 31, the Canadian government made a site to address concerns that the Beyond the Border declaration could violation national sovereignty. Yet, full debate on this issue isn’t forth coming by the Canadian government as exposed by critics like the Council of Canadians. Even the U.S. isn’t enforcing its own policies on the border since the U.S. Border Patrol is told to not arrest some illegal immigrants in the border. The details of the border perimeter aren’t shown until June. Stephen Harper has dissolved the Parliament with the Queen’s approval. His government voted a no confidence vote of him and elections will come in May 2, 2011.

Now, almost half of all Americans support marijuana legalization. This is from a new Gallup poll that found this number who wants the legalization of marijuana for general use. The number opposed to it now is at an all time low. The public is changing on this issue when California is set to vote on legalization of the crop. This indicates a significant shift in public perception about the controversial plant. Back in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s when Gallup first began polling the public about marijuana, only 12 percent or less of the population supported legalizing marijuana. The percentage slowly increases to 28 percent by 1978. It declined slowly in the 1980’s during the Drug War peak. By the mid 1980’s and about 200, support only increased slightly. There was a major boost in support of legalizing of it in the early 2000s. Now, about 46 percent of Americans support legalizing marijuana for general use, while 50 percent is opposed to it. Support for medicinal use only dropped slightly from 78 percent in 2005 to 70 percent today. Yet, the people's support for general use of marijuana is now at an all time high. Liberal folks between the ages of 18 and 29 are most supportive of legalizing marijuana while conservative Republicans are the least supportive. Men are more likely than women to support marijuana, and people living in Western states are more supportive of it than those living in Midwestern and Southern states. Medicinally, the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in marijuana has been shown to benefit cancer patient by inhibiting tumor growth and causing cancer cell death. Marijuana is also known to treat chronic pain, improve mood, and even fight Alzheimer’s disease.  There are more facts on this issue as well. Alcohol, Cocaine, and nicotine are more intoxicating than marijuana. Most people arrested for marijuana involve solely possession. Alcohol is legalized that have killed thousands of people per year and there hasn’t been a recorded marijuana overdose in America so far according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (or the CDC). Hemp even has been used in Biblical texts and in original copies of the United States Constitution. In the 20th century, the United States government used strict rules to prevent hemp product and suppress any evidence of the medicinal qualities found in cannabis. In 1991, THC receptors were found in the brain. In 2003, Canada is the first country on Earth to legalize medical marijuana. Even Pat Robertson opposes the strict laws involving people accused of marijuana possession. A Harvard University study proved that Delta-tetrahydrocannabinal (or THC, which is the active ingredient in marijuana cuts tumor growth in common lung cancer in half (and radically reduces the ability of the cancer to spread). The lesson here is that drugs can be used for good and evil purposes. I don’t agree with having anarchy and recreational drug use. Yet, I have no problem with hemp or medical marijuana for those that need it.

A man brandishes a gun at a Pro-lifer outside Planned Parenthood. There was a pro-life sidewalk counselor outside a downtown San Diego Planned Parenthood abortion clinic was reportedly threatened with gun by a man dropping off a female patient. Members of the local 40 Days for Life campaign reported that on March 26, a man dropped off a patient in a black sedan with tinted windows. One sidewalk counselor attempted to hand the man a pro-life flyer which he refused. However, he stopped the car again about 10 feet away and beckoned the pro-lifer over. “As she neared the car, she heard a distinctive ‘clicking’ sound as if a gun were being loaded, and then saw the driver brandish a semi-automatic pistol in her direction,” the group reported, as published by California Catholic Daily. “He threatened her, pointing to the gun, telling her if she ever came near his car again, he would use it.” The man drove away as the woman called the police. The group reported that police were able to identify the man and said that he would be arrested and charged.  You will notice that the Rhodes Scholar Rachel Maddow won’t report on this news at all. The incident occurred only days after a homemade firebomb were thrown at an elderly 40 Days participant in Kalispell, Montana. The device exploded into flames next to the pro-Lifer, who was unhurt. There was a similar event occurred during last fall’s 40 Days vigil when a Carleton abortionist was arrested after brandishing a gun at pro-lifers peacefully witnessing outside his clinic. Witnesses say Tennessee abortionist Gary Boyle, who was 62, pointed a loaded handgun from his vehicle at 3 pro-life witnesses, including one 17 year old young man, who were standing outside the Charleston Women’s Medical Center in West Ashley. After Boyle entered the clinic, the pro-lifers called the police. So, these are just some examples of pro-abortion extremists trying to harm pro-life citizens exercising their Constitutional rights of free speech. Pro-abortion extremists cover up Pro-Life billboards in Chicago violating the freedom of speech again. The sign simply said that every 21 minutes, a next possible leader is aborted or murdered. Life Always is the Pro-life organization behind the sign.

Even in cartoons, there are Masonic references. There is a cartoon called Sponge Bob. It has Squidward dealing with the Cephalopod. The Lodge has a secret society for fish with tentacles. Its organization is similar to Freemasonry. There are other episodes of Sponge Bob referring to Freemasonry. The deal is that most children under 10 (which this cartoon aims at) know nothing about Freemasonry. So, this episode isn’t just to merely poke fun at Freemasonry. It’s not intended for educated adults. It’s about showing children about secret societies, symbolism, and their initiations to allow children to support them (or tolerate them in the coming years and decades). The elite want to normalize Illuminist or occult symbolism in the world. The episode shows people with caps on their heads. The episode has Patrick showing a new handshake. In the Sponge Bob cartoon show, they mention the All Seeing Eye. The show had an initiation via an electro shock to the head.

There were major events of the 19th century in upheavals that influenced the social background of the 20th century in America. In the 19th century, there was the rise of class and labor struggle in America, the powerhouse of the robber barons (like the industrialists J.P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller that even had state influence), etc. New movements like Marxism and anarchism came about as well. After the American Revolution (that was lead by the elite in the American colonies), a new working class labor movement came about in the 1800’s. From the 1830’s onwards, there was a big labor struggle in America. Eastern capitalists wanted to expand to the West. They wanted to use the Manifest Destiny ethos to make the West under control and unpredictable. They believe in monopolization instead of competition to have stability and security in their prosperity. The state already by that time played a big role in securing business interests (like the state legislatures giving charters to corporations, granting them legal charters. From 1790 to 1860, 2,300 corporations were chartered). During the early 1800’s, economic conditions were bad. There were crowded cities, long hours in factories, high prices, lost jobs, etc. There were a lack of food and water, epidemics of diseases, children dying, and sporadic reactions from the poor. There were freezing winters and the hot tenements in the summer. The Anger was against black people, Catholics even, nativists against immigration, etc. This events lead into demonstrations and strikes. The 1830’s saw the rise of unions. Protesters in the 1800’s grew because of economic crisis. The 1837 economic crisis was created by the banks and it raised prices. This allowed protests like 20,000 people in Philadelphia. NYC had the Flour Riot in 1837. In that time 50,000 people were out of work (or 1/3 of the working population). Almost half of NYC’s 500,000 people were in distress and thousands of protesters rioted. The police and the troops were called to crush the protesters. There was a general strike in Philadelphia in 1835. There were fifty trade unions had organized in favor of a 10 hour work day. Political parties began created divided between many people. Another economic crisis took place in 1857, and in 1860, a Mechanics Association was formed, demanding higher wages, and called for a strike. Within a week, strikes spread from Lynn, Massachusetts, to towns across the state and into New Hampshire. Maine experienced strikes, “with Mechanics Associations in twenty-five towns and twenty thousand shoe-workers on strike,” marking the largest strike prior to the Civil War. Europeans tried to fight for economic justice a political democracy. Yet, American workers were divided by class. The Civil War had some Europeans to try to control Americans politically. The Industrial Revolution didn’t make slavery profitable, so they used the economics in the work to make people work productive for an agenda. Evil draft riots existed in NYC, because economically terrible conditions existed in the North (yet, black people were falsely scapegoats for these events). Confederate Conscription Laws were met in anti-draft riots in many Southern cities as well. After the war, many soldiers lived in squalor all over America. Even in NYC, over 100,000 people lived in slums. Corporate wealth grew at the expense of the poor. This caused the rise of Marxists and anarchists in society. I don’t agree with Marxism and anarchism, but you have to know these views in order to get a clear picture of fundamental economic history. So, the history of economics is very complex.

By Timothy

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